The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, April 26, 1916, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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DOTE DISCUS, POLITICAL abvul, aprile still [a J - rt o 1 | I*1 Ut'ti cuuui lai. i hev bin in a peck uv trubble sints ^ i last rote to you. my ole frend i and feller citizun jedge Kahirt hes tl got mad with me becaus i am stickin w to cusin Coot in the rais fur Kurri- a ner. i never thought the jedge li wood expec me to voat fur him when tl cusin Coot were runnin but it n seams he did and thair is wher i got w inter trubble. i talked it over with lizzie an she sent me doun to see the y jedge to try to git mattirs straitened fi out and i. think we has it now. Coot tl will still run fur Kurirner, but the cl jedge will not. he will maik the h rase fur the skule Super uv eddica- a tion, and he will maik a good one. y under these here sircumstants i will e divide time between cusin Coot and b the jedge speakin wun time fur Coot e and wu- fcr the jedge so as to shew : r.z "irchaluy. il when i went ho^m an tole lizzie e how i had wurked the thing she was fi moar than happy becaus sfte wus not t< for goin back on the jedge. he is s] too good a naber for lizzie to be will- t! in to so back on, and she bleeves in r (stickin to good naburs. an the jedge r will maik a fine Super. he is kounty c bred and bornd, hes bin a poor far- d mer like miself fur theas many yeers, h is a honest man, and loves evrybod- n die. the voaters 6f this hear grand f ole kounty can do no better than to n reward this ole soldeer fur his sur- a vices to his kuntry. these hear fel- T lers whitch hasnt fit any can erford b to wait till the soldeers hev had their j v day. thay is but a fiew of them j is left and i sais stand to um bois, an w less give um a little while thay is still with us. 1< I receeved your letar askin if it! o wood be grjeeble to me to be nominat- p ed as Kummishener ter Kolumby at a, the dimmerkratic Kunventun i wus je3t a thinkin i wood go down agin an spend the nite with the guv as he wus so plesent to me when i and Erl was thare, and wus to go to the bank and sea if i cood git tip enuff j munny to go. If i didnt git it there ' it was mi plan to reed this peece to >a the jedge an then ask him . ter len : me the munny. but lizzie gits on n ter the rackit and she stops it rite I'P bout now. when lizzie gits mad it " is summer time at my hous all win- j s' ter. she sais she will let me go to I . narry nuther citty whitch has a sylum 1 .t] in it. nur a pennercensnerry, spcti- , ally the latter. she talks evry nite J a bout how fortunit it wus that i and I Erl went to the sylum befoar we ^ went to the pennertensherry as she it sais we mighter got caught when we runned off if we had bin at the later * named plais. and there is ginnerly * sumthin in what lizzie sais specially if she has you hemmed in a corner. , i am sorrie that i cannot go to Kolumby to ther Kunvenshun as i wood like to maik a fiew remarks to oi / the citterzens of s. c., on how munro u: wilson is runnin this here govermint. i see that the Kolumby Stait which is rit by the gonzailes bois is tryin ter put munro in fur ernuther rais, ^ but munro is not the man. im fur u cusin Klide's cusin Jon fur the prisidint. i hev sean his pictur in the w Medum which cusin Klide rites or it gits riten, an he is wearin his fitin fais, and i tell you now he is the S( man to fite the mexikans and the a germints. there air a grate menny ^ men in this hear wurld whitch has alwais sited too' lo, and cusin Klide s cusin Jon is wun uv them jedgin by i, his pictur. i sais let us naim him fur the prisidint. he is the man whitch can hev his pictur maid as manny times as turrible ted as thay r hav a pictur taiker in belton, and he c hes alreddy maid sevrul of cusin Jon v. as i hev sean them in sevrul paipers. d The Low Goverleaf Two Health; W^E used to think th; onto the ground ar it under, we were doing we know that won't do. the manure must be fc pieces and spread evenly. The Low Cloverleaf spr this work best. It gives 1 beatings, one with the regu the wide spread disks. Wh( ground in that condition your in it, and gets it quickly. 