The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, December 11, 1912, PART II, Image 12

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ADDRESS OF WELCOME Delivered By Rev. Louis Bristow Be fore (he Stale Baptist Cornell tion In behalf of the entire people of Abbeville I welcome you; especially in behalf of the Christian brotherhood. We welcome you because of what you are and because of what you do. Our delight in welcoming you springs from the knowledge that you represent the greatest body of Chris tians in South Carolina, the member ship of your churches being about as numerous as the combined numbers of all other denominations in the State. We welcome you because of yeui missionary zeal. Through the activ ities of yuur State Doard, in the last twenty-five years, there have been es tablished more than '200 churches and 400 uihers have been aided and rescued fiom a languid desuetude.Noi has your evangelism been confinei. Within the borders of this State; ou? to earth's, remotest bounds have yoi. gjne. both in the persons of mission aries who have gone out from among you, and cy the wise expenditure o. uie money you have entrusted to the Home and Foreign Boards. We welcome you because of tlu splendor of the achievements of youi organized woman's work. The poet may scornfully ask, "What highest prize hath woman won In science or in art? What mightiest work by woman done Boasts city, field or mart?" But we point to the greater attain ment?a modest demeanor, an earnest zeal, a redeemed life aflame with the Spirit of her Master, giving Gospel ministries to the world. "He is a parricide to his mother's name, TAnd with impious hand murders hei lame, That wrongs the praise of woman." We welcome you because you em phasize the training of young peo ple. A photographer places into hifc camera an unused plate, and exposes it for the hundredth part of a second for an im;)iession. So sensitive is that plate, that the minutest details of the scene belcre it are faithfully repro duced upon it. But extreme care musi be used in preserving and developing it. To the end that the negative might be a perfect one, it cannot be exposed. That would be to spoil it. With ex treme care does the photographer re move it in a dark room, and develop it. Then it may be exposed to an) light without danger. So it is with a young sou!. It is extremely sensitive to receive impressions. If these be fOi good, care should be exercised to de velop them. After they are developed, no exposu. j will spoil them. The Di vine Word for it: "Train up a chik in the waj he should go, and when ht is old he will not depart from it.' Hence our joy in welcoming you arises also irom your work for youc^ people in Dible schools, Sunbeam so cieties and Baptist Young Peoples Unions. ^ ?1 wolnAmincr VH1I UUT plfcibUIC 111 ?V/itvmiuQ ^ w. springs from your greatness in build ing Christian schools. When then arose those among you who said, "1 there are deserving boys and girh who need education, it is the duty o. the State to provide ample schools for them. The 1 urches now are doin^ enough for the State without receiv ing pay therefor;" you smiled. Recog nizing the duty and privilege and op portunity before you, you established Christian schools. Furman, Greenville Anderson, Coker, Limestone, Orange burg, Tigerville, Landruum, Six-Mil* ?though some of these are not undei this Convention's control?are every one of them a monument of herok sacrifice and devoted zeal. About the older of them cluster sacred memo ries ,and among the younger is the sparling enthusiasm of hope. Our happiness in welcoming you is derived from the consciousness of your greatness in works of benevo lence. In Connie Maxwell orphanage a hnmp and Christian J u u |;i v iuv/ iv training for the young who are desti tute, and in your Aged Ministers' board you stretch a helping hand to trembling and needy age. In the be ginning of the life of these institutions there were those who rose up and said, "We cannot afford it; calls for money are now loud and frequent; it will cripple our existing work and bankrupt the churches." Rising above such a sentiment, you fulfilled your obligation to the best of your ability, and today there is none to say you nay. But it is not enough that you have done well in the past. No really great life can rest upon the past; and when one hints that such should be done, one is reminded of the school boy's speech: When pa was just a little boy, Gee, how he ust to work, He sawed the wood an' built the fires An never tried to shirk. He always filled the reservoy An' swept the porches, too; N' I guess there wasn't many things Pa didn't ust to do. Now Ma gets up an' builds the fires; She says I am too small? An' sweeps the porches an' the walks An' doesn't mind at all. She says she's glad to let my pa His morning nap enjoy, Because he's tired with all the work He done