Bi mm HBlHllllBllnllAAlHiUHulliHtiAmuIBMHMJHuIiDHQn ii lutti v i ' fahin I k Kitch 1 ^ , No nora ttaps to | I ^ ABBfcVlLLE TAKES ACTION. ' i! , I' ' (The State) Of special significance is the fo lowing one of the resolutions passe by it mass meeting of lite citizens < Abbeville t "Resolved farther, That if it t necessary to carry out this determine tion the aid of the State and federi government be called for in ord< * - ? U mat,.every ciuzeu way cnjuj ? rights mider the constitution." For citizens of South Carolina 1 suggest that the aid of the "feden government" be invoked in order thi all citizens shall be protected in tl enjoyment of their rights is not tun aL It hints a great deal more tha the -words literally mean. People who think at all are begii ning* to understand that if this Stat is to be habitable good order mui be preserved and property most t protected. If the lives and pro perl .of negroes in Abbeville may be take at t$H| pleasure of a mob, the liv< and property of white men who ha] pen netto be in -sympathy With 11 acts of &e mob ate' *car?ely in lei dangejc. ^hen a negro js lynched i Abbevti2ef ble. All they wish is that they be allowed to go about their business ?e and that the community be safe from I |4 disturbance. They are entirely con- c ed tent that the proceesofe of the lawc ;r be carried out and they know full ? is,wpn that the laws are-ample to pro-jc .tect society. No man of sense be-jt x> j lieves that in any case conditions are I sd, bettered by a lynching but when the 1 itithe mob has ohce started, when mis-(f ie [chief is afoot, the orderly and peace i- ful are practically as helpless to re t ,n sist as the victim. Let one remon- ? strate and, the mob being for the 1 l- time supreme, that one is<e| The action of the citiiens of Ab,y beville makes plain that they are in aroused. They do not Intend to iu;s low law to be prostrated in ' Abb4> ville, with the resuft that industry i* witt cpnjf tbr ap fwj- ami/ property j 38 values be destroyed. If the choice be j in between mob law and federal1 Aaw,- : n they will lay aside the traditional obst ( a, towards interference by-federal authority and 'Welcome its assistance, d, Moreover, it is scarcely to be doubt===?=???1 imi^?L i 'I I SALE I ace, containing 541-4 B 38 from the center of I ille. A good dwelling, 3r large barn and good n I pasture and fine farm- , H * <* ! V 'TV "^7 si Jiomg /or someone, teniifl. ! i . S. LINK , ramraiHiEizrEiiiJiLraranijam )ing to Build? jj imo +Via Hrpssprl mflfprinl ? I . ings, mantels, etc., you will i ] 'urnished material for a num- 11 1 ibeville, the last being J. E. [ * larris', and we are now fur- I j J I. Hill's new residence. Ex- I! se and see if it suits you. I ? J ========= {i; / M1 a n mm a a * 1 . SUPPLY CO. | OOD, $, C. j! irciEmmiirararcjimffl I "-.^1.?;- ."? V " ./ .} . ' . . % y^np**+ r ** * '-" 'H ' - " .r RR FURN td that thiB is a condition of mind hat is 'found among thfc pepple of >ther communities than Abbeville. ; '1 t TRUE MEN OF ABBEVILL^. f Those citizens of Abbeville who < iave< undertaken to rid their county j if the disgrace and shame that have j ome through the murder of a ne- < pro, in broad daylight, at the hands J ?f a mob of irresponsibles, hlave con- j racted for a big job. . It may not be < lossiblfe 'ever to convict 'dfle of the nUTderers, for mistrials are all too ' iasy, but an effort will at least de- j irmine. that lawbreakers must pay 1 he costs of court trials. This will * ict as