The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, November 22, 1916, Page Five, Image 5

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I_ JLVJUV I Xocal ( 1114 i im Tf v jj I : personals : I Mrs. F. W. Wilson was in town on last Wednesday doing some of her Fall shopping. Mrs. P. B. Carwile, Mr. and Mrs. Kay Carwile, of Cold Springs, were in the city Thursday. Jimmy Cothran of Furman Univendty, is at home on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Cothran Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Syfan have returned from Atlanta, where they spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cochran. Miss Kathleen Wilkes, of Laurens, has been in the city several day's the attractive guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Moore Mars. Mrs. L. D. Witt of Greenville, vis-j ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jamieson, last week. Mr. John R. McGee, of Due West, was here Friday on business. He is one of the progressive farmers of that progressive section of the county. . | Mrs. T. J. Douthart has been ill with pneumonia for four weeks, but she is now improving and will be out in a few days. nxuirucjr id via o tioiv w brother, Mr. Brinkley, on Greenville street. ' \ Col. Patrick Roche and Capt. J. L. Perrin visited Augusta last week for the purpose of buying salt cellars for their good wives. Col. Roche blowed in six perfectly good dollars while, there, as well as doing several other stunts. t ' I Roger Williams was in the city last Thursday giving away his cotton at twenty cents per pound. Mr. Amnions, of Calhoun Falls, was here Friday on business. W. H. Nicholson, of Greenwood, was in the city Friday on legal business. , i J J. W. McKee, Jr., of Laurens, was in the city Friday on business. "That M | ai my own priva this town one of the [" produced. !For years I have 1 play, or sermon that this picture shows. I success, social succc s take it home to hims x am nvt gumg tv excitement by tellinj the surpirse for you] I I I am simply goir will grip you from tl you say a hundred ti . of before?" If you want to pi ously, if you want to circles? ^ Then don't fail t Opera House tomori 1 ^*1/' A. LAut J. M. Nickles, Esq., went up to Anderson on Thursday on professional business. Messrs. J. L. McMillan and Ed. Smith went over to Athens to attend the big football game on Saturday. They were accompanied by their attorney, Sam Adams, Esq. Hon. Eugene B. Gary spent the week-end in Abbeville, the Supreme Court having finished the cases of the sixth circuit in time for a few days rest. Patrick McKelvey, of Mt. Carmel, was a visitor to the city on Friday. A young lady told us Friday that a sure sign that a man was in love was that he ate chocolate ice cream. Robert S. Owens was the guilty party John D. Cade of Mt Carmel, was a busy visitor to the city on Friday. Cheves Sondley of Atlanta, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sondley. Miss Virginia AiKen is at uuuc after a stay in Chester, where she was operated on. Her friends are glad to have her home- and to see her looking so well. There are several cases of measles in Abbeville, Foster Barnwell on Greenville street, being the latest victim. He is up and about and will be at school in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Maxwell and children came up from Greenwood and spent Sunday with relatives. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hagerman and John Harris of Greenville, were guests of Mrs. J. A. Harris Sunday. Miss Lilly Clark is on an extended I visit to her sister, Mrs. Fairly Tiddy, of Monroe, N. C. Mr. Julius DuPre, Mr. Fred Hill and Dr. Sharpe motored to Greenville on Sunday and spent the day with friends. Miss Mary Plaxco spent the weekend in York attending the A. R. P. Synod and seeing homefolks. Miss Sara Haskell, a 1916 Winthrop graduate, took charge,of Miss Plaxco's class on last Friday. Mrs. S. A. Allen was shopping in the city on Monday and was the guest of Mrs. M. H. Wilson. I ; Sam Cason was a week-end visitor to Abbeville. John Lomax spent Sunday in Anderson with friends. ? James Hemphill of Greenwood, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. R. R. Hemphill. [illion Dolla te and personal expense greatest picture plays 1 been waiting and hoping would make clear the p t is a lesson that makes >ss, personal success, to < self?and apply it in his ) spoil your enjoyment, y< Z you here what the stor} rself. 