r~n n* |15lg . I STAF I Hundreds A I MM J. M I " THE CASH STORE. " *Sfi9l38?SE9EBB8iE3EBI^IBE53HBBH9QI AN AMAZING STORY German sp OF INTRIGUE imposed hi force in tl (From the New York Sun.) pSgalch One day last April such of the espionage ' people of Rome as read anything but'correspon(j the war news in their papers may der cover have noticed a brief item from Vi- which was, enna, which reported a burglary in a search or house adjoining the German embassy ? in that city. A safe, a very unusual . "ei and burglar defying safe, had been ,r cut open like a cheese, and a large sum of money extracted. So at least Snl said the newspapers. If anything ex- ^ P J ?? cept money had been taken they for- f. jf bore to mention it. !?"J A month or two earlier two very J ,?~, * anA clfilfnl Italian The deb??J? xauiuuo) uvx w ........ cracksmen had escaped from jail. i*,11* That matter had not been widely fl celebrated. If now one or two of u;? '" those reflective souls found in every f town, who love to clip and collate J criminal items, trace up fanciful clues and write to the newspapers An ama; about them, did so in Rome nobody detective s paid any attention to them. ?rue that i Seemingly one person only in all ave ar Rome took any lively interest in the ?* Vienna burglary, and he was im- . . ? a mured in the inner vastness of the ls visiting Vatican; a sequestered and ecclesias- Morse. tical retreat into which echoes of the 1 intripue and crime of the profane world seemed hardly likely to penetrate. But to Monsignor von Gerlach, papal chambelain and master of the impel chamberlain and master of the burglary conveyed so startling a! message htat within a few hours he: had fled not only the Vatican, but Italian territory. When the police, scarce two hours after his flight, broke into his rooms they found them littered with incriminating documents which he had no time to destroy or take away and which revealed the papal chamberlain as head of the German spy system in Italy. Let us go back further. We know that experts in trigue, like E. Phillips Oppenheim would have begun this narrative in different form and prolonged the suspense. But in a lightly amateur way we shall merely try to note the facts. Know then that the Italian police Iaw#* Koon fv>tnri(y fn Dvnl Q in fl uau wwvu vij?h6 vw ? train of mysterious happenings, including the loss of two Italian battleships, the Benedetto Brin and the Leonardo da Vinci. In some way they learned that documents revealing all were in a safe in a private house next the German embassy in Vienna. But that safe! Here enters romance. Not only did it have every burglar foiling device known to safe makers. Not only was it electrically connected with every police station in Vienna, but it was so constructed thaj it roughly opened it would pour forth a cloud of that asphyxiating gas so dreaded in the trenches, which would stretch the safe breakers lifeless before the open evidence of their guilt. (Romance writers please copy.) But the Italian detectives were not thus to be foiled. They were not of the easy New York type, privily they secured the release from prison?under cover of an escape?of Italy's most skilled and admired cracksmen. Provided with gas masks and promised $10,000 and immunity for past ottenses, tnese scientists operateu on the safe with complete success. The documents secured showed on Gerlach, formerly an officer in the Bavarian army and?^-as. spies must be?a person of most pleasing personality, to be the head of the VLAIV {TED S. ire Taking tKY A . AK j Did So i iiiaeiJL uu one nuuociiv/iu ie Vatican, and from that Jantage had carried on his i, organized his system of and even conducted his MRS. CAT ence with Germany un- 'SAYS of the Vatican pouch, , of course, free from censorship. am j, alt of the revelations made . ,, e and the papers in von tJe. Pu?* hambers the Italian courts muc" ?1V busy for weeks. Nearly an" ?ir*s * s were accused. Sentences fj?re ** a rough various terms of J *"?