1 spreader it will pay you to se local dealer who has one set uj International Harvester (Iccorpo Loa' doverisat trire DARGAN-KING Abbi ville, SES THE I I SITUATION I T> X n cusin Jon has a bank whitch mun- B o hasnt got. now it taiks munny 5 run a war, and wher wood munro I e in a war with no bank behine him. guess that is why he keaps out of he war bat cusin Jon wood be thair a nth the munny and hire the soldeers nd put them rite in the fite. i wood T ke to say to the dimmerkrats of lis hear stait that they is bout to a laik a grate mistaik as they did ' 'hen i run fur Kurriner. H Besides it hes bin a good menny eers sints belton had a kanderdait ur prisidint, an if the upar part of j ier stait is ter hev wun now is our hanct. Cusin Jon wood not be a new l and as prisidint. he hes prisidinted bank in beltun fur a good menny q eers en knoas how the job is dun n with a few good ecvisers like \ rave ben tilmun in washintun, en d smith, an bill bryan offern good :v::2 he v.'rcd turn the tricks in ler whitehous rite now. beltun is $ ntitled ter her job an as i sais i is ^ ur cusin Jon for it. i am goin up ^ 2r beltun and tell him soa. you can pect sumthin ter hapin when i git cj hair too, an as cusin Jon is stm 2 unnin his bank i may strack him nj ur a lone while thair ter run mi ?{ rop cn. i heer he dont want no orsers frum a poar man atall, an U! e charges verry lital intrust. it 0j lite be a good idee fur sum of the armers who hes trubble here gittin ^ lunny to do busness with him ter giv ^ lien smith, and doc. harris, and doc lhomas the go-by and throw all ther ^ usness ter cusin Jon's bank. it rood sho him that the poar peepul ; with him in this hear rais, an it -ood maik us an him happie till fall. I will sea you Mundy if lizzie wil ;t me off. i wishes ter talk sum , f theas mattirs oaver with you in ' usun. if i git the lone from beltun s sed. i will pa my subscripshun. yourn as eaver, p, Dote. u SORE DISAPPOINTMENT. cl M The minister hurried down the isle and grasped the stranger's hand. P "I am glad to see you with us to- B ight," he said. I can see by the ex- B ression in your face that you are iboring under some deep sorrow, F ome great disappointment." w "You're right; I came in here C hinking this a movie and having got A 1 I didn't have the nerve to get up H nd walk out."?Michigan Gargoyle, tl m * * * * * * * * * * *ai * tc WOMEN AT WAR! * a: * A "1 ********** *J We do not mean the Amazons, the jmamiters, nor the militants. * But those good women so dear to * ur hearts who make our homes for s. * These wholesome folks have a eaty with cleanliness that keeps lem ever at war against dirt and ncleanlincss in all its forms. Soap, if you work hard enough p ith it, will make things clean, but oj won't kill germs! Borax mixed in proportion with cr >ap will make the soap work better w nd your work easier. Also borax ili? germs. F So that by using borax soap chips d; ou get things clean with less work han by the old methods and you al- tl a get them antiseptic. ti 25c. worth of "20 Mule Team Bo- ^ ax Soap Chips" will give you more a] leanliness with less work than 50c. rorth of bar soap or washing pow- y,, ers.?Adv. . ff * ** ^' h Gives the Manure J? y Beatings it if we threw manure ly old way and plowed j? a good job. But now 01 To do any real good, r< iroken up into small J eader is the one that does ? the manure two heak'ny iar beater, the other with ;n the manure reaches the m soil gets all the good there is 0i rhe Low Cloverleaf is one tr :e before you buy. See the ? 