The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, August 08, 1917, Page FIVE, Image 5

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g??MB liocal I 1 (1.11'WC, I S % v Ty v m BE '^pc^onals : | Ernest and Eugene McCarter spent Thursday in the city with friends and enjoyed all the pleasures of the ^Carnival. Miss Nettie Russell came, home last week from Hendersonville, where she is spending the summer, and will " stay two weeks with home folks before she returns for the balance of the summer. St Clair Baskin came down Sunday from Greenville to spend awhile with his wife, who is visiting ner ?home people in Monterey and also friends in Abbeville. Miss Mary Lou Douglass came over from Whitmire and will spend sometime with her friend, Miss Mar-' garet Swetenberg. Miss Ruth Link left Monday to spend several days with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Link of Greenwood. Misses Mae and Eugenia Robertson came home Sunday from Atlanta. , Miss Lucy Thompson of Atlanta, is in the city on a visit to her friend, vMiss Mary Smith. Miss Eva Reams spent the week^ end in Ninety Six wtih her mother, who is visiting there. Master Henry Manson Power came down from Brownlee and is spending this week with his cousin, Raiford McMillan. Miss Helen Cromer came home Saturday from Atlanta, where she has had a delightful stay in that city with her brothers, Charley and Hugh Cromer. Misses Mary and Duella Oslin arrived Tuesday from Washington, Ga. . and will be the attractive guests of Mrs. Lucie E. Cochran for sometime. Their former visits to Abbeville have made them popular Mere ana tneir friends are glad to have them. Miss Lila Fuller of McCormick, accompanied by her friend, Miss Robertson, of Augusta, came up to Abbeville Thursday and spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hilton and took in the festivities of the Carnival. % Misses Gladys and Pickens Tarrant were among the attractive visitors from Mt. Carmel for the Carnival. " * * TT i. 1 o,.? Mrs. Jonn A. narris reiumcu ouuday from a three weeks stay in Greenville with Mr. and Mrs. Henry '"Hagerman and other relatives. Mr. C. C. Featherstone spent part of Monday in Abbeville on legal business. R. E. Cox left Saturday for New York, after spending a vaction with his home people. R. E. is a member of the Aviation Corp and went as soon as he received his call. Mrs. W. S. Cothran, Miss Margaret Cothran, Miss Mary Helen Smith, James Cox and Robert Henry motored to Greenville Sunday and spent the day with Hubert i^ox ana otner .friends who are in camp. Miss Hattie Roche came home for the week-end and spent until Monday with her parents. Mr. Sanders and F. S. Hayes went up to the city of Greenville Sunday and had a pleasant outing with the soldier boys. I Miss Norma Cheatham arrived Saturday from Columbia to spend her vacation with her home people. Mrs. J. M. Anderson has been visiting her relatives for the past week in Roanoke and Blufield. Mr. Anderson left Friday to meet her in Bluefield, from where they will go on to the Northern markets. Miss Eleanor Todd came down from Due West and was a pretty week-end visitor in the city, the guest of her friend, Miss Ruth McLane. Miss Sara Haskell has returned home form a delightful outing of . about two weeks at Ft. Oglethorpe. Miss Lucia Featherstone came home with her and spent a few days with her and was a pleasant addition to the big dance Friday evening. Charlotte Thursday and will spen several days. Miss Margaret Reese, after seve: al days in the city with Mr. and Mr iM. B. Reese, left for a visit t [friends at Laurens and Cartersvill Ibefore she returns to her home i I Florence. Miss Nan Scott returned to h( ihome in Atlanta Sunday, aftt spending two weeks with relatives i the city and the Sharon section. I Mrs. Lucie E. Cochran, Ellen an I --i VT_1 nr* /-? jUiioert iNaDers, xuiss vjarnt vutmai 'Paul Link and Roy Pittard motore 'up to Anderson Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Jas. S. Cochran went up t ! Charlotte Friday to spend a wee with relatives. I Miss Julia Mabry is at home froi | the hospital in Chester and is rapi< !y regaining her accustomed goo 'health, which is good news to he jmany friends. 