The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, December 22, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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(3 BUY NOW 0 ? Imagine the 0 H S* Think of the H meals a year with ; 4j Your wife wil million other woms You may not! i marvelous sale?bi She knows ab< aluminum ?the sp ? partitions. She ki 0 : ^ sti ******** DUE WEST * ******** Due West, S. C., Dec. 20.?Miss Sarah Nance, who is teaching in Saluda county, is at home for the holidays. Quite a number of the students oJ Erskine College and the Woman's College have gone to their respec tive homes to spend Christmas. Joint Exercises of Adelphian anc Nikanian Societies of the Due Wes1 High School, were held in the audi torium of the school on Friday ev animty locf F.vervone who tool part in the exercises did well, ant reflected credit upon themselves an< their teachers. The following wai the program: Invocation by Mr. R. S. Galloway Address of Welcome by President John Todd (Adelphian.) Essay?"Man's Triumph Ove: Electricity" ?Ebenezer Grier (Ni kanian.) Declamation? "Reverence for th< Flag"?Howard Agnew (Adelphian] Essay? "The Spirit of Sant) Claus"?Lila Bonner (Adelphian) Reading? "Uncle Remus at th< Telephone"?Alice Agnew (Nikan ian.) Debate?Resolved: That the pres ent appropriations of the State the State Colleges should be de creased by one-half and this mone; given to the High Schools of thi State. Affirmative (Adelphian) Park Wilson, Edith Todd, Willie Caldwell Grace Donnald. Negative. (Nikanian) Virgin}] Galloway, Jean Moffatt, Virginij Reid, Mamie Bagweli. Miss Grace Donnald was heard ii reply for the affirmative and Mis Virginia Reid for the negative, afte: which the judges, Dr. R. M. Steven son, Dr. J. R. Bell, and Mr. W. L Brownlee, gave their decision in fa vor of the negative. The honorable judges had a hard time in reaching their conclusion as it was the opinioi of many that the speeches of th< affirmatives were equally as good ai those of their opponents. The following were the Marshal for the evening: Adelphians?Ann? Brice Baird, Livy Pruitt. Nikan ians?Florence McDaniel, Earle Mc Clintock. ******** ' ANTREVILLE * ******** T* - 1 AP/Jnt? +/-v n 4-4- ran r 1/; , jHlUVA 1C1V X ucouajr I.V the Grand lodge of Masons in Char leston this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wakefield wer< in Anderson Wednesday. Mr. Henry Erwin was a busines; visitor in Abbeville Wednesday. Mr. John Gray has moved back t< the Milford home. Messrs Ernest ad Eugene McCar ter have moved to Mr. Enoch McCar ter's. Mr. and Mrs. John Evans hav< moved to their country home fron Abbeville. The Box-Party Friday evening wa: a success, notwithstanding the rain They made twenty-four dollars. Miss Piatt was at the Antrevilh school building Friday afternoon She is organizing a Domestic Scienc< class of women of the neighborhood The Masons entertained with ai Oyster Sup,per Friday evening. Mr. Boyce Wakefield spent Satur day night with Albert Erwin. Mi-. Bowman Patterson's remain; were brought from Columbia anc laid to rest in Bells cemetery Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wakefield lef Sabbi th for a few days visit at Lati mer. Dr. Henry of Anderson, visitet Mr. Rice Crowther's Friday. :?iiss /\nme uable and Mr. Johi Fisher were married at the home o her parents Sabbath, Rev. Belvii officiating. Drs. Trowbridge and Chisolm, o: Anderon. were to see Mr. Rice Crow ther Sabbath. Rev. Belvin visited in the city o: Anderson the week-end. DR; W. E. McCORI .... I>ENTIST .... over Dr. Speed's Drug Store Office Phone 242. Abbeville, S, ( Happiness of joy of preparing over a saving of half the time I appreciate this Hoosier m do. know why the Hoosier it she knows. Dut the sanitary sliding tc otless white cupboards \ lows how the utensil tra] Tie O VES RAN ******** * McCORMICK * *******? McCormick, S. C., Dec. 20, 1915 j Rev. M. W. Rankin, of Greeley5 ville, spent several days of last week . here with his son, Mr. W. E. Rankin, c Rev. W. R. Smith has been at5 tending the State Baptist Convention at Greenville. . Misses Kate Thurmond and Jennie 1 Lou Connor spent last Tuesday and Wednesday in Augusta. Miss Li\cy Powell of Pansy, Ga. is visiting relatives here for a fev ? days. j Mr. W. E. Rankin is a delegate J from here to the Masonic meeting ir 3 Charleston. Pnlioyfo rptnrnpd tc lUldd J.VUMJT iVVWVA WW * McCormick last Tuesday, after visit ? ing at Evans, Ga. Mr. J. A. Patterson has returnee r to his home here, after spendinf " sometime in Lincolnton, Ga. Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Fuller enter e tained the teachers Friday evening'. > Tha people of McCormick are high 1 ly elated over the overwhelming vot< they received in favor of the nev e county. The school closed here Friday foi the Christmas holidays to open agaii - on January third. 0 The Methodist Sunday School wil - have a Xmas tree in the church ox V Monday night, Dec. 27th, for th< e children. FAIRFIELD ? a a******** 1 Everybody seems to be gettinj s ready for Christmas, only one mor< r week. Mr. W. M. Redden and Miss Myri ' Young were happily married lasi - Tuesday at 3 o'clock at the home oi e the bride, in the presence of manj 7 friends and relatives. They wer< i married by Rev. R. F. Bradley, ol e Troy. The wedding march was s played by Mrs. Bradley. The brides maids were, Miss Lavinia Creswell s of Cedar Springs and Miss Margarel i Young, sister of the bride. Th? - groomsmen were Mr. T. F. Young - and Mr. Bryson Creswell. Th( bride was dressed in a green coal suit. They received many useful ' and pretty presents. We wish their r a long ani happy life. Mr. J. D. Creswell^ went to Pied r mont, S. 'C., last Wednesday, ht said he went on business, and sure . enough, for he was happily mar1 ried Wednesday, Dec. 15th, at fiv ' o'clock, to Mrs. M. J. Burgess, ol Piedmont. The bride and groom J returned to Troy Friday on the ten o'clock train. Messrs J. A. Young, 5 Wyley Long and Willie Long accompanied Mr. Creswell to Piedmont, > and were present at his marriage. The boys report a pleasant trip and " a good time. A family reception " was given at Mr. Creswell's home Friday for the bride and groom. ' Mr. J. W. Long and family, Mr. E. 1 C. Young and Miss Lavinia Creswell and her brother, Bryson, were all 3 that were present at the reception, except just the families. We wish them a long and happy life. - Mr. Daniel Young spent Fridaj night with his uncle, J. D. Creswell, - Master Wardlaw Campbell cele brated his birthday on last Sabbath, i Mr. James Young spent Wednesday night with his cousin, Mrs. H -, G. Bowen. Mr. Will Long dined with his cou51 sin. Mr. David Young on last SabI bath. - ] Mr. T. O. Younp spent one niprhl I k>.st week in Puckett with his sister t Mrs. Allen Walker. Mr. Sam Long dined with Mr. J I D. Creswell Sabbath. II Mr. Furman McCaslan spent Sab| batht evening with us, also Mr. J. A 11 Brown and son, James, f Mr. David Young went to Abbei ville Wednesday on business. f There is more Catarrh In this section oi the country than all other diseases oul e together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors prmounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies. and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it Incur 1 able. Science has proven Catarrh to be a ' constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only Constitutional cure on the market. It is taken Internally. It acts directly on Jhe blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They ofT;r one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonial:;. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. } Sold by Druggists. 75c. Take Hall'a Family Pills for constipation. the Women Who a thousand Cabinet as a GES i ********. * LOWNDESVILLE * ********. Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Chandler, who had been with us for the past four \ : years, left last week for Columbia, , S. C., where they will make their i . home for sometime, the first will be J - connected with Epworth Orphanage, for some time. I j Messrs D. L. and T. V. Barnes 1 I were called to Anderson last week ] on business. , Dr. T. 0. Kirkpatrick, Mr. R. H. ] r Moseley took an auto ride to Abbe- c ville the first of last week on busii ness. 1 II Our Baptist friends secured the j I ?J * t>?? A T r.nTm,hPii_ 0f II services uj. xvc*. x F ... > St. George, as pastor of their church in this place, and he and his family 1 moved up last week and are now 1 occupying the Baptist parsonage. r r i The new pastor for the coming year for Smyrna and Ridge church- t - es, Rev. W. K. Meadors, came in last week and on Sunday began his 1 - work as such giving service in the < ? Methodist church at 11.30 as pastor. j j The weather was so bad that few were in attendance. The preacher i p had another service at 7.30. He i i:was well received, and his hearers * were well pleased with him, His < 1! family, consisting of a wife and two ?' i children, will come in later. 