The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, October 16, 1912, PART II, Image 11

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A X. Ik. A. > M ^ 4. 1 TYl'EWRi GUARAN1 The New Model No. 5 Ko_> guarantee that it will do higl less upkeep expense than n higher in price. THIS (iLAKANTKK I! KOVAL .J I S I Hack of this guarantee ; important typewriter manufa make such a guarantee if we to outclass any tether machiu Tk-rv JJXJ JK The New No. 5 Royai ribbon, tabulator, back-spa< chines?yet sells for only $7 JLLl Write at once for oyr ho best built typewriter in the ROYAL TI ROYAL TY T PLEASANT REUNION OF ORR'S REGIMENT Mrs. Sign, of Abbeville, l)eliv- j ered Address MEETS IN ABBEVILLE NEXT YEAR; John Ivskew Reelected Presi dent?Music, Speeches, Ites- j olutions, Car Hide. With a trolley ride over the city j this afternoon, which was enjoyed by a large number of veterans and their friends, the 40th annual reunion of Crr's regiment came to a close. The next reunion will be held in Ab- | beville, the veterans today having ac- j cepted an invitation extended by j telegraph from the Mayor and Civic ; association and the Daughters of the Confederacy of that city. The meeting this morning was j called to order by Mr. John Eskew, i who has held the office of president for several terms. He introduced Rev. Mike McGee. who served as j chaplain to the regiment, throughout I the four years of service, and who has j from year to year been reelected as chaplain of the Survivors association j of the regiment. Rev. Mr. McGee | made the invocation. The "Bonnie Blue Flag" was beau- J tifully rendered by a chorus consist-1 ing of Mrs. Cora Ligon, Mrs. J. R. j Vandiver, Mrs. T. A. Ratliffe, Mrs. J. O. Wilhite, Miss Mab Bonham, Mr. ' R. R. King and Mr. J. D. Rast, with i Miss Zenobia Welch at the piano. Capt. G. Cullen Sullivan on be-1 half of the city of Anderson, wel- j corned the veterans in a happy and earnest address. Capt. Sullivan said j that the young southerner who is not j impressed with a gathering of this! kind and who is not inspired to I nobler things and who does not de- i rive strength and encouragement 1 from the old soldiers while mingling ; To mi Call sell need >al conies to you best grade work [lachines usually with the unco nil it for a longer tin listed at 33 per S ACTUALLY ATTACHED TO [? AS V()lT SKI] IT IX THE 1LI ire the resources and experience o [during concerns in the world. I) did not know that the Royal has e ? 3W MODE L flatest model of any typewriter < :er and all the worth-while fcatu 5. JSTJKATION BOOK FJ mdsonie 32-page "Royal Hook" a world. 1'E WRITER 'EWHITER BUILDING, NEW \ Branches in All Principal Cities, j among thorn is not worthy of the , name of southerner. Just so with a ! city, said the speaker. A city that does : not appreciate the honor or entertain- i ing the veterans is not worthy of exis- 1 ! tence. Capt. Sullivan said it gave ; himparticular pleasure, and he con- j oidered it a privilege to welcome this j gallant old command, especially so 1 since his grandfather had served in j it. The speaker said that he had served, though only for a short while ! and not in actual warfare, in a corps comrxanded by a Lee, "not the im mortal Lee." but by Fitz Hugh Lee. This brought forth applause. Capt. Sullivan said that in this command was a division commanded by a union soldier. He mentioned this to show now tne soutn ana tne nortn nau i become cemented, although the "Great War" is not so many years gone by. Capt. Sullivan said that some one asked Fitz Hugh Lee what could he count on in the Second South Carolina regiment should it become necessary to send this regiment in a j fight with the Spanish troops. Gen. | Lee replied, "I knew their fathers j and their grandfathers. That is suffi- i cient for me." "March of the Southern Men," was j sung by Mrs. l.igon and chorus. In a brief little speech, but full of 1 earnestness and sincereity, Mrs. J. R. | Vandiver extended a welcome to the ' veterans on behalf of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. This was followed by "Maryland, My Maryland." sung by the chorus, and which wa3 joined in by many of tlin cnlHrnrc? Tonno o ?-? * t r\ en viu oujuici o. xcaio vauic iu mc t eyes of many of them, the song car- j rying them back to their camp sccnes j nearly 50 years ago. .Mrs. Gertrude Hemphill Sign of | Abbeville, daughter of the late Gen- j R. R. Hemphill, a member of the reg- i iinent, made a response to the ad