The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, March 14, 1917, SECOND SECTION-Pages 9 to 12, Page TWELVE, Image 12

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x nryjTo i wrcwri-j V CALHOUN FALLS. S a Calhoun Falls, March 12.?Mitt Ethel Owens, of Milltown, Ga., a niece of the late Mrs. Beal, is yisit ing friends in Calhoun Falls. Mr. R. H. Banks, lately in th< drug business in Calhoun Falls, bui now in Chester, passed througl town on the 7th, en route to ri*i1 his parents at Plum Branch. J. H. Hester, W. N. Ca&onn anc L. B osier, lhz%e old rtsidtots ft this vicifaity, hart been quit* iH jfoi several Weeks, but are now on th< road to retfoVery. Mr. J. F. Gibert is thinking oi converting tile warehouse he boughl of the Beal folate into a tumbei plant. The first Baptist Sofeiety are build ing a church on Butlefr Avenue. ~ * " anAttlAI J. J. ueorge is ucvmui brick store building on Cox Avenue adjoining the other owned by him. R. S. P. Martin baa charge of th< work. The Calhoun Mills are havinf built twenty-five cottages for th< i bands. They expect to work on th< night shifts. Each of the house) now occupied by the famiBes in Mil Village have a plot of ground, iron nected with tiieih, and whieh thi management site having put into or der for gardening purposes, and wil furnish the tetinfr free seed U plant the same. k\ lift end of th< . y growing season, the mana|femen' offer prizes for the best gfcrdfch as a whole, and fof di&kren\ pUmtt, T~ ' ? IP ^ "Civilisation," defeated by Tho v mas H. Ace, the promoter, to tha; vast and jugful mrSiJr whdse teari have ffirdfcd thfe toniverse?Thi Mothers of the defcd, #111 be pre sented at the OpeHt House at 3 :81 and, 8:15 P. &, Tfeur*<jfcy, lifarcl 15th. Heralded is the itofefet darinj and stupendous cinema prdductioi 'of modern times, "Civilization' comes to Abbeville direct from 1 record breaking ran at the Criter ion fheatite, New York, where it ii still the borninlff topic of converse tion. It recites a story that ap peals to all alike, because it wai conceived and executed for the bet terment 61 mankind. ' There is tha something about it that makes th< whole world s-kin and promotes i feeling of brotherly love that i nothing short of marvelous. In the vast theatre of the work there is being enacted this very.daj and hour a carnage that appal1 the intellect and intimidates th< heroic by its universal and blood Mvarerv. For the reasoi of patting a stop to this wholesah laughter and forever relegating such barbarism to the dead past Thomas H. Ince staged his soo thing yet virile argument against th< common practice of war. You wil agree with him in his presentmen of the ease, because he shows 701 the awe-inspiring havoc Wrought bj the unseen submarine on a ifrrea Ocean Liner crowded Tfrfth mhocen souls who are sent to the botton without even a warning. Then, ai a fitting climax to the harrowinj scene, he makes a hero of the com mander of the sub-sea craft, bj compelling him to sink his nefar ious craft rather than repeat th< despicable deed. All this mind you is actually shown on the screen you first see the giant liner struck - then flounder and finally sink. Thei n/itiiAv ihin accroaches. all is mad< ready and just aa the fateful torpe do fc bfc fcrW, m MMUi&r i inspired to reform and whan oppoae< by his comrades, opens the floo< gates tod all go down together. I it thHUihgl beyond description. IF HAIR IS TURNING GRAY, USE SAGE TEJ Her*'* GrtwhiptlMr'i Rk!m t? Darke* mml Fated Hair. That beautiful, even shade o dark, glossy hair can only be had b; brewing a mixture of Sage Tea am Sulphur. Your hair is your eharaa It makes or man the face. When i fades, teuras gray or streaked, jus an application or two of Sage am Sulphur enhance* its appearance i hundredfold. Don't bother to prepare tne mix tore; you can get this famous ol recipe improved by the addition o other ingredients for 50 cents a larg bottle, all ready for use. It is call ed Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Con pound. This can always be depend ed upon to bring back the nature color and lustre of your hair. Everybody uies "Wyeth's" Sag and Sulfenur Compound now becaus it darkens so naturally and evenl that nobody can tell it has been a; plied. Ton simply dampen a spong rtV soft brush with it and draw thi thrbdjrfa the hilr, taking one sma strand at a time; by morning ,tb ' gray hair haa disappeared, and aft< another application it becomes beai tiittlly dark and ajppeaura glossy an ftltrous. This ready-to-use prepa: ation ik a delightful toilet reqobil for those #n'o detire dark hair an a yonthfhl appearance. It ia h< intended fpr the dire, mitigation < prevention of diaeaae.?Adr. * iimtTrnriii ilimiiii ; j i Clear, Peachy Skin i , ]; Awaits Anyone Who : i i Drinks Hot Water i; 1 bifetotrMk-j; * X liii Lkfnj '^k Mui :|k&l i > * m ntipi ?9 iw* ini IVVI f X h X ? ;Z pw>t nWB? I X ilalinlr iiiTiil'ii ..? 