1 j Mrs. L. D. Caldwell, Miss Eulali ; Turner, Messrs. Oscar Cobb and ( |C. Hammond were among the inle: jested visitors from Greenwood la: Thursday for the Carnival. William Leslie came home froi Clemson and spent Sunday with h home people. William is standin : behind the president in his war vei | ture but his friends are glad that h number was not drawn on the bi iday. I Mrs. Fred S. Hill and Master Fre S. Jr., left last Friday for a visit t | relatives in Thomasville and Hig i Point, N. C. 1 Sergt. D. Townsend Smith cam ;do\vn from Greenville on leave la: Saturday and spent until Sunda with Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Colemai Mrs. Smith, who has been here on ! visit, returned to Greenville wit him. Sergt. Grayson Hoke, Caspar Li tie and Jack Stone spent the weel end in Abbeville with their horn folks and friends. Mrs. Virginia Miller is in the cit on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. I R. McAllister and other relatives. I John Lomax is off on a vacatio this week and is spending the tin: i in Brevard and Hendersonville. ^ Mrs. T. Gordon White, Miss< Mary and Jense White and Mrs. I W. Perrin left Thursday for Yorl 'ville, where they will spend sometim with Mrs. Belle Alston. After visit here they will go on to th summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Auj W. Smith, near Hendersonville, an visit, for sometime. -? Miss Saidee Magill has returne J to Abbeville after a pleasant visit 1 | friends in Due West. Henry Cason came down from Ai derson and delighted his home pe< 'pie by spending the day with thei Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Simpson < Greenville, are in the city visitin Mr. and Mrs. E. M. An,derson. Miss Kate Marshall is enjoying two weeks outing in the mountair of Cashiers Valley with Mrs. Sai Orr. Miss Kate made the tri through the country with Mr. ar Mrs. C. B. Wilson and Mr. Bryson. Mr. Jas. Bowie returned Sunda from Mt. Clemens, Michigan, whei he has spent the past month. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Owen and the handsome little daughter and sc came Tuesday from Salisbury, N. C to spend several days with the far ily of Mr. W. E. Owen. Miss Kathleen Wilkes came ov< Saturday from Laurens to be the a tractive guest/ Ui aci siatci) xviio. Moore Mars, for sometime. Mrs. T. J. Douthart and Mis Mai Ferguson are off to New Orleans f< an extended stay with Mr. Georj Strickle. From there they will go c to Houston, Texas, to spend a whi with Mrs. H. L. Houseman. Miss Emma Harris is at hon again after a six weks stay in Athei with relatives. Misses Sara ar jMary Haigler went over to Athei for the week-end and accompanie Miss Emma home. \ ' vj. . . A ? J, . Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Harvin ar Frances, returned home to Washinj ton, D. C., Saturday after having hi a pleasant vacation with Mr. ar Mrs. Richard Sondley. Miss Sadie Hutchinson of Colun bia, is visiting her friends, Mi; Delia Wilson and Mrs. M. L. Lin! of Bethia. i Mr. A. W. Bowden went up 1 id Miss Jane Alston was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Chalmers for a id day or two last week. She enjoyed id the Carnival on Thursday. Miss Annie Greer of Spartanburg, l- arrived Friday in the city and will ss visit Miss Mary Quarles Link and k, Miss Katherine Link for about ten( days. Miss Greer is popular in Abbe-! vile and her visits here always give :o pleasure to her friends. id Miss Leila Link left Friday for a pleasure trip to New York, and will r- be away about three weeks. Mr. and s. Mrs. Frank McGee, or Spartanburg, ;o went with Miss Leila. e, n Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cheatham, Miss Narietta Cheatham, Mr. Otto Haas, Misses Agnes and Helen Dardine are *r here from Charlotte visiting at