, Get the [fig BVpg SO-MOMetL^ TweCe's mo F*ce Llktr ot Local Items J An Abbeville Architect. James C. Hemphill has desk room in the P. Rosenberg Warehouse Co's. j ? 1 TT 1.1 J office, back of the Jtiureica notei aim , is ready to serve the people of Ab- 1 beville as an architect and engineer. j Mr. Hemphill has been most success- j ful in his chosen work, making the , plans and superintending the build-, ing of Mayor Gambrell's handsome home, Mrs. Minshall's home, the | Blake house in Greenwood and the j handsome colonial home of Mr. W. i W. Edwards in Due West. Mr. Hemphill has artistic taste as J a landscape gardener and has made ; plans for the Civic Club Triangle, J which are gradually being carried , out. Mr. Hemphill has made several surveys around Abbeville and will j be glad to be consulted about such work. Ate Snake Strawberries. Joe, the three year old son, and ; Anna, the five year old daughter, of Deputy Sheriff J. E. Jones, were des- [ perately sick several days ago from I eating snake strawberries. Jack and j .* Hugh Bradley were sick for several j days last week also from the same ! cause. The Bradley boys and our . son Bill, went down in the rear of j Foster Barnwell's lot and found a vine there. Son Bill only ate those " 4-Urxw* oe Vio corf! W11/11 IU1 UIl IIICIU) c*o ?1V w without "fur" have been licked by I the snakes and poisoned. Jack and Hugh ate both kinds and wo*-o poisoned while Bill escaped. Bill ^ot his information from that gren; student of nature, Jim Coleman. Effective Methods. Last week there was much talk on -our streets about the American hate to Germany, regarding the Lusitania affair, and every one was telling what he or she would do in case of war between the two countries. There were many belligerents ready to pull off their coats and clean up the Germans, by word of mouth, if it took them until July. One of our lady friends saw a possibility of losing her husband, and, in the greatest excitement, declared that before she would consent to him going she would "shoot him in both feet." Such methods would surely be effective. Leaving Us Disconsoloate. With the closing of school the teachers will leave Abbeville for the vacation and many hearts in the city will be disconsolate. Miss Pool, who is always attractive, will return to her home in Newberry, the Misses Sullivan will go to Honea Path, much to the regret of the tennis players and their many admirers, Misses Foster and Brown will go to Spartanburg and Laurens respectively. Both are popular and well beloved. Miss Epting, the sweetheart 01 more second grade boys than any teacher who has ever been in Abbeville will go to her home in Williamston for the summer, while Miss Britt will go to McCormick. The Rosenberg Warehouse Co. Elsewhere in this issue of the Press and Banner will be found an advertisement of the P. Rosenberg Warehouse Co. This company will sell the things necessary to make a farm a financial success and a comfortable place to live. This week they advertise cement at fifty cents a sack and urge the farmers to use it around the barn as a sure means of keeping rats out of their grain. The name of P. Rosenberg is firmly established in th? confidence of our people and he asks for their patronage. =0 Bumm K <1 II , JOE my PET -HEN HA (W1 LAIlNG AM IN THE C( -J | -/ou EXP A Distinguished Visitor. Dr. J. Henry Harms, president of the Newberry Lutheran College, came to Abbeville Monday and made the address to the graduating class of the High school Monday night. This was Dr. Harms' first visit to our town and our people were charmed and delighted with him personally and with his address which was a literary gem, delivered in scholarly language and entertaining style. While in Abbeville Dr. Harms was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Neuffer. Taking a Pleasant Trip. Miss Janie Morse, of Abbeville, will be one of the "sweet girl graduates" at the College for Women in Columbia next week. Misses Onie * ^ ' "?