The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, March 28, 1917, Page THREE, Image 3

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weuiieisutiy, jiqivu V \ ^ V MT. CARMEL. V > > >>>>\>>>>>\>>>>>> Mt Carmel, March 26.?Mrs. John T. Bryant of Gaffney, spent several days in Mt. Carmel the past week with her sisters, Mrs. P. K. Black and Miss Emma McAllister. I Mr. T. E. Rivers of Greenwood, was a business visitor in Mt. Carmel " Monday. Prof. George McKelvey of Mt Carmel High School, spent the week| end in Abbeville with friends. Mr. H. M. McCain of McCormick, was in Mt. Carmel Monday on business. Capt. F. E. Evans of Greenwood, spent a few hours in Mt Carmel Wednesday. Mr. J. J. McKellar, traveling auditor for Atlanta Coast Line Railroad, spent the week-end in Mt Carmel with his family. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cade, Master John Dru Cade and Mrs. OUie Watson spent Monday in Abbeville. Miss Janie Strickland of Abbeville, is visiting Miss Atalee McBride i Mrs. J. J. McKellar, Master Joel and little Henri spent Friday afternoon in Calhoun Falls with Mrs. Joe Gibert Messrs. Adams, Storey and Poore of Calhoun Falls, spent Sabbath evening with Misses Dora and Florence Black. Mr. C. E. Williamson of Abbe ville, spent Tuesday night in Mt. Camel. Messrs. Douglas Black, Morris Scott, Raymond and Roy Wells attended the play given by the Mt. Carmel girls in Calhoun Falls Friday evening. Mr. Leeming of Canada, who has been spending the winter in Mt. Carmel at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morrah, left Friday afternoon for his home in Canada. Mr. Calhoun Harris of Anderson, was a visitor in Mt. Carmel the past week. Miss Marie Leslie was a visitor in Calhoun Falls one day last week. . Chaperoned by Mrs. J. D. Cade, the Mt. Carmel girls, under the direction of Miss Douschka Cade, presented their humorous little play, "Aunt Belinda's Will" to an appreciative audience at Calhoun Falls Friday evening. In addition to the play there were several songs and readings by the girls.. They all are to be congratulated on their success. They have made quite a inice little sum, which is for the benefit of the Baptist church. Miss Susie Patterson was the charming hostess for the Young Ladies Fancy Work Club last Saturday afternoon. All the forenoon was very rainy and disagreeable, but the clouds cleared away by afternoon, and an unusually large crowd of young ladies enjoyed the afternoon. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess and Mrs. A. L. Patterson. Some man wants to know , if a man can tell when a woman loves him. Yes, he can, but he ought not to. r x m Rncinacc WH011IVOK M Clients of tt n are always wel j vice and judgment B officers regarding nets matters. * The proper Id connection can tcct your judg your money, savings a? ited wit! it quite f eetiblii WBBBE&KtF banking ? | Safety^HQPtstyThe Natic Abbevil ? CHEERING SOMEONE ON. Don't you mind about the triumphs, i Don't you worry after fame; Don't vnii trrive about succeeding. Let the future guard your name. J1 All the best in life's the simplest, u Love will last when wealth is gone n Just be glad that you are living, And keep cheering someone on. ^ Let your neighbors have the blossoms, n Let your comrades wear the crown a Never mind the little setbacks Nor the blows that knock you down. a You'll be here when they're forgot- ^ ten o: You'll be glad with youth and jj dawn, i If you iust forget your troubles jJ And keep cheering someone on. it - n There's a lot of sorrow round you, Lots of lonesomeness and tears; , Lots of heartaches and of worry a Through the shadows of the years. And the world needs more than N triumphs, More than all the swords we've E drawn 'y It is hungering for the fellow N Who keeps cheering others on. Let the wind around you whistle, And the storms around you play; 1 You'll be here with brawn and gris- r< tie u When the conquerors decay. o: You'll be here in memories sweeten- ti ed a If some souls you've saved from, a / P?wn, q If you put aside the victories a And Keep cheering someone on. ? a HEAVY MEAT EATERS d HAVE SLOW KIDNEYS f, No man or woman who eats meat regularly can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Meat E forms uric acid which excites the kidneys, they become overworked ? from the strain, get sluggish and fail to filter the waste