a deterrent, and public senti- ; aent may so change that convictions j eight be secured.?The Columbia Secord. " * r*. .' j ' ' i ' i 4 j^AsfW'? SALE. | di > I The State of-South Carolina, ! County of Abbeville. .N Coprt of qomjnop Plpas. j tfRS^EMjMA^ApffLLNfl JUAMJfagainat :|L^YT -. ? ; j By authority of a Decree of Sale ' >y the Court of Common Pleas fbr Abbeville County, in said State, made ; n the above stated case, I will orftip ; for sale, at Public Outcry, at AbbMN rille C. H., S. C., on Salesday it* ] December, A. D. 1916, within the ; egal hours of sale, the following de- i scribed land, to-wit: All that trast i >r parcel of land situate, lyin$ and i jeing in Abbeville County m the i 3tate aforesaid, containing One Htm- I IroH #nH Fiftv.Rirfit flJiS) Act4*. more or less, and bounded by lands Formerly of Jas. S. Stark on the ; tforth, on the East by Rocky Riv?r, I )n the South by lands of T. E. Hampton, on the West by lands of J. ft ! Sail and others. These lands , will fee j sold in two tracts, plats of same will ; je exhibited on day of sale. 'j TERMS OF SALE?Qne;half caab, ] balance on a credit of tWfre months 1 Secured by mortgage of the premfa-, as,' with' interest from day of sale at ; 3 per cent p^r annum. Purchaser < jo have'' option of pacing all cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and 1 recording'. R. E. HILL, I 3-15-11. / Master A.-C., 8. C. MASTER'S SALE. The State/of South Caroliha, County of Abbeville. Court of Common Pleas. MRS. JEMIMA ADELINE HAMPTON, Plaintiff against MRS. CARRIE HAMPTON, CLAYTON HAMPTON, et al, Defendants! By authority of a Decree of Sale by the Court of Common Pleas for Abbeville County, in said State, made in the above stated case, I will offer * __1. _x A..J - J. ALL. lor saie, at. ruDiic uuwry, at auubvillc C. H., S. C., on Salesday ip December, A. D. 1916, within^ tKe legal hours of sale, the following described tland, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Abbeville County, in the State aforesaid, containing Two Hundred and Sixteen (216) Acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of A.lipe H. Covert, on the South; Rocky River on the East; J. C. Hall on the , West and others, being a part of the tract of land conveyed to T. E. Hamp ton by J. S. Stark. This tract of land will be subdiirided into four tracts?plats of which will be exhibited on day of sale. TERMS OF SALE?One-half cash, , kalon/ia nn a nreHif nf 'fcWAlve months secured by mortgage of the premis- : ss, with interest from day of sale at i i per cent per annum. Purchaser to have option of paying all cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and recording. R. E. HILL, 3-15-11. Master A. C., S. C. 1 If there is not a press reporter in . four Lodge, see that one is appoint-1, id. ' / o'.\j '"jn p~'-' II ur kjtoThe Na ADVERTISED! J Call and Left Tl & ITUBECC 1 GOVERNMENT CROP REPOfrT fn Washington, x D. C., Nov. 13.?A romniary of preliminary estimates of rrdji' production for the Btate 6f af 3 outh Carolina and foi the United di States, as compiled by the Burieabof g ^rt)p Estimates 'and transmitted B trough the Weather Bureau, ;U. 8. J? Department of Agriculture, is as fol- T< owsr- -sr'' ; J "Cbrn. 1 State.?Estimate this yearlj *2,100,000/bushels: production lost gi jriar, flhkl estimate, 35,558,000 bush- tr lis; !*tf ' / th United States.?Estimate this year ai 2,640,000,000 bushels; production tb ast year, final estimate, 3,054,531,- ? 