SEES MANY CHANGES IN CITY OF ABBEVILLE ' % Abbeville has made many substantial improvements within the past few years. Her commodious and well constructed court house and opera house aad law office buildings are up-to-date. J She has a first-class hotel constructed on modern plans that would be a credit to any town. The new post office, under the able management of Mrs. Rachel Minshall, is a pretty building and is kept in perfect condition?everything being neat and orderly. Abbeville has an up-to-date cotton mill with a well satisfied set of operatives. We notice many pecan trees here, especially in the lower part of the town. This year the limbs are bending down with pecans. One man here, Mr. Wilson, I am told, who has quite a number of trees on his place, has one tree which annually yields more than enough pecans to pay his taxes. We have noticed but few cigarette eiwAA wa llOTA fwn WPpV.Q ilCiiuo oiuve n v vuwv uv?.v v .. ago. Abbeville him a well-attended high school and graded school with a splendid corps of teachers. She has six churches: Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Episcopal, Associate Reformed Presbyterian, and Catholic. The streets here are well lighted. A Confederate monument stands in the center of the park, just opposite the court house. Through the combined efforts of t the civic league and the city and county officials, the grounds around all public bmildinga have been beautified with lawn* and flowers, besides the yards of many residences are V- ' ' literally covered with shrubbery, \ , roses and other flowers. N. 0. Pyles. ) MRS. HAGERMAN ENTERTAINS FOR MISS IONE SMITH I''>j At the home of Mrs. John A. Harris, on last Friday morning, Mrs. ? Henry Hagerm&n was hostess at a Rook and Bridge party in compliment to Miss lone Smith, a brideelect. The tasteful decorations were 1 quantities of roses and chrysanthemuums of different shades, artistically arranged in the rooms. At the conclusion of the games a most tempting menu was served. The out* of-town guests present, who are visit"i ing at Mrs. Harris' home were: Mrs. ( , W. W. Robinson, Miss Frances Robinson of Easley, and Mrs. J. T. Rhett of Spartanburg. I y I? i f. i m fl fie I "It is i strength I it like a j I Our < I considers hanking. L HAVE YOU A HOME ORCHARD? If Not, Plant One This Fall. Clemson College, S. C., Oct. 23.? * Every farmer in South Carolina j needs, and should have a good home ^ orchard to burnish fruit and berries j ifor home use. One acre devoted to ? such an orchard will give all the fresh fruit that a family can use throughout the whole summer, and a surplus for canning and preserving for winter use. Each county agent in the state has been furnished with a plan of a model home orchard. By going to him and referring to this plan j you see just how the orchard should be planted and which varieties ripen in succession so as to keep fresh fruit coming on all the time during the fruit season. 1-year peach and 2-year apple trees of the varieties desired, enough of ? them to set out the whole acre, can'*, be purchased for about $18.00. Your * county agent can supply you with lists of fruits and varieties and the r names of reliable nurseries, so it 8 will be easy for you to get just what F you want in the way of fruit trees. The orchard is a great thing. Plant one this fall. , ' KIND REMARKS. 1 ' ' _ b The October term of the civil 5 court convened Monday morning. a IJon. W. P. Greene, of the Abbeville bar, is presiding, having been ap-i pointed by Governor Manning to sit at Edgefield as special judge. Judge Greene is one of the leading lawyers ^ - ' ' ?? - a * - T or tne neamont section ana nas a large clientele. Notwithstanding ^ his large law practice,' he finds time to edit the Abbeville Press and Ban-' ner, of which very estimable journal he is the editor and owner. Judge Greene by his able, fair and impar- 0 tial decisions, has made a favorable * impression upon both the legal pro- ^ fession and the laity since he donned a the ermine for the first time in Edge-j field.?Edgefield Advertiser. 7 - J IN HONOR OF THE BRIDE. t Mrs. T. M. Marchant gave a delightful'tea party last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. jj P. B. Speed, in honor of Miss lone Smith and Mr. Hill, who were married last night. A delightful tea was j served and the guests were, Miss j Frances Robinson of Easley, Mrs., Rhett of Spartanburg, Mrs. John A.' Harris, Mrs. Henry Hagerman of ? Greenville, Miss Mary Smith, and.x Miss Smith and Mr. Hill. j4 TT : ; ?y \ ( National I >f Abbeville \ . \ i ?excellent to have i hut if ic fvfjinnouc I ft^ Kk/ A MSB aavr jiant." :ustomers are show ition consistent wit / I KIND WORDS OF THE EDITOR. Jj Monday morning the Court of 8 Common Pleas convened, with Hon. | V. P. Greene, of Abbeville, presid- I ng as special judge. This is Judge | Jreene's first appearance here as a | udicial officer, and it is but the sim- J >le truth to say that personally and | ?n ?