and poisons from the blood, then we get sick. 1 Nearly all rheumatism,' headaches, r' liver trouble, nervousness, dizziness, & sleeplessness and urinary disorders come from sluggish kidneys. ? The moment you feel a dull aoh? Jr in the kidneys or'your back hurts or C if the urire is cloudy, offensive, full ? of sediment, irregular of passage ? or attended by a sensation of scald- 18 ing, stop eating meat and get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in *' a glass of water before breakfast P and in a few days your kidneys will f( I act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid if grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has 3 been used for generations to flush and stimulate the kidneys, also ty) neutralize the acids in urine so it no longer causes irritation,' thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot injure; make a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which * fervor- onH than I everyone ouuiuu uv to keep the kidneys clean and ac- " tive and the blood pure, thereby avoiding s&rious kidney complications.?Adv. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv V SEABOARD TRAIN , V V - SCHEDULE. ^ V V vvvvuvuuvvvu No. 5, South, due 1:52 P. M. ^ No. 29, South, due 8:59 P. M. 1 No. 11, South, due 3:04 A.M. * No. 17, South, due 5:00 A.M. C No. 6, North, due '7:45 P. M. \ No. 12, North, due 1:42 A.M. * No. 30, North, due 12:54 A.M. r No. 18, North, arrive* 10:00 P. M., ^ - P ind^^i< | ; Counsel W ; lis institution M j come to the ad- B } of our experienced anv nersonal busi . f , ad of a banking , be used to pro- ^M ] nent as well as MM Even small ^^M count depos- \ 1 this bank efficient to ih proper ; A/UUWUUUVa -fiourtesy?Service ? >nal Bank He S. C WASHINGTON'S BAD TEETH. (The Philadelphia Public Ledges.) A Philadelphia dentist had the erve to publish a picture of Washigton, with this statement under- j eath: "Our first President owed his wonderful health to sound teeth." I assume that the dentist knows lore about teeth than he knows bout history. Washington's teeth 'ere his one physical defect. They mounted almost to a facial blemish 'hen he smiled, and one sour critic f our first President, who knew im well, said the reason he so rarej laughed was his dislike to show\g the ravishes of decay in, his louth. Moral?Paying to print a thing 068 not make it true. OTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT state of JAMES H. HAMPTON, . deceased. (otic* of Final Settlement and application for final discharge. Take notice, that on Friday, the 3th day of April, 1917, we will ertder a final account of our actlgs and doings as administrators f James H. Hampton, deceased, in le office of Judge of Probate for .bbevill County, at 10 o'clock a. m. nd on the same day will apply a fial discharge from our trust as adlinistrators. All persons having demands gainst said estate will present them or payment on or before that day, roven and authenticated or be orever barred. JOHN T. MILFORD, C. J. HAMPTON, Administrators. Istate of THOMAS E. HAMPTON, deceased. Fotice of Sattlamant and applies* tion for ?nal discharge. Take notice, that on Friday, the 3^ day of April, 1917,-" we will ander a final accounting of our mi<l /Ini'nmi a a aHminidm. t bliigO 011U UVtU^W MW WW? jrs of the estate of Thomas E. iampton, deceased, in the office of udge of Probate for Abbeville bounty, at 10 o'clock a. m., and on le same day will apply for a final ischarge from our trust as a dm initiators. All persons having demands gainst said estate will present them or payment on or before that day, roven arid authenticated, or be orever barred. JOHN T. MILFORD, C. J. HAMPTON, -21-3. Administrators. MASTER'S SALE. The State of South Carolina, County of Abbeville. f Court of Common Pleas. IRS. ELLA B. LEE and R. P. f ; . T- C 1 Vox oaie ? . The Lawson place, | lontaining 54 1-4 acres, ust 2 miles from the center of the city of Ab)eville. A good dwellng, two tenant houses, arge barn and good itables. A good pasture ind fine farming land. This is an ideal home Jor someone. Can give ^ood trems. 