* i- ** 1 TV/T ana i^aro ana iviamie iviorse anu iut. A. B. Morse will all go down to Columbia and attend the commencement festivities. The Misses Morse will be the guests of Miss Eliza Horton while in Columbia and from Columbia Misses Onie and Caro will go to Winnsboro for an extended visit to Mrs. J. B. Doty. Pleated With the Preacher. The members of the A. R. P. church were delighted with Rev. R. M. Plaxco last Sabbath. He preach ea nis nrst sermon in me morning lu a large and attentive corn *egation. Mr. Plaxco is a young man of pleasing appearance and his voice is agreeable to hear. The subject matter of his sermon was good and he was listened to with attention and interest. The Seceders are pleased indeed, with thir'r new preacher. Hereafter Sabbath school will be held n the morning at ten o'clock and there will be a night service. Carrying Off The Honors. Leslie McMillan carried off the honors in the Carolina Literary Society of Clemson College last week, : : i.u i~i ~ winning uie ineuai lur uie uwt uitition. Everyone in Abbeville is glad of his success and proud of the very excellent record he has made in college. Robert Coleman won the prize of twenty-five dollars for the best Magazine story at the College of Charleston, which is an honor, indeed. Britt-Alston. Mrs. Mary C. Britt has issued cards announcing th^ marriage of her daughter, Mary, to Mr. Joseph Mnr+Vi Alcfnvi rm fV?n 1 9+Vi a wx wit 4 liu wit vii tt vunvuuajr uiv of May, at McCormick, S. C. Both parties are well known in Abbeville and many good wishes are expressed for the future happiness of the young couple. After an extended wedding tour through the North they will make their home at the old Alston place in the Bordeaux section. Thanking Our Friends. Mr. R. S. Link has the thanks of the Civic Club for enough peas to plant the Triangle, which work will be done as soon as possible. Mr. T. C. Beaudrot has been very kind to the girls of the Tomato Canning Club, having given two hundred plants to Miss Piatt for the use of the young ladies whose plants died from the drouth. A Trip to Greenwood. Mr. Wilson Johnson with Miss Caroline Gary and Mr. Joe Little with Miss Antoinett Thomson, made up a pleasant party to Greenwood last week to take in the Firemen's Parade and races. On to Richmond. Judge and Mrs. Frank B. Gary leave this week for Richmond where they will take in the Confederate reunion. While in the city they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Henry Riley. Lnutt Bros., As: 5 A -HA&YOPL, llHO&EP.l No jMlAtP MAV 6E,Me Popular Visitor. Miss Mamie Devlin came dowi from Due West last Saturday an visited Miss Maggie Brooks unti Tuesday afternoon much to the de light of her many friends. Sh came to attend the commencemen exercises of the High School, th I class graduating navmg oeen unae | her instruction when she was a popu lar teacher in the school. She i as charming and as lovely as ever. The Knight*. The Grand Lodge of the K. o f P's will meet in Orangeburg this weel and a good time is promised the visi . tors. Mr. C. D. Brown is on thi program for a speech "The Secre I Work and How to Make It Interest ;ing", and Rev. Louis J. Bristow wil be one of the speakers at the ban quet. Back to the Old Home. jrroi. Mason uurre nas Deen 11 | the city for several days visiting hii ' sister, Miss Mary DuPre. The manj friends who remember him as a boi are always glad to see him and t< know of his success. Gone to New York. Mrs. J. D. Kerr and Davis Kerr Jr., left Monday for New York where they will spend some tim< with Mrs. Spillman. Mrs. Kerr ha: not been well for sometime and he; friends hope that she will be wel when she returns to us. Home From School. Mr. W. Joel Smith is at home fron j Atlanta, where he has been taking : I business course in some of the col I i mi. 1 ^ _. ? At. leges. ine yuung peupie tin city are delighted to have him home Children's Day. The Methodist church will observ Children's Day next Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock. Sunday evening Rev. S. 0. Cantey will preach a spe cial sermon to the children. The Book Club. The Book Club will meet thi morning at the home of Mrs. J. C Ellis, at half past ten o'clock. A friend of Jack Link, five year old, asked him to go over to Mil lord's and take a cool drink witl him. Jack went home and told hi father, Col. R. S. Link, of the occur rence. The Col. suggested to Jacl that probably the gentleman wantei Jack for his little boy. Jack state< that he thought he did, but he in tended to be his papa's boy, bu