1 Sparkling in A Vivacious?merry, i bright. alert?* frood, fcfcar skin ami . a hatoht}, rosy, healthy complexion are assured Only ttr pure blood. If 1 only every man and woman could be Induced to adopt the mOnung inside f bkth, what a gratifying Change would > take place. Instead or the thousands 6f sickly, anaemic-looking men, wo' mto tod girls, with pasty or muddy complexions: instead of the multi. tudes of nerve wrecks," "rundowns," "brain fags," and pessimists we should see a virile, optimistic r throng of rosy-cheeked people ev> erywhere, t An inside bath is had bs drinking , each morning, before breakfast, s glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate ir C it to wash from the stomach, liver, ? kidneys and ten yards of bowels the 5 previous day's indigestible waste, sotrir, fermentations and poisons 1 phus cleansing, sweetening and 1 freshening the entire alimentarj . canal before putting more food intc k 'the. stomach. i%6se subject to sick headaehe * biliousness, nasty breath, rheuma 1 tisiU, colds; and particularly those > who have a pallid, sallow complex ? Ion and who are constipated verj . often, are urged to obtain a quartei c pound of limestone phosphate at th< i drugs store which will cost but i * trine, but is sufficient to demonstrate the quick and remarkable change ix 90th health and appearance, await ag those who practice internal sani tarion. We must remember that in sue cleanliness is more inlportani - than outside, 'became ' the skin doei t riot absorb impurities to contaminate t the bipod while the pores in the thirty feet of bowels do.?Adv. 3 ?jThe Grand Lodge will convene ir ) the city of Union, on the 22nd day * (fourth Tuesday) of May, 1917, a\ r iO o'clock, A. M. ? - * - iJf\A n a nrnri nr>vi : 4Xli rflrma ran - MS PRESS AND BANN] ; f RI-WEEKLY C0NSTIT1 ! THRICE-A-WEEK N. Y. 1 t THE PROGRESSIVE FA s WEEKLY ALABAMA TI > THE HOME FRIEND Total r YOU GET THEM 1in em sum In these days when dally newspar offer comes im a grateful relief to tl to keep abreast of the times by read Issue. The Thrice-a-Week New York days and Fridays; The Tri-Weeklj Thursdays and Saturdays. Both are and combined they make a daily newt for those who want the news while It eliminate the news and adyertlseme: their respective cities, giving the spt subscribers living hundreds of miles The Press and Banner gives you 1 Progressiva Farmer, the peer of all s< every up-c64fcte farmer needs and w; bright and sqappy paper of interest all is the best of the low-priced monthly The coniDinitfon gives you 480 p route builder 6V& offered, and will p .jad substantial condition, relieving 1 the carrier starts to cohnt, that the sjArice or eHinlnSted entirely. . THIS OffER POSITIVELY . An offer tk touch unusual value a offered by i mercantile establishment All of the papers offered are the top-n - .tinnlil avail TMlTMlf at this crest bll k it otto* sad (?t llfcse these paper* ? | THE PRESS AMD Bi : Ih?Bej I; xOf the P( ' ||| The Anderson Ph I "FISH AND B Is that their customers a J ;|; know there is nothing bel J i|; there is anything quite a I- ;ji the gilt edge value of th: t :j: is the crops mad< II ;|l "Word to the wise.'* ? We can furnish you y i We have Soda for sal ? :; We have special con\ Ttnn 11 V bJU^ JL' VUXMVA 1 ANDERSON PHOi ?: W. P. FABS id i i Sold at tte same p. * : ; results are eo much bette: >r ' > wwwtwww mmmmtm t re ti > - ism '"11 >ETlt JU*0R3 FOR MARCH TERM COURT COMMON PLEAS Said Court win converge <m Monday, March 2?th, 1917. M. W. Smith 11 A. B. Newfell 6 T. S. ?*J11B ...... 5 J. Kay Carwile .... 0 O. C. Robinson ....... 5 J. ft. Thoratoh ...........11 R. C. Wijion .11 P. P. Milford ... $ G. L. Borfil ... ...... 4 J. P. Stoks*...-. .1* Jos W. Smith f> G. W. McCoy 6 I' J. F. Gray ..12 Ernest McCarter ...........12 R. H. Bnrdett . 18 Ju. T. Pratt - 6 A. T. Botts I 11 W..T. Bowen 12 A. B. Minor .18 A. T. Gambroll ....... 