XJlgiiL . -manning carries state con. vention. \tContinued from Page One.) addressed a Convention a few years --ago on the subject. Permanent Organization. When the report of the credentials committee was adopted the temporary < organization was made permanent on * * * lf.o Jf rt_ ri L 1 motion 01 mr. mcowain. kj11 asauin: ing the chair as permanent president, 1 Mr. Thos. P. Cothran expressed his .. appreciation of the honor and praised the personnel of the Convention. He : reviewed the patriotic record of the Democratic party in years past, and > turning to the outlook in the nation, said of the record of the national Democratic party: "We have kept the faith." He called attention to the . Afoloody European war and its terrible .slaughter and was tumultuously -jcheered when he said: "You may . thank him who sits in the White House to-day for being free from the ? -contamination of that kind." Mr. Cothran eulogized Fresldent Wilson ?nd the record of the party and termed him "the greatest President of the United States in fifty years." Turning his attention to the record ?of the Democratic State administration the speaker aroused prolonged -applaues when he exclaimed: "The - sentiment for impartial law-enforcement has never been healthier than it is to-day." He sounded law enforce,ment as the keynote and brought * _* v.. ' < '# - . ;ee of credentials to consist of one n from each county, and this commit- ft ;ee report back to the Convention at ;| J.o'clock, and this was adopted. The roll of counties was then called and :] ;he member of the credentials com-:! ] mama/I nl ann tmfVi fUn oVt a n rvaa 41 IXItVbCC I1Q1IICU OIV115 TTibU vu? vimugoo y in the delegations. The credentials !;< committee retired at 1.15 P. M., and !j the Convention recessed to 4 P. M. :o await their report. -?W. F. Cald- J veil, Columbia correspondent of The ver, and Bellevue, spent last Satur- ;J lay fishing on Long Cane Creek. Misa Bes$ie Morrah is the guest of li elatives in Grainridge. ti Mr. David Wardlaw, student of ** Erskine, has been at home for the last week. He is having trouble vith his eyes, and will go to Atlanta M for treatment. r The school at Lethe will close with in entertainment on Friday night, | ;he 26th of May. g COOPER ADDRESSES I FOUR HOLfeS PICNIC I Lanren* Candidate Makes Fine Ad- S dreM at Annual Celebration of :E School. I Orangeburg, May 18.?The big an- J nual picnic held during the com- ft mencement exercises of the Four [ Soles graded school, was held today 5 ind featured by an address delivered ft jy Robert A. Cooper of Laurens. The 1 attendance was exceedingly large, ? people from all sections of Orange- & >urg and adjoining counties were [ present. The address of Mr. Cooper was exceptionally fine and an appro- I priate talk for such an occasion. This ? ivas the first address delievered in ? :he Four Holes section of Orange- ft >urg by Mr. Cooper and he drew a'( jig crowd. f Probably no school in South Caro iina hafe made more progress in the ft past few years than Four Holes r ichool has. The people of that com- ? nunity are wide awake along educa- ( ;ional and agricultural lines and mag- f lificent showings are being made. J; rhe class day exercises were held E ;his morning and were interesting, gj Fhe exercises were opened with a r long by the school. C. D. Hydrick 3 jffered a prayer. The salutatorian V vas Aubrey Shuler. Otis Ulmer read .E ;he class history. The class will was 3 ead by Shuler Hungerpiller. Cor- J lelius Stroman delivered the vale- ? lictory address. 3 During the exercises appropriate 3 nusic was rendered by teachers and | )upils. An interesting selection was g liner Kv Anhrpv Shuler. Otis Ulmer. 5 Jhuler Hungerpiller and Cornelius [ Stroman, all of the tenth grade. ? The exercises were presided over 2 >y M. M. Riddle, a prominent citzen L >f that section of Orangeburg coun- f ;y,. who introduced R. A. Cooper, ;he orator for the occasion. T. J. E Bolin of Neeses, candidate for rail- ? -oad commissioner, was on the pro gramme for an address, but was un- 1 ivoidably hindered from being J present. The usual Four Holes dinner was J j&rved at this picnic. | E Beware of the girl wnose heart is is cold as a dog's nose. L ? c O LEND I hirty-one Acre Tract ijl rom city limit, a real | every other form of ij: INGE & TRUST CO. f iS, Manager. r y All Druggists | i P SISISJ3JSISISJ3ISISISJSMSJSM2MSI3MSJ3MSJ^ U MAKE OUR STORE YOU BOWDEN-SDHP LADIES! When Summer's Sun Casts It's Burning Rays Over Your Tender Skin, It Is Then That You Need Good Face Creams, Lotions and All Kinds of Toilet Necessities. Our Toilet Department is filled with Face Creams that remove Freckles, Sanborn and Tmrsxxd t retarn ttf tbe skis its normal P velvety appearance. We have . p. lotions tfai remvoe thc rnnghness and heal cracked skins. Toilet powders that beautify and protect the complexion. Onr stock represents the products of the beat manufacturers of both foreign and domestic goods. i r i ?i 'nuifEfararaiiugmzJB]^ i i p j Preparedne Be Your Pi the Sranm We WASH beach suit i fic manner i P them on a j PRESS inst; j purpose i j them the i i | and the pr | Prioe, 1 I | ? j i ! GIVEUSj i AMU 1 I -w Laiint ] rmJCI?lCLCICl?LCLOfiLCICU UUUULJULIIJUJLJIJIJIJ R DOWNTOWN HOME SON MUG-CO. ABBEVILLE'S LEADING PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS NUNNALLY'S ICE CREAMS 1 and CANDIES RECEIVED DAILY Complete Line of Stationery, Cards, Inks, Tablets, Etc; v r / t - i ; UNEXCELLED DELIVERY SERVICE Pfcene 107 - - ' ?? iBuznnfiugnBBCWil its j 3j | rnoram for S i v^i wii lira . -mm er Months 1 9 ii a hp nalm ? J VMS |fUIUI M in a scienti- ; and press UNIVERSAL I illed for the I which rives I 'H ight shape fl oper style. 40c 1 \ TRIAL I Irv I "J I ""J