added, ?"Don't tell him though just let him keep on giving m< things." Hon. W. N. Graydon, Hon. J. M Nickles, Mess. D. H. Hill and Wm. P Greene are in Columbia this weel attending the Supreme Court ses sions. The court is hearing case: from the Eighth Circuit. Amonj the cases to be argued are the fol lowing: Vermillion vs. Woman'i College of Due West, Barksdale vs Gibert, Powell vs. McDavid, Londoi ! & Elder vs. Enoch Smith and J. W Tucker vs. Bank of Calhoun Falls. Mr. R. W. Smith, called "Dote' by some because the politicians dot< on him so in election years, informi us that he has six hundred and fort] hills of watermelons up and about ar acre of cantaloupes. He plans t< keep us supplied witn Doin aunnj the summer. Mrs. J. F. Bradley has been ove: Mr. Enoch Smith, of the Bethii section, was on our streets last Sat urday on business. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS Continued on Page Seven. I sisted by a Loa< rr w^at , ~][unu* 6 s VeQ [ggt *iAi IN Prof. McDill at Home. 11 Prof. J. Delph McDill is at home d for the vacation. He has been prin1 cipal for the past two years of the !- High School at Luray, in Hampton e County, and has the affection and t respect of the pupils and the patrons e of the school. His friends in Abr beville are glad to see him looking - so well. COTTON MARKET. May 25tb. Closed . January 9.95 March 10.24 July 9.35 October 9.72 * December 9.94 Local spots 9. 1 LOST. Wednesday, necklace, with pendant, that had three small diamonds and one ruby. Lost between H. H. DnPre's store and Mr. Lawrence Parker's residence. Five (5) dollars reward, if returned to x Press and Banner. 3 X VntlpA Tnromfi Taxnilvftrs. r The date for making income tax re, turns to the State of South Carolina has been extended by the Comptroller General to July the 1st. If returns are not made by that date 50 per cent penalty will be added. Blanks for making returns will be sent on request. Richard Sondley, i Auditor Abbeville County. PEAS PEAS PEAS * All kinds bought and sold r at The P. Rosenberg Ware! house Co. Fraud Paint The worst mistake' one is likely to make in painting is wrong paint; it i is easy to make. a | We all say "Ours is the best"; and there are 1000 of us. One is best; " but a dozen are so near on - a level e that no one knows, for sure, that his ! is the one. The worst paints are worst liars; they know what they are, put-on a bold face, and brazen it out. Their one true argument is low e price; but low-price paint is always, must be, a fraud; it is made to cheat cheatable people. DEVOE CITY . . . G. A s We have recently close the Exclusrv n : Gasoline, Keroser J T 23 { t FRED N. BRKES. Laramie, Wyo., March 1, 1915. 5 The Texas Company, Denver, Colo.: Gentlemen?I have used Texaco Motor Oil "H" in my S;udebaker 35 for the past two years and have never had one bit of trouble with carbon or bearing wear. What little carbon I found was { of a sooty nature and very easily - cleaned. In fact, it could be removed s with a cloth. I run my car for one r year and only ground the valves once and have just had them ground for the second time. They were in good shape considering the time they had run. I " have run my car over 12,OCO miles and 1 have never taken up an engine bearing, which goes to show the perfect lubricaT ? v> o o?1- Qtinrfe nlllf? non. i uovci nt*. ^ r?0 trouble and have only cles.ned my plugs ? two or three times and they did not , need it then. I recommend Texaco Mo3 tor Oil for Studebaker cars. Yours very truly, (Signed) Fred N. Brees. 1 o > r CIT1ZKK1S At LU Wiur/vJi. 222 Travis St., r San Antonio, Tex., Feb. 6, 1915. Gentlemen?In the matter of Motor Oils I wish to state that I have been i ____________________ " These goods are purchs to give our custoi Motor and I d of Coal C-HAMCV SHe-H^SEEM The 1c0(? cqal NOW^Sn - ^ OPERA Thurs., BIG SPECTACULi! Indian POWH Or Capture of John Smi Thrilling Rescue ioitf Home Talent Singers. Bea Funny Situations, Witty Dialog, C ble. See the Warriors, Indian Feather Girls, Little Braves. Auspices Daughti Prices 25, 50 i "Tillie's Punctured Romance" X Don't forget that you have an en- p, gagement to visit Mam Dre.ssler when she comes to the Opera House Thursday, matinee and night, in tc "Tillie's Punctured Romance," the ^ six reel farce which has scored the ifi biggest hit ever made by a motion ^ picture. In New York the picture J* vied with the star herself when the c two were the attractions at different 5 theatres at the same time. Miss ai Dressier is supported by that prince of comedians, Charles Chaplin, who has made more "movie fans" laugh than any other fun-maker in the business. Then there is Mabel Normand, the Atlanta girl whose j wonderfully expressive eyes and bewitching little smile has won her a _ great following, Charles Murray, of Murray and Mack fame, and other well known people in the picture. 