The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, March 15, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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|LOCAL <% || Mrs. J. C. Klugh went over to Chester last week. Mrs. E. L. Palmer, was in the city last Saturday shopping. Mr. John Winn, of near Due West, was in town Saturday on business. Mrs. Charlie McKenzie has re/ turned from a short visit to friends j in Atlanta. Mrs. Wm. M. Barnwell is at home ' after an extended visit to her sister ; 9 in Snowhill, Md. Miss Lila Beaudrot came up from j Greenwood and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Beaudrot. Mr. Robert Hill and little daughter, Eloise, of Atlanta, spent Sunday here with relatives. Mrs. W. W. Bradley went^pver to Greenwood Monday to spend the day with friends. Mrs. W. H. Harris went down to Columbia Tuesday for a visit of a week to her home people. Miss Lilly Clark is at home after a month's stay in Augusta, the guest of her sister, Mrs. George Clark. Mrs. C. C. Fleming is in the city from Columbia on a visn iu uw daughter, Mrs. W. P. Wham. Miss Mary Rudisail, teacher of the Sock Spring school, was in the city Saturday, shopping. Rev. J. M. Lawson will be out of town atending to school business, for one week from March 15th to March 22nd. Miss Carrie Lander went to her home in Pelzer last Friday and spent until Sunday with her home people. Mrs. R. H. Cochran and Mrs.. M. B. Syfan spent Tuesday with Mrs. W. J. McKee, near Due West.' Roddy Devlin came over from Greenwood last Sunday and spent the day with friends. He is a welcome visitor always. Miss Lillian McCantey has returned to her home after a short visit to her brother, who is working in Atlanta. Tott onrl Mrs Pnnnie Thom t/C*J V???M ? ? ? son came up from Troy Monday and were shopping in our stores and seeing their friends. Miss Frances Calhoun came home last Monday to see her father, who is quite sick at his home on Greenville street. Mrs. Luther Highsmith and her family of interesting children are in the city on a visit to Mrs. Lucy Thomson on Upper Main street. Thomas Thomson came over from North Augusta last week to see his mother who has been quite sick for the past week. Mrs. Thomson is better and he has returned to his work. Miss Janie Morse came home from Easley last Friday and spent until Monday afternoon with her home people. Her visit gave her friends much pleasure. Mrs. H. A. McLesky, Miss Myrtle and Miss Madge McLesky are going over to Atlanta this week to see the new styles and to spend a few days with friends. Mrs. T. H. Furman came over from Atlanta this week and spent several days among her friends. Several pleasant parties were given complimentary to her during her visit. Miss Bessie Lee Cheatham went over to Athens Monday to be with Mrs. Thomas, who is still very sick at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dudley. Mr. D. A. Rogers came home from the low country last Monday on sick leave. He is running between Charleston and Hamlet, on the new Bonsel road, and is delighted with the country and the people. The Misses Brown of Columbia, came up to Abbeville and spent Sunday with their father, Engineer Brown, the new man on the Southern. Mr. Brown is stopping with Mrs. Pennel until he decides about moving his family to Abbeville. Misses Louise and Benie Watson went to McCormick last Sunday and spent the day. They attended divine worship in the city and are agreed that if one carried along enough company one could spend a whole day there without any special trouble or loneliness. Rev. M. R. Plaxco went up to Due West last Sabbath _ afternoon and spoke to the Y. M. (J. A. that night. Mr. Plaxco is a graduate of Erskine and takes a deep interest in her welfare. SYMPATHY FOR MRS. THOMSON. Mrs. J. Calvert Thomson has the sympathy of a host of friends in Abbeville in the death of her father, which occurred in Winnsboro last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomson left Sunday afternoon for Winnsboro to attend the funeral. NEWS . NATIONAL BABY WEEK. The observance of National Bab week in Abbeville last week was success in every way. The prograr for the week was arranged by Mr: D. A. Rogers of the Health Commil tee of the Civic Club, and consiste of conferences held in the home o Mrs. J. V. Elgin, Mrs Martha Bower Mrs. Henry Gilliam, Mrs. W. R. Brae ley, Mrs. W. G. Stephens, Mrs. W. ] Johnson, Mrs. W. A. Calvert, Mr: M. T. Coleman, Mrs. Rogers, and a the mill school house. There wa much talk of the best method of cai ing for children