639 acres land about LO miles from Abbeville. Good tenant houses and well improved. Can give good terms. Price $7500.00 153 acres about two v?il<ao rvj+v limits nf XU1VO liviu Vivj ' ? ? Abbeville, 85 to 90 icres in cultivation. Abundance of wood md plenty saw timber, ;wo running streams on ; h e plantation. Lies well. Price $20.00 per acre. 128 acres about 1-2 mile outside city limits 3 f Abbeville, threehorse farm open on the place, fine pasture, plenty wood and water. Price $45.00 per acre. I have quite a lot of farming lands and city property listed with me e... __i_ n tor saie. \^oine tu see me, I feel sure I can please you if you wish to buy any kind of real estate. ROBT. S. LINK. BLAKE, partners trading ant doing business under the firn name of Lee & Blake, Plaintiff! against JOSEPH LOMAX, Defendant. By authority of a Decree of Sal< by the Court of Common Pleas foi Abbeville County, in said State made in the above stated case, 1 will offer for sale, at Public Out cry, at Abbeville C. H., S. C., or Salesday in April, A. D. 1917, with in the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing described land, to wit: All n ?/i a1 a-f Invir All tuat uatb \jt paiwci yi tauv situate, lying and being in Abbeville County, in the State aforesaid, con taining Twenty Acres, more or less and bounded by lands of Willian: Klugh, William Riley, and the Pub lie Road, known as the Abbeville road running from Dead Fall tc Abbeville Court House. TERMS OF SALE?CASH. Purchaser to pay for papers. R. E. HILL, Master A. C., S. C. ! rMYMmTmnrrniMi ; ;i OPEN NOSTRILS! END <>, A COLD OR CATARRH;; i 5 <? < How To Get Relief When Head ; | , t and Noee are Staffed Up. <? i IMUli MIIMM ?_M MHMli i Count fifty! Your cold in head oi catarrh disappears. Your clogget nostrils ^eill open, the air passage) of your head will clear, and you cai breathe freely. No more snuffling hawking, mucous discharge, dryneBi or hadache; no struggling for breatl lib nignu Get a small bottle of Ely's Crean Balm from your druggist and apply t little of this fragrant antisepei< cream in your nostrils. It penetrate* through every air passage of th< head, soothing and nealing the swol len or inflamed mucous membrane giving you instant relief. Heac colds and catarrh yield like magic Don't stay stuffffed-up and misera ble. Relief is sure.?Adv. NOTICE! State of South Carolina, County of Abbeville. At the regular session of the Gen eral Assembly of the State of Soutl Carolina, 1916, an act was passec requiring the County Board of Com missioners of Abbeville County U insert for three weeks in a Count] and State newspaper a notice fo] the purpose of borrowing money 10: County expenses. Now, pursuant to said act, the County Board of Com missioners will receive stated bid: for the sum of SIXTEEN THOUS AND ($16,000) Dollars, payable one year from date. "' Bids to be opened March 30,' 1! a. m. W. A. STEVENSON, Supervisor Abbeville County. M. L. EVANS, Clerk of Board. 3,13-3t Millar1* Antiseptic OH Known As SNAKE OIL Will Positively Relieve Pain in Thre< Minutes. Try it right now for Rheumatism Neuralgia, Lumbago, sore, stiff an< swollen joints, pains in the head back and limbs, corns, bunions, etc After one application pain disap pears as if by magic. A never-failing remedy used Inter nally and externally for Coughs Colas, Croup, Sore Throat, Diph theria and Tonsilitis. ' This Oil is conceded to be th< most penetrating remedy known. It prompt and immediate effect in re iieving pain is due to the fact tha j. a a a- a. na^a - II penOLTBMJB W UIO aucvrou |WW u once. As an illustration, poor Tei Drops on the thickest piece of soli leather, and it will penetrate thi substance through and through ii three minutes. Accept no substitute. This grea oil is golden red color only. ^ Ever: bottle guaranteed; 25c and 60c i bottle, or money refunded* At lead ing druggists. P. B. Speed. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. In the Court of Common Pleas NOTICE^TO CLAIMNATS. MA Lift, nuunti, riamun, . '' . against MRS. EMMA T. GREESON and J L. PERRIN, Clerk of Court, a Administrator of the Estate o URIAH GREESON, Deceasec Defendants. TAKE NOTICE: That by virtu of an order of the Court of Commo Pleas, dated the 27th day of Febru ary, 1917, all owners of, or claim ants under, a certain mortgage exc cuted by Mrs. Emma T. Greeson t Uriah Greeson, dated October 27tl 1902. securing a note for Fou Hundred ($400.00) Dollars, of eve date, payable one day after dat< which mortgage was recorded i Book "AA", page 96, in the office o of the Clerk of Court for Abbevill county, on November 21st, 190 are required to file proof of thei claim with the Clerk of this Couri to, or under, the said mortgag< within thirty days from the date o the said order, or such claim will b thereafter barred. J. L. PERRIN, Clerk of Court February 27, 1917. ( 2-28 '- .v ie- ; r' >;* FOR 3 '/ i . f \ iji 15,000 Cabbage . ||; Jersey Wakefield, 1 i|i variety. r?