300 bushels. J Wheat. State.?October estimate, I 2,896,000 bushels: production last J rear, final estimate, 2,430,000 bush- I ... J United States.?October estimate, G ...bushels: production last I rear, final estimate, 1,011,105,000 bushels.' .' < -V ' i ' Oats. State.?October.. estimate. 3,496,000 bushels: production |ast rear, final estimate, 9,975,000 bush* J _ 1 1 United States.?October estimate, 1,229,182,000"; bushifc? production last year, final estimate, 1,540,862/ 000 bushels. T SJfZ Jpi ' Tfobaccq.'; Stattt^ffirtfaMAte. V tify pounds. VfV"r/. AfifuIT ..' . ' United ' mate, ?6,155,000, tofcs?: production last year, final estimate, 85,22$,000 ' Apples. &tate.? ?stifllAt&-' this j/eit, 199,000 barrels: prodttctfon Kurt irear, final estimate, 22lr,6C0 ?*rrete. ,. United States.?-Estimate this year 67,700.000 barrels: production last year, final estimate, .76,674,006 bar* wis/ ? * ?' ' j Cotton. State.?Sept 25 forecast 1,063,000 bales: prodbttion last year - (Ceraus,) >1488,919 balfs. j ' \f. United States.-?Sept .25 forecast,: 11,637,000 bales: production last year (Census), 11; 19l;820 bfcftss. Prices, /the first price given be? low is the average pn November l'? thig year, and the second, the average on November 1 last year. State.?Wheat 179 and 148 cents per bushel. Corn, 112 and 91a per : bushel. Oats, 75 and 64 per bushel. J Potatoes, 166 and 110. Hay, 16.90 ' and $15.20 per ton. Cotton, 18.3'and 11.4 cents per pound. Eggs, 29 and 24 cents per dozen. United States.?Wheat, 158.0 and 93.1 cents per bushel. Corn, 85.0 and 61.9 cents per bushel. Oats, 49.0 and 34.9 cents per bushel. Potatoes, 136.0 and 60.8 cents. Hay, ,$10.68 and $10.83 per ton. Cotton, 18.0 and 11.6 cents per pound. Eggs, 32.0 and 26.3 cents per dozen. THE CIVIC CLUB. The regular meeting of the Civic club will be held in the club rooms on Thursday afternoon at four o'clock and a full meeting is desired. < TWto flan-ma T? PomVlCrf will V>P in the city and will address the club in the interest of the South Carolina Tuberculosis Hospital. Mrs. Rsmbert is an entertaining speaker and what she has to say will be worth hearing. ILLUSTRATED SERMON. The first of the illustrated sermons v to be delivered by the pastor of the Presbyterian ehurch, will be given tonight, at 8 o'clock. The public is, cordially invited. The subject will be 'Joseph, the Man Who Understood." '-.iv'.'- . V. j '.* lOSI] r f<4 /: r \r-i .*" . ENCAl y>l jm fefeP ' ' itional Step N ALL LEADING Us Demonstrate S aid Only B 9 tJ> t \ ^ ^ '"V >MrAIN Y VER A MILLION THANKS- : ^ GIVING TURKEYS FROM TEXAS j<> iV .Ti'f I 7 ,v^.vu: in The increasing importance of Tex- JJ i as a turkey^roducing State is k f,] litter Shipper*? Aiaociat^ii for the ipping or 1,200,000 tarkeyg oat of Mca^^to Northern and JJa^rnnucr- n the few weeks preceding Thankstfcere *re regular "turlcey aj oii* oi "round-tips'*'In several of N ie interior tities, notably ' Temple M id Caero, at which time torkeys by e thousand are'driven into town to ?iiiiirn CIE Lai 1 1M[ h ' twa ^Wfc" / ^ K^Sn|RK> .-- - I v -\ i J | |"W . f ||[]| UM 5INET i Saver MAGAZINES ame to You y I 1 I .f I'l III I n ate ^dreaiedand shipped out in carton 3 ts. During that time the tazkqrv,. ;v&B MISS WITHERS BACK. Miss Lucile Wither* is at home rain after a prolonged ^ stay ii orth Carolina. Miss Withers is a tpable nurse and a young w/nnan of "In a fottk trough a Siter*?. ' i ' r " " EriFliBM ' ; V , ' ' ''^:,w'v-"'^^S - , ' in the original J bottle with the label on it - > -J tf m T?*?off/e ' J