VV cuucsua.y, a Uij uu, iXocal | I ill III Iincws | : personals : 1 I Miss Julia McAllister and Miss Sallie Sue Ramey spent part of last week with relatives in Hodges. Walter McCord is spending a few days this week in Greenville with his brother, A. M. McCord. _ Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Nickles went over to Hodges Sunday and were the guests of relatives for the day. Miss Anna Charles spent the weekend in Abbevile with her friend, Mrs. J. C. King. -f T nnrord WViif.lnclc went over to Greenwood Saturday and spent until Sunday afternoon with homefolks. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mack Henry arrived in Abbeville yesterday for a visit to the home folks. This is their first visit in sometime and friends are glad to,see them. Dr. and Mrs. N. E. Pressly left : ' yesterday for a visit to Clinton,', where they will be the guests of their son, Rev. H. E. Pressly. Mrs. C. Wannamaker came up from Orangeburg Tuesday and will spend sometime in Abbeville the guest of Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Neuffcr.' Mr. J. F. Edmunds and son Jack, are in Chester this week visiting Mrs. ID. E. Estes. ] Mrs. Henry H. DuPre and her young son, Henry Hill, Jr., left Sat- ; urday for Caslisle, where they will visit relatives till the latter part of the week. * Henry H. DuPre left Sunday for J * Baltimore, where he goes on business. Ernest Pennal is off from Haskell's store for a weeks rest. He is ! spending the time in Spartanburg, where he has many friends. I Miss Margaret Bradley, James , Cox and Sanford Howie spent Friday night in Troy, attending the party given by their friend, Miss Rebecca Wardlaw. 1 Miss Mary Roche is taking her vacation from Haddon-Wilson Co., and went up to Greenville the latter , part of the week and spent several davs verv nleasantlv with friends. Miss Floride Perry left Friday i .night for Charleston, where she will visit friends for sometime. 1 Mrs. J. M. Kirby, who was called to Abbeville on account of the serious accident of her brother, Mr. A. ' B. Hamlin, in McCormick, returned home to Atlanta Monday. Mr. Ham* lin is slowly improving. Willie McDonald came over from Atlanta Saturday and spent Sunday with Mrs. McDonald and little daugh- ' ter, Luna, who are here on an ex- ' tended visit to relatives. ' ?- J AT? rk II Tj;u ln^t loaf ITJLr. anu irii o. Jl/? xx. xxui ivi.w mow | Thursday morning for the mountains of North Carolina, where they will spend sometime as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith at their summer home near Hendersonville. They made-the trip in their Ford, stopping over in Greenville for a days visit. Miss Margaret Cox has been in 'Greenwood recently as the guest of Mrs. W. A. Muller and has been entertained delightfully by friends in: ' that city. ' I, I FW WT "H Qirvincnn liac rPPPnflv . J-/I . TT * JL>. * vvv?vV returned from a trip to New York where he went on professional business. i , Mrs. W. D. Wilson and Miss Mary Lawson Link motored over to the. city of Greenwood Sunday and spent the time with friends. Miss Catherine Link returned home with them,' after a pleasant visit to Mrs. C. E. Klugh. Miss Edna Cox has been spending the oast week with friends in Black ville. From there Miss Cox goes to New Orleans, where she will visit;] for two weeks with her cousin, Mrs.! Arthur Ellis. |; Mrs. D. A. Rogers and little Annie, Hemphill Rogers, went up to Monroe Saturday and spent a day or two < with Mr. Rogers' father, who is recovering from a recent operation. i Miss Georgia Wardlaw is in the 2ity on a visit to her friend, Miss Ruth McLane. Miss Georgia is attending Erskine and is taking a high stand among the co-eds. Mrs. R. H. Cochran spent from Saturday until Monday with her daughter, Mrs. W. J. McKee, near Due West. Mrs. Ffed Stubbs and children, Gilmer and Lucile, of Fitzgerald, Ga. are here on a visit to Dr. and Mrs. J. Irwin Gilmer and other relatives. Ellis Mabry of Greenwood, spent last week here with relatives and friends. Mrs. A. W. Jones and Roy McDavid of Columbia, were here last week visiting Mrg. B. K. Beacham and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Dewey and Miss Elizabeth McCord spent Sunday in Atlanta with Mrs. Dewey's brother, Clyde Murchison, who is in training at