/ Q?sep^ snt to death have been imcores of those convicted. s'1? ?aY? ^ lir Monsignor von Gerlach a daughter, e sentence, but as he has in-law, Mrs, *om sight and writs of ex- i o longer run in Germany My- huft ltors will probably have ar*? tnt with the sentence with- y "1 headac cution. lte was bad sing story of intrigue and Jjown^ Mv kill throughout, and so b j th y no novelist would ever did_indi?, t0 l? terrible he*, ry Graham of Columbia, her friend, Miss Janie him so muc plains of tl CS-o< Nearly every f k n rvn 1 T7 ni nit; uuij tji Whether At in the near fi up to the vot dead and goi and money t< to complete t are deep in r will pull throi in favor of gc JDERf Cleai ATURIM i l < Advantage 01 m FDEB ??B??BB Much For he took Tanlac, i m fine shape. Th ier Loved Ones * new person of tie, and soon had It surely is one n HEY, OF ANDERSON, One of my marrii SHE IS DEEPLY wife also took Ts GRATEFUL. them a lot." Tanlac, ttie ma ad to recommend Tanlac sold exclusively b, ic, for it has done so pojlu6 YviVioiin Fi e back health to my boys B^ck, CaJhoun Fi md other relatives. It Sons, Due West; ne medicine," declared Lowndeaville; R. ine Cathey, of No. 12 McCormick; J. V Lnderson, in a statement Mount Carmel; C< ay 25th. Her husband, ce' ** a son and a daughter- ?Adv. . Cathey said, haa all y helped by Tanlac. ^ VVVVS?VV\ >and suffered from indihe was troubled a lot niAurniu hes, and also his appe- J' uiAKium He complained fre- t'vVVVVVV being weak and run ' Lf rt+4-1 A l\A/l I uaugnucx 9 ixatnc, uau i iame troubles her father) Diamond Hill, , ition, nervousness and j Sue and Clarie Cf daches. ian(j Carrie Lee C zy thinks Tanlac is a I?, r 1 medicine, for it helped M.^; C1*ude! c h. Now he never com- Abbeville Tuesdaj lose troubles for which their summer sho] . ~ . : ocU c ip in tottyi unc la 111 icavvj lestion is the )beville County iture or wait ai ;ers. The road: n i i*. .i ne will De uttie 3 even make a he work. It wi ed mire. If goc iiefh red mud f( u >od roads or re iONC ranee LY, JUNI r This Mone f prici :sok 0 ind Tanlac got him Miss Genevieve Sc< e Tanlac just made the school, is spendii my daughter, Hather in fine health, with her grand fathe lore good remedy, jjjjj sd boys and his ' inlac and it helped Mr. and Mrs. Fej and daughter, Etheli f?. BmIpeid?'Ab! and Mrs. Ted Campbe le, Bordeaux; J. T. Sunday. Mrs. Patters illu; J. H. Bell & Miss Mary B. Martir Cooley & Speer, member of the coo M. Fuller & Co., Monterey. She said V. Morrah & Son, . >viin & LeRoy, Wil- *""? gwng to toe Shoi pur bottle straight 1S to be the 9, 10 an Miss Cloren Prince " after a pleasant stay VVV^VVVVV and aunt, Mr. and M D HILL V an(* ^rs' V Latimer, spent Saturt V.VVVVVVV with their parents, IV J. Grant. July 2.?Mesdames Mr. and Mrs. Will impbell, Jessie Mae Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ca !ann, May Lewis ampbell motored to Miss Belle Visanski r doing some of for Brevard, where i jping. the summer months. >r of GOOD best means t( is to take stej lother ten yea 5 that are buil ? - i. Tx use 10 you. u start and tak 11 clo no good I id roads are de )r winters to ( d mud? :o's. i Sale E 30th y-Saving Sale! i , 25 lbs. best "Franklin" Granulated Sugar ? $2.10 J Limit 1 tack to a customer to any one buying $1 worth of merchandise in our store. r co. ABBEVILLE, S. C. I )ggins from Le- SOMETHING UNDER ig her vacation WAY IN GERMANY" r, Mr. Henry London, June 29.?News dispatchister Patterson es from Rotterdam say it is inferred ne visited Mr. there in oi the of no J German press that something drastic ill Saturday and hag 0f is about to happen in Germany ion comp.iments pregg jg completely muzzled, i as she is a ^ ^ expece(j jn Holland that kme class ati . ,. - .v. ? . v , ~ ,, , i next ween s meeung ui me xveicualso that she . , , ... , , rt Course wh.ch "a5' Produce a starthne develd 11 of July. ' returned home FREE OF CHARGE. with her uncJe -^r^y 8Uffer with indigestion, dysrs. Boyce Hill. pepsia, torpid liver, constipation, < rt McClain of s0?r stomach, coming-up-of-food)?? orafter-eating, etc., when you can get ay and Sunday a sample *>me 'of AvJut Ir. and Mrs. J. Flower free at P. B. Speed's drug store. This medicine has remarkable Bell dined with curative properties, and has demonmpbell Sunday. strated % efficiency by fifty years of success. Headaches are often cawed wi. o x j by a disordered stomach. a left Saturday Augu?t Flower is put up in 25 and she will spend 75 cent bottles. For sale in all civilized countries. ROADS and ) secure them. d to have them irs will soon be t after you are : will take time e several years :o wait until we feated then we A t r/Ml nic juu Advertisement