the Jr home of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Cheatn ham. Miss Sara Cowan returned home d Tuesday from a pleasant visit with Dr. and Mrs. Whit Cheatham. Dr. I(* and Mrs. Cheatham came with her and will spend several days with Mr. | and Mrs. P. A. Cheatham. ,U I k 1 Mr. Williams Miller and daughter, Miss Belle, of Ninety Six, are spendm ing several days with relatives here. ^ Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Cheatham, Mr. (r and Mrs. A. B. Cheatham and Mr. Haas went down to Greenwood Tuesday morning and attended the funle eral of Mr. Graham Payne. i 1 jr. r_ Misses Leah and Margaret Thorn5? ton left Tuesday morning to visit relatives for sometime in Greensboro. / m js Miss Norma Cheatham came home, jg Saturday from Columbia to spend! 1_! her vacation with her home people | js!near the city. Miss Laura Haiti-j lg! wanger came with her and will be! ' ;her attractive guest during her stay i in Abbeville. id j 0 Jfiss Madge McLeskey returned, h'Monday from a lengthy stay in ColiiTVnKiQ writVi Vior Miss Mvrtle. jand her grandmother, Mrs. Edwards. te Miss Madge had a delightful stay in 5I;'that city and made a number of v' friends. ' a Mr. A. F. McCord, of Liberty, has h | been spending several days with relatives here and at Hodges. t_j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stubbs and two t_!children left Saturday for their home e in Fitzgerald, Ga., after a visit to! Dr. and Mrs. J. Irwin Gilmer. 'the marriage of jy miss belle thompson A mariage in which much interest lis centered was that of last Friday, nj August the 3rd, when Miss Belle ie j Thompson was happily married to j Mr. Claud C. Edwards of Chester, in Greenwood at the Presbyterian, ;s manse, the ceremony being solem-l li. nized by Dr. J. B. Green, with only' v- a/ few witnessing the ceremony. ie | The young couple are now\ in! a, Washington and other northern citte | ies enjoying a delightful trip, and y.! upon their return will be at home to d their friends in Chester, where Mr. Edwards is engaged in business. Miss Thompson came to us only a ^ year ago as the community worker in the Mill village, and she has worked faithfully and untireingly and has accomplished much good since coming here, and beside this she has endeared herself to everyone by her sweet and attractive manner and J: rru~ J iXLL <XULKz Ul&pUblLlUIl. J.I1C gUUU W15IIC& of our people for a long and peaceful journey through life go out to the happy young couple. THE PATRIOTIC DANCE. a The dance at the hall Friday eventing was indeed one of the pleasantest m affairs of the season. The hall was ip beautifully and appropriately decorld ated in the stars and stripes and many of the dancers wore dresses made of the red, white and blue, which made Ly an effective and pretty scene. The music was furnished by the Kay Orchestra and was unusually fine. Everything passed off in a whirl ir of gayety and was enjoyed by all *n present. Those chaperoning the ' ? dance were: Mrs. W. S. Cothran, tt~ Mrs. M. T. Coleman, Mrs. J. M. Morgan, Mrs. C. M. McKenzie, Mrs. Harry Wilson, Mrs. Joe Wilson, Miss iT Latimer. The proceeds from the dance were turned over to the Woman's Service League. V TUU A WTDTUIT T V CAID J A ***- nil A l\irf T llrfUlJ m nil\ )r PREMIUM LIST IS OUT re >n The printing department of The le Press and Banner has just issued for the Antreville Fair association a handsome 46-page premium list for le the 1917 fair, which will be held oni is October 19. The Antreville fair has J id always been a success and the good: is people of that section are showing >d no little interest in the enterprise this year. A PLEASANT HOUSE PARTY. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Leslie are entertaining a pleasant house party of young people complimentary to their two pretty daughters, Misses Virginia and Sarah Leslie. The visitors are: Misses Lucile Donald and Katherine Brock of Honea Path, Misses ( Frances and Charlotte McKay of j Greenville, and Misses Florence and^ Maria Neuffer and Margaret Cox of Abbeville. The Leslie's home is well adapted to entertaining and dancing, rook parties and delightful rides will be the order 01 the day with the young folks. On Tuesday afternoon a rook party was given the visitors. There were seven tables of players, and a most pleasant afternoon was spent. CAMPING AT THE MOUNTAIN. Mrs. Rachel Minshall and her family went out to Little Mountain Monday morning and will spend the next two weeks there camping and enjoying the mineral water and the cool breezes. They are accompanied by Bill Greene and Miss Elizabeth Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Mart Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coleman. M:-ss Lavinia Coleman and Jim Coleman are also camping at the mountain for the next week or two. The mountain continues a popular place for picnics and other pleasure parties. MOONLIGHT PICNIC. Misses Sadie Hammond and Lucy White entertained about twenty-five of their friends on last Friday evening with a delightful moonlight picnic in honor of their cousin, Miss Nanj Scott of Atlanta. They motored outj to Rapleys Shoals about seven o'clock' and spent until about ten thirty enjoying* the bounteous supper and ice-! cream carried along. A jolly time was spent. BIRTHS. Born, in Abbeville, S. C., July the 26th, 1917, to Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Tate, a son. Born, at Abbeville, S. C., August A 1 Q1 7 in TVTr onrl ATrc Pnv land, a son. Born, near Abbeville, S. C.f Aug. 4th, 1917v to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred: Cochran, a son. NAMING THE BABY. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coleman had their baby christened in the Episco-! pal church'last Sabbath morning "by! Rev. Mr. Blackford, at half after' ten o'clock. The young man will bear the name, Robert Hemphill, and; every one wishes that he may grow1 tn hp a fine vniino' man and aecnrrt-l plisfrmuch that is good in the world. J MRS. MINSHALL REAPPOINTED, j The 'daily papers of several days| ago carried ike news .of the reap- j pointment and confirmation of . Mrs.' Rachel Minshall as postmaster at Abbeville. Mrs. Minshall has made' a competent and capable postmaster: and the patrons of the office have' been pleased with the neatness with! which the office has been kept and ! the efficient mariner in which the public has been served. Mrs. Minsha.ll's friends are delighted at her reappointment. / HERE FROM NEW YORK. Frank E. Harrison of New York City, is expected to arrive today to spend sometime with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Harrison. DON'T .SCOLD, MOTHER! THE CROSS CHILD IS BILIOUS, FEVERISH Look at Tongue!, If Coated, Clean Little Stomach, Liver, Bowels. Don't scold yor fretfeul, peevish child, See if tongue is coated; this is a sure sign its little stomach, liver and bowels are clogged with sour waste. When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad. throat sore. doesn't eat, sleep or act naturally, hs.s stomachache, indigestion, diarrhoea, give a teaspoohful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul waste, the sour bile and fermenting food passes out ' of the bowels and you have a well and playful child again. Children love this harmless "fruit laxative," and mothers can rest easy after giving it, because it never fails to make their little "insides" clean and sweet. Keep it handy, Mother! A little given today saves a sick child to morrow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, children and grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Remember there are counterfeits j sold here, so surely look and see that yours is made by the "California ' Fig Syrup Company." Hand back I with contempt any other fig syrup. I ?Adv. j OUR TROOPS. (Josh Wink in Baltimore American) They laughed at the poor little army < Which Kitchener started to build, 1 The kaiser at sight of its making, J With scorn and amusement was < filled; c But i\ow it has swelled into millions, t No more it is looked on askance; 1 The Germans no longer are laughing ? As it pushes their hordes out of i France. 