DOTE AT THE FAIR. I '(Contiued from Page 5.) J ?icrvms kalina in her tracks; wel tha wu hevin so mutch fun wurkin them with this trick en lasly en kanvdy wuz enjoin it so mutch that they wuznt watchin the oversear, en a. whltehed felar which was named reffree said the gaim wuz oaver jest ( as our "bois wuz gittin reddy to tote the "ball over the home base of kalina; en t"ha*t ended the gaim en it wuz a sick croud of yankyes en kalinas whut tride to twist the tigars tale, whitch th?. sade tha wud do. wel the davisons whut i saw at crimpsum wuz to pla the next day with kalina, but i graess that got mair grifath and sam to insDect kaliner en smel;; sum yankie smell en tha wudnt let there "home raized bois cum down ther en pla no penn yankies en that is Tite. i am suprised at the trusties ut the kalinas lettin her git caugth in this trap, eavin if the capting of the colag wuz sain proov it. a capting ov a colag it seams to me shud loao his bois, en if wun ov them hits !hhn Avif a san bag he shud kno thet 4ie is knoct down en if a felar frum penn wants to go to his colag en he 3ines him a expert in his furst leson in feetball he shud run down this boi en sea how he lurns the gaim so nratch faster then *he bois of s c wber a boi must study the gaim fur a yeer befoar he ken git in the gaim. as 1 sez agin meet me at the koirnty fare, whitch will be opened with a feet race betwean davis kerr ..vv en john cheak wednesda morn at 9 vv a ra aftar whitch mrs. geo. pennie *i sing her annule soalough, the * DouJe is reddy. t Dote. (.[' "Washington, Oct. 28.? The British Foreign Office, through the Brit we nav ~h All I n to Si Pll Ish Embassy here, to-day notified the State Department that the request of this Government to extend the time Enut^for importers to submit proofs that they contracted for goods in Germany prior to March 1, had been refused. Great Britain had been asked to extend the time from November 1 to December 1. In lieu of this the British Foreign Office sent word to-day that It would accept all cases filed viih She foreign trade advisor of the State Department to November 1 instead of requiring that the proofs be forwarded to London by that time. ? Dl : / ^ / Unus / ! ' ' * \ * *' TTT _ TT | TAKING IN THL OLD TOWN. Everywhere we went Monday after noon in our search for news some one < . < would tell us of a party who had eith-;_ er been over to Greenwood or was go- 5 C ir.g over to Greenwood. Why anyone would go to Greenwood on a pleasure trip is a mystery but the following people have made such trips in th? | last few days: 1 Miss Nnnnie Seals, Miss Lees? and 3 Mjs. Joe Wilson and "Voting Webber i M ;i:on vent over in Mrs. Wilson's. c?.** 1 Sunday morning. They saw all the 1 stylish people come out of the differ- J er.t churches and they went dov.ii to ^ the park which surrounds the wate: works plant and they say it is much ^ prettier than the one in Abbeville and that if is a good place for n picnic or j a courting frolic. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas went over in their car Monday and carried with * f;iem. Mrs. Foster Barnwell, Mrs. E. R. Thomson, Miss Gladys homson and rney had tpe nerve to spend the whole i day and to say that they had a good , time. . j Miss Plevna Seals and Mrs. W. _ D. I Barksdale went over Monday after- 1 noon and spent the night with friends. 1 I . J BRITISH WAR DEAD 101,652; OTHER CASUALTIES 389,842 ' ' 1 London, Oct. 29.? British casual- i ties in all the theatres of war since ] the beginning of the struggle up to j October 9 were 493,294 officers and < men. 3 These figures were given out of- 1 ficially to-day by Premier Asquith. 1 In the western theater (France 1 and Belgium) the English forces : have lost 365,046 officers and men s in killed, wounded and missing. 1 The casualties in all the arenas 1 of action in which British troops 1 are fighting are divided as follows: I KILLED. 1 Officers, 6,660. Other ranks, 94,992. YV UUINIACjU. 