Ft. McPherson. Miss Helen Eakin and her cousin, Miss Burnett, are in the city spending a while with Miss Mattie Eakin. Miss Sadie Magill spent the past week with her cousin, Mrs. C. L. Moseley of Ninety Six. Before her return she will spend several days with relatives in Due West. Miss Allent Mabry, who spent last week with her numerous relatives here went to Clinton Sunday, where she will stay with her sister, Mrs. S. J. Kilgore until Wednesday. She will return to the Pryor hospital, where she is in training on Wednesday. ' Mrs. John White and little daughter, Sara, will return home Thursday from a delightful visit to relatives in Rocky Mount, N. C. Mrs. Otis McMillan returned to her home in Anderson Tuesday after a weeks stay with her homefolks. Mrs. George Penney went home with her and will spend several days. Miss Mary Hill and Miss Ruth Calvert will go up to Lowndesville Thursday and be the guests of their college friend, Miss Cornelia Tennant. Miss Emma Lipscomb of Ninetysix, is in Abbeville this week the attractive guest of Miss Rebecca Jones. Mr. G. W. Shelor came down from Seneca and spent Sunday in Abbeville with friends. Mrs. Addie Carter of Greenville, is in the city on an extende visit to her sister, Mrs. J. L. Hill, near Abbeville. Mr. Frank Stokes of Greenville, spent the week-end in the city with friends. Miss Sara Haskell went over to Greenwood Thursday, where she joined a party of friends and went to Chattanooga, Tenn. They will 3pend two weeks in camp. Mr. L. W. Dick spent Monday and a part of Tuesday in Abbeville with Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Smith, Jr. Mr. Dick has many warm friends in Abbeville who are always glad to see him. Frank Sherard returned to Calhoun Falls Tuesday, having been at his home near Abbeville for several days, having been on the sick list. Mr. H. G. Smith has returned from Tate Springs, where he has naa a delightful stay of several weeks. A PRETTY ROOK PARTY. Miss Pauline Wosmansky entertained twenty of her friends Tuesday evening from 8 till 11 o'clock in honor of her cousin, Miss Kathleen Simmons of Athens, Ga., who will be her attractive guest for sometime. There were five tables of players and progressive rook was played un til Misses Frances Wosmansky and Florence Sprouse served dainty ref?Ar.U*v?nv?ff. a-P inn nvoom r?nl'o and 11 ^oimicn to vx i\.t vxuutu, vm?v mints. A delightful time was enjoyed by the following: Misses Kathleen Simmons, Margaret Swetenberg, Helen Eakin, Florence Neuffer, Grace Link, Mary Nickles, Katherine Faulkner, Lydia Owen, Thelma Seal, Minnie Ruth Cox, Teofilo Bradley, Louis Wilson, Lewis Seal, David Robert, Leroy Clark, John Kennedy, David Kennedy, John Little, John Albert Dickson. SUNDAY SCHOOL PARTY. Miss Lillian Swetenberg complimented her Sunday School class of little boys last Friday afternoon with - A? XT'?U/Mf woe ollnwo^ frt x party, hjciuii u\jy w?o unv *t w? Vw bring his girl along and after the arrival of the youngsters games were played until refreshments of ice cream and cakes brought a close to them. A very pleasant time was spent. CELEBRATING THE EIGHTH. Miss Thelma Bauknight spent her eighth birthday very happily Monday afternoon by inviting her little friends to her house to help celebrate the day. After the usual amusing [games were played the good things to eat were brought out and served the children on the piazza and lawn. Thelma received many useful and pretty presents along with the best wishes for many happy birthdays just like this one. CELEBRATING THE DAY. Mrs. J. Foster Barnwell gave a delightful party last Friday afternoon to her pretty young daughter on the occasion of her eighth birthday. Many of the little girls in town were invited and spent the time pleasantly in playing games, listening to the Victrola and in enjoying the ice cream and cake served. Each little guest was given a dainty little silver basket filled with candy as a souvenir of the party. DEATH OF A SOLDIER. Greenwood, July 20.?Claude Llewellyn Shannon, a member of the Greenville Coast Artillery company, died at the Greenwood hospital Thursday morning at 4:30 o'clock following an operation for appendiHp had heen ill onlv one week. Mr. Shannon was 23 years of age and a native of Donalds, being the son of Mr. L. A. Shannon. The