1 GAF L. HARRISON^ Managi )d contract with the Te re Agency for all of the: 10, Fine MOTOR, 0! 5T1MONIA selling The Texas Company's Texaco j Motor Oil H for the past three years and have found it ito be an excellent oil, equal to any oil I have used. While we have not sold this oil to Packard owners I do not hesitate to recommend it to ^ be equal to the oil I am now selling. Yours very truly, tl Citizens Auto Company, cj (Signed) By W. E. Lowry, Mgr. a: o o: TEXAS PORTLAND CEMENT ? COMPANY. tl Dallas, Texas, Feb. 5, 1915. a The Texas Company, Dallas, Texas. Dear Sirs :?Replying to your inquiry as to whether we used your lubricating oils on the Packard car, would advise ,p that Texaco Oil was used for several months, but it was afterward changed ai to an Eastern oil, but I am advised by h; my chauffer that he thinks he is not Pj getting as good results as he did with the Texaco and recommends that we p] return to your lubricant as soon as soon ol as the present stock we have is consumed. ^ Yours very truly, (Signed) F. R. Bissell, President. ised in CAR LOTS, an< ners a LOW PRICE on Engine Oils a By Gross /s -1*4 HOUSE June 3 LR HISTORICAL upcia AT AN th by the Indians, and by Pocahontas. utiful Costumes, Catchy Music, harming Dances, Grand Ensem- , Maids, Papooses, Arrow Girls, ers Confederacy md 75 cents. he State of Sonth Carolina, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. robate Court?Citation for Letters of Administration. By J. F. Miller, Esq., Judge of Probate. whereas, JBUtiermccnae nam maae sui > me, to grant him Letters of Administraon of the Estate and effects of Whit Mcride, late of Abbeville County, deceased. These are therefore, to cite and admon>h all and singular the kindred and credits of the said Whit McBride. deceased, iat they be and appear before me, in the ourt of Probate, to be held at Abbeville ourt House, on Saturday, the 5th day of une. 1915, after publication hereof, at 11 clock in the forenoon, to show cause if ny they h&ve, why tbe said Admlnlstraon should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal of the Court, this 20th day of May, in the year of our Lord one thou(Seal) sand cine hundred and fifteen and in the 139th year of American Independence. Published on the 26th day of May, 1915, i the Press and Banner and on the Court louse door for the time required by law. J. F. MILLER, Judge of Probate. To Bent. Nine room house, all conveniences. (Signed) J. H. Raat, Manager. o Houston, Texas, Feb. 6, 1915. he Texas Company, Houston, Tex.: Gentlemen?This is to certify that I m the owner of a Packard car, and ave used in same exclusively, for the ast four months, Texaco Motor Oil H." Since using this cylinder oil I ave had no occasion to clean the spark lugs, nor has there been any evidence F carbonizing. I can heartily recommend Texaco [otor Oil "H" as a satisfactory lubri int to all owners of Packard cars. Yours truly. (Signed) Mrs. W. B. Sharp, Per Floyd P. Boone. 1 we are in a position . all High Grade nd Greases lain street. Apply to jh. d. neese. ?AGE er. . . . )xas Oil Company for ir products. ILS and Greases :he army cycle manufacturing company. 130-32 Meeting St., Charleston, S. C., Feb. 18, 1915. 'UA TA^OQ pAmnonv A f 1 QT-?fQ fla UC lUAao t uc*; via* Gentlemen?Your letter of the 15th ) hand regarding the satisfaction that ae Texaco Motor Oil is giving in Buick ars. In reply wish to state that we re getting the best of satisfaction ont f Texaco, having tried various other ils before deciding on same. We use le light grade during the winter and le heavy grade during the summer, nd we get the best results from same. Yours very truly, The Arrnv Cvcle Mfsr. Co..