i-.i 1 Sp We take f to you a a Spri C In catchy desig The Quality an COM I Mrs. tie*#***************' tt * ' McCORMICK * jiSK.' Cormick, S C, Mar. 15, 1915 The Furman Glee Club and Or ,chestra will give an entertainmen here on Saturlay night, March 27 under the auspices of the McCormicl Tennis Club. Messrs J. B. Harmon and F. C Robinson attended court at Edge field the early part of last week. Miss Benzie Talbert returned t< her home here last Wednesday afte visiting friends and relatives i] Graniteville. Mr. Raymond Stilwell is at hom< from Wofford College for a fev weeks vacation. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Sturkey, o: Plum Branch spent a few hours her< last Thursday. Miss Ruby Roberts spent a fev days in Evain last week. Mrs. L. L. Rankin and litth daughter, Lois, are visiting rela tives in Greenwood. RUN OVER IN GREENWOOD Hartzog and Goodwin in Second Race for Mayor. Greenwood, March ?Special :A a result of to-day's city primary, A S. Hartzog and E. R. Goodwin wil have made a second race for ih< nomination for mayor >)i Green woo* The vote to-day was as follows: Hart zog, 280; Goodwin, 211; P. W. De Vore, 190; F. S. Evans, 118. T \I T PJ U. VV Weld UiCCLCU cllUCl man in Ward 2, J. E Crymes in Wan 3, and J. B. Harris in Ward 5; L. M Long in Ward 4. P. B. Ellis an< C. Bourne run over in Ward 1 T. J. Anderson and J. P. Hill rui over in Ward 6. At the Opera House, March 18th. The heai-tiest laugh that has burs upon the amusement world for a lonj long time, is George M. Cohan' mystery farce, 'Seven K'iys/to Bald pate," which is to be seen at th< Grand Opera House, on Thursda: night, March 18. It is as redolen of the gifted George M Cohan us ai American flag is full of freedom In it the mind is volleyed from situ flfinrt +a cn+na+irm wi+Vi ciir?Vt fr\ma ani speed that one has to stop thinkinj once in a while to catch up wit! one's self. Mr. Cohan's recipe for a happ: eveninb is a recipe for the brouchi* of the universe. In hi? pmsrriptioi the author has mixod wirh exact pi< portions mystery, thrills and laugh ter, with a sweetening dash of lov as a tribute to Cupid, the result be ing a tonic which may be taken wit] remarkably beneficial results. MRS. ring Tyt 7f\ /ft pleasure in extei ordial invitation c \i/ \1/ \A/ ug* ax oat Suits, i ;ns, created of all tt Price, due to d Prices of all Our r # AND WE V :xv YOU ALL Jas. S. BURFORD VS. SEABOARD. ? * The Supreme Court of South # Carolina filed an opinion in the case # above named on ia3t Tuesday, in * which the judgment of the court below was affirmed. Clark Burford, the plaintiff, com. menced his action against the Sea, board Air Line Railway for injuries claimed to have been received at the , Abbeville Ice Plant several months ? ago. He claimed that he was unloading coal and that while he was engaged in unloading a car the 1. switch engine of the Railway came down for the purpose of doing certain switching and that he was injured while the cars were being d switched, due to the negligence of the defendant. The defendant claimed that the plaintiff, by remaini ine on the cars while thev were be ing switched, became a trespasser and that it was not liable to him even if negligent. v The case was tried before Judge Bowman, and a jury at the October , term of the court and tne plaintiff * was non suited. Ho appealed to e the Supreme Court and the judgj ment of the lower court was affirmI ed, as stated. v j Hon. Wm. N. Graydon was attor' ney for the plaintiff and Wm. P. 3! Greene was attorney for the defend" i ant. -1 Coming! Talk about your plays with a i punch, Seven Keys to Baldnat-V the George M. Cohan's mystery farce, . which comes to the Grand Opera . House on Thursday night, March 18, 0 goes the punch several times better : and furnishes a kick with an uccom1 panying ripple of thrills and long e ; rolls of laughter thrown in for good I measure. Also "Seven Keys to - Baldpate" lives up to its sub-iaption, -1 "a mystery farce" for its audience j is continually on the guesoii.g iine - ] from the remarkably original proII logue until the very end of the . niprp when it. is fnrnisVifid with one J I of the biggest and heartiest laughs . ! that has been turned loose in a playi ! house in many a year. His First Case. t i Judge Hammond had his first case ? last week, a case against the Souths : ern Railway, for damages to a ship ment of household goods. The jury e | found for the defendant, but the y | Judge granted a new trial. J. H. t Moore represented the plaintiff, and i J. Moore Mars, the defendant. Common Mistake. ? Miss Genevieve Clark, the Speakh er's daughter,is noted in Washington for her clever ideas and her y clever speeches, says the Star. 3 One of her recent clever speeches r* enlivened a Bowling Green tea. An [) I unhappy marriage was being discuss - ed. Miss Clark said: e "It is another of those cases where - a man, in love with a dimple, makes i the mistake of marrying the whole girl." GC Ani iding BrtA "i OA . -n/i SZi and Silk ie Novelty Materu our long experiei Lines are Calcu VILL BE DELIG1 THE LATEST S Cochr PROMINENT PYTHIAN HERE. a Capt. C. D. Drown Coming1 Bac to Attenid Memorial ,!