1 g to go on record with 1 le first exposure to the Is mes: "Why wasn't this i ay the game of success s o be a dominating facto o see "That Million Do ow night. horized Resident Dealt THE ROYAL TAILOR! Mrs. Onie B. Rogers and daught Mrs. Frank Rogers of Penne Creek, were' shopping in the city Monday. J. R. Blake of Greenwood, v among the business visitors to to Monday. Miss Lillian McCantey spent Si day pleasantly with her sister, M A. J. Ferguson, near the city. Miss Susk Stevenson, a student Due West Woman's College, deligl ed her home folks and many frier by spending the week-end here. Robl Gilliam was a busy visit to the city on Monday. Leonard Whitlock spent Sund with home folks in Greenwood. T. P. Thompson and Jim Gillis attended the Augusta Fair last wee Mrs. H. Weinraub of Calhoi Falls, was in the city Sunday. Mrs. W. W. Bradley went up Greenville Sunday to visit Mrs. C. Lyon. Miss Sara Brooks, Miss Glad; Wilson, John Lomax and Lowrie W son went up to Due West on Tue day night to be present at the Gi loway-Moseley. wedding rehears* The wedding ceremony will tal place tonight. Mrs. J. T. McCaw and two chil ren, arrived last week for an exten ed visit to Mrs. J. M. Lawson ai other relatives. Raymond Stillwell spent Sunday Anderson with. friends. Miss Sara Brooks was the gue of homefolks last Saturday and Su day in Due West. Mrs. Henry Gilliam spent Mondi in Greenwood with friends. Mrs. H. A. Benton spent yesterday Atlantay Mrs. E. V. Snipe of Winder, spe Monday and Tuesday in the city wi Mr. Snipe. Friends of Mrs. Link Evans w be interested to know that she w successfully operated on for appen< citis in Greenville Monday and doing nicely. Miss Nina Wilson was in town < Monday doing her fall shopping ai was the guest of Mrs. R. C. Wilgi while here. Mrs. Sam Shiver and Sam, J spent the week-end in Elberton wi relatives. . ^ ' Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McKee of ne Due West, were in the city Mondi vsss.v.v.wav* i i 111' v.'mv*v*v*va'& ir Look" , I have brought to that has ever been for some book, or owerful lesson that 3 success?business svery man who will daily living. dut "thrill" and your 7 is. Wait and enjoy ;he statement that it ist scene and make )icture ever thought skillfully and victori r in life's power liar Look" a t the ;r of 3. -. - ,;?v w. ,.. ... '. a?*& er, Dr. C. H. McMurray returned y's home yesterday from York, where on he attended the Synod of the A. R. P. Church. Miss Bessie Link of Lebanon, is with her aunt, Mrs. Jane McGaw, who is very sick. Mr. G. A. Harrison spent Monday m" in Atlanta on business, rs. Miss Mary Plaxco went over to , York last Friday and visited her home people until Monday. She also wasr uy~ an interested attendant at the meet-1 1(18 ing of Synod of the A. R. P. Church, j Rev. M. R. Plaxco is at home after' or a trip to York, where he attended the meeting of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Synod, ay - ] Miss Bessie Allen 'entertained her 1 tm friends at a delightful dance at the ' sk. home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Allen Tuesday night. The young in folk tripped the light fantastic toe j until a late hour and voted the ] dance a success indeed. i J. ? - ? Mrs. J. M. Doty and Mrs. Francis 1 Henry are at home after a delight- j j? ful visit to Prof, and Mrs. David ] is- Henry at Clemson. They made , the i il- trip in a car and report the roads 1 good. ' se . . ' Mr. Jones F. Miller returned home < d- Saturday from Greenville, where he 1 d- attended the Methodist Conference, j * j W. H. Nickles of Central, was in i in the city Tuesday buying his winter i clothes. ( . : fffc , 1 n_ Ernest Wardlay of Tennessee, spent several days this week with : homefolks near the city, and with ] W friends in the city. - ? n_.l _ * 1 jn Mrs. liranvine ueax ox v^tuuuuu . Falls, was in town Tuesday on busineiSt , uj jj,..-, iiiiiAl,! j nt i . .?! ( ^ Rev. W. A. M. Plaxco, of Bright- j on, Ten., father of Rev. M. R. Plaxm co, stopped over in Abbeville for as Monday night as he was returning J li- home from York, where he had been k to attend the Synod of the A. R. P. Church. Mrs. Plaxco expects to visit Abbeville very shortly. She is now in York County visiting kindred. act an ? Mrs. Furman Milford came up from Calhoun Falls on Tuesday and shopr., ped in our millinery stores. th Misses Gladys and Pickens Tarrant ar of Mt Carmel, were in fhe city yes^ terday shopping. W <: > . * 11 The Ro I ? ill CL ; Ol KRIPPENI These sh that the qua ||i to let you kn | shipment of These nc i? Unvi/1 t cu e uaiu tu $ We warn The next shi ber 30th. 1 The Ro j , ============ NEW PRESIDENT OF THE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION TVio Prpaa and Rnnnffr! Having been by the partiality of kind friends tendered the responsible position of President of the Abbeville Library Association we enter upon its duties with a great deal of doubt as to our abilities in this particular line, but with an earnest and cordial desire to accomplish something toward preserving this noble work of civic upliti, among the concrete realities of the every day life of the city of Abbeville. In accepting the position vacated by Mrs. J. F. Miller, we feel that carrying out her hopes and plans as to the future of the library will be the safest and most satisfactory policy. Mrs. Miller and her untiring helpers have nursed into