when he's a boy. When I get big I'll get a wife Edzactly like my ma; To do the chores an' let me sleep Just like she does my pa. An' when I've had my mornin' nap You bet that I'll enjoy To tell 'em how I ust to work When I's a little boy. No, brethren: we expect you to prove your past by your present. And ~ nnr 1AV 1Q PTPflt in welcoming ?uu uu. j?j and may I emphasize the thought?be cause we fully expect you, at this ses sion of the Convention, to extend the sphere of your Christian philanthropy, and enter that wide field of endeavor, so lovingly sought and diligently cul tivated by our Master?the healing of the sick, alleviating the pains of the suffering, and bringing the comforts of the Gospel to the dying. Our earnest wish is, that your stay ^rnone uc will be pleasant to you, helDful tn us, profitable to the Cause and glorying to our Lord. Our sincere prayer is, that his Spirit may preside over your deliberations, His wisdom lead you to right decisions, and His care protect you; to the end that the coming year may witness your larg est and most comprehensive achieve ment in His name. A BOX PARTY FRIDAY NIGHT There is to be a box supper at the home of Mr. C. D. Cowan Friday night. December 13th. Each girl is expected to bring a box with her card in it, and enough supper for two. The proceeds will be for the im-l provement of the Warrenton school. I The public is invited to come. ? o HARDWARE The I i\v China inina See This Department. We have a big stock and to move it we will sell A Dollar's Worth for 80c in Cash This applies to every ar ticle in the China, Crock ery, Hardware and Cut Glass Department. Bicycles Bicyc! If you want to see real, gt ness buy that boy a He will go on many an errand for i Velocipedes for the little bo Tricycles for the girls. The wonderful thins: WATCJ is not its price?$1.00 to $2.00. The wonderful tiling is its time keeping accuracy at a price so far below what you must pay for accuracy in any other watch. The Ingersoll is guaranteed for a year. For the. Boy. house Furnishing < We have every article i your Dining Room or Ki we are making prices no' that will astound you. Ladies buy your cake pans, r mixing bowls, and the thous one other articles you ne while you can have all the a you want. A dollar bill goe way in this class of goods time, but now you can ma dollar buy 20 cents more, or You Can Buy a Dollar for 80 Cents This 20 per cent discount is fc We can not charge it attheci I < < o HARDWARE O "Vf"* ner Sets r wife a Dinner >r Christmas. ke our sets to and for Cash cnts Buys a ir's Worth le dollar~20 per Al pis Be :ount on any Set ore for Cash. M les '.nuine happi Buce." nama if you do. ys, and cH igE about Toy; | Goods needful for itchen, and lA? fr/w I n c L I w 1 Ul vaoix oasters, and and ed now ttention s a long at any ke your 's Worth >r Cash, it price. Meet Da Only 16 d< to shop fore Xm Shop N( i!y 16 Days to Shop Be fore Christmas rg AlVfTi :tter If You Do. Carv A Carving Set will be and you will find our make the price attract: Xmas Gifts for Men Most ladies think a n we can help you wit] Knives, etc. s=ancl==Dol Is i OU want to make every cent count this year we know, and if you come to this store for your Toys and Dolls, we will help you make your money count. r Doll and Toy must go by the 25th, ) make them go we are going to give rices that you can not resist. l will buy Toys here this year you will more good, hard dollars after Xmas jver before. p Now?It Will Pay You! Men?Buy Yc Pairs Then she will always ' Our stock of Scissors ii Kutter and Straus mal Lamps We have a few beautiful Lamps that we will sell Yo you at just what by they cost us. All Here is your ^ cliance Rllumisiate! i Brass Goc Pieces ova n-Amnr r?nw : Me at My Headquarters! King Co. f rgan Ul gV/lllg A1V ?? ' foi You will find I with the bene! are offering, y friends a pre small amount It Will Pay Y Guns For the Men A Onn or Rifle will mi to shop be fore Xmas. and we will help you gi Cash. We will make y< think we manufacture LET US < V-tfta. j*. MB , o CROCKERY1: O o o ui^li t CROCKERY ing Sets a mighty useful Xmas gift, s mighty good?and we will ive for you. lan's present hard to buy, but ti our line of Razors, Pocket >ur Wives Several of Scissors have the kind she may want, s large, and includes, Keen ces?none better. "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Ware <> O O O O O O O O O O O O < O O ?u can make your wife happy giving her a piece or two of uminum ware. ipecial Prices Prevailing or the Holiday Trade ids and Taney i of China at 80c on the dollar r \^asn ^ lere a big stock, and O it of this discount we ^ ou can buy all your ^ sent for a mighty ^ of money. ^ ou To Shop Now! $ and Rifles i J and Older Boys j ? o ake a most acceptable gift, j ^ ive it?that is if you have the j ^ ;>u a price that will make you j ^ this line of goods. J ^ O o SHOW YOU! CROCKERY IJ i < o