The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, January 17, 1917, Page SIX, Image 6

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r SJLA uvvuvvvvvuuv I;- V MT. CARMEL. S Mt. C arm el, Jan. 16.?Mr. D. W. Harling returned home Saturday from a ten days visit to his daughter Mrs. Frank Stevenson\of Helena, Ga B Misses Edna and Corinne Smith Vir>mo loaf HfnnHov frATrt a l^bUlUVU AAVUAW AM0V v.? v. ffi delightful visit to Elberton, Ga. 0 Misses Nannie Lou Curtis and Ruby Smith, Messrs. Arthur Smich 1 and Raymond Wells spent the week end in Georgia with Mrs. Henry f Dun o way. 2 Miss Emily Mae Hester entertainI ad quite a number of her friends in[ formally last Saturday evening. An I elaborate five course supper was served. Among those present were: Misses Carrie McCelvey, .Maggie Sutherland, Gladys Tarrant, Maggie (Knox and other young ladies, also Messrs. Ben Sutherland, George McCelvey, C. E. Williamson, Lawrence !' Hester and others.Mr. Lawrence Conner spent Wednesday morning in McCormick. Miss Pickens Tarrant leaves MonOPERA SatnrHfl v w?w v [ : k* The Master Mil PRICE-B j Greater Y?i 30Wh'i'teAr1 America's Lead . * % i & , ?1 otBumttorKAnii Acrobats, Mus Enterf COMPLETE SCE1 ! BIG STREE PRICE: 25c, S Seats on Sale gzianfiuiiaiaiamangf i ii Arm I J. U.11J | ] New Sprin ji We are I ij shipmer j! includin bij. f 11 | ;r S j : . | j| You a; 11 look ov i i| ' || THE L. ij Pry( MMiMnnnniaBiM v \ ) / day to resume Her studies at Cox s College, College Park, Ga. c Messrs. Frank Stuart and Fred Black spent a few days in Mt. Car- y mel the past week at the home of * Dr. and Mrs. P.'K. Black. Mr Dpfln and Miss Sophronia J Dean returned home Friday from a very pleasant visit to friends and relatives in Columbia and Charleston. Dr. P. K. Black is driving a brand new Ford now, even if the roads are , bad. Messrs. T. E. Leard and J. H. Chiles of Troy, were business visitors in Mt. Carmel Monday. Mrs. T. B. Frazier spent the past week in Monterey with her aunt, Mrs. Mamie Lanier. Miss Isabel Boyd and Messrs. James and Samuel Boyd spent the week-end in Sharon with Miss , Sara 1 Harkness. v * Messrs. Sturkey and McCain of McCormick, were business visitors to Mt Carmel Monday. Mr. Ben Sutherland of Anderson, spent Saturday night and Sabbath morning in Mt. Carmel with home folks. Mrs. Minnie u. waison reiumcu I home Wednesday from the Anderson 1 ^[osgit^^^ere^^^shej^as^jbeen^^for 1 HOUSE | ? January 20 , j ids of Minstrelsy ' ONNELLI rk Minstrels ' tists^Td'te30 ing Organization ' its, Singers,Dancers 1 icians, Novelty , tainers 1 YE PRODUCTION T PARADE 10c, 73c, $1.00 at Box Office ' louncer g Goods Arri i roroinintf flailII at I VVVbVM WW? tfs of Spring Whit g fancy lace at - broideries. re invited to cc er this unusually display. w wwr TT A Al joods Depart ifiSfEIiUiUBIHIEfiifiSfSfiiiarEfi! < . i ' . ?. v.: . . ... , ome time. Her many friends lire V lelighted to have her home again. ^ Mr. T. E. Rivers of Greenwood, S va3 a business visitor in Mt Cannel y Monday. Little Gladys Scott has been quite >? i?j. 11 witn tne measies, dui WC oi c Kiau | Qjj ? state that she is very much bet- sc ;er now. v ta Capt. and Mrs. James McCelvey pr >f McCormick, spent Sabbath vritn heir parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. ilcCelvey. Mt. Carmel had another sensation he past week in a mad goat It was ritten the same night the mule was M )itten. The goat was killed before iny damage was done. T< Mrs. Lucretia Paschal accompaned by Mr. M. T. Wells, went to Co- M umbia last Monday in response to i telegram stating that Capt. Disibut T1 Tackson, her grandson by marriage, eas critically ill. A later telegram A| tnnounced his death. Mr. Wells re.urned home Wednesday, but Mrs. de ?aschal is still in Columbia with her E] rranddaughter, Mrs. Jackson, who g, s critically ill with pneumonia in the Baptist Hospital in Columbia. The jt lews of Capt. Jackson's death was e] i shock and a grief to his many 'riends here, where he is well known tnd loved. He has often visitea mi. jj 3armel, and each visit would endear limself more to the people of Mt. ]armel. The family nave the deep- jj, sst sympathy of our little town, and ^ ve all hope that Mrs. Jackson will loon bt restored to health. je SI John White leaves Friday for ^ Portsmouth, where he goes on busi- ^ less for the S. A. L. . ]a WANT ABSl V m KlaiK w ? m IIDES?HIDES?Bring them here a| if you want highest cash prices and di true weights. We buy all kinds