life and beauty this sacred little flame of knowledge with all the devotion of vestals to the never-dying fire upon their altar. The founders of the Library association have worked and planned not sparing themselves, and their faith has been rewarded richly if counted by the. service rendered to those who use the Library's books. Now that Mrs. Miller has resigned this important work to us, it is quite aatural that we should feel overwhelmed by this great responsibility; but having her still, as an adviser?counsellor, friend we feel that her help and that of her co-workers will reduce this oppressive feeling to one of a strenuous but reasonable nature. Mrs. Miller lays down the Presidency of the Library association at a time when its financial affairs have a balance upon the cash side of the Ledger, there is no red ink_npon the Library's bank account. Therefore, we can assure our friends, the subscribers to the Library, that every dollar they contribute after the small running expenses are met, will be inrested in new\ books. In this connection we wish . the friends and well-wishers of the Library to know that it is desirable that a five foot shelf of South Carolina History for the use of the teachers and pupils in our Gramma/ and High schools shall be established. Perhaps some one could give a Chapman's History of South Carolina? another Webster's History of same, Dr White's Making of Carolina. Logan's History of Upper Carolina. (The Old Stone Church of Pendleton,) Oneall's Annals of Newberry, and Histories of the different countties in our State. This collection would be of the highest value as a reference library both to pupils and teachers. It is earnestly hoped that our young men will become active members of the Library. Reading of the right kind makes our efficiency in any man's work whether that work be in commanding armies or selling dry goods and groceries?in welding tires or selling automobiles or Kentucky mules. It is to be hoped that in these prosperous and happy times with Wilson and Manning elected and when cotton is bringing the highest price in fifty years that this prosper-1 senberg Mercan . )epartment Store I iOE DP ARTMEP DORF DITTMAN SH( WOMEN. oes are so well known in lity needs no mention. ? ow that we have receive) new boots in all widths. >w arrivals are very wel< ?et and prices are advan< % t you to get yours while ipmentwill not arrive ui Come in or phone us. senberg Mercan =B=Sgg-B ?? ity will be reflected in the annual subscription to our Library fund. Our soHcitms: committee will call upon our people and we trust that all v will be as generous now as in the Ipast We feel that the Library aseocia- _ tion has been fortunate in its officers. M TT 3 1 j T M ! xars. xiaraen, oar vaiueu juurtuuiu, is devoted to her work; Mrs. J. Allen :' Long, a Vassar girl brings to her office of Treasurer the training it requires and she could easily qualify as an auditor for any corporation. Mrs. D. H. Hill, our Recording See- s retary, renders the ordinary business proceedings so ineresting that we '? all regret when she finishes reading same. Mrs. A. B. Morse, as VicePresident, is always to be relied upon in every good work, and Miss Helen Smith, our newly elected 2nd VicePresident adds materially to the personnel of our Library association for 1916-1917. So with these splendid young women to do the work we are bopin* to have quite an agreeable and easy time. Yours for the cause, (Mrs. W. 0.) Ella Cox Cromer, President SOMETHING FOR v SUNDAY DINNER Saturday the ladies of the Seceder church will serve oysters in the store iIaa* fit +VlO cnnHw IritptlAfl There will also be on sale rolls at twenty cents a dozen and potato chips at ten cents a bag. They will help out the menu for Sunday^ PRAYERMEEThNGS. The past two weeks have been ob served among the Presbyterians as prayer meeting weeks and meetings . - "rVf have been held in the different parts of town. These meetings have been very successful and have been well ' attended. THE BOOK CLUB. -i / The regular meeting of the book _ ^ club will be held at the home of Mrs. E. C. Horton this morning at eleven - .<> o'clock. V A BENEFIT SHOW. V , V The management of the ^ /&? V Opera House has agreed to V V give aper cent of the pro- V! ? ' < ^ V ceeds Thursday, Nov. 23, to V > V the Ladies Society of the ,A. V ^ ?.t V B. P. church. V V Besides the regular program V a splendid feature picture (5 V M V reels) "The Count of Monte V V , Cristo," and a 1-reel comedy, V v V "Strictly Business," will be V , \ shown, making 9 reels in all. 'V V Everyone is invited to come. V V Prices 10 and 20 cents. \ : ' ''fj '' ' v it , ~ tile Co. I :v /.< is m . m 4T " "M )ES FOR M \ c'g " l this section 11 7e just want || | 3 an express : come. They / . cing. "r i they last. ntil NovemI . L tile Co. V \ H -" *>?*: ;?G?^ . i \ ".. ' -fv A '-. .' ^ vi V ;> ; ;,..* \ ... : '. ' . ; ' ' r.> r'i-c>.. / '(jx>