2 Officers, 12,633. s Other ranks, 304,832. t MISSING. ' t Officers, 200. Other ranks, 7^,177. ' ? It's easier to inherit trouble thah j coin of the realm. J t mis ual Values you WILL su 5pe e Put all Sui ot No. 1 Suits pric< p to be sold at C Ml ilsc "A PAIR OF SIXES." One of the most original comic :haracters new to the stage is that ojE 'Coddles," the eccentric housemaid n "A Pair of Sixes," which will be seen at the Grand Opera House, Wedlesday, Nov. 10th. She is angular and quaint in appearance and is prominent in the action of the play through her infatuation for Boggs, one of the rich partners who is forced to act as butler n his partner's household. Coddles aelieves that he is a sure-enough servant and sets her cap for him, greatly to his distress and peace of mind, The character made such a hit ir Mew York that the newspapers demoted columns to it. The part will ae played here by the well known ictress, who was for many years a prominent star. ^I.EMSON PLAYS SOUTH CAROLINA, TIE, 0-C Columbia, S. C., Oct. 28.? Thf University of South Carolina Game:ocks and Clemson College Tigers played to a scoreless tie here this afternoon at the State Fair Ground? t>efore the largest crowd that evei witnessed a'gridiron contest in Caroina. Fully 10,000 people witnessed the game. The defense of either team was a1 all times outclassed by the opposing affense and the game early resolvec itself into a punting , duel betweer Langston, of Carolina, and Harris ind Major, of Clemson. In the aggregate the kicks of the Clemsor punter gained slightly over Langston's punts. The down-the-field plaj )f both teams was clean cut anrj smashing. The Clemson team earlj :ound Carolina's line impenetrable ind made most of their gains on lone ind sweeping end runs. The runnei vas usually sheltered by excellent in;erference. Major and Harris tool* lve shots at field goals between them lone of which were close. Two other ittempts were blocked by Carolina's ine. The work of McMillan, Harris ind Major in the backfield for Clemion featured. Fumbles at critical imes lost Clemson many opportuni;ies to score. Mr. Ernest Visanska came up from Charleston last week and was here Saturday and Sunday with his father, dr. Walter Visanska, who still coninues sick. ON / in Ladies' RELY LIKE T / , . : / / c?j.a ts Carried 0 / 4 3d ^ 4 * ] >11 < ALBERT TOLBERT TO THE CHAI1 : I | At the term of the Court of Ger eral Sessions held in Greenwood las , [week, Albert Tolbert, who was cor . j victed of killing his wife at one c j the cotton mills, in Greenwood, se\ . eral months ago, was re-sentenced t . I be electrocuted. The appeal heretc . | fore taken by his Attorneys has bee , j abandoned. Tolbert, therefore, hs . I no avenue of escape from the deat j! penalty, except through Executb Clemency. The case will be presen ed to Governor Manning and wi be referred by him to the Pardo L Board. Tolbert is a man of lo' mentality, ignorant, and shows til 11 effects of the want of training in h j ! early boyhood. His case is pitifu ! It is beleived that the Governor wi not allow a man like him to go to tl: Chair. ! NEW BOOKS AT THE LIBRARY. I : I "A var uountry,"?oy winsto ; | Churchill. "Michael O'Hallovan". j by Porter. "Amarilly of Clothe s: line Alley"?Belle K. Marriate .! "Polly-Anne Grows Up"? Eleanc s Porter. "Anne of the Island"?b . Montgomery. "Contrary Mary". i Temple Bailey. "Light of Wester [ Stars"?Jane Grey. "Daddy Lon jLegs", "When Patty Went to Co u lege," "Just Patty"?Jean Webste , "Mrs. Red-Pepper"?G. S. Richmon( [ "The Lovable Meddler"?Dalrympl t "Mr. Bingle"?McCutcheon. "Quits , ?Tautphoeus. "Living Up to Billy . ?Elizabeth Cooper. "Prudence C l the Parsonage"?Ethel Houstoi . "Miss Billy's Decision" "Miss Bill r; Married"?Eleanor Porter. "Bo: ^ Scouts of Black Eagle Patrol"?Le p lie W. Quirk. "Boy-Scouts In . , I Trapper's Camp"?Burgess. RUB-MY-TISM ; Will cure Rheumatism, Neu : ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colli SprainSjBruises, Cuti, Burns* Olc Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Eo ' zema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, 1 used internally or externally. 