body was taken to Donalds for interment. AT SULLIVAN'S ISLAND. Mr. R. Kirkwood has spent a week down on Sullivans Island enjoying a fine rest and the cool breezes and all the pleasure^1 that place offers. Mrs. Kirkwood, accompanied by her ; friend, Miss Lily Mann, who has been her guest for sometime will go to Sullivans Island upon Mr. Kirkwood's return and spend a week. A YOUNG CHAUFFER. Henry, the nine year old son of Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Simpson, is an expert chauffer, recently demonstrating this fact by driving a threespeed gear shift from Monroe to Charlotte, N. C., a distance of about sixty miles. Henry has been able to handle his fathers Ford si ace he was six years of age. A PRETTY CENTRAL GIRL. Miss Maude Hawthorne is substituting as "hello" girl in the telephone office this summer, while the girls are taking their vacations. Miss Essie Lee McCord has just returned from her vacation last week and Miss Margaret McCord is taking hers this week. Miss Maude is a bright ambitious young lady and is making a good record at Winthrop college, where she is a student. V , V v UT /? A Diirv fc. ^ ffl A VniUTIbWt ^ > > Mt. Carmel, July 23.?The drouth of the past few weeks was broken last Wednesday by a very heavy rain, and since then we have had nice rains, which are very beneficial to the crops. Mrs. Wilbur Blackwell and her handsome little son of Columbia, S. C., spent the past week in Mt. Carmel with Mesdames P. K. Black and T R Pr#7ipr Mrs. Bud Self of Greenwood, is visiting Mrs. Lura Cade of Lisbon, Ga. Mrs. Minnie Watson, who has been with her daughter, Mrs. Paul ! Ferguson at Sally, S. C., returned home this week on account of the illness of Mr. Ollie Watson. She came by Anderson to see Mr. Watson. Messrs Roy Wells and Gerard Tarrant returned home Sunday from Columbia, where they have been working. Mr. Furman Grant is driving a pretty new Ford car. Mr. Ollie Watson became sudden j lyvery ill last Monday and Dr. Jack J Pressly of Abbeville, was summoned.! I On arrival he" found Mr. Watson suf-( ifering with appendicitis, and ari im-j 'mediate operation was necessary.! IMessrs. Bradley Morrah and Law-: rence Hester and Dr. Pressly "carried, him to the Anderson hospital Mon-, day night. He was successfully operated on at 10 o'clock and stood the i operation fine. It will be good news to his many friends to know that is, improving nicely. j Miss Mary McAllister left last Saturday to teach a summer school at Trevelers Rest, S. C. Messrs McCarter and Gilliam were Sr. Mf c* vmnl TVinvcrlnv pvAninfT. i .... ? - ' ? I Mrs. Ollie Watson spent the weekend in Anderson with Mr. Watson. Mrs. T. E. Howard and children, of Anderson, are visiting Mrs. Luraj Cade of Lisbon, Ga. J Miss Mary Paschal, who has been 'spending the past six weeks with her aunts, Mrs. Alma Hayes and Mrs. J. E. Arant, returned home last Monday. She was accompanied by her Price Right, Ter Our guarntee i +. .f ?2 ? The St; Next to Stark's Stable. a i 8 & HHl <& I u H chillII troa I n< I PbH^CWtLS-AMO^rtV**. I Uf D DUMMUI, MUOUfFIVm Ut INYBMMTTSMT flVIR AND w H ?u. m?i ?m?i miiiiw ' H iutBjjt H BincndM I hi two tcasroomrwqrii watbiicvsiiyth*um'vm Sj UN1H. rr ACT* wcCl. tmbn TNMITWHA BAT. 1 D (MIIMMN WfM*nn?ll?M? J PB1CB Sfi CSKTB I ^ B ^ JACHSOWILLE, FU. ' I I Buy it at druggists and ^ amnmral stores or poetptiid from the manufacturer*. v charming cousin, Miss Kathleen Hayes. M Mr. Lawrence Conner left last Tuesday to work at cantonment near M Columbia. Messrs. Raymond Wells, James CI Boyd, Chisolm Halliday and Ben1 da Harling left last Monday ot work at the cantonment near Columbia. re Powder and Patches, a comedy in ari two acts, was presnted in Mt. CarrfTel Mi at the High School building on last Thursday evening by the Mt. Carmel ha young ladies under the direction of of Miss Pickens Tarrant. It was quite a success. jW Friday evening the same comedy, in Powder" and Patches, was presented at Calhoun Falls by the Mt. Carmel a girls. They realized a nice little Mi sum at both places for the benefit of Br the Presbyterian church. | nit DOTE ON THE "MARE." | th< watts, s. c. julie twenty-wun. deer edditoral:?i sea thet dr. gam- at bol hes sined up fur 5 hundard dol-jho ars; ter i;eech us kuntrymens how dy ter voat