The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, October 20, 1915, FAIR EDITION, PART ONE SIXTEEN PAGES, Page 2, Image 2

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BUY NOW pj '"^ ' iln ST( * LOWNDESVILLE * ******** ? Mrs. Sallie Parker, of Augusta, Ga. came up a few days ago, and has since been at this, the home of her young days, visiting Mrs. T. Baker, and other old friends in and around here. Rev. J. W. Bishop, who had been pastor of the Baptist church at this rjlace for some time, resigned the pastorate and moved up to the home of his daughter in Anderson. We sorrow that this good Christian man and fine preacher felt it necessary to leave this work. He was liked by all who knew him. His wife, who is the only other member of the family, stood high in the esteem of our people. Mr. L. D. Clinkscales of Spartanburg, has just spent several days among our people on business. Some months ago, Mrs. Wm. Kennedy was adjudged by a board of physicians to be so unsound in mind and body as that her condition would be much better if she were taken to Columbia and placed in the Asylum. It proved to be a false hope and she gradually grew worse, till last Sunday she passed away. Her remains were brought to this place on Monday and carried to the Presbyterian cem-X -1 1 1 1 J__ _1 Jl etery ana Dy loving nanas piacea in tho silent home of the dead. Her pastor, Rev. Jas. A. Clotfelter, perfermed the burial service in the presence of a crowd of mourning and sympathising relatives and friends. She was a zealous woman, attending strictly to her duties. Dr. L.' 0. McCalla, at his home at Starr, was shot down and instantly killed. Comment is needless. Th-3 matter will no doubt be investigated in the courts. The remains of the deceased were brought down on Sunday and carried on to the McCalla family cemetery, and placed in their silent resting place, in the presence of by far the largest crowd of mourning and sympathising relatives and friends that had ever gathered to pay a last tribute to an honored and beloved one in this section. His pastor, Rev. J. L. Singleton, came down with the remains, and beside the open grave in a few remarks while performing the burial service, characterized the departed, as, highminded. big-hearted and generous, that he was endeavoring to lead a better, life, that his reward would be sure in the beyond. Troupe. ******** * McCORMICK * ******** Mr. Elmer Creighton, of Spartanburg, is visiting relatives here this week. Mr. Ellis Huguley, of Anderson, spent Saturday night and Sunday with home people. Miss Rosa McCracken returned to Augusta, Ga., last Wednesday after spending nearly two weeks here .'XL 1 J*- Al. _ 1 1 1 witn ner iainer, wno is now aoie to be up several hours each day. Mrs. M. L. B. Sturkey and little Harriet, are visiting relatives in Greenwood and Newberry. Mrs. J. K. Durst and Mrs. Wright of Greenwood, spent Sunday here with relatives. Miss Edth Martin entertained a few of her friends on last Wednesday evening. Interesting conversations were carried on for a time, after which delicious refreshments were served. At a late hour the guests bid their hostess good night, after having spent a pleasant evening. Laugh at a fool and he imagines you are laughing with him. Tell your troubles to your friends j ?nd they will say: "Oh, that's noth-1 ing!" i We Furn ON The Large Furnis Everything i Phone, Write or Visit the Abbeville Coin Tl& && "iVFQ andPANi I# ? BUM ? " ** ****** " HONEAPATH * ******** A large crowd from here attended the unveiling of Mr. T. B. Eaken's monument at Long Cane. The exercises were fine and enjoyed by all. Miss Irene Moore spent Saturday night very pleasantly with the Misses Temple. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Ashley were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence on Friday Mrs. Mattie Eakin and Children spent Sunday night with Miss Jane Eakin at Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Carwile, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Ashley dined with Miss Maggie Crawford last Sunday. Mrs. Nannie Moore and daughter, were shopping in Due West Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Erwin, of Antreville, dined Sunday with Mr. R. 0. Branyon and family. Miss Minnie Galey, of Iva, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Rhett Pruit.. Mrs. Mattie Eakin and sons, Odell and Ollie, spent Thursday with Mrs. Louise B. Loner and family. Miss Eunice Smith was shopping in Honea Path Thursday. This community will be wiell represented at Anderson Friday'at Barnum and Bailey's circus. ******** *" LONG CANE * * * * * * * * * Miss Nina Beauford was shopping in the city Monday and' dined with Mrs. J. M. McKellar. Mrs. W. .S. Bosler and little ones -pent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Beauford. Mrs. W. D. Beauford and daughter, Miss Linnie, were shopping in the city Tuesday Mrs. T. W. King spent Saturday in the city with her son, Mr. Charlie King. Messrs Hubert Botts and John Clamp were visitors to the city Saturday. Misses Nina and Clara Beauford were shopping in the city Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bosler and little children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Finley The twelve cent cotton at the present will not get a chance to 'deceive the farmers in this community next fall. They are busy now sowing their; grain. If all the farmers will raise all of their food stuff at home and then raise a few bales of cotton, our country will soon be in good condition. A good many from this community attended the Woodman's exercises, which were held in Long Cane cemetery Sunday, in memory of the late Mr. Thomas Eakin. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ferguson and daughter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. King. Mr. J. H. Hutchison of Lowndes\ille, who was attending court last week, spent a few nights with Mr and Mrs W. S. Bosler. Nancy. ******** * ANTREVILLE * ******** Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wakefield were business visitors to Anderson Monday Rev. and Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Will Bell, and Mrs. Arch Keaton were visitors to Anderson Tuesday. Mr. Henry Erwin was a business visitor to Abbeville Tuesday. The community was saddened Wednesday by the passing away of Mrs. Joe Hill. Her remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at Bell's church. The floral tributes were lovely and many. Her beloved pastor preached her funeral, Rev. Fennel. ish Tour Hon: OUR EASY :st Stock oi L* Under nings Roof in ' to Furnish wire us your wants ity Fair, Nov. 3, 4, 5. I Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wakefield and three children came Thursday to visit relatives. Dr. and Mrs. Anderson, and Miss Mary were in Abbeville Thursday shopping. Miss Pet Hawthorne visited Mrs. S. J. Wakefield Thursday. Rev. Robertson left Thursday to assist in a protracted meeting in the Methodist church of Lowndesville. The Women's Association of Antreville school met Friday afternoon. Glad to see so many good women out, and with so much interest. Mr. Henrv Erwin was a business visitor to Anderson Friday. Mr. J. T. Erwin and family worshipped at Little River church Sabbath, and visited at Zarline. Messrs Norris and John Wakefield took in the football game at Anderson Saturday afternoon. Miss Roberts, of Ninety Six, spent the week-end at Dr. Anderson's and will take charge of the Ray school Monday. Mr. Norris Wakefield has gone to Atlanta for treatment. Mrs. A. M. Erwin and son, Albert, visited Mr. Arthur Erwin, the weekend. , An Ordimince TO PROHIBIT THE USE OF CUTOUTS ON AUTOMOBILES AND MOTORCYCLES. An Ordinance to Prihibit the use of Muffler Cut-outs <>n . Automobiles within the City of Abbeville, S. C. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Abbeville and by authority of the same: 1st. That the use of muffler cutouts on automobiles or motorcycles while being run within the City Limits of the City of Abbeville is hereby prohibited and any person using a cutout while running an automoblie or motorcycle in the City shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. 2nd. That any person guilty of violating this Ordinance shall be filled not more than One Hundred Dollars nor less than One Dollar, or be imprisoned not more than 30 days nor less than one day. Dnnp and ratified, in Council this 12th day of October. 1915. . C. C. GAMBRELL, L. S. Mayor of the City of Abbeville. Attest: T. G. PERRIN, ... Clerk of the City of Abbeville. NOTICE Wanted, a Dealer or Sub-Dealer for Chevralet Motor Cars, at Abbeville Prices, Roadster $460.00, Touring Car $490.00,. also $750.00 Address B. A. Hawkins, It Columbia, S. C. ? J. W. BAKER ?THE? I A I nations salesman will be at H. H. DuPre's Store During the Fair November 4 and 5th Full Line of Goods le from Garr< PAYMENT f Furniture UpTer S0Uth l or Beautif ? ?Our Truck passes Make our Store your He: v mm/i // HOME 0U1 fflfflMBWEMBMB ATouChofs 9 Touch a match, g utes the Perfecl 9 Oil Heater is spr I and warmth. The Perfection 1 Sold in many stylesa B Highest Award at Pana Look for thm Triangle Use Aladdin Security 0 Kj Oil 8toves, Lamps and I STANDARE " i M I jPjj Washington, D. C. Of Rkhioood, Vi. n /fii ELECTROCUTED. Charlie Logan, who was convictei at the recent term of court, of mur dering Mrs. Scott, at her home nea Lown<JesvilIe, in the early piart of th summer, and who was sentenced b; Judge Frank B. Gary to die by elec trocution, paid the penalty for hi crime, in the death ho*use, at