and many helpfv articles were read from magazine: All these ifieetings were especiall well attended considering the ba weather. Thursday afternoon at the Civi Club rooms Dr. J. E. Pressly and D G. A. Neuffer talked to the larg crowd of ladies present about th "Physical Welfare of the Child. Both these talks were instructive an entertaining ana tne many question asked by the ladies created a feelin of comradeship among all present. Friday afternoon the meeting wa devoted to the discussion of th "Moral Welfare of the Child," an papers were read by Mrs. W. 0. Crc mer, Mrs. M. T .Coleman and Mr: J. L. McMillan. These papers treal ed the subject from the standpoin of the generally improved conditio of children in the school and as to their recreation. Rev. N R. Plaxco opened the meeting wit prayer and every seat in the roor was taken. At three o'clock on Friday aftei noon a parade was held, the childre meeting at the plaza, forming in lin and marching around the square. 0 account of the wind there were onl seventy babies in the parade. Ther were many health banners on th different carriages and the little girl carried banners of purple and gol bearing inscriptions on health whil the boys carried placards aroun their necks. After the parade th little fellows were taken into th picture show where all who were i the parade were admitted free. Thi parade was in charge of Mrs. C. C Gambrell and was well carried out. On Sunday all the ministers i town preached sermons on the "Spii itual Welfare of the Child." Th churches were full and the sermon were enjoyed. Many of the merchants took a interest in the week and decorate their windows in things pertainin; to the care of children. The win dows were beautiful and elicite much pleasant comment. Baby week was something new fo Abbeville but from now on it wil be the custom. It was enjoyabl and profitable and the success of th whole entertainment was due to th careful planning of Mrs. Rogers. RIIYINfi FORDS Mr. Geo. Bowie bought a ^ Fori touring car last week from Long shore, the local dealer. Dr. Rayford Power had a new on made out of his old one and is no\ riding in a "brarid-spank" new Ford Read the Ford ad in this issue. It' good dope. ABBEVILLE LIBRARY. The following books have been re ceived at the Library in the past fev weeks: viz. "A Hill Top on the Marne." b; Mildred Aldnch. Drama oi 3b! Days," by Hall Cain. Also the fol lowing fiction: "The Shepherd o the Hills," Harold Bell Wright "Bob, Son of Battle," Olivant "Dear Enemy," Jean Webster. "J Spinner in the Sun," Reed. "Stil Jim," Wilkie. These, with some recently donate* by friends of the Library, will ad< greatly to the edification and enjoy ment of the reading public. Mrs. Jas. Hill, Mrs. G. T Tate, Mis Elizabeth Gambrell, Mr. T. G. Per rin, Mr. A. B. Morse, and others have donated books and magazines all of which are highly appreciatei and enjoyed. Since the debt of the Library ha been canceled, the Association seem to have taken on new life and inter est and is planning many new fea tures. Early in April will be given an en tertainment uniaue in its wav. en tirely different from anything befor given in Abbeville. Of this we wil hear more fully soon. In the mean time the casual visitor, with a fev moments of leisure, will find a visi to the rooms of the Library wel worth his while, with much to in struct and interest, if he so desires. Remember the days, Tuesday an< Friday afternoons of each week fror 3:30 to 6 o'clock. A HAPPY MARRIAGE. Announcement cards, giving th< news of the marriage of Miss Lilliai Kyle Jones, of Knoxville, Tenn., an< Mr. Rufus W. Fant, of Anderson havo been received among the friend of the charming bride. This mar riage took place, Jany. 29th at Si Johns Episcopal Church, Columbia S. C., while Mr. Fant was in tha city in attendance upon the meetinj of the Legislature, he being a mem ber of the Anderson delegation. Miss Jones visited in Abbevill just before the Christmas holiday and charmed everyone with her lovt ly ways and her sweet voice. He mother, who was Miss Rebecc Moore, is well remembered here an every one took an affectionate intei est in her daughter. Friends in Abbeville extend heart congratulations to Mr. and Mr: | Fant. |DR.C.C.GAMBRELL NOMINATED MAYOR ?