j Additional Locals I OFF TO NEW YORK. Frank E. Harrison, Jr., left last week for New York, where he will be associated with his uncle, Mr. Walter Tusten, in the jewelry business. Frank is popular with every one in Abbeville, and our people wish him good luck and a good time in the big city. SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION. Miss Esther Graydon has opened her school of elocution -.end has a flourishing class. Miss Graydon is , graduate of Brenau College, and no doubt wiil be a most competent instructor. Lessons will be given at her home in the afternoons. TO TEACH IN COLUMBIA. Miss Margaret Klngi lias accepted a position in the Olympia School at Columbia, and left last week to begin her work. Her many friends in Abbeville wish her a very successful year. THE BOOK CLHDB. The regular meeting of the Book Club will be held at the ihome of Mrs. T. Gordon White this morning at nocf fon oVIorkL A full at tendance is desired and the ladies .are requested to bring their work. ANDERSON'S NEW STORE TO OPEN HI FEW DAYS Mr. J. M. Anderson announces that his new store will be opened for business possibly Saturday, Sept. 18. If he finds it impossible to te ready Saturday the store will be?pen by Wed-? r.esday, Sept. 22 sure. See his ad on page two. - A BUSY DAYThe opening of school 5s always a r husy day among the children and they have many interesting stories to tell when they get home. We asked ' our son Bill" Monday afternoon what he did all day at sehoal and he leplied that he had "talked, read and (slapped gnats"*?A busy day indeed. REV. J. F. McKINNON TO PREACH AT LONG CANE Rev. J. F. McKinnon will preach at Upper Long Cane church on Sunday, Sept. 19th at 11 o'clock, a. m. Ij NEW S ^ nri?Cfxl nc? o 1m 43A 1^ JL 11C k7lj ito ut v ov IPH t Philson & Fall Oj * Wednesday ai $ Sept. 22 $ jl an ! Wedn i AT W j Newe t FALL OPEN ^ Any one wilt BORN At Abbeville, Sept. 11th, 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. Horace R. McAllister, a daughter. W. E. Johnson spent Sunday at Donalds with his home people. Mrs. James F. Bradley and Miss Margie Bradley went up to Due West Monday to see their many friends. Lucian Lomax left yesterday for 1 Wofford College to take up h^ studies again. 1 Jimmie Gothran left Monday for Greenville where he will resume his ' studies at Furman University. i Billy Bradley left yesterday for Clemson College where he will enter .he college a? a student. < Owens Speed will return to Char- 1 leston this fall and will enter the ] Medical College. 1 Miss Mary Aiken leaves this week ( for Anderson where she will enter the j Anderson College. I Miss Floride Perry has returned , after a visit to ADDevme.?ijancas- ] ter News. Arch McCord came down from < Greenville and spent Sunday with his j mother, Mrs. W. L. McCord. i Mr. Frank Hicklin, of Chester, was in the city last -week and was the , guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Coleman. Chalmers Hagdon is sick at the home of his uncle, Mr. R. M. Haddon. He will not return to Erskine College until his health improves. Mrs. Allan H^agen and Miss Annie Eelle Jordon of near Due West, were shopping in the city Friday. Miss Fannie Harris returned to | Abbeville Tuesday after a pleasant visit to friends in Greenville. Miss Mamie Devlin ha^ been in cne city for the past several days visiting her friend, Miss Maggie Brooks. Miss Gladys Thomson, of Pell City, Ala., is in the city spending sometime with hv sister, Mrs. J. Foster Barnwell. I Misses Mary Quarles Link and Katherine Link have returned from a ] Henry's __ t r. >emng |(j id Thursday and 23 Open ?J J icsuciy aim hich Tin >s? JFashior On these two clay and we liope for t HliG AND FflSHI i wishes to be stylishly UITS, CO. DRESS G( attractive and the va > c ? *%%%%%%*%%%% visit to Miss Annie Grier in Spartan- 1 burg. s Misses Susie Stevenson and Margie Eradley have returned to Due West, * where they will resume their studies 1 in the Woman's College. Miss Geor- s gia Wardlaw went along with them, A and she will ertter Erskine. 1 1 Capt. W. L. McMillan has returned I U? Clemson where he is a senior. He ' is one of the most valuable men on < Lhe Varsity Foot Ball team and a good student as well. C The dates for the Abbeville County i ['air have been definitely settled on s p.nd the Fair will be held November c 3, 4th and 5th. J. L. McMillan and J. Allen Long ( have formed a partnership to buy 1 cotton seed. Mr. Long will do the I buying. He is prepared to pay the ; i a. i--J- ?. mgnest marKei, jyxice iui accj at an times. i | b Miss Mary Smith has suffered a s complete breakdown and has nad to j resign her work in the Hartsville [ ?igh School. She left Monday for ^ Chester where she goes for treat- j ment. Miss lone Smith accompanied , tier. j Have you a boy or girl away at i iollege? If so, end them the Press 1 p.nd Banner and let them get all the news from home. 1 Mrs. George Von Rentz and little l daughter, Hela, of Macon, Ga., are in ' the city on a visit to Mrs. C. L. Coch- 1 ran. 1 Messrs D. A. Dewey, H. E. Allen and Carl Wosmansky went to Augusta Monday for a few days stay. They made the trip through the country in Mr. Allen's car. Messrs John and Victor Lomax, Henry Wilson and E. H. Longshore spent Sunday in Anderson with friends. Mrs. Copenhaver, ?f Crockett, Va., is in the city on a visit to her sister, Mrs. A. M. Stone. She is accompanied by her two bright little children. Vivien, the little girl, will remain in j Abbeville this winter and will attend the Graded School. i 1 Miss Edna Bradley and Miss Eliza- 1 L?eth Faulkner spent several days in Due West last week the guests of Miss Margaret Moore. They came ib are M TO A ttf f litigant Thursday, IEJ WE W is in Milli ^ 11 .1 J. .v s we win enueavor 10 lie attendance of evei ON SHOW, Weii y, correctly and bacon ATS, SKI! )ODS Now lues so apparent yom mi Ufv :cme in time for the opening of school. Abbeville was made glad Saturday ifternoon by the arrival of the young adies who will teach in the public schools this year. The Misses Sullian are at the home of Mr?. Frank 3. Gary, Miss Pool and Miss Bessie spting are with Mrs. L. W. White, ^1: ss Brown is again with Miss fiunice Calhoun and Miss Britt is at the home )f Mrs. R. B. Cheatham. Mabel Bradley, the little daughter if Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bradley, is mproving after a long and serious ickness with pneumonia. Every me is glad to know she is better. Davis Kerr came home last Satur!ay, after spending the summer in *Iew York with his aunts, Mrs. Percy -liller and Mrs. Stillman. He came i n time to be on hand for the opening >f school. He knows many new 'ames and is a hero among the boys vho have spent the summer in the equestered village of Abbeville. Jfror. K. Mc a can possibly derive from tRam*. Catarrh Cure, manufacture*; Byv 5C. J Cheney & Co.. Toledo. G.* ormtnMwi w mercury, and is taken interaalty;. directly upon the blood an* wnicownsmm? faces of the system. In buying; JKkBSkh Catarrh Cure be sure you get ttto* gtmmlne. It is taken Internally ?n*i ms> 3k* Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney MGXki. *Wmtimontals free. Sold by Druggists. Price 75o per-tMMs. Tak* Hair* Fwwh- *>m. fc Henry's # pening | and Thursday $ / and 23 % how | 23rd i PIJAY # 7in ter j >tlies. 22 and 23 t spectiuff the M|/"C J I1 Kb and. | f # ^et ready to buy. A # &