The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, February 07, 1917, Page SIX, Image 6

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H[ FROST PROOF CABBAGE HH po thousand by express collec Bfil Supply very short on all plants. |H Booking orders now for Sweet Pot p?r thousand. Addrw, H. L1GHTFC H >^v;::i,X,^?^K' ^'vij^R^^nk mh w help you to read for hoars w I Steadier than gas?more rei JH. I tridty?cheaper than either, K I No troublesome lamp-ahadi 9 remove when lighting. I nomical kerosene oil?for b< J STANDARD OIL ( HBHSs 'tmormM M M Washington, D.C. C HB Richmond, Ve. C HI IV v LCh 0331 : PLANTS NOW READY. :t? 500 by parcel post paid, $1.50. ato plants, Tomato and Pepper, a Don't wait, but man in oraer. OT, Altoona, Florida. yo ArAMPS n o ttnln. stful than elec- I > or chimney to E Portable the moBt #co- I sst results. I COMPANY harlotte, N.C. K harleston, W. V?. harleaton, 8. C. Pi, ^Coja) | "In a tBottle 1 Through a Straw" ) DRINK ero-Cola $ure Myotome iiefresfjuig Always served in the original bottle with the label on it iffi vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv V V McCORMICK. V t vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv McCormick, Jan. 29.?Mr. W. _ Hardy ol Lincomton county, Gj spent several days here last week. Mr. Marian Hendrix of August is visiting relatives in McCormick. Mr. Alex Simms and daughte Lillian, of Lincoln county, Ga., vi ited at the home of Mr. M. L. ] ? * ? < t_ SturKey last weeK. Miss Jennie Lou Conner entertai ed about fifty of her friends Fridi evening. After games and a conte delightful refreshments were serve Miss Winnie Thurmond of Plu Branch, spent the week-end he: with her sister, Mrs. Brown. Miss Louise Ludwick . of Whi town, spent the week-end here wi her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lu wick. Messrs. N. G. Brown and J, Martin have returned home fro Atlanta, where they went to pu chase mules for this market. Mr. J. S. Strom has been du commissioned to act as clerk for Pr bate Judge, L. G. Bell, and in ca of the judge's absence Mr. Stro will issue licenses. Mrs. E. S. Johnston and little b by of Chattanooga, Tenn., are tl guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wilkii WONDERFUL STUFF! LIFT OFF YOUR CORr< Apply a Few Dropa Then Lift Cor Or Calluses Off With Fingers? No Pain. No humbug! Any corn, wheth hard, soft or between the toes, w loosen right up and lift out, witho a particle of pain or soreness. This drug is called freezone and a compound of ether discovered 1 a Cincinnati man. Ask at any drug store for a ami bottle of freezone, which will cc but a trifle, but is sufficient to i one's ieet 01 every corn or rauue Put a few drops directly upon ai tender, aching corn or callus. I stantly the soreness disappears a: shortly the corn or callus will loos and can be lifted off with the fingei This drug freezone doesn't eat o the corns or calluses but shriv< them without even irritating the si rounding skin. Just think! No pain at all; soreness or smarting when apply! it or afterwards. If your drugg don't have freezone have him ord it for you. WANT ADS FOR SALE?Pure Georgia Ca Syrup at wholesale, in barrels a: cans, direct from the farm. Wri for prices. W. H. Davis, Augusi Ga. 1-S-1S TO LOAN:?Wanted to 1 o s $1000.00 on Real Estate. Addrc P. O. Box 379, Abbeville, S. C. 2-7-3-p. FOR SALE?A few good plug mul and horses. The L. W. White C 1-17-tf. FOR SALE?Cheap, several secon hand Ford cars in good conditio The L. W. White Co., 1-17-t FOR SALE?Several second-hai automobiles. Various makes, i bargains. Courtney Wilson's G rage. WANTED?A reliable, hustlii party to sell cemetery work f us in this section. Old establish company. Good proposition right man. Write for particulai Mecklenburg Marble & Grani Co., Charlotte, N. C. LET US START YOU IN A Man facturing Business that pays, you have $1,000 write for partic lars. Address Box 795, Richmon Va. 2-1-! LADIES YOU CAN EARN B1 MONEY?Selling our beautif line of fancy and staple wash f brics. Exceedingly enjoyable wo: No money required, juxperien unnecessary. Our goods are in d mand?our prices low. Our re resentatives are enthusiastic ov the results. Secure your territo: now before it's taken. Write f particulars immediately. Refe ences necessary. Old Colon< Textile Co., 29413 Broadwa New York. I , AUTOMOBILE HACK?Phone 3] for Auto service to all parts of tl city and county. Lawyer Cowa I meet all trains. 1-31-t: LADIES?You can secure a ir< Dinner Set of 100 pieces, or cas for your services as Secretary ? a Dinner Set Club, for particula write The International China Ct Minerva, Ohio. 1-31-tf MONEY TO LEND?I can negotia loans on real estate in this counl in amounts of $500 to $15,000 f< periods of 1 to 10 years. For pis and rate apply to C. E. Williamsc Agt. Union Central Life Ins Cc Abbeville, S. C. 1-31-tf CITY MEAT MARKET?Bosdell ar Dellinger handle all kinds < i meats, fish and oysters at lo prices. Any cut of steak, cut 1 order, at 18 to 20 cts. a noun Beef roast 15 cts. a pound. Por cut to order, at 18 to 20 cts. pi pound. Sausage, all kinds, 15 1 25 cts. per pound. Sliced ham, 2 cts. a lb. Sliced Breakfast bacc 30 cts. Box bacon, ready slice 1 lb. net weight, 40 cts. per bo Meal, flour, sugar, rice, grits ar lard at low prices, and large sto< of can goods. Cureton's 0. K. bread, fresh e ery day, at 5 cts a loaf. Not le: than two loaves of bread delivere We thank you