Colum bia, on Friday of last week, 15,th. Logan entered the home of the ol lady during the night and killed he by striking her with a hammer, o wrench. The young grand daugh ter of the old lady, who was with he at the time, gave the alarm. JLoga: was arrested next day when it wa learned'that he made the ladder th evening before, which was used ii entering the house. He confessed to parties at the time but later made conflicting statement about the matter, in an endeavor t shield himself by implicating others On his trial he sought to lay the crim at the door of other negroes wh were on the place, but the jury di not accept his version of the offense Logan confessed as he was bein; strapped in the electric chair, saying "I am guilty." With these words oi his lips, the electric spark hurriei him into eternity. WILL OF MARTHA WASHINGTON RETURNED TO FAIRFAX. Richmond, Va., Oct. 15.?CJovern oi* Stuart has ordered the will o Martha Washington to be given int( the custody of Fairfax county fron which is was stolen during the civi war and recently returned to th< state by J. Pierrpont Morgan. It will be formally delivered to the chair I et to Cellar PLAN ^ and Home Carolina y Your Horn* right by Your Door, idquarters. A cordial invi u/ie Ci rFI.TTE.RS i Match Brings aTou In five min- chill-free and co tion Smokeless and take it whe eading comfort extra heat. L carried. Smokel Ten hours glov ceeps any room a gallon of kero ind sizes at all hardware and general stoi ma-Pacific Exposition. Trademark. {1 or Diamond White Oil to secure best result Heaters. ) OIL GO. r?ey) * lORE , Charlotte, N. C. Charleston, W. V?. CbtrleMoa, S. - V, \)?^ man of the Fairfax board of superviA soro Monday. ,_ | Gov. Stuart acted under a ruling of the attorney general who held it e must be returned to Fairfax county y. in compliance with an act of legislature authorizing the state to sua s Morgan for the will. Morgan volun( tarily returned the will, which he found in his father's collection of his ^ toric manuscripts and requested that r it be placed at Mount Vernon, and r offered to build a fire proof recepta!_ c'er SUMMER CAPITAL s CHANGED TO N. J. n Washington, Oct. 15.?President Wilson today decided to spend next , summer in New Jersey, in the former 1 s home of John A. McCall, at Elberon, j 0 near Long Branch. The estate, on . which stands a magnificent house r. is known as Shadow Lawn. The 0 President was offered the free use of. j Shadow Lawn by a committee headed by Representative Scully, which ^ brought a letter from Gov. Fielder. | n How's This ? J We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh 1 that cannot be cured by Hall's ' 11 Catarrh Cure. ' F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,/and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry P out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL. BANK OF COMMERCE. I > Toledo, O. 4 Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken lnttrnally, 1 acting directly upon the blood ani3 mu- , i cous surfaces of the system. Testimonies sent tree. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold j 5 by all Druggists. ^ Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation, j ?AY LATER > ialion awaits you. ? 0 TLV i< Lkpville, d "mm.1 . hhmhm . ch of Spring I / / sy. Pick it up? ,' i irever you want fl< :. ierht and easily fi ess and odorless. zing warmth on sene oil. A ^ j | s in | STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, I IE County of Abbeville, jfl IN PROBATE COURT. . H J. A. Whitten, as administrator of the estate of J. N. Whitten, de- O ceased, Plaintiff, H against H Mrs. J. N. Whitten, et al, defendants. Hfl Complaint to sell lands to pay debts. Pursuant to an order of the pro- |H bate court, I will sell at Public Outcry, at Abbeville Court House, H on salesday in . November, 1915 ^8 next, for the payment of debts, the following described real estate be- Hj longing to the estate of J. N. Whit- HH ten, deceased, to wit: ah tnat 10c or parcel of land lying, situate, and wKm being in the town of McCormick? County and State aforesaid, and U known as lot No. 13, Block K in Mj said town, fronting thirty feet on Main street and running back one |B hundred feet on parallel lines to an |H Also, that lot or parcel of land ly- HI ing, situate and being in the town HH of McCormick, County and State HH aforesaid, known as lots No. 7 and 8, mm in Block K in said town of McCormick Bflj each having a frontage of thirty feet on Pine Street and running back one hundred feet to an alley. TERMS?CASH. Purchaser to flH pay for papers. J. F. MILLER, Judge of Probate. It's a waste of the other fellow's |H| ;ime when you talk foolish. HH People who are never in a hurry BH o begin believe in the theory that t's never too late to mend.