~ ?:ii- & uuiiaiiy an aic uengiiteu witu xiiiii. fig le is not only possesses of splendid | iative ability, but is pre-eminently f earned in the law, and an on looker | vould suppose from the way in | vhich he conducts business and ad- | ninisters justice that he had adorn- | id the bench for a long period.?The j Sdgefield Chronicle. GOING HOME. < Mrs. Alice Covert, who has been in Abbeville for the past six weeks on visit to her brother, Mr. J. S. Stark, eft on Sunday for her home in Caliornia. Mrs. Covert leaves many riends behind, for by her gracious nanner and charming conversation, he has endeared herself to our peoile. THE NEW CARPET. | The new carpet for the Associate g Reformed church has arrived and is r ieing put down. It is a beautiful B lattern and of substantial texture K nd will be an addition to the church. I' D. A. R. MEETING. >' The D. A. R's. will meet the first Wednesday in November at 4 o'clock M., at the residence of Mrs. W. A. [arris. Mrs. Richard Hill, Sec. t The weather this fall has been Dvely and has been taken advantage f by the brisk gardeners of the city, t is the proper time to plant cabage, onions, carrotts, lettuce, spin,ch, beets and endive. i Pride often gives truth a severe olt. A promising young man often treaks his promise. t Two men may live together in >eace and harmony/ but no women ?n do it. Filth and prosperity seldom go land ih hand. Farms should always >e kept clean. I Put your fdrm machinery in the ihed, and protect it from the fall tnd winter weather. It will last iwice as long. ?i I J. * Sank i k i giant's I ? to use I n every I h sound I 11 nHHHHHHHlJl l I Dixit M. I Wonde Exhibit I AN EXPERT W I EXHIBIT DUR1 these wonderful I els not illustrate | ly adapted for li The GENERATOR ia tri cents each. The MANTI very .durable and should * . DESIGN is neat and sy Its Artistic Lines, Rich Fi I splendid construction, sat most exacting taste. The self is made of the very terial, highly nickel pis is attractive in every wa; ornament in any home. SIMPLICITY. It is jufi ole as it is safe. There it to bother with or chimney It uses twfc indestructible less inverted mantles of e al durability. It lights in about 80 se< torch being required. Tl ator is removable withou pf tools and without d either the shade or mantl ?TH DIXIE POW Daylight Compc I, Makes Ms < . Fro: Kerosene 01 p Lamps The DIXIE 1 satisfied and entl Ilionaires Mansio It is one of the gr j.v | Tro aWMWBBBBWB 1 D AVll i i uw )AYLIGHT'S ONLY C rful Dixie at the Fair ILL BE IN CHARGE < ING FAIR WEEK, and lamps and lanterns as \ d on this page. The Du ghting churches and lod K . j ' . 7 "f .I Junior IUlAICi P0WERLIGH1 BRINGS SUNSHINE YOUR HOME AT NIGH Perfect Substitute for Electricity Eight times more light tl the Best Oil Lamp at One-Fourth of the Coil Height of Lamp 19 inci Net Weight 6 Gross Weight J.??10 Diameter of base 6 1-2 j . Fount capacity _12 ho / -v: ; ' i > \s } ' andardized to fit all Dixie ^pwerlight ' metrical ' inish and 1 isfiesthe SEE?NO DANGER lamp itiT^ner SAFE IN ANY POSITIC t the aidW0RTH ITS WEIGHT IN < isturbing , ; BS. ' h ' t: . t ., i : '' f 1 E?D] rERLIGHT 's Only " ititor , woi " a Nj fl uji HH PHBH " ' Lm gj^Hi time gUS - No ^HHi I No I ' I.' No 1 < Imp< Imp< to i Own Gas - * m rv r Gasoline Dixie :___$7 to $25 Guarc POWERLIGHT ha? ovc busiastic users in the Hui ns. It is fast be-coming eatest and most useful i V. Be LIGHTING EXP y, South C ! 1 .1 erupt! OMPETITOR I Powerlight I N ext Wfipbl 1 DF THIS BEAUTIFUL li will gladly demonstrate H I ,M 'I veil as many other mod- Ifl lie Powerlight is especial- I I qcp tuvm r mm HHHHHHi I %? ?$ t'',<' & - ns. ^ Lwn^s and I^terjreand costs but 26 \jbestoB, Ramie and Cotton. Tney are .^B '" r r.-* ^ Anwn. h _ B SAFETY FIRST II The only Winner ofGoldMedal I at the International Exposition and B H American Museum of 8afety. IU- I ceived the Highest endorsement by Insurance companies, fire depart- - Vl ments, leadingphyiicians, occulista ^ eye specialists apdexperts all over ? jjju ine woria. jfy| The only mantle lamp allowed I I BP to be demonstrated in pnblie plae-> H es in New York city. Even while - flj I )ISf the lamp is burning you cah swing I I SOLDit about, torn it upside down with- : Hn IBS out spilling the fueL If droppWl Rfl while burning the light will fo oat. I H IXIE POWERL1GHT M LANTERN II in Gold. |powerught\ H Candle PoW* W1ND-PWW 1 or One Cent lAKTERli I. . Dependable 'fBjftl T - ;l <*tw , "ft H flfiek* I ?. /Ml v to Trim , 9H -H| Harm While It Bums H A. Powerlight Lanterns are .?i i -n.j i */? mieea. jrnces $d ana 90 ir one quarter million of H mblest Homes and in Mil- H a necessity everywhere, nventions of the age. S i rkerI ERT H ' L H aroima m 888fKHuKDiSfllilHHBHHMBHIHiHHIHHHiHBl^^H j