The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, December 20, 1916, Image 7

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L More Day | decide whs ing to gi Christmas ] * rC / % ' 1:; -Our store is ackn satisfactory shopping -lected stock of pricetreatment and a sen; questioned reliability choosing a pleasure, extended for you jane storeNand cbmpare p] We pnly ask ^ou to ^ inspect!)^ litie of r bracelet watches, lavallieres, cameos, card cases, cuff links, stick pins, military brushes, !;. umbrellas or in fact any thing that is carried in an up-todate jewelry storer : v - ? where quality is cons' \ sidered first and K' ... .-u 3 P -wlicit; eacxi euiu ev^ . ery article that goes from our store must v; give absolute satisfaction or your money gladly refunded for we buy from only the oldest and most reliable wholesale con; / cerns in existence. i $ A visit to our si t:t. V t W.EJ The y ^ :' ' ' , uU'4-. ' ..; ' ^.- l| &||H - ^ THREE r s tor you to i it you are gove for that present 1 iowledged to be a.most r place. A carefully se- j worthy goods, courteous se of security as to un- ; i - . | of the goods makes gift A cordial invitation is ; I your friends to visit our | rices. , ] ! . .. ^ " 'i | ' T ' ' : ? M- * ;orewill pay you. wt IOHNSON ] Jeweler ' .. . J V- * *V- '' * A?># ? v. - . ^ . i ' *-*?' C7 .? .*. v>. f ..v, - He Almost Lost, Hope In Repeated Failures CHARLESTON MAN DECLARES HE WAS UP AND DOWN ALL NIGHT LONG. r '"Tanlac has done a great deal foi me. Since I began taking it I have gained ten pounds in weight and ] do not suffer with any of those distressing ailments and I am steadily improving in health and strength." In these words, W. H. Lewis, a Southern Railway section foreman, of 44 Drake St, Charleston, summed up the great relief Tanlac, "The National Tonic," had given him. Mr, Lewis' statement follows: "My system was generally run down and out of tone before I began taking Tanlac. I was a sufferer with indigestion and nervousness. I had contended with indigestion and stomach troubles for about ? twenty-nvc years and .it seemed that nothing 1 took would give me permanent relief, and generally I failed to gel relief. I .have taken a great maris different medicines and have been treated by physicians, but I continued to suffer with my stomach. "I was subject to severe . attacks of nervousness, and when my nerves were in that condition, any noise, ii it continued a while, would almost drive me crazy. "The Tanlac advertising had caught my eye, and finally I decided to take it, even if so many othei medicines had proved disappointing to me and had done a lot tb* kill my faith in medicine. But? Tanlac proved the exception to this, rule. Tanlac has done a great deal; for me. 1 have gained ten pounds in weight and I do not suffer from ; any- pi those distressing ailments > as r did. My appetite is good and I ^digest what I eat and I do not have those pains after eating as I once did. , "My nerves were q'uieted 'iiy taking the Tai^ac, and I/was ,"also improved so much that I can sleep well now and I feel much better ananiorc refreshed in the morning now. thai I used to. In every way I- feely a whole lot better. ' "My wife also took Tanlac, it gave her just as satisfactory results as it gave me. ; "I am glad to recommend Tajilec, because of the results it gave my wife and myself. Tanlac*has beer of great benefit to both <H us, and 1 highly recommend it." iimatism rhe hm hmhmhmhmm Tanlac, the master medicine, is sold exclusively by P. B. Speed,.Abbeville; A. S. Cade, Bordeaux; J. T. Black, Calhon Falls;' J. H. .Bell & Sons, Due West; Cooley &, Speer, f,nwnHpgvi11i>! R. M. Puller &. Co.. McCormick; J. W. Morrali & Son, Mont Carmel; Covin1 & LeRdy, Wil> ington. Price, $1 per bottle straight ?Adv. ... Summons^ _ For Relief. The State of South Carolina, * County of Abbeville. Court of Cotomon. Pleas. W. U MUNDY, CYNTHIA E. HANNAH and JANIE B. STEVENSON A Plaintiff, against MRS.'ESSIE ANDERSON, - Defendant, ro the Defendant Above Named: Ybu are hereby summoned and required to answer the Complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served qpon you, and to serve a copy of your answer tb the said Coipplaintvon the subscriber sti lus office .'