Happenings of a Week !n and About the Seven-Hilled City Personals. Lowndesviile, Xov. 2,1912. Mrs. T. Baker ami .Mrs. Charles T. Baker left hero Monday at 12 M., on a flying trip to Anderson with Mr. 1). L. Barnes in his auto, and were l?aek hoim- before dark. Mr. Toin Swift and his mother. Mrs. Tom Swift of Elberton, came oVv>r Moii d iv and then on t home of the brother of the second. Mr. John Voting, three miles out. The two first returned to this place the next day and were guests of Mrs. T. Baker till Wednesday, whi-n they went back to their Georgia home. Hallowe'en and its old time observances was not in evidence in these parts, so far as heard from. In the days or rather the nights gone by, the people all over this section had to spend the nest day in right ing things, and sometimes buggy and wagon wheels and gates woro so well hid ( that they were not found lor days after- j wards. None of that now. Tuesday evening early, four of the larg- i Do You Kno Tea Cam $3 First a price was i really GOOD tea can bi CJ Next, all teas selling at 1 tested for quality. CJ Finally, a blend was perfected the best of these tested teas, and to match the superb coffee by th q It is now offered to you witl deed, a really fine tea at quite a r aa well ae VOTAN COFFEE oi" o L. W. KELL SCHOOL Tablets In General Schc Speed's B: est autos, owned and managed by Dr. X i>. Kirk Patrick and Messrs. E. W. Ilarpor, 1). L. Bainesand T. D. Oooley, left here for Anderson loaded, so to speak from basement to attic with juvenile joy riders. The four auto-owners gave to the'coming men and women of our town an outing?a ride that they will remember incoming years as one of their brightest and hap. piest. With two chaporones, Mrs. T. D. Coob*y and Miss El Louise Harper, and three chaperoners, as somebody culls the men who act in that capacity, the ver\ merry crowd was kept in check, and the trip was made; without accident or special incident. About twenty-five of the Young America of our town wote given a free ride, and at th? northern end of their jour ney were giveu a free attendance upon tin picture show which was in full blast at that point. All of which reflects much credit upon all of those who so freely gave of their tiiue and attention to the giving to the little folk so much joy. He who gives pleasure to another necessarily reaps a harvest of comfort and happiness which cannot be estimated. It wonderfully light ens the cares and anxieties of life, and Vx*i\r\es tie f?? monv ? f'MtHrti nl'iou in Ut? po uo IV VIV'O^ ??rnu; ? j/.wvv ' >W How This e to Be? fixed, below which no e sold. this price were cupped and , at least 25 per cent better than the result was called f\T HP T? A in i r,A at name. 1 every assurance that it is, in noderate price and you can get it nly one dealer in tiiia town; viz. rER & BEO. BOOKS T1 1 n JTC11UJ.XO k )ol Supplies. rug Store. A terloo, came over to this place in an auto Tuesday and spent the night with the fa ther and family of the first, Rev. H. C. J Fennel. Mrs. A. C. Latimer, Mrs. Hattie Todd, Dr. and Mrs. A.C. Cuthbert and little babe, came over from lielton Tuesday and spent tlr.? day wiih Mrs. T. Baker. These mod* rii horsi'lci-s carr iages wondei fully lessen time and distance. A few years ago it was fusortof dreaded undertaking to go only h few miles to spend tire day. Now with out hesitancy we can go twenty-five miles in the best of spirits. Mrs. J. T. Latimer a few days aero went to Willington to spend a while with Mr. Albert Gibert nnd family. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Harper and Miss El Louise Harper went to Anderson in an | auto Thursday and brought the son of the two Iir6t, Mr. Holcombo Haruer, back with them. He was carried there to the hos pital several weeks ago to be operated upon for appendicitis, but when the at tempt was made it was found that nature had saved the trouble, aud he was brought back home and is getting along nicely. Mill News. Interesting Locals From Cotton Mill Village, Reported by Pansy. There was a delightful dance given to the young people at Mr. George Shirley's Friday night a week ago. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harrison, a daughter. There are about eight or ten cases of fe ver in the village. We attended the fair and everything was as nice as could be. The flying man was the biggest curiosity that was seen, also we enjoyed seeing so many of our friends from the country, among them was Mrs. Hugh Crawford from near Due West. Mr. Ben Williams and family have moved back from Honea i*ath. Mr. Mit Soawright from near Antreville was down to see Mr. John T. Evans and family last week. Mr. !oel Martin from near Level Land spent the night with his friend Mr. Will Money Back Remedy for Dandruff | Falling Hair and Itching Scalp. C. A. Milford & Co. are Authorized to Guarantee It. C. A. Milford & Co. will do more : if after using two bottles of PARISIAN Sage you don't thiuk it ia the lineal and moat delightful