3 for you to look at. tl Company of America J] rated) p] pi ta.isrs are sold by w : rnMPANV i i wyiriA /nix i A S. C. ? T ******* BROWNLEE * ******* r I could sing as poets sing, And voice a wonderful rhyme, d lift a merry voice and sing A song to plantin' time. ut I can't sing as poets sing So in an low undertone, j keep a-hummin' to the Spring When I'm all alone. E cricket on the fence rail G Laughs out in wild delight, hen shakes his restless bushy tail, e And jumps out of sight. nd by his run-away in the bush That goes the windin' lane, e crys a while in breathless hush | Then laughs out loud at me again, {j E he South wind in the sycamore, Hums like an old guitar g ike dancers on a cabin floor, The wild Sweet William bloom, h, gracious songs and rhymes, E Oh, blessed day of spring nd bless you all, you birds that sing g A song of plantin' time. You can guess by this little poem | lat the farmers of this section are | asy planting cotton, corn and vege- | ible seed. C The Hodge and Campbell school j | osed for this session Friday, April | L, and these two schools had a pic- H ic Saturday. There was plenty of | >od dinner. The largest girls sold [c e cream and candies. They will : 3e their profit to buy a basket-ball j | ltfit. j (c Miss Dominick gave a prize to Miss P dna Mann for best attendance, and ! | !iss Mabel Ferguson for most head j g arks. J. Howard Moore and Rev. i jj banning gave interesting addresses j | .1 scnooi wont. Mr. LeRoy, from Willington, is isiting: Mr. James Dericott, who likes ; lis country fine. Mr. Will Ferguson gave a party in ' anor of Misses Dominick and Ficuette. After talking and laughing e cream and cakes was served. Mr. Arthur Campbell was a Field ay visitor to Abbeville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Below from Lownesville, attended preaching at Bell's lapel Sunday and took dinner with [r. Bradberry and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Suber from iedmont, S. C., visited Mrs. W. D. j ell and family Wednesday, and Mrs ill Cann Thursday. Messrs Arthur Sutherland, John erguson, Jesse Gann, spent the day ith Mr. J. H. Ferguson Sunday. Mr ann is a candidate for sheriff of bbeville, and wants all the votes. e has been a rural police and filled le office well. We feel that he will lake a good Sheriff, and won't let fiything be done unnoticed and (I ild him to subscribe for the Press id Banner and reach his friends.) Iso put his announcement in the Banner." McCORMICK * " **** *** Mr. Clayton Morgan of Columbia, g >cnt the week-end here with his ! Mr. Charlie Morgan. I Mrs. J. F. Carson went to Gaffney I riday afternoon to visit relatives [ id friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Harley of Lin>lr.ton, Ga., spent ihe week-end here itii relatives. Dr. D. A. J. Bell went to Augusta riday afternoon, returning Saturay. Mrs. J. S. Harris of Troy, met with le Royal Embassadors at the Bapst Church Sunday afternoon. Messrs. W. M. Strom and John L. | f ennedy spent last Sunday at Starr,|! nd Iva. IJ Mrs. A. A. Stuart has returned j J ome, after spending several days j itli relatives in Augusta. 1 Miss Olivia Mattison, a student of \ tack's Business College of Augusta, j spending some time with her par nts here. ^ Miss Marian Sturkey, who has [ een teaching school at Richburg, iturned to her home here Monday J > spend her vacation. ? Mr. J. R. Stilweli, yard master of ie C & W C road here, left last J uesday for Abbeville, where he has i j position in a drug store. Mr. W. I: Bramblett now holds the position j J f yard master. i Mr. M. J. Miller and Miss Grace tiller spent last Sunday here with leir parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. T. [iller. Children's Day will be held here n the 5tn Sunday morning. Misses Jessie and Dell Hawley of arksville, were week-end visitors ere. Mrs. E. T. Greeson and Miss Annie I reeson have returned home after i isiting relatives in Augusta. j Mrs. Fannie Jennings, of Green-' ood, visited relatives here last week, j