> * DEFEATS HIS TWO OPPONENTS IN FIRST RACE, y a n In the city election held yesterday, 5. Dr. C. C. Gambrell was nominated > for Mayor for the third time, defeatd ing his two opponents, W. M. Grayf don, Esq., and Mr. J. Allen Long i, by 19 votes. Dr. Gambrell received 1- 136 votes at the city box, 24 at the E shops and 91 at the cotton mill, male? ing a total of 251. Mr; Graydon re t ceived 85 in the city box, 15 at the S shops, and 59 at the cotton mill, > making a total of 159. Mr. J. Alien il Long received 59 votes at the city J. Un? R >t ftHnn*. and 9 at the y cotton mill, making a total of 73. d In Ward No. 1 Mr. M. B. Syfan was nominated as Alderman without C opposition. r in Ward No. 2 Mr. H. B. Wilson e is nominated as Alderman, receiving e 35 votes to 30 cast for Mr. T. M, " Miller. d In Ward No. 3 Dr. J. E. Presslj is is nominated for the long term, re> g ceiving 60 votes in the city box, 17 at the shops and 46 at the cotton S mill, making a total of 143, his oppoe nent Mr. Shirley receiving 105 at th< d cotton mill, 1 at the shops, and 1 >- at the city box. 3. For the short term in Ward No. 3, > Mr. W. M. Blanchett is nominated it He received 141 votes at the cotton n mill and 10 at the city box. His op< 5 ponent, Mr. J. S. Cochran received [ 75 in the city box, 6 at the cotton h mill. 1 In Ward 4, Albert Henry had nc opposition for the long term, and > Dr. J. R. Nickles no opposition foi n the short term and they were nomi' 6 nated. n y J. M. Anderson spent Sunday ir ? Coronaca with relatives, e is Frank Jones, of Columbia, was ir d the city Tuesday on business, e d David Wood came over from At e lanta and spent Sunday with his par e ents. n is i J. E. McDavid, of Columbia, was in Abbeville a few days last weel* n on business. ~ Mrs. J. H. Oulla and Miss Sudi< Barksdale of Anderson, are spending a few days with Mrs. J. H. Barksdale near the city. ^ Mrs. L. D. Caldwell and Miss ? Vivian Caldwell came over frorr j Greenwood Tuesday to do some shopping and to see their friends. j Read the Victrola ad of the McMurray Drug Co. * SPENDING SUNDAY. Miss Mary Frances Pool went down to her home in Newberry last Friday and carried with her, her friends, Misses Edith and Louise Sullivan and " Miss lone Smith. The visit was a mos: pleasant one. I A PRETTY VISITOR. ' Mrs. George Clark, of Augusta, is 8 in the city for a visit to Miss Lilly Clark. Mrs. Clark has visited here before and has always charmed every one by her vivacious manners. It is always a pleasure to have her come here and many friends in Abbeville " are glad to know of the success of Mr. Clark in his adopted home. I A SUNDAY SCHOOL PARTY. r Mrs. Gertrude Sign gave her Sab . bath School class and her neices and * nephews a picture party at the opera ? house last Friday night. The young j folks met at eight o'clock and took in the pictures and enjoyed the bags j of candy and fruits which were ^ passed around. TO RENT:?A comfortable cottage s on upper Main Street. For terms apply to Fred Cason. 2-9 tf I; FOR THE LATEST WAR NEWS? i both Europe and Mexico?read the Atlanta Daily Journal. Delivs ered to you every morning before s breakfast. - It. J. C. Cox, Local Agent. FOR SALE?Some seven or eight mules belonging to Abbeville county, on the public square at Abbee ville Court House on Saturday, 1 March 18, between 2 and 5 o'clock P. M. W. A. Stevenson, ir Supervisor, t ? ^ LtbAL nun^L. Bids will be received on March 30, * for repairs at the jail as recommend1 ed by Grand Jury, overhead plastering, leak in roof, repairs to stove room. Also for a bath tub and the instalation of same. W. A. STEVENSON, e Supervisor Abbevile County. 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS i. s _ ! Cards inserted under this head are strictly cash in advance. L,! t FOR SOLICITOR. Ef! T V? QnrtAimna rwvcfllf QC Q I- X ntltlJ J HUllUUltVV VIM w candidate for Solicitor of Eighth Jue dicial Circuit, subject to the rules oi s the Democratic Primary. ?- GEO. T. MAGILL. T * FOR SHERIFF. a We are authorized to announce y W. L. MILLER, of Mt. Carmel, as i 5. canidate for Sheriff, subject to th< rules of the Democratic Primary. A PLEASANT TEA PARTY. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cochran en1 tained a few friends at tea last I rlav niaJif in Vinnnr of Miss T.nrei | and Miss Martha Piatt. A pleas time was enjoyed and a delightful i served. NEW CARS. Col. A. M. Stone- and John Ha: went up to Charlotte last week j brought back two fine cars. ( has been purchased by Mrs. E. Thomson, who is going to take in the sights of the nearby towns soon as the weather gets good. BEAUTIFYING THE SOUTHER Mr. W. M. Foreaker, of Charlo General Superintendent of the Soi ern nnd Mr. Maxwell, Division S erintendent, were in Abbeville ! Friday looking after the road i while here they discussed plans v Mr. Syfan for the beautifying the Southern Depot. These gen men were delighted with the plan make this a beautiful place and ' give much material assistance. The work will be under the ca ble management of Mrs. M. B. fan, who is known over our town a lover of flowers. HOW BILL DIVIDES. Last Friday our son Bill, was of the young folks invited to take the picture show by his aunt, ^ Cir*n wVinn cVto f-rna+n/l In At* QoKV* KJlfall) vruvil OI1V bl VMI/VU llVi tJUUU School class to a picture party. B of candy and fruit were given e \ little fellow and on the way he [ Bill remarked to his aunt that . didn't eat a whole banana, add [ "but I was full any way so I g i the rotten spot on my banana to I Neuffer." I EARLY CLOSING. We, the undersigned agree to cl our places of business at six o'cl< 1 (Saturdays and pay days at S. A Railway excepted,) from April to September 15th, 1916. 1 Amos B. Morse Co., H. H. Du Co.. L. C. Haskell, Dargan-King I J. M. Anderson Co., W. E. Johns Water & Electric Light Office, J, Bowie wholesale grocers, Mrs. , S. Cochran, J. Allen Smith, The Hot Hustler Racket, D. Poliak 3 L. W. Keller Bros., W. T. Cason, ' ; Rosenberg Mercantile Co., J. Glenn, S. J. Link, A. M. Smith, D. Brown, Jr., Cason & McAllis ? Kerr Fur. Co., Stark Vehicle Co., r D. Barksdale, R. L. Mabry, L. s White Co., R. Kirkwood, Parker Reese, E. R. Thomson, R. M. I Haddon, Wilson Co., Philson ; Henry, A. M. Hill Co., T. M. Mil l T. H. Maxwell, F. S. Hill, W. A. ( - vert, C. H. Bosdell. mm ! Look first at th< i varying models tha EA jkf t V had #|.9v viuiui nuaji PROTECT YOUR anteeing absolutely MANHATTAN, 1 $1.00 each (I; ;j| o?Wb "W | ^S&EESSBBIIfS^BEV tte, Vict: ithlast The instrument and Its wonderful wealth of the b of . . . , tie- that music exactly as it 13 rendere 1 $2 has made the Victrola the favorite will and refinement everywhere. Pa" Sy- The fact that all this music ca 1 as from the portable Victrola IV at XVIII at $300, has made the musical instruments. * There's a Victrola for YOU. $15 $250, $300. Victors $10 to $100. Tei Irs. ' "" ' f McMurray Drug Abbeville, S. C lap 1 GETTING BETTER. Mr. Tate Bradley, of Union, in whom our people are interested, was lose successfully operated on in the Bap)ck, tist hospital in Columbia, last week, . L. and is getting on nicely. Every one 1st here is glad to know that he hopes soon to be out again. Pre Co., ATTENDING THE ?on, TEACHERS , MEETING . S. jas* Abbeville is to be well represented at the teachers meeting in Columbia this week. Misses Bessie Epting, pe Miss Eloise Britt, Miss Mae Robertp son, Miss Lillian Swetenberg, Miss . Mary Frances Poole and Prbf. R. B. r?*' Cheatham will leave tonight and will W* be away until Saturday. * PAINTING UP. iill, ^ Mr. W. M. Barnwell is having a new coat of paint put on his house, /al" which will improve the good looks of the Greenville Street Annex. The Daylight Corner mm i A Man's Store Before Baying ? Your New Sprin 1 HAJ ! Hats in this shop. Our it are smart and stylish, p and J SELVES?Despite the dye si test dyes in all? WILSON BROS., ECLIPSE, te u piii ahiiiua nch arninu Underwear Oxfords Ties Belts Pajamas Night Shirts Half Hose Suits and Silk Gloves ''Hfti -" This it the a Victrola XVI, S200 rola for every home est music and its ability to play d by the world's greatest artists, i instrument in home? of culture .-.jz n be enjoyed on any style Victrola $15 to the magnificent Victrola Victrola the most popular of all , $25, $40, $50, $75, $100, $150, $200, ms to suit your convenience if desired. LEAVING ABBEVILLE. * ^ Mrs. C. D. Baer and her family of interesting children are leaving Abbeville this week for Atlanta-, where they will make their home in the fu? ture. This family has lived among us for years and their friends give them up with regret and wish them happiness and prosperity in their new home. TENNANT-SHUFORD.. A marriage of interest to the people of Abbeville is that of Miss Lillian Tennant and Mr. E. Harold Shuford, of Chester, which interesting event took place at Winnsboro last Friday. Miss Tennant is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Tennant of Abbeville, and is a capable trained nurse and is a woman of broad charities and kind heart. Her friends here wish her happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Shuford will make their home in Greensboro, N. C. yvw i \ W(?> 1 \ ?W<G .:; | stock is replete with 351 J V a * ohn B. Stetson $5.00 f * v3 <* Illation, we are guar- | VINDEX SHIRTS $2.50 each | t / .< -7TT v^ir i 1 % I | ?Tb.C?K? \ / I '"tl -''J . Jj| j