hair tonic and dreeing you ever used?money back. Can you beat that offer? Young womeu who neglect their temples grow old before their time. If your hair is Ihinuing at the temples: if it i* losimr its natural color, fadtng or luiniug grav, put your faith in PA RISIAN S^ge and you wou't te disap pointed. Large bottle 50 cents at C. A. Milford's and dealers everywhere. Girl with Auburn hair on every pack age. ??? ill" GriLN-3 Lewis one night. Miss Seal Porter is visiting her siste Mrs. Bradley Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Douglass and 11 tie sou visited Miss Ira Hamilton Sabbat out in the country. Mr. Tobe Hintou made a flying trip ovt liere Sabbath from Calhoun Fails. H likes his new location fine. Miss Rebecca Wilson gave a fruit suppt to a few of her young friends Saturda night a week ugo. Mr. Jim A. Mundy is now firing on th Southern road?running from Columbia 1 Greenville. The little two-year-old child of Mr. an Mrs. Earle Harrison died Tuesday mori ing, Oct. 29th. The little fellow had bet in bad health all his life, and took wore and lived only a few days. The body wi taken to Heardmont, Ga., for burial. we nave naci two Deauuiui wnite irosu and it left everything looking gloomy. Master Joe Bowie gave a dance to a fe of his young friends in honor of his frlen< Master Jack Long, from near Columbia. Mr. Purdy met with a very serious acc dent while cutting wood, a piece flew u and struck his eye and caused It to lco very bad. The fever still keeps its hold on the pe< pie. There are five cases in talking di tance of each other. Mr. J. Will Bowie made a flying vis home Saturday and returned Monda He says he likes Parr Shoals fine. Master J. T. Blanchett was over froi Calhoun Falls visiting relatives Saturda night. Born, Nov. 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Mi Cuen, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Adger Cam] bell, a daughter. Family reunion at Mrs. L. J. Gilmer's o last Friday. The children of Mrs. Gllme gathered at her home and celebrated he 65th birthday. The children were all ther except two. She is the mother of nin children?five girls and four boys?an had the good luck to raise them all, an all married, except one. She has 39 or i grandchildren, and they were very nea all there, and you bet we had a time. Th oldest child is Mrs. W. B. Going, of Abtx ville; 2d, Mr. J. A. Gilmer, of Greenwood 3d, Mrs. Will Bowie, of Abbeville; 4th, M: S. A. Gilmer, of Abbeville; 5th, Mr. E Gilmer, or L.evei L.ano; tun, aim. jcssi Botts, of Abbeville; 7th, Mrs. Will Mc Clain.of Belton, S.C.; 8th, Mr. Brown Gi mer, of Antreville,?he is the single one 9th, Mrs. Charley Saylors, of Belton. Th day will be long remembered and we true that our mother will have many moi birthdays and that by another year we a can be together, and if jou don't believ we had a time ask Mr. Jim Finley, as h took sixteen of us up there in a two how wagon, and I think before wo got back b wished he had taken the police to keep u quiet. A Daughter?Pansy. A GKKA'I BIILI>I>G FALLS when its foundation ie underminec and if th-r foundation of health?goo digestion?is attacked, quick collars follows. On the first signs of mdigee lion, Dr. King's New Life Pills shoul be taken to tone the stomach and reg "late livei, kidneys and bowels. Picas ant, easy, safe and only 25c at P. i Speed's and McMurray Drug Co. KING C( YOU AR To a Demonstration ol M 1 novemDer An expert direct from the the Range and give valuable ] Be sure to come in whethe not?we want to show you. This beautiful Set of Wan tion with each Range sold. Aluminum, Copper and Enam Enterprise Stov A big stock of the best Cc Stoves on the market. The Univert You hi adverti leading We hi Stock. T] DARGAN Should \ the There is nr k Among the Multitude of ica from Coast to Coaj by Friend and Coi y Footwear without ? Factor c > i For the past few years I h Abbeville. Previous to this opportunity to become famil price is less thau you pay for joying a large business in Bea In all candor, it is my opi the best looking and best fitti con factory; in fact they rep ever achieved. I also handle what is best ii of Shoes tttat is soiu oy ij isfaction or a new D. Pc miMllllI 3. CROCKERY *5 E INVITED f this Great Range from 7th to 13th factory will be here to show you 3.ange information. :r you want to buy a Range or i FREE during the demonstra The ware consists of pieces of lei Ware. This is Good Heater Weather and we have any kind of a Heater you may need. saZ Percolator HE -KING CO ive seen them sed in the ,r Magazines, ive them in Best in Shoes i Only One Choice iACON'S yNIPN ; m Shoe Factories that dot Amer 3t, only one is Acknowledged mpetitor Alike to Produce t a Peer?and that one y is Beacon's iave been the sole agent for Beacon's in the people of Abbeville County had no iar with their merits; and because the any other make in Shoes, I am now en icon's alone. nion that this Fall's styles aref decide ng Shoes that ever came from the