>ervic< (Charleston News and Courier) Capt. C. D. Brown, grand keepe of the records and seals of th Knights of of South C-aroJm was in the city yesterday a:rid a< cepted in person the invitation whic had been exte:vi td him to be pri'sen on the occasion of the memorial sei vices, to be conducted by the Knight of Pythias, at the Academy of Musi on April 11. Capt. Brown is among th? mos popular members of the Order in thi State. This is evidenced by th unanimity with which he is each yea elected to the office he holds. i-or ter. yc?rs he lias bean the cial keeper of the records and seals and in that capacity looks''after th wants of the individual mombors o the Order in many and sundry ways besides the onerous and often th perplexing duties of scribe of th Grand Lodee. He is esuaciall well known and popular wiih th Knights of Pythias of Charlestor counting his friends here by the hun dreds. Capt. Brown reports thfe Order a flourishing throughout the' State. Th finances are in better shape than the; were this time last year and the has been no diminution in th2 mem bership of the Order. Proof Positive. It was the rash hour in the cafe teria. one of these quick lunch place tirVmr-rt vim Violn trniirspl'f nnrJ o*rnh chair and use the arm of the chair a a table. A rushed feeder grabbed slice of pie and copped out a chaii Then he remembered that he neede coffee and he dashed over to the sei vice counter. When he returne* with his coffee his chair was occupie by another hurry- diner. "Excuse me,"' said the first mar "but that is my chair." 'How do you know it is your chair demanded the occupant in a surl tone. "Because I can prove it," state the first man. "How can you prove it?" aske the occupant. "By the seat of your pants," wa the reply. "You are sitting on m pie."?Cincinnati. Enquirer. Obedient Tommy. "Now, Thomas," said the teachei severely, "how many times must tell you not to snap your fingers Put your hand down and presentl I will hear from you." Five minutes later she said: Nov then, Thomas, what war. it you want ed to say?" "There was a man in the entry while ago," said Thomas serenelj "and he went ou-: with your new sil umbrella."?New York American. Mr. Germany. "Is your maid trustworthy?" TI71 - UolWUi wJljr liy 1 even giv her the key to the bread box." (CHR lOUfl HCH M i.i25 "* '' wmtu immer Dresses, Tt lis, all colors and con ice in buying and in * Hated to Draw the F iTED TO SHOW TYLES FROM V , an, Abl ?Reduced. Rates' si A ' J I SOUTHERN RAILWAY ? * ^ h Premier Carrier of the South ? - Fit OM e c ABBEVILLE, S. C. ? SAX FHAJf( I8rO,t AL. r Panama-Pacillc International Exposition. February 20-December 4,1915. FLORF VtE, ?. V. 3j, e HSouth Carolina Slate Teachers Associaf ion, Florence, S. C. Date of sales, March 5.. 22,23,24,25. Final limit March 29. Fare C, r A household remedy of the French peasantry, constating of pure vegetable oil, hm'I said possess wonderful merit in the treatment of s'oraach, !liver and intestinal troubles, has beeu r. introduced in thif country by George I H.Mayr, who for twenty years has baen ? one of the leading down-town drug ^ /ILt^ .4 1 UIM.maUH.AM y ?IBI* or v^uiuagu txi u win# uiiu^eij wito cured by itfi use. Ko quick and effectr, ive in its action (bat a single dose is usually eno"gh to bring pronounced relief in th? moat stubborn cases, and a many perpllJ who have, tried it declare r[ they never heard of anything to prob duce such remarkable results in so short a time. It, is known as Mayr's Wonderful Remedy and can now be had at all leading drug stores. It is sold with the positive understanding that your money will be refunded without question or quibble if ONE e bottle fails to give you absolute satiafr c ion. _ ? I slit 1 AN'S cent* y-fc Ifr 1ft If u? the many bea we have to she yk "v If /ft Alilli tilored Ha nbinations. High i ? _ ._ __ producing. \ avor of the Most < iSHION'Sf knTnlln JU V 111^ _"By Word of Mouth." _ ? """ E One of the Texas bottlers has for is slogan. "Drink from the bottle!" n t is by no means disagreeable, even c F it does lack formality. but those rho do their swigging that way hould. observe the rule of 15 swal- * )ws to the minute and a 'gurgle po D very gulp.?Houston Post. S SAVING YOU This is the machine we have just insta! icst modern machine made. We dampen ten mould it in a steam chest so that it h; lace bstween the outer and inner edges to This saves wear and tr-ar on your collar hich is desired and admired. Phone us to Abbeville Steai bone G8-B I Cigars Speed's Dr Phone Always Ready t Stationery utiful creaw you in y ! . y. ' V iiury ts ; y in value, low in Critical Buyer ? , S. C.| "Coal and diamonds are really uade of the same substance." "Well," replied the young woman trho typtwrites, "I'll take the di&~ nond, I don't care for the carbon opy." ?Washington Star. . Martha Washington candy in hal d pound boxes. Try it. There is othing like it for the money, at peed's. R COLLARS | ug Store. 18. C \7 ;o oerve i ou. Toilet Goods ,d m lied to launder your collars. ltisur* ! the edge so that it folds easily and is a round, smooth edge and ample permit the tie to slip easily. s and gives you that set and finfeh fc'\ i call for your next bundle. m Laundry Phone (JS-B .. _. . . .. _ - - . Candy