of 8f hides. Maxwell's Market * tf. . in FOR SALE?Pure Georgia Cane Syrup at wholesale, in barrels and cans, direct from the farm. Write j for prices. W. H. Davis, Augusta, Ga. 1-3-13. a rOR SALE?A few good plug mules and horses. The L. W. White Co. at 1-17-tf. a' 'OR SALE?Cheap, several second- 111 hand Ford cars m good condition. The L. W. White Co., 1-17-tf. $ 7OR SALE?Several second-hand ^ automobiles. Various makes, all bargains. Courtney Wilson's Garage. Si -ADIES YOU CiW EAR& BIG ai MONEY?Selling our beautiful line of fancy and staple wash fa- w brics. Exceedingly enjoyable n< Work. No money required. Ex- o' perience unnecessary. Our goods are in demand?our prices low. w Our representatives are enthusias- ta tic over the results. Secure your territory now before it's taken. K Write for particulars immediately cc Reference necessary. Old Colqny Ci Textile Co., 29413 Broadway, New York. A MHZfiHHHEfiHfiffi I! nent | ving Daily I; Ivanced | z e Goods " | la em- ij-g |U v " r ill and j|| pretty j jT il I; ci S at PC I ' I } Si [ nil }] wl 1 I CO re co. hi ! i ment ! | ? i j i? I ?E i | oS nizraraizeiuzi^ I VVVVVVU V V V W V V DUE WEST. V ^ vvvvvvvuvvvv^ Due West, Jan. 16.?On last Friiy evening, Jan. 12, Due West High hool gave a very interesting enterinment which was enjoyed by all esent. Program. Joint Meeting of Adelphian and ikanian Literary Societies.' Invocation. Address of Welcome by President, iss Mildred Nance (Nikanian.) Reading?The Pie?Miss Edith >dd (Adelphian.) Essay?The Education of Travel? iss Alice Agnew (Nikanian.) Declamation?The New South? leodore Boyce (Nikanian.) ^ Essay?Our Southland? Barron ?new (Adelphian.) Debate?'Resolved, That the Presimt of the United States Should Be ected for-a Term of Six Years and i Ineligible to Re-election. Affirmative (Nikanian.) Misses ilia Kennedy, Jean Moffatt, Julia ilis, Hattie Agnew. Negative, (Adelphian) Misses Josie ance, Marion Jay, Jean McDill, oward Agnew. Marshals: (Nikanian) Miss Sarah ullinax, Ligon Young. (Adelphian) igene Wilson, Miss Gertrude Had>n. / The dates of the setai-annuai cebrations of both the Philomathean id Euphemian Literary Societies ive been changed. The Philomaean has been changed from the st Friday night in January to the st Friday night in February, and fe Euphenmian from the second riday night in February to the third riday night. Erskine will have no inter-collegic basketball this season. It was icided last Spring to drop this iort indefinitely. Electric light fixtures were placed i the Euphemian literary society ill last week. Prof. L. C. Galloway spent last eek end in Atlanta with Mrs. Galway and little son.' Dr. Bell has been right sick for week or so, has been unable to ractice. Mrs. J. R. Winn is on the sick list ; this writing. Mr. Joe Young has been c. shut . for several days with Lagrippe. Many children as well as grown }s have measles in and around Due rest and Lagrippe is taking its trough, not slighting but very few >mes as it goes. ' ' * Rev. Swope filled his regular ap>intment at the Baptist church ibbath afternoon, a large crowd as present to hear his- interesting id instructive discourse. The Woman's Missionary society ill meet at the Baptist church on ixt Thursday afternoon at three clock. % Mrs. Jno. W. Ellis is spending a hile with Dr. Mark Ellis at Founiin Inn, S. C. Mrs. Dr. Wideman and Mrs. Ada ennedy were called to Troy on ac>unt of the serious illness of Mrs. own. . .< >. Mr. S. A. Boyce of New Edinburg, rk., spent a few days in Due West icently the guest of his brother. Mrs. M. B. Clinksciales is very sick ; this writing. Mr. Stone, who has been in charge the electric light plant, has reined and Mr. J. P. Robinson is now charge. Mr. Jim Caldwell and his family ere in Due West last Friday afterton enjoying a ride in his brand iw automobile. Mr. and Mrs. William Addison is ending some days in Due West, e guest of Mrs. Sallie Addison. Miss Louise Smith returned to !r home in Troy, Tenn., after a sit to friends in Due West. / LONG CANE V N ^ Long Cane. Jan. 1?L?Mrs. W. D. iauford ana daughter, Miss Allie, ent Friday evening with Mrs. W. v Bosler. Mr. Evans Hunt was a visitor to e city Thursday. miss uaary minon 01 neamoni, is ending a few days with Mr. and rs. Evans Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hill and childn, of near Lowndesville, spent Fri.y and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs A. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. John Wright of near twndesville, Spent last Wednesday itlTMr. and Mrs. J. A. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Botts and mily from Abbeville, have moved this community. We welcome em. Mr. and Mrfc Roger Simpson and mily have moved near Abbeville. Misses Clara and lone Beauford ent last Sabbath with Mr. and Mrs . S. Bosler. Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson and mily of Fonville community, have Dved to this section. We welcome em. **-- tt r\ x l-^i. uar. xi. u. otevenson spent, iusl lesday with Mr. Luther Clamp. THE BOOK CLUB. The regular meeting of the Book ub, to have been held this morning Mrs. J. F. Miller's, has been postned indefinitely. NEWS FROM ATLANTA. Mr. J. Allen Smith and Mr. A. M. ixrztnf rwroT +/-i Atlanta Sntiirdav ght to visit Miss Mamie Lou Smith, iio is in a hospital in that city revering from a nervous breakdown, iss Mamie Lou's friends will be ad to know that she is on the road recovery and hopes soon to be >me. NOTICE CITY REGISTRATION. The City Books of Registration e now open for registration of alified electors, and will remain en until April 1st, 1917, at the ice of the City Clerk. T. G. PERRIN, Registrar. Jan. 16, 1917. 17-2 THE SAILOR'S PRAYER. Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to lceep. V 1 trust that no sailor will take My shoes or sox before I wake. Lord please guard me in my slumber And keep my hammock ana its num- ' ber, 1 May no clues or lashings break 1 And let me down before I wake; Keep me safe within thy sight s Ana grant no fire drills in the night. And in the morning let me wake Breathing the scent of a sirloin steak. God protect me in my dreams And make it better than it seems, Grant that the time will swiftly fly When. I myself, will rest on high , In a snowy feather bed, t Where I long to rest my head; y Far away from all these scenes, And the smell of half baked beans; : Take me back into the land\ Where they don't scrub down with ] sand, , Where no demon typhoon blows. Where the women wash the clotnes. < God, thou knowest all my woes, l Help me in my dying stress. Take me back, I will promise then Never to leave home agayi. j Aiiieu. j mm ??????? , "'Mrs. F. E. Harrison entertained the Bridge Club at a very pleasant 1 meeting lqst Friday at her home on 1 Trinity street The players included < many guests and the evening passed most pleasantly. Plates of delight- 1 ful salad were served at the close of ] ; Ne ' \ FO! \ \ ' TM Ca J < - . ? ~ - 7. . . . . . . . / For the first time si Ford agency we hav< the various model can model runabout and have been unable to g ply the demand and have these cars on ban I received two big shi] week. s \ Get You These will Lot be h we have no idea when immediate delivery a; Full line of Ford pt stock at all times. L. W. W FORD DIS' i - MtCORMICK. 5 V 1 AVVVVVVVVVVUVV | McCormick, Jan. 16.?Misa Louise judwick, who is teaching school at Vhite Tonw, spent the week-end ir>} f lere with home folks. Mr. P. H. Anderson of Waterloo, pent several days Here \ with His a laughter, Mrs. M. L. B. Sturkey. J One Josh Bemsen, colored, who rent to Philadelphia about two nonths ago. was brought back here ; lead Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hugaely of An- v lerson, spent the. week-end here with ;he formers parents; Mr. and Bin. N. G. Huguley. ~ Mr. Heyward Smith of Colombia, ) is visiting his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Tutt and son, J j'rederick, went to GreehwoodV last / J areek to see "The,Birth of a Nation" Mrs. Hubert Smith and little Emerson, from Batesburg, are visiting lere at the home of her parents; J4r. and Mrs. J. R. Brown. Mr.' and Mrs. T. L. Edmonds have returned to their home at Bordeaux , r iL .!_ ]J! j. ) [rum uieir weuum^ mur iy. tfoviouu* rille and St. Augustine, Fla. ? The pupils of Mrs. J. W. Wilkma* i, music class will have their recital at ;he school auditorium on Friday/ evening, Jan. 19th, at 8:80 o'clock. . Mr. J. B. Harmon is spending some lime in St Petersburg and Tampa, ' I Fla vv/JSI ? ' '? . .. * ' ' - ': ' ' ' ; > -t? kU7 f W 5 . ; - ' ^ ' ! yi r?r: , - \ RD . , . ' ITS mmm iv ' ' ; . ;; 4 '' * ^ nee we have had the x e on hand several of j i, including the new . 1 touring car* We :et deliveries to supthe only reason we id now is because we iments at once last ;r'k 'StgT| ' irs Now j ere very long, and . -- ? . *am. ^ irts and supplies in 'l J f\ I RIM rRIBUTORS i : r - . . , ./.J _ : ^-'.^4, u^Li-j tly-JBsMt