_ii i n/i'ii. " || \*aii ai Lee lniuc i ill Price, 25 cents p if H. S. P- ? Send Them I Anything in the nature ' ' dyeing. [ Many things can be ret i dition of newness. , The excellence of onr t 5 building our establishmei in AmAriftft. t Let us send you a fr< : "booklet S [ The Possibilities of ! FOOTER'S v*. . ' GUMBEB J. M. ANDERSON - rTj > itiUt Abbeville ? 1 ) . , ? 7 i 4M PAPERS PEB : the press am) bann ! tbi-weekly constit e thrice-a-week n. t.1 the progressive FA t weekly alabama tj the home friend .... Total YOU GET THE? . THE GREATEST SIM In these days when dally newspa I offer comes as a grateful relief to t to keep abreast of the times by rea< \ issue. The Thrice-a-Week New Yorl * days and Fridays; The Tri-Weekl Thursdays and Saturdays. Both an . and combined they make a dally new lor those who want the news while it ' eliminate the news and advertlsem< their respective cities, giving: the sp B subscribers living hundreds of miles g The Press and Banner gives yon . Progressive Farmer, the peer of all w t every up-to-date farmer needs and w t bright and snappy paper of Interest al j is the best of the low-priced monthly B The combination gives you 480 j B route builder ever offered, and will j 3 and substantial condition, relieving tbe carrier starts to count, that the t service or eliminated entirely. tliic nmd onoirn/ri \ i mo uitlh ruoiiiill An offer of such unusual value c offered by a mercantile establlshmen All of the papers offered are the top-i should avail yourself of this great til at once and get these these papers c the pbess and bj r. ' -i the d_, r. aiav oil' Of the P( r:: The Anderson Ph II "FISHANDB 2 j ; * : i Is that their customers u s! ;; know there is nothing bei e ;! there is anything quite ? : the gilt edge value of th - i; is the crops mad< - j | "Word to the wise." I* We can furnish you || We have Soda for sa We have special com ;|| at the Fertilizer Mill. ij ANDERSON PHOJ pi W. F. FAKJ ij Sold at the same p] ij: results are so much bette: SALE Plants, Flat Dutch* 1 J and another early 1 j ir's residence. ] er hundred. I r;|B Dellinger I to FOOTER'S! i of fabrics for deanin/ar or ^3 jtored to a comparative con- . fl pork has been the means of v|| it as the. Greatest and best *e copy of our illustrated ^ Cleaning and Dyeing. / dye works i ILAND, MD. J COMPANY, As?ot*. M and Vicinity. I VtAB FPU $2.75 J EE .1 year, 52 copiee m DTI ON.... .1 year, 156 copit* ;f WORLD 1 year, 156 copies | 1 ro MtitMi ,^a JKJKL&A. . . . .1 JTtKU, wvyiww ^ MES.. 1 year, 52copies lyaar, jj2coptea j ........ v........0copi?# | I ALL FOR $2.75 SFTION OFFER EVER MADE pen cost so much the above subscription f.a he up-tcHlate rural resident who desires ling the best of newspapers of frequent i World Is published Mondays, Wednes- ;<M 7 Constitution Is published Tuesdays, I } preeminent In their respective fields, ', 'lm spaper service that answers all demands ' : Is fresh and worth-while reading. Both - | mts of interest only to those living la >3 ace thus saved to matters that Interest , j distant. the local news of your own county; The outhern agricultural papers, is Just what t ? ants; The Weekly Alabama Times is-'* 1 over the south, while The Home Friend story and household magazines. /, papers a year. It is the best rural mall j tut any shaky route into the most stable jg the suspense every three months when route, may be curtailed to a tri-weekly >& r ENDS APRIL 30,191? j' annot last long; it Is just like a bargaia > t?It must be taken when you can get it, ~ I lotchers in their respective classes. Yof irg&ln while you can. Call or send |1'| y'' J oiling to your mall. box. MOTES,Abbeville, S. 0. / it Proof ! i !' jpularity of i osphate & Oil Co/s | LOOD GUANO" ;; se it year after year. They fcter and they don't believe is good. The best proof of is "Fish and Blood*' goods | 3 when it is nsed.? g with Potash goods. \\ le. :j reniences for loading wagons j j 5PHATE & OIL CO. ! IER, Secretary. 1 i rice as the others, but the j; r.?"Word to the wise." * \ i - -A? ' -vn;<