& H W- H ? I "h cA f 'Bottle 1. Throug Straew>>^ |v f: ' PI I II I f; *79J Model 85-4 f.o.b. % ; ,< r, I,., r h Jr.'"' . x I A big roomj about it. But extra in dreds of It took an i for trem< To effect th luxurioui iUb nuwiu j I Chero- I h II Cola I / / is sold M / / only in the } j j Original Bottle I J I measured and B f J filled by machinery / and labeled. M f This insures that sat isfactory, uniform fla* B vor, absolute cleanliness S \ , I | Call for Chero-Cola in JS bottles and look far the m label 1 iiero-Colaj j L iQgfc w> Luxurious r car is luxurious?no two ways iches in an automobile cost hundollars?as a rule. nvestment of millions in facilities ???- 1 ? J aaousiy incrcascu pxuuuwuuu? e economies necessary to produce s size at this price. ?ase is 112 inches? BROWNLEE & TRI1 Donalds, The Willys-Overland Con "Made in U. MT. CARMEL. I 1 Mt. Carmel, Nov. 6.?Mr. J. A. I McAllister spent part of last week in | Columbia attending the State Fair, [ and visiting friends. [ Messrs. Crowther, Mott and Whit f Gilliam were visitors in Mt. Carmel [ last Sabbath afternoon. Mr. M. L. Marchant of Greenville, * spent the week-end in Mt. Carmel . with Mrs. Marchant and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morrah. E ? -p xr \r . I lurs. uuium XIJIUA, luiaacs magpie Knox and Emily Mae Hester spent Tuesday in Abbeville. Mrs. Knox and Miss Hester returned to Mt. Carmel that afternoon, but Miss Maggie is spending a while at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilliam. | i Mr. Ben Sutherland of Anderson, spent the week-end at the home of his father, Mr. J. F. Sutherland. He is another Mt. Carmel boy who is making his mark in the world. Messrs. M. T. Wells and W. L. Miller attended the Fair Wednesday." Mrs. Mary Smith, Misses Edna Smith and Maggie Brough and Mr. Kirby Smith atended the Fair in Abbeville Thursday. Mr. Ollie Watson spent Tuesday in Anderson on business. Mrs. L. M. Paschal spent Tuesday in Abbeville. [ Miss Dora Black spent the weekend in Mt. Carmel with homefolks. Mr. J. D. Cacje, Misses Douschka and .iolia Cade and Isabel Boyd at' tended the J'air in Abbev. je Friday. Mrs. Mary Tm th, Missus Edna an ! Corinne Smith, Messrs. Kirby, Herman and Barnard Smith attended the Fair in Abbeville Friday. Misses Louise Conner and Tee Paschal went over to Abbeville last Thursday afternon to visit Misses Willie and Elizabeth McLane and attend the Fair Friday. Mrs. W. A. Scott and little Gladys, Misses Pickens Tarrant and Elizabeth , Hester and Mr. Gerard Tarrant attended the Fair in Abbeville Friday. Messrs. Lawrence and Hollis Conner went over to Abbeville Thursday afternoon to visit Mr. Herman Wisby and attend the Fair Friday. [ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gibert, Miss Carrie Mary Gibert, Mr. Archie and little Joe Gibert attended the Fair in Abbeville. We hear that quite a number of Mt Carmel people are going to attend the Georgia Carolina Fair in Augusta next week. \ Messrs. Ray Wells and Ben Harling attended the Fair in Abbeville. Misses Florence Black and Pickens ~ Tarrant and Mr. Orville Calhoun were Fair visitors in Abbeville Thurs- ? 1 day evening. Dr. P. K. Black and Mr. M. T. J? Wells attended the Fair Thursday ar evening. Mrs. J. W. Bailey, little J./W. Jr., m Miss Ruth and Mr. Victor Bailey spent the week-end in Mt Carmel J with Mrs. Emma Knox and Mrs. L. LI. Paschal. The Methodist Church in Mt. Car- th mel has paid up every assesment and sh also pastor's salary in full. That is pe a good record. Hope our other ar churches will do as wejl. pa The Young Ladies' Fancy Work cl Model ft Bigness! The seats are comfortable and there's plenty of leg room froi And your further luxurious comf< by cantilever springs, big foi and balanced weight?the gf is at the rear. Beautifully finished! ?every coi Price $795!!! Model 85-6, six cylinder, 35-40 116-inch wheelbase?$925. BBLE, Dealers. S. C. ipany, Toledo, Ohio S. A." iftrtfi^aiayEijfanugigraiani | Copyright Hart Schafloer & Mux ! Clothes thi ] We're descr | JHRt; all-wool fabric? 