Mrs. W. J. Ferqueron of Green- j ood, visited relatives here last week j Mr. F. L. Morrow, of Abbeville, as moved to McCormick, with his imily and will operate a printing ffice here. After spending two weeks with 2latives in Lincoln County, Ga., Mr. , E. McCracken has returned to [cCormiek. Misses Kate and Linnie Price of olumbia Female College, spent Eas;r in McCormick with relatives. Miss Frances Elizabeth Ferqueron, f McCormick, and Jasper L. Wells, f Plum Branch, were quietly mariied Thursday evening at the home f the bride. Rev. Robert L. Roundee performed the ceremony in the , resence of only the two immediate ' imilies. | A marriage of much surprise to ! s leiv many friends here was that of j J .'iss Maude ' Huguely and Charlie i [ 'organ of McCormick, which took j lace Sunday evening at the Baptist; . irsonage. The ceremony was per- j I 1 u.. n-.. iir T3 TVioir ! S ;iiiieu uy i\cv, vv . ?\* ^ixntii. | ill make McCormick their home of hich their many friends are delight1. Pure leve is loves' salvation. Love id hope are close allies. he hours are never in profit spent, hat leaves you mind in discontent. ' PJ? f5M3M3MS?3MSM3M3M5 Eli^^SMS/SJSfS iFiPiwpinnriwrinpiPin yT!>f: ii^i3n?n^nsnsn^nsn^Mzn3iiiii?in? 5^>>aJi2jBJSI5J5J5J5J5IBM5J5I5ISJBJSJ5ISI5lSJSJBJSJ5.,5Krn nalraJ |HADDOf Ij | Better P I I All Depa I I Ch? j I White f LP"LEj tlU lUVil (Jiail f.ffii) 8 36 inch strip IE signs 25c to 31 a 44 inch silk ; h 36 inch whit i to 50c. 36 inch Bea< | 36 inch whit tsj 44 inch whil 35 inch whit Eg 36 to 40 inc * 36 inch fine | 20c to 35c. n 36 inch Paja $ 30 inch Engl | A great vaii for middy blou g A careful in: I you that we h S prices. |haddo^ rll?pl {^ICT<SJ5MSISfSISJSJ5JSJSI5JBJBf5JBJc2jBJ5JBJSJ5I2j5JBJBiB. 1 A MASTERLY i | 1E1ESTF i | ill |j Tor Sprinjr of 101 JC Months of careful searching an J5 to this comprehensive exhibit < u be the last word in style an /II - ... U7\1. Willi 51)'1C quality that will make you won one-" S Prices from, $5.50 1 ? Hats ?Come and see i fj Prices from, 50c to * jj Shirts?All the prettii ti can find just the shirt for every fj ^ c r Shoes and Oxford fi Children's Shoes are here and J2 Ladie's Oxfords from U Men s Oxfords from ID. PO fi * A nni JliTiiTi mm repared Than Ever | Spring Trade. 5 rtments Filled with | ice New Goods. ? md Colored Goods I 1 white Voile 1 Oc to 25c. i <?d and figured Voile, beautiful de- y 5c. 3 Finish Organdie, very stylish, 50c. ? e figured and striped crepes, 20c :h cloth, white, tan and blue, 20c to ? e and colored gaberdine 25cto40c. ? :e French organdie 50c to 75c. F, e Flaxon and Shivrette 20c to 35c. | h white silk finished mull 25c to 50c.' g white ehecked and striped dimities I .ma checks 10c. iish Longcloth 10c to 25c. | ety white and colored goods suitable | ises and little boys suits. spection of our stock will convince ? ave the right goods at the right I OfSJSJ5fS?3?SJ3M5I2ISISISM3MSI5IS?3j cd QL' MSiBMS TI.-^rr->rCTTIT-Trt-X??HIL?lWHMl^??l III!-JIHMLUIff Hill IIV-UI Tli {>, is now ready for your inspection d discriminating bnying by us enabl :onfident that what you see and wha d the best value for your money po?: 1^-1^ A lacp /IAII KU bCitiUIiJ CLJ UclIUU. IUI ico.3 man uuu ider: "Why don't it^vear out so I i ['aim Beach to ?18.00 Blue and our elegant new spring I-Iats in strav J2.50. est patterns in the new spring colors occasion in the big new assortment 1 .S All the wanted styles in Ladie they cost less here too, SI. 00 to $3.00. $1.50 to ?4.00. ? T I BV1LLB, S. C. 3J3J3JS/3J5iai5ISI3f3/B?S. aiSiaETr |Jti^,BJSJ5ic21JSJ. g la i[i rn iii ijl 11 i II 'I | ?i If ]l ,v sa is ill i nririri r?i r*i r* naIlZn3lalmul1 i OJSJSJSISJSMSISMSISJSjS 58 ' 1 Lcionmacinm: luuuuuuucn THArS I at this store? *;5 es you to come ?? ,t you buy will jil sible to procure. g3 the price witn tjj :an get a new jjjjj Fancy Serges. if v and felt. 3| Every man ?|| ive are showing. ?p 1 is, Men's and ^