25c 7 ZEMERINE STOPS ITCHING If you suffer from eczema, itcl pimples, etc., give Zemerine a tria It stops the itching, allays the irritf tion and soon your skin is restored t a healthy condition. 50c and $1.0 at C. A. Milford & Co., or from Zem erine Chemical Co., Orangeburg, S ( & B New Coat HEM. $10, lI ? ver from Las ^ A fi k t Mrs. E. V. Snipes, of Winder, Ga., R irrived in the city Monday and will he the guest of Mrs. C. L. Cochran for ~ the week. Miss Cordelia Bearden, who is teach if r_ ing at Donalds, spent the week-end in 0 :he city with Miss Sadie Hammond. >_ , W. A. Karris, of Columbia, is in the n city visiting his home people. is h Mrs. L. F. Kamer, of Bennett3ville, e arrived in the city Monday to spend sometime here with her daughter, Mrs. 11 J. V. Elgin. n w Arch D. Kennedy, of Due West, was 16 -*r . ; in the city from Due West, Monday, is I j" iHe says that if the Allies teat the Gerjj mans back off of French anrl Belgium ie soil, th^y will be renting ground all .over Europe to bury the dead. Mrs. David Gilliam and her daughter, Mrs. Rock, were among the sale. n day shoppers in town Monday. _ i i 1. 11 s" ! Miss Martha Ayer Duncan is in the s' city and will be the guest of Mrs. >r < Frank B. Gary for some time. y ~~ C. E. Williamson wgrit down to n Columbia last week to look the big g show over and to tell the management just how it is done in Abbeville. InT' cidentally he invited the thirty' seven thousand people who saw the Fair Thursday to come to Abbeville ? this week. ^ Mr. J. U. Wardlaw and Mr. Sam a- Morrah were the healthy looking reply resentatives in town from Bellevue Y- Monday. They took dinner with the s_ the good Seceders. A. Mrs. George Penney entertained the bridge club at a most pleasant I meeting last Friday. Her house was made pretty with vases of chrysan* themums and roses and the games J were pleasant, and the salad course * enjoyable. ! Misses Eloise Britt and Winona Barksdale spent the week-end in Mc (Jormick,a the of the lormer s home. i? I. Mrs. T. D. Cooley anc| Mrs. Lewis i- Barksdale, of Lowndesville, are spend o ing the week of the fair , in the city 0 the guests of Miss Mae Robertson, i- Mrs. Cooley has entered her baby for J. the contest this morning. [ENF Suits and ( $15, $20 $25 it Season in 1 Lot No. "I /M J II suits p] rom $20 u; 55 to be so $7.5 EXex !DR. W. E. McCORD I DENTIST .... pvflr Dr. Speed's Drug Store Office hone 242. Abbeville . S. 0 FOR SALE?20,000 Brick, at $7.60 per thousand. Cash on delivery. None charged. / : Abbeville Ice Plant. J Southern Railway Schedule. Effective July 4,1915. A.M. PM pjrl I Arrive Abh?v|ll . 9 55 3.45 8.S1 | Leave Abb?*vill* 11.20 5.10 8.08 ? 'K CHEVROLET AUTOMOBILES?are exceptional values. Look at these prices for a genuine car, "Monroe Roadster" $460.00, Touring Car, "Chevrolet Four-Ninety" $490.00, a r.^w model and a beauty?Fully equipped electric lights and starter $60.00 extra. The "Baby Grand? . fully equipped at $760.00. When in Greenwood make our garage your headquarters. The glad hand awaits you. We need a representative at Abbeville. $Te will buy or sell your Ford. V The Automobile Exchange, Greenwood, S. C. ESTATE OF ROBERT BELL. Notice of Settlement and Applica* tion for Finel Ditcharge. TAKE NOTICE that on the 1st day of Dec. 1915,1 will render a final A-f wir o^finnto on/1 An p to Id at 0 i.ry & 'wo Lots 2 v iced j nvvvutii vi uij avbuigo ouu uumga (? Administrator, of the Estate of Rob? !ert Bell, deceased, in the office' of Judge of Probate for Abbeville County at 10 o'clock a. m., and on the " same day will apply for a final discharge from my trust as Such Administrator. All persons having demands againslf said estate will present them : payment on or before that day,: . proven and authenticated or be forever barred. R. S. Bell, ; Administrator. Malaria or Chills & Fwer Piewlpdon No. 660 it preparcd'etpodaBy for MALARIA or CHILLS * FKVIIt Fhre or six dotes will break aajr case, mm if taken then aa a tonic the Fever ww aot return. It acta on the Urcr better &aa Calomel sad does not gripo or rickao. 2Sc IV VJL . . t r+ ' 1' 1 L,oats , i . j * v '' ' <*