1 human figure ii 1 VuTv sorts of mer I Hiil MuflSur ^iave ^ . jtlwi many colors an 1 V Clot net J can satisfy you | The Rosenberg 2 The horn iMiznuziaraizn^^ ab was charmingly entertained by au^? iss Marie Leslie last Saturday afrnoon. An unusurlly pleasant af- a"y 0 rnoon was enjoyed by the guests, *?en id at a late hour delicious refresh- ~*e ' ents were served. for tl partn SPECIALISTS IN PUBLIC WORK / ginee: As a general proposition, I believe agrici at the administration of county or an ould be departmentized and a su- whicli irintendent trained by education i^ter, id experience and possessing a ca- emplc icity for executive work, placed in and t targe of each department with full profe an e< th< cesso: any i J 95 Mi' r for ? 5-4 f. o* b* Tolado some Elizal in Cc I rue. vnbi I Loi gervii ents cause of re towel 36 eg Mill* roomy and will i it and back. ^ )rt is assured Neuri ir-inch tires Jack isoline tank After pears A i lveniencel! n*Uy therij horsepower, prom] Oevin . it pei - '.v' nnfa .? I Dropi I leath< I substi I three I Ac< oil is bottle ' ''' it fit and k ibing our Hart Schaffner & Marx cloth i, perfectly tailored; designed to fit 1 all its variations; shapes and models i, big and little, fat and thin. Is season an unusual lot of new fabrics d patterns, to show you. We know x wishes in all clothes matters. Mercantile Com3 e of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes sraizipziiuzra^^ rity to employ his own help ut interference on the part of J||| f the commissioners. He should be held strictly to account to oard of county commissioners le successful condiict of his detent I believe that inasmuch ards of county commissioners | ot in themselves experts in en- I ring, sanitation, architecture, ilture, philanthropy, accounting y of the other lines of work 1 they are called upon to adminit is incumbent upon them to >y in each case some one who is, Pr o demand from such a one who sses to be an expert in his line, :onomical and efficient solution e problems assigned to him, and fails after a fair trial his sucr should be appointed without Wri innecessary delay. ?r ^ for ai about 38 Janie Morse left this week Idgefield, where she will spend time with her friend, Miss beth Rainsford. She will visit F lumbia before returning home. *PER THAN IN ABBEVILLE gj* cover< ndon, Oct. 31.?A British officer p?ope; ig in East Africa wrote his par- r6e that living was not so bad, be- prove he had just traded six pieces d calico and a half of a face to the natives for 27 hens and KS- 1 J. ?rU Antiseptic Oil Known As a A mtmmm + w SNAKE U1L Poaitivclj R*li?T? Pain in Thrw J. G. J Minute*. E. B. 7 it right now for Rheumatism, S. T. tlgia, Lumbago, sore, stiff and C. H. on joints, pains in the head, T. S. and limbs, corns, bunions, etc. W. W > one application pain disap-1? a. j as if by magic. | E. B. lever-failing remedy used inter- g- Aand externally for Coughs, W* W , Croup, Sore Throat, Dlphi and Tonsilitis. ?. S. ] is Oil is conceded to be the A. O. penetrating remedy known. Its D* pt and immediate effect in re- y J g pain is due to the fact that LLetrates to the affected parts at . A. As an illustration, pour Ten i on the thickest piece of sole {* ir, and it will penetrate this . ince through and through in 7* , minutes. J08??1 :ept no substitute. This great y golden red color only. Every y ** ) guaranteed; 25c and 60c a 1, or money refunded At lead- A* ^ ** ? -> Abb ruggists. r. rs. opeea. inUTOIMfigEliBra I eep" fit I paiiy, Inc. ? BfifflSZHHEHaS 11 ' % , 1 t? ibevilie-Greeiwood < ' r < v ; ' MUTUAL NSURANCE ASSOCIATION v;. operty Injured, $1,890,000. September 1, 1018. ite to or call on the undersigned a Director of your Township ly information yon may desire our plan of Insurance. insure your property against iction by * < * IRE, WINDSTORM OR LIGHTNING, r\ OA AaviA* aftv tnoiiMfiea j ov uum au/ innwi wiivt any in existence. Dwellings id with metal roofs are insured > per cent cheaper than other rty. aember we are prepared to to you that ours is the safest cheapest plan of insurance i. , R. BLAKE, G?n. Af?n\ Abbarills, S. C. FRASER LYON, Pr?t. Abb?rille, S. C. k/.i.. ? J BIHJUiO Bell Calliaon Mabry Cokeabrtry Dodson ? Donalds Ellis Due West . L. Keller Long Cane Seller SmJthriU* Bell Kirkseys Wardlaw Cedar Sprints . Bradley Abbeville A. Anderson...... Antreville Boles Lownderrille U o nrrt aIis Morrah Calhoon Mills Morrah Bordeaux Rasor Walnut Grore Nickles Hodge* Bowles Coronaea Haltiwanger Ninety Six Haltiwanger Kinards Haltiwanger Fellowship i Lake Phoenix Smith Verdery Chiles Bradley Lyon Troy Moseley Yeldell lerille, S. C.f June 1, 1915.