1 ? Mr. E. W. Harper went to CharI leston Monday and attended the session of the Grand Lodge, of the , , South Crolina of Free Masons, as ] ' ' T.T +^ia I delegate irom jiuauu uuugt, j ' place. He was also appointed by > Gov. Manning as delegate to the S t Commercial Congress and attended j it. Mr. R. H. Moseley and Capt. ? r W. C. Shaw of this section, were j ? also appointed by the same high au- \ thority to meet the last important ) t meeting, but neither of the last 5 t named found it convenient to go. \ f Two seemingly small events oc- { T curred in this place. While they j ? seem of rather small importance, yet 1 f they both, if not nipped in the bud j 3 some body would have suffered. The J .! first to be mentioned is at Mr. T. I IM. Bond's home a few nights ago. j [1 About dark Mrs. Bond and the child- 2 ,! ren being at home, the first heard i | a noise at the back of the house and | J i went with a lamp to see the cause ] [ and found two, negro men leaving j [ with a large trunk. She called to I [! a nearby neighbor and the would be I j thieves dropped the trunk and made j . I a hasty get-away. The trunk be- \ , longed to a young man living there, j J j In the trunk was the wearing appa[ I rel of him and doubtless many other (: things of value. If it had been ta ken, he might have been bordering | upon the fix that Miss Flora McFlimt sey of old was said to have been in when she had nothing to wear. ' The lesson to be tau.?ht by this is to carefully fasten all rear and ' front doors as night comes to prej vent these night prowlers from gettine: in their good work. [ The next, a few nights ago at j ! late bed time passed near the store j ' room and saw a bright it. j j He went in to see the cause. The store room was in a bright blaze;! water near by was used 'and the1 ' fire stopped. In a few minutes his j 1 dwelling, out houses and contents | I would have gone up in smoke and r j down in ashes. Caution, in this ; I case is, for the most careful one about the home, to examine the store room, the last thing at night, and see that the careless one has not left the store cleanings where they will set the house on fire. On Wednesday last, Mr. Baker Speer and Miss Nellie Martin went . to the home of Rev Jas. A Clotfelter \ - and by him were united in matri- | > mony. Success and happiness to s this young couple. k Troupe. | it EXIT CALOMEL jft No more Nasty, Disagreeable Effects V LIV-VER-LAX is now rapidly | . taking the place of calomel every- 5 t where. It is just as effective, cleans- > j ing the system thoroughly of bile, $ frtriinrf T,T\ -Vta 1 i 1'At' n M/] ^ b tuiuiift wviic uvgi, CIIIU men - y 1 slugrprish feeling disappear like magic I > ! Yet it is pleasant to take, and hasj| none of the disagreeable after ef-|| i fects that make us dread calomel so j > : much. I $ Feel fine all the time. Take LIV-1 \ VER-L.AX regularly, and health be- > 1 comes a habit. ? 1 Guarantee. Every genuine bottle '* bears the likeness of L. K. Grigsby, > 1 and if it does not give satisfaction | your money will be returned. For ? sale in the big 50c and $1 bottles > at any druggists. Gel: Hoosier C f metal drawe avoids grit sockets mak , The food gu the 40 labor valed suprei h itUtii UAUIT Al ITI I IVITIk WW I I * * * *?* * * * |s * LONG CANE * ******** This community was visited by a leavy rain Friday night. Miss Nina Beauford spent Friday n the city with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. itfcKellar. Mr. and Mrs. John Ellis of near jowndeville, spent a few days of ast week with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sllis. Messrs Dave Haddon and Frank iay were business visitors to the :ity Friday. We are sorry to report that all of Hr. and Mrs. Evans Hunt's school jirls are on the sick list this week. iVe hope for them an early recovery. Miss Willie Clamp was in the city Friday doing her Christmas shopping j Mr. Calvin Stevenson was a busi- i less visitor to the city Friday. Mr. T. W. King was a visitor to ' I ;he city Friday. ^ The Rock Spring school closed on . Friday, December the 17, for the Christmas holidays. The children ill took their teacher on a surprise, rhey entered the school room Friday i norning before the teacher arrived ' ind decorated the room with holly ind evergreens. Upon the teach;rs desk under a bank of evergreen ind roses, they placed the teacher's present, a fine purse, which the | |H The followi PI Brown and "1 Hp St. Louis, Mo.', |H Abbeville. j|||jj ij^ | o Girls* Shoe. 01 ' Every - woman who has si1 ^ unblemished feet is justly pro < them. ' Those who are less 0 nate can invariably trace the CO ishcs to ill fitting ^ shces during girlhood. It is the di 1|J every mother to choose sho Q the growing girl that will pi ^ foot trouble in.after years/ Buster Brown Sh T7?? ^ 3 rur ? are made over the famous I Brown Shaping Lasts, which i 'he proper development of the Every mother should see these HI See our line of ! 