ther bond isshure of 3 hun- wc dard thousan. i fines thet the koun- W sel of abvul hes spent jist about en thet mutch on ten or 12 miles of streats in the last 20 year3, an arter Tu Buggies mfr fic ms Right, Will treal means something ark Vehicle tain the pummnent streats which Miss ] tey has bilt wiff sand an claigh, i at a din bis that suinboddy kneads they ejji- Mrs. ition but i thinks it is the mare of nesday i >vul, and i propoases ter git ther Hawes o mtrie bois to git up a superskrip- jjr ^ tun ter teech dr. gambul, yeoar 'jyjc are how ter bild sand and claigh centjy g reats soa thet he wont hev ter jor(j ?a( iaip main streat ter let ther peall out ter greanvil nex time we has * teckshun on bons. *d Tues! pleas print my list in yore paiper honor 01 i folars ' Mrs. J we the ignerrunt kuntrie bois of y?UI jer watts s c an way stashuns jarbie superscripshuns ourselfs ter V V V V ligh ther whoal sum jined ter our ^ ums ter teech ther Mare of abvul ^ at he shood lurn sumthin hisself ^ ^ ^ . jfoar bothering bout us. hed it ith dote smith, one cent. Lownd ^ yourn, tine Kay dote. after a , p s yoo may think thet the mount superskripshuns is too lital but i Capt. > not wish ter give ther Mare moar York, sp en he is aibul ter taik in at wun h*s >ste. Major Dote. of Abbei * ? last weel VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Mrs. J ^ Tuesday BELLEVUE. V Mis/l ^ burg, an VVV\VVVVVVV\VVV\V Andersor Bellevue, July 21.?Misses Mary ^arPer* ilford of Abbeville, and Malvina lv*iss snnedy of Eden Hall, are guests of ^ave Mis iss Bettie Morrah. Misses E Mr. Henry Schroeder returned to ^kbe\ WGGK ^ lareston Wednesday after a few , ' ml" ,ys spent in Bellevue. ihonor Th Prof. Mark Bradley and family; Dr. A. turned to Clemson, after a pleas- ^a,? t stay with Mr. and Mrs. S. p! Monday, orrah. j ^ar-Tim Mr. Tom Ellerbee, of Greenwood,1 Antis been the guest for the past week! A cont Mr. Joe Alston. jauditoriu UTisrps Pphfirrn and Elizabeth M. Guest ardlay entertained Friday night is at wor honor of the visiting young ladies.' before sc Miss Ellen Morrah was hostess at Mrs. E dining on Wednesday in honor of Lawrence rs. J. C. Kennedy and Mrs. Lizzie, people la adley. 'home of The young people attended a pic-! lightful e : Saturday at Badwell. J Mr. W Mr. David Robinson of Troy, is from Col e guest of Mr. David Wardlaw. j summer s Miss Bettie Morrah was hostess a reception on Tuesday night in j John J nor of Misses Milford and Kenne- berry las Guests from Columbia, Green- with his iod, Abbeville, Troy, McCormick, Kinard e illington and Sandover were pres- one night t. Cake and cieam were served, shown hii Miss Jennings, of Columbia, spent of whom lesday night in Bellevue. anything.' -? I 1 *i:| '0llS \ irness | - ' ;| tyon Right I : I A ' ' *'-53 : ^ ' % ill 1 > M z1 La. tEVILLE, S. C. ??????? Malvina Parker was hostess ing on Monday. Wardlaw entertained Wedin honor of Dr. and Mrs f Elberton. . S. Hawes and family, and ore of Elberton, were reuests of Mr. and Mrs. Gailie. Fame Lee Morrah entertainlay night at a reception in her birthday, f. L. Kennedy entertained lg people on Wednesday. vvvvvvvvvvw V LOWNDESVILLE. V V lesville,' July 23?Miss Chrishas returned from Atlanta, risit of several weeks. Chas. L. Baker, of New ent Saturday 'and Sunday mother, Mrs. M. E. Baker, and Mrs. F. W. R. Nance rille, visited relatives here ! k. r. H. Lawrence will leave for Atlanta to visit relatives Hargaret Smith of Spartand Miss Lou Ellen Ligon of 1, are visiting Mrs. E. W. lornelia Tennant expects to ;s Mabel Reid, of Iva, and uth Calvert and Mary Hill, rille, as house quests this !he will entertain in their lursday evening. H. Claflin, of Pittsburg, lecture in the Baptist church July 30, at 8:30 P. M., on e Prohibition, representing -Saloon League. ;ract to complete our school m has been given, Mr. C. of Anderson, and his force k. The job will be finished hool opens. . W. Harper and Mrs. J. H. i entertained the young st Friday evening ?at the t.hp fnrmpr A mnst Hp. vening was spent. endell Latimer has returned umbia, where he attended ichool. [inard came up from Newt week and spent simetime cousin, Frank Gary. Mr. njoyed a dance at the hall ; and many other attentions m by the young people, all say he is "just too cute for >1 k