4 J. P. Ferguson ?.12 J. B. Kay 18 W. 0. Graves 11 , James W. Ashley, Jr. ..... 4 B. N. Shirley ....... 5 R. B. Bowen ?r 12 Paul Hall - 11 , B. F. Manning ?*. ...14 Henry H. Dodson ......... 4 ; B. E. Allen 13 D n M/?WVinrfi>r 5 M. B. Cann 11 ! Lindsay Link 10 \ W. H. Hardin 18 J. R. Devore 4 [ J. W. Tncker 14 I SATISFIED WITH ^ , . CHICKEN FIGHTS f J Mexico City, Mar. i.~Gamea ot \ chance and skill have been pretty r well banished from the cafes *>f Sex' ico City Which are strictly regulated 5 Dominoes, one of the favorite games \ among the Latin races which was i played almost universally In the ? cafes here has been prohibited by ' order of the police. Dice also have [ been confiscated. i Practically the only game which i remains has no other name j "marking the paper." It is a slightly complicated "tit tat toe, three in a row. i The cafes and cantinas or saloons of the capital close at 8 p. m., and ' remain closed until 5:80 n. m. Thev ' then reopen nntil '9 when they close for the' night. I YEAR FOB HH SB 1 year, 52 copies IJTION 1 year, 156 copies WOULD 1 year, 156 copies BMEB 1 year, 52 copies M?S, lyear, 52 copies lyear, 12 copies :. .480 copies [ ALL FOR 82.75 PIN OFFER EVER MADE, r era cost so much the above subscription ie up-to-date rural resident who desires ing the best of newspapers of frequent I World Is published Mondays, Wednee- I r Constitution is published Tuesdays, pre-eminent in their respective fields, I ipaper service that answers all demands I is fresh and worth-while reading. Both i ots of interest only to those living In I ice thus saved to matters that Interest j distant 1 t.j the local news of your own jounty; The >hthern agricultural, papers, Is. Just Mrbat j ints; The Weekly Alabama Times is 4 1 over the south, while The Home friend story and household magi sines. ] apers a year. It is Ihe best rurai mxil at any shaky route htta the most stable iie suspense every three months when I mntA m*v be edrtaHad to ft trl-weekly j ENDS AFm 30,1917 wnot last long; It is jost Uke a bargain ?it mast bo taken when jnoo can gat It otchers in tbeir respecthro classes. Too rgain while you can. Call or send $2.7S >mlng to your mall box. LKNEE. Abbeville. 8. 0. i? Prnnf a * j >pularity of osphate & Oil Co.'s LOOD GUANO" se it year after year. They ; : | ;ter and they don't believe ; : is good. The best proof of jj: is "Fish and Blood" goods j; > when it is nsed.? S|| with Potash goods. le. ; ; eniences for loading wagons 5PHATE & OIL CO. I IEE, Secretary. | ? ? ?? /. ft?a Vint fit A S nCC UD Ult? UVliUi Dj uu? vmv m r.?"Word to the wi8e.,, | ?l ' m,>^7^r^^B^ ^L | ?f III# IB. Spring M , THURSl Si TAILORED AND SEA DISPLAYS Wk and CC gfigl - . SEAS( ^a ^ JSLt r * MnnuaMignnn^^ I M | \TMEU | 3: | Have been built and actually I These figures?820,817?rej | ed by us since Aug. 1, 1916, | This unusual fall and and wii | sary for usto confine the di I orders for immediate delivei | any agent to stock cars in I I We are issuing this notice t | j themselves against delay or g I > therefore, you are planninj y ] place your order and. take I | Immediate orders will have | Delay in buying at this time I ? Enter you order today for i | | agent listed below and doi S PRICES Runabout $348, Touring Cai $505, Town Car $595, Sodai |l. LW.l j! Ab i! I t s VJI j^r w jny| v*ulj*s* ^^qhp^l|h NDERSON OUNCE THEIR [l11*MA1^VT OrvflMl LIUUIVIJ V|A^U >AY AND FRIDAY ICH 22 AND 23 TRIMMED HAfS \\ D At THIS OPENIN )NTINUOUSLY AS )N PROGRESSES s the latest ioVelties IN - ' v dillinery jl be shown ocks complete ? fj IQ17 I / I i ' i . . " '-'I Bianniaiaiinmaaa : | , " I \ / i i< i ^ ' / JF (3W NIVERSAL CAB ... 20,817 delivered to retail buyers since A >resent the actual number of can , and delivered by our agent* to it iter demand for Ford cars makes istribution of cars to those agents ry to retail customers, rather thai anticipation of later spring sales. 0 intending buyers that they mt disappointment in securing Ford 1 to purchase a Ford car, we ad' delivery now. i prompt attention. i may cause you to wait several mmediata delivery with our authc l't be disappointed later on. $360, CoupoJ.t Ford Mo ? $645,f.o.b. Detroit 1 UrU "IU WHITE C beville, S. C. ' '. - -t " . >7>./ -d > wyrjfifS Off. 1,1916. 3j t minvfae- Jf| itail buyers n i it ntces- B t who have flj 1 to permit - B| ist protect jS I cars. If, | ] rise you to ? | month. I ? " { >ri*ed Ford i a tor Co. ! i 0. |