88! and G ??BBBffl? I I m. 25 lbs. best granulated Su| any customer trading $ 1.0( abinets This H rs save time, how the and won't wear out; ho1 e it easy to move withoi ide, calendar and pencil saving features that giv nacy f6r her. gladly guarantee that if osier for Christmas we'll & FITTERS ~ chool gave her. She left Saturday or her home in Spartanburg. '' The Ebenezer Sunday school will lave a Christmas tree December the 15, 1915. beginning at one o'clock. ?he public is cordially invited. I wish for all of the corresponlentn and the readers and the enire office force of the Press and Janner a merry Christmas and a appy New Year. SEMERINE HEALS CUTS, SORES, itc. The best remedy for Eczema. Jives relief when other remedies fail >tops itching and heals permanently, tecommended by prominent doctors. iOc and $1.00 at C. A. Milford & Co. ir -frnin 7?mprin0 P.ViAmipnl fin.. )rangeburg, S. C. Southern Railway Schedule. Effective July 4, 1915. A.M. PM PM jeave Abbeville 9.55 8.45 6.35 irrive Abbeville 11.20 5.10 8.03 franco'ficrmmi Ring CUBES RHEUMATISM. NEUSAlUkA. SCI A., PC agCB TKA. ANO KINOSeb JMSEAJEA Mooer Rtfttodml If It ftilfc ro* ?AlK ANO aUAAANTIIOaT B. KIKKWOOD, New Jeweler. . ANDERSON COMF ing is a letter wril 'ige" to the Brow regarding their i "A LETTER F BROWN SHOE CO., ST. LOUIS, MO., DMj DEAR SIRS:? MY RECEPTION AT VEMBER 27TH FOR J. N AGREAT SUCCESS. AN COMING WELL ADVERTI DROVE ALL OVER TOW1 ANNOUNCED OUR RECEi INVITED EVERYONE. \ THERE WAS A LARGE IUIUII FRONT OF OUR PLATFOI AN HOUR'S TALK ON BU $ BROWN SHOE COMPANY . AND HAD THE KIDS AL lapely THEIR HANDS AND PRO '"d of BROWN SHOES. TIGE A fortu- WITH HIS TRICKS, WHI " I DRILLED THE CHILDR WOriJ LINE AS I GAVE OUT T* lty of cs for THE MANAGER A1 event WELL PLEASED WITH THE MANAGER SAYS HI REGARDING MY WORK. Qes HAVE ONE OF THE LAI VILLE AND HANDLE A BROWN AND BROWN SH duster WITH BEST V, insure VERY TR i foot. shoes. BUSTE DUMC1 UIUVVH *Ji iris which is corri| iDderson ( THE NEW STORE jar $1.64 to ) in our store , ANDERSON CO MP ? PAY LATER - v loliday Season shaker flour sifter : w the metal caster U it breaking casters. M holder are among v e the Hoosier unri- 2 f *a k a she isn't delighted w refund every penny. ? 1 . M J* ??. , REPAIRING* FENCES I IS SEASONABLE TASK ' j ?? Clemson College, Dec. 16.? Win- x S ter is the best season for fence building and repairing on the farm, for more than one reason, and experts : at Clemson College advise farmers to set aside some time during this month or next for doing such work of this kind as is needed. Fall nd winter are more severs on fences than spring and summer and right now, especialy, they suffer much damage from fires which q ro ofar+prl in npnrhv hfTlRllVIMvL One step in fence work, therefore. is to make certain that no piles of brushwood ajid dead leaves are left; at the fences. People scarcely re- . v alize how many fences are lost by fire because such trash piles are heaped about the fence post. One thing that makes this a good / i season for fence work is the fre- . I quency of hard rains, which leave the ground soft and in a condition that permits one to set fence poets rapidly. Finally, any job that can be done on the farm in winter should be done then, because on most Sooth Carolina farms it is the quietest , season and there is more time for carpentry and such work than at any other season.?Clemson College Weekly News. tten by Buster ||| I n Shoe Co., of pi I recent visit to ?|? y I ROM BUSTER" J I ABBEVILLE, S. C., ON NO- |?|* 1. ANDERSON & CO., WAS H DERSON & CO. HAD OUR fjjffi M SED ALL OVER TOWN. WE ilis 9 V IN THE FORENOON AND B PTION FOR 2:30 P. M. AND S H VHEN THE HOUR CAME H CROWD GATHERED IN ? H *M. I GAVE THEM ABOUT I H STER BROWN SHOES AND | H pi?/\po fm /tmro ai i h J tOt 111 UUili-ivrvLi I ^ ,L WILD. THEY HELD UP < MISED TO WEAR BUSTER U B LSO ENTERTAINED THEM lt| B CH PLEASED EVERYONE. 3) B EN THOROUGHLY IN THE . 00 1 B IE SOUVENIRS. 0 B > U VD EVERYONE SEEMED < H OUR ENTERTAINMENT. B i INTENDS WRITING YOU 0 B J. M. ANDERSON & CO. 0 B RGEST STORES IN ABBE. ? B LARGE LINE OF BUSTER "h B OE CO'S. *5* SHOES. fc, B WISHES, WE ARE, 5 B ULY YOURS, ^ Bj R BROWN AND TIGE. |||| ioes for Boys |P I Company H ABBEVILLE. S. C. 9 m