in advance for yoi orders. The City Meat Marke 1-31-41. V . THE COST OF ROADS. a * e V The Columbia Record. v V The estimated cost of the Panama o ^ canal was t375.000.000. The an- t' p nual expenditure upon public roads j. in this country is $250,000,000. Good roads cost heavily, but bad roads ti a, cost much more. This was proved t by the late Joseph A. Holmes of Lau- ; ^ rens, perhaps the greatest exponent g B. of road building that this country t has known. .k ri *11 n" The importance of good roads is iy conceded. All arguments have been reduced to axioms. It was not con- d sidered radical, therefore, when the m government appropriated $85,000,re 000 for road building. This is to be supplemented by an equivalent J? amount in the States severally when v1 they accept government aid. d" There is no need for apprehension, ? jealousy or friction between the federal road builders and the local. m They all are employed to serve the r" people. The main question is to get ly se ABBEVILLE GREENWOOD ? MUTUAL INSURANCE ,s ASSOCIATION. ; Organized 1891. PROPERTY INSURED $2,500,000. Write or call on the underer signed for any information jJJ you may desire about our plan of insurance. t,y We insure your property against destruction by St f^? id Fire, liy Windstorm ?d or resn Lightning ut ? and do it cheaper than any insurance company in existno pg ence. ist Remember we are prepared er to prove to you J;hat ours is ? the safest and cheapest plan of insurance known. ~ Our Association is now line censed to write Insurance in pd the counties of Abbeville, Greenwood, McCormick, Lau! rens and Edgefield. m The officers are: Gen. J. !SS Fraser Lyon, President, Columbia, S. C., J. R. Blake, GeL. ~ Agent, Sec. and Treas., Greenjo! wood, S. C. DIRECTORS: A. 0. Grant Mt. Carmel, S. C. ,n. J. M. Gambrell Abbeville, S. C. f. Jno. H. ChUds, Bradley, S. C. ? A. W. Youngblood Hodges, S. C. jjj S. P. Morrah Willington, S. C. a- L. N. Chamberlain, -McCormick, S. C R. H. Nicholson Edgefield, S. C. ? tp T. Timmerman_Pleasant Lane, S.C nS J. C. Martin Princeton, S. C. W. H. Wharton Waterloo, S. C. to rs. J. R. BLAKE, te Gen. Agent _ Greenwood, S. C., Jan. 1, 1917. uIf u- Miller's Antiseptic Oil Knows As fi SNAKE OIL 1G Will Positively Relieve Pain in Three ul Minutes. ark Try it right now for Rheumatism, ce Neuralgia, Lumbago, sore, stiff and e- swollen joints, pains in the head, p- back and limbs, corns, bunions, etc. er After one application pain disapry pears as if by magic, or A never-failing remedy used Interir nally and externally for Coughs, Jy Colds, Croup, Sore Throat, Diphy, theria and Tonsilitis. This Oil is conceded to be the - most penetrating remedy known. Its L9 prompt and immediate effect in re-.a lioTrinop riain in HllA to thft fact that IV n. it penetrates to the affected parts at E once. As an illustration, pour Ten ? Drops on the thickest piece of sole ?e leather, and it will penetrate this h. substance through and through in of three minutes. rs Accept no substitute. This great >., oil is golden red color only. Every bottle guaranteed; 25c and 60c a _ bottle, or money refunded. At leadte fog druggists. P. B. Speed, ty RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment That's - the suredt way to stop them, id [[The best rubbing liniment is( MUSTANG i LINIMENT * Good for the Ailments of |k Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Good for your own A ches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, ;d Cuts, Burns, Etc. *r 25c. 50c. $!. At all Dealers. i i dollar's worth for every dollar xpended. Efficiency and the superision by competent men are the two bjects which are being sought by ho3e who yearn to see road building n this country carried on in a more lusiness like manner. So many men pose as experts that he public has become suspicious of hem, but there are some experts in oad building. Trained intelligence 3 expertness. The assent of the state to the federal roads act means he calling to the service of the Itate of men trained in road buildig AUTOMOBILE OUR SP1 i We will insure your new Hayi new Buick for $1.50 per hundri Give us a trial. GOOD COMPANY WILLIAMSON General m m hO] Ci I For the first time a Ford agency we ha' the various model ca: model runabout an have been unable to ' ply the demand and have these cars on ha received two big sh week. Get Yoi These will not be we have no idea whe immediate delivery * Full line of Ford f stock at all times. T W Ml L. II. II FORD DI Counties may not participate sep arately in the benefits of the federal act, but if counties will co-operate and place themselves under a State highway commission,they will be bene fited without additional cost to themselves or to the State. South Carolina needs a highway commission to formulate a definite plan for road building in this State. This plan will cover a period of years and should see the State in much better condition when the work is done. A large per cent of the money now being spent upon roads is being wasted. : INSURANCE rrui tv ies for $1.25 per hundred, your sd, or your new Ford for $7.50. LOWEST COST & BRISTOW Insurance I > iW RD \ ' f f IVCI U0 / V ince we have had the ve on hand several of r?, including the new d touring car. We get deliveries to supthe only reason we | nd now is because we ipments at once last jts Now here very long, and n we can guarantee f igain. arts and supplies in i HITE CO. STRIBUTORS ?