1 I So, too, did they jeer at our forces, For they knew we were people of peace, With an army the size of a plaything, With no war aims to ask for in- c crease, ^ No spirit of militarism, But immersed in a business-made 1 life, , And they scorned us as merchants an traders 1 To prove us as foes in the strife. But the flower of our manhood . is going To fight in the cause that is iust. 1 And on the sharp sword we are i drawing f There's nothing of dullness nor i rust; i And son their contempt and their > jeering Will come to a terrified hush, For they'll find out our measure as fighters When once we get in the big push. ^ A PICNIC FOR THE CHILDREN. 1 t \ Miste Bessie Lee Cheatham gave a picnic in the Park Tuesday afternoon in honor of Misses Agnes and Helen Dardine and Narietta Cheatham of Charlotte. All the little girls and ] boys went to the park about two , o'clock and spent the afternoon. A j fine dinner was served about 5 \ o'clock and was enjoyed. The merry , little folks 'were chap.eroned by Miss j Bessie Lee Cheatham, Miss Lila Fennal and Miss Benie Watson. A ROOK PARTY. i Miss Louise Brown entertained 11 tne ivook ciuo at ner pretty nome ( Monday afternoon. Beside the club members there were several visitors s present which added pleasure to the ( entertainment. After the games were 1 finished the dainty refreshments of 1 block ice-cream and cake were served i We have sever Best Jell Lun we're offering 1 Amos B. IDUCE YOUR FEI We have been made the distrib for a Limestone that is unusual^ it quickly available. It releases tl soil, corrects the acidity and pu' the soil very much more products early stand of cotton, corn and gi class condition. Order Early? ANDERSON PHOSI COMP ANDERSOf P W. F. FARMEF . MISS RUTH BEEKS HOSTESS. Miss Ruth Beeks entertained about ;ighteen boys and girls at her home VIonday with a delightful party. Such games as "Clap in and clap >ut," "Wink" and "drop the handker:hief" formed the entertainment for he evening until little Misses Eliza >eth Beeks and Jenrose Pressly lerved the guests with dainty re'reshments of ice cream and cake, rhe evening was enjoyed by all those >resent. AMONG THOSE PRESENT. Among the many interested people >ver from Greenwood for the Carr.i- : al last Thursday were, Misses Edna Iagill and Evelyn Verelle and Messrs. Doc Harveley and Heart > J? 'oleman, who were delighted with A he entertainment and had a pleasant 'me' A YOUNG SOLDIER. Geddings Roche is attending the 3ailey Military Institute Encamp- .j nent in Greenwood and will be away ;: ive weeks. Geddings is bright and an imbitious little fellow and will make i i fine soldier. His many friends vish him every good luck. GONE NORTH. v Ji Col. Bill Wilson and Mr. W. H. <. , tVhite are in the Northern markets : ;his week buying their fall stock of joods. They will be away about two veeks. : A PICNIC BY MOONLIGHT. In honor of her guest, Miss Laura ialtiwanger of Columbia, Miss Norna Cheatham is giving a picnic in v ? front of her home tonight. A num)er of young people are going out to mrtake of the good time planned 'or the crowd. A QUIET SALESDAY. \ ; Monday was a very quiet salesday : n Abbeville, although an unusually ':l arge number of people from the ^ :ountry were in town. Only one piece of property was / ;'i sold by Judge Hill, that in the mat;er of Below vs. Hunter, one acre of and, which was bought by Mr. Beow for $41. The property is in Dia- ' . nond Hill township. _ i! i m al cars of the :.nm ? *r lico -I ip Coal I V:; % From the car at 10% I * 1 . V Morse Co. -J . )NE WILL RE- I UTILIZER BILL. I uting agents over this section B 7 finely ground and this mattes tie potash and plant food in the Iverizes the hard spots, makes re and makes it easy to get an rain by putting the soil in first \ Prices Right. V A 111m A m ^ vv 'HA 1 ti AINU U1L B ANY. I s. c. I. Secretary. H kbbhhJ . ' ' ' .. -j; ?