.ft .Abbeville Court House, South Carolina, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and ii you fail to answer . the Complain! within -the time' afbr^said, the1 plaintiff in this action will- apply to the f.Ani'f ? flio /lomon/lA/l 1*1 VWUi W AVI MAV X ViiVA' UbU^OilUVU UJ the Complaint. Dated 7th day gof December, 1916. V . WM. P. GREENE, . v Plaintiff's Attorney. To the Defendant Above Named: pPAKE NOTICE:?That the Complaint in the above stated action} together with the Summons, - was, on December 7th, 1916, filed' in the office of the Clerk-of Court of Common' Pleas and Gerteral Sessions foi Abbeville County, South Carolina, where the same are now on file. December 7th, 1916. / WM. P. GREENE, Plaintiff's Attorney. QitvnvMAd* Caw Da1ia( i^uii^iiiuiio. 1 vi ncucii ' - , The State of South Carolina, County of Abbeville. Court of Common Pleas. ; ^ L. D. WILLIAMS, Plaintiff, , ; against MRS. S. E. YOUNG, Defendant To the Defendant Above Named: You are hereby summoned anc required to answer the Complaint ir this action, of which a copy is here with served upon you, and to serv? a copy of your answer to the said Complaint on the subscriber at hii office at Abbeville Court House South Carolina, within twenty dayi after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and ii you fail to antfwer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the plain ? ?:n +v.,, tin 111 una autiuu wm oppijr w Court for the relief demanded in Dated 19th day of December, 1916 WM. P. GREENE, Plaintiff's Attorney. To the Defendant Above Named: TAKE NOTICE:?That the Complaint in the above stated action, together with the Summons, was, on December 19th, 1916, /filed in the office of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions for Abbeville County, South . Carolina, where the same are now on file. December 19th, 1916. WM. P. ^GREENE, .Plaintiff's Attorney. I ? I l^r "YOL , 7tiVn' f c ii. / " j 1 EJJEC1 ( | ' f ' * _ If you what in tk ent?our j is sure to i ; SeeM j _ ' I time to 01 that he hi Today. Dc ; / it'.TJ ent Way? i Economic Abb Elei V ' . u . VVvv.'.'S. Siv-' .': ' ' ' V ;--V' i (mdtfiury*stmi hmsimaSfilled u l//T\ pinesfGJJeace 3 iaifthe comia^jieu) Tea ' you. all unlimited Vrc ' oodJfealth and Isolute Contentment h desireio thank i/ou wptihfJOPijbuPpabi \utvjjuai, J^f up besiejfovtJ> > merit a continmnct ?ijout>jadop$ inihejk e J. M. Andersc )ry. Goods, Shoes, Cl< tents' Furnishings and Is ine 209. '; > Abbevi V . k. . f rR MONEY'S WORTH OR YOUR MG ' . K. -,-aft ' . iri "f \.-t- \ , ' . A? 'V-VV . I " ' i'l -? / . # "* " .- t TRIC WARE WILL SOL lift Probl( have a person that yoi ie world to give for a CI advice is to g^ve an Elec >lease. r. Anderson Now so tha der you any piece of tppens not to- have in > It Electri< ie Modern Way Because -The Clean. Way, The Si Eil Way, and Often Th< eville Wat 1 - . rtric Lierht > - . ' r-<*r "y'-' V 'y''- . I r# - % ; ' >NEY BACK" ' -' > 'M> .' - ""'r' " r'-7, ..' / ,< iw-Mm .VE YOUR ./111 . i don't know hristmas Presi ' trical Gift It : : * & ' - ' 1 t he wjll have Electric ware | .1?i. r?? h -1 ??n??if ** s :ally its the Effici- ' ??|S afe Way, The ; e Only Way. j er and f Plant ; . ' < J - - < -*V'# ? , : ^jiS 4