The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, September 19, 1917, Page SIX, Image 6

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fcjTh } *U / !|! <! | 4!' # I I Thr i : k BBHI I JF"? ! I i' i |s."" :: i\ : : L !; Shoes! |j f in Vici K Kang, and I ety of lasti I As long | one lot of ] 1 with Neoli * _ r fl>9 CA - or on a good for men of Order by i lb- : / 7" i Th :: i, ! ' ' jkr,.- . :. r \: . ABB ; ;. :: ,,, i~i MASTER'S SALE. ctv'*'? ' The State of South Carolina, County of Abbeville. b? Court of Common Pleas. PAULINE V. GIBERT, Plaintiff, against W. D. BARKSDALE, Defendant. By authority of a Decree of Sa by the Court of Common Pleas, f< Abbeville County, in said Stat ? '> i made in the above stated case, I wi offer for sale, at Public Outcry, i Abbeville C. H., S. C., on Salesds in October, A. D. 1917, within tt legal hours of sale, the following d scribed land, to-wit: All that tra< or parcel of land situate lying ar being in Abbeville County, in tl corporate limits of the city of Abb ville, in the State aforesaid, contaii ing One and One-fourth (1 % Acres, more or less, and bounded I lands of B. S. Barnwell, ?Williai Sallie Reid, Austin Watts, W: Jones, Lem Chiles, Scott Burton ar by lands of the Abbeville Cottc Mills?being more fullyy represent* by plot of G. A. Douglass, dat* March 28th, 1903, said, lands havir thereon situated five (5) cottages. TERMS OF SALE?CASH. Pu ehaserto pay for papers. R. E. HILL, ? 9-12-3. Master A. C., S. C. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA County of Abbeville. Probate Court. Citation for Letters of Administr tion. By J. F. MILLER, Esq., Judge ? Probate: Whereas, Thomas D. Cooley hat made suit tome, to grant him Le ters of Administration of the Esta pflPpots of T,. D. Johnson, la of Abbeville County, deceased. These are therefore, to cite ai admonish all and singular the kin red and creditors of the said L. Johnson, deceased, that they be ai appear before me, in the Court Probate, to be held at Abbevi! Court House, on September 191 1917, after publication hereof, 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to sh< cause, if any they have, why t said Administration should not granted. Given under my hand and seal th^ Court, this 5th day of Septembi in the year of our Lord one thausa nine hundred and seventeen, and the 142 year of American Indepe dence. Published on the 12th day of S? tember, 1917, in The Press and Ba ner and on the Court House do for the time required by law. J. F. MILLER, 9-12-2. Judge of Proba e Rosenb DEF 0 ee Stores A. sl 3r X t " Our New F< DC A I i\um . ' / * ror Men t i [id, Gun Metal, Glazed I all Tan leathers in a varii. as they last we will sell Men's Gun Metal Bluchers n sole at a special price This special shoe is made roomy last and is suitable ; any age. It's a real value, nail. We pay postage. n l e itoseno \ IEVILLE, * ' - > MASTER'S SALE kins lands The State of South Carolina, Wash County of Abbeville. Als Court of Common Pleas. land L. ALEWINE, Plaintiff, ing C against more HENRY PERITT, J. C. GOODWIN of th and Cr. E. CALVERT. Defendants, of R. By authority of a Decree of Sale Main )r by the Court of Common Pleas for Franc e? Abbeville County, in said State, made formf 'U in the above stated case, I will offer by lo for sale, at Public Outcry, at Abb&- next Ly ville C. H., S. C., ~on Salesday in Als Ie October, A. D., 1917, within the le- ing a e_ gal hours of sale, the following de- ville, ct scribed land, to wit: All that tract conta id or parcel of land stiuate, lying and Acres ie being in Abbeville County, in the Wm. e- State aforesaid, containing 5-8 of perty One Acre, more or less, and bound- North ) ed by Alfred Bradley, James Mc- East >y Millan and fronting 100 feet on dence Buena Vista street, being a little West ill over one half the lot conveyed to and ( id J. M. Lawton by Mrs. Fannie J. Mar- TE >n shall on Sept. 6th, 1909, and being chase id the same lot purchased by Henry id Perritt from J. M. Lawton by deed 9-12-! ig dated Nov. 16th, 1911, and recorded in deed book 31?page 572. r- TERMS OF SALE?CASH. Pur- Sill chaser to pay for papers. R. E. HILL, ST. Master A. C., \S. C. MASTER'S SALE. AND] > J The State of South Carolina, County of Abbeville. GEO! Court of Common Pleas. 1 of Virginia State Insurance Company, To tl ^ a Corporation, Plaintiff, j against Yo te Wm. F. Perrin, and Abbeville Insur- quire< te ance and Trust Company, a Cor- this i poration, Defendants. with j By authority of a Decree of Sale a cop D. by the Court of Common Pleas for Comj nd Abbeville County, in said state, made office in the -oove stated case, I will offer C., w .jj? for sale, at Public Outcry, at Abbe- vice 'at ville, C. H., S. C., on Salesday in such >w October, A. D. 1917, within the le- swer J}e gal hours of sale, the following de- afore e scribed land, to-wit: All that tract will i 0f,or parcel of land situate, lying and lief c ?r,j being in Abbeville County, within }d!the corporate limits of the City of ^"'Abbeville, in the State aforesaid, Se] containing Twenty-nine and Oneit>-! half (29 %) Acres, more or less, To tl in* and bounded on the North by lot Yo or 13?44 of the Cox property, East by the s lands formerly of J. C. Klugh, South actio] by lands of Alfred Jones, Peter Jen-j Clerk erg Mei >ARTMEN BBEVILLE esc: \y\ ;,*v~ 4.' 17. U ? ill Shoes h )Y FOR 1 Shoes for I in a variety of leat widths from A to ! Beautiful 9-incl black and colored with colored cloth Shoes for infai boys, misses. erg Mei I ' and William Ellson, West by for of Lethia Clinkscales and Thos. day ington. on f 10?All that lot or parcel of T in the city of Abbeville contain- mon >ne and One-half (1 %) Acres, or less, being the residence lot e said Wm. F. Perrin, formerly Sepl E. Cox, bounded on East by street, South by lot of Mrs. :is Henry, West by other lands ;rly of R. E. Cox and North ST t formerly of Mrs. A. E. Cox, below described. "D 0 all that other lot of land, ly- D nd being in the city of Abbe- ^ee' county and state aforesaid, ^rs ining One and One-half (1 %) i, more or less, now owned by F. Perrin, formerly the pro- ^ of Mrs. A. E. Cox, bounded on ? 1 by lands of Mr. A. B. Hamlin, ^ee by Main street, South by resi- ^ lot last above mentioned, and v-'ou by lands of Wm. F. Perrin, sa^e! 5. N. Nickles. le?a RMS OF SALE?CASH. Pur- ?f 1 r to pay for papers. *n " R. E. HILL, t0"w J. A Master A. C.f S. C. cont ^ (95 C ber U1I11U118. 1" VI 1\C11CI .. Nun ATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Cre( County of Abbeville. Hall Court of Common Pleas. ^ron ERSON REAL ESTATE AND ara* :nvestment company, t- ^ Plaintiff, dece against | A *GE JORDAN AND B. E.con< iVEEMS, Defendants. ^nt le Defendants, George Jordan Trai ind B. E. Weems: eas* 11 are hereby summoned and re- eas^ d to answer the Complaint in F. 1 iction, of which a copy is here- ( served upon you, and to serve une iy of your answer to the said des\ daint, on the subscriber at his sePJ at Abbeville Court House, S. Nan ithin twenty days after the ser- A hereof, exclusive of the day ofjconl service, and if you fail to an- (96 the complaint, within the time | Nun said, the plaintiff in this action by 1 ipply to the Court for the re- Sou lemanded in the complaint. Sou D. H. HILL, and Plaintiff's Attorney. Low pt. 10 th, 1917.' the NOTICE jana le defendant, George Jordan: T u will please take notice, thatchas ummons and complaint in this1 may n were filed in the office of the : of the Court of Common Pleas. 9-12 $$$^?33$S$$3S$$S$$$I^SS$S3SS^^ rcantile IT STORE ; s. c. .v ry r ; ave arrive INSPECT!* arlioe C ^UVtAVU X. her s and! lasts, in D. Ii lace boots in leathers and some tops. ' ' . 1 i nts, children, big rcantile / - - S( Abbeville County on the 10th CF of September, 1917, and is now ile in said office. he above is a copy of the sumis. bo D. H. HILL, tir Plaintiff's Attorney. wl: t. 10, 1917; 9-12-3: a? ? '? is A LEGAL SALE. ag cit ATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, fe< ' County of Abbeville. ru y virtue of the provisions of a d of Trust executed to my by ou , Eva M. Clinkscales, Lillian C. afj ges, Ruby Clinkscales, John R. ne kscales, Lewis R. Clinkscales, cjc abeth 0. Clinkscales and Annie 0f IcAdams, as heirs at law of Bud g0 Clinkscales, deceased, I will sell so] Public Auction at Abbeville rt House, South Carolina, on cj? sday in October next, within the an 1 nnl A 4*1^ f\ rool Aotflffl I uvuia ui oaicy ui^ xuui vovuw Bud Lee Clinkscales, deceased, tie following tract3 or parcels, an it: bit II that tract or parcel of land, ne ;aining ninety-five and one-half Vz) acres, known as Tract Num- re] One, bounded Northeast by Tract iber Two, Southeast by Jordan's trc ;k, and lands of Mrs. Lula A. an , and Northwest by Public Road cjc a Antreville to Lowndesville, sep- pe ing the same from lands of John di< foung and Mrs. Annie Huckabee,- he ;ased, also po 11 that tract or parcel of land, wj fining ninety-seven and nine m? hs (97 910) acres, known as :t Number Two, bounded North to by Tract Number Three, South- usi by lands of T. B. Martin and an iV. Wright, Southwest by lands rir j. A. Moore and Tract Number nii , and Northwest by the Lown- bu ille and Antreville Public Road, | we irating it from lands of E. W. ce, also afi 11 that tract or parcel of land, an gaining ninety-six and six-tenths Sa 610) acres, and known as Tract of! nber Three, bounded Northeast the estate of Lamar Clinkscales, BF theast by lands of T. B. Martin, thwest by Tract Number Two, Northwest by Antreville and I mdesville Public Road, separating tosame from lands og W. B. Mann W< E. W. Nance. th< 4. ?-f 13,,.. V,,. lie lci ins ui aaic, cadii. i ui- iiu ser to pay for papers. The plats r be seen at my office. Ju WM. P. GREENE, ! to !-3. Trustee. ; of Compa O <D Many Departm . - \'. : ,/' i.. . "$/!' t * ! d and are DN )ur Shoe I - ' t ; ' ft Is a complete' Come in and ] you, or phom . t pay postage o ders. I _ Compa / OUTH CAROl LAZY OLD NEGRO GOT SOLDIERS GOAT Spartanburg, Sept. 14.?Everydy in Spartanburg knows "Trotig Sally," the demented old negro 10 imagines that he is a horse and times that he is a dog. ' "Sally" just as crazy as the man who imines that Greenville is a bigger y than Spartanburg, but he is perctly harmless, and he has had the n of the streets for a longtime. A couple of the North Carolina fentry provost guard found "Sally" t near the union station the other ternoon, pawing the ground and ighing at passing vehicles, and deled that he should be taken care j "Come on, old horse, and let's to the stable," said one of the Idiers, taking his arm. "Sally's" mood changed and he deled that he was a dog. He growled d bared his teeth. The other ardsmen took hold of him. Then . "Sally" snapped viciously d made every show of trying to :e. The soldiers decided that they eded reinforcements, and one trted off for help while the other mained no guarS duty. Tr> o mmufno o /Iawam aw wiayia in a icvr iiuuutco a uu^cn \jl iuuic jopers were seen coming on a run, ' d "Sally" has a new idea. He deled to be a squirrel, . and scamred up a telephone pole. The sol:rs ordered him to come down, but did not obey. He clung to the le, head down, and reviled them th all the gibberish at his commd. Finally, one of the soldiers started ( climb the pole, too, but it was no { e. "Trotting Sally" became a bird j? d soared over the heads of the i ] lg of men and hit the ground run- ( ig. The men started in pursuit, ] t they didn't have wings and theyi, ire soon left far behind. |] The soldiers spent the rest of the ^ bernoon walking around in circles:] d staring at each other. "Trotting], lly" had got their goat and gone* ] ' with it. ( UDES-TO FE GO HALF AROUND WORLD TO WED ( 1 New York, Sept. 15.?Twc brides- ^ be left New Brunswick, N. J., last , ednesday on a journey half around s world to meet their prospectiveL sbands. [ ^ Miss Sarah Mahan of Monmouth'j nction will go to Peking, China, wed Albert C. Chapin, an attache | the American Legation there, aj! / ! . ,A , , . -J ny. :: ' : ' ' I . ; : : ; x ''> i' ?! tents ' I ' )ept Shoe Store. 1 let us show s us. We n Mail Or , . . ' ; ; ^ 1 * v>$ |pj| iny - ' t - ...f ' JNA ';1# ' ' graduate of Princeton, 1915. ..'/ ;!y|? The other fiancee is Miss Emiijr j Chapin, sister of Miss Mahan's flan* 0$ cee. She is to be married in Manila ; to Mapc Stryker, a consulting engineer. She is a daughter of Mrs. A. . K. Chapin of Boston. Miss Mahan is the daughter of ; -J Mr. and Mrs. Homer K. Mahan. Her father is a retired electrical engi? ":4' neer. She is a graduate of tht State. V Model School at Trenton, and of Br. Savage's Physical Culture, School, > this city. Her wedding was not to ',; have taken place until later, l>ut Miss Chapin was to leave for Man- > ila, and they decided to go together. They are accompanied by Mrs. Cha- -J',j pin. \ Wlk VERY FEW LEFT NOW. ^ __ / r( bacKwara, turn backward, un; time ; ^ in your flight, Give us p. girl vhose skirts are not , tight; Give us a girl whose charms, though few, Are not exposed by too much peeka-boo; Give us a girl, no matter wtat age, Who won't use the streets for a vaudeville stage; Give us a girl not too shapely in view, . Dress her in skirts that the sun can't . shine through. ?Camden Chronicle. . THE GIRL WHO FUSSES. The fussy girl sat next us in the :ar this morning. And she fussed and she fussed and she fussed. She settled herself three times, hunched up her right shoulder, took Dff her right glove and patted her hair, pulled the back of her sailor :ollar into shape, shrugged up her ' left shoulder, pulled off her left jlove and patted her hair, pushed her hat a little more to one side, ind put on both gloves; patted her lair and crossed her right ankle jver her left, squared both shoulders ?nd patted her hair, settled herself , n a new position and pulled her ; :oat down at the waist, patted her ' lair, surveyed her nose in the tiny *lass at the bottom of her bag and patted her hair, pulled her hat a wee Die more xo one siae ana reversed her ankles, then Tbegan at ihe top of the program and repeated t.?The Worchester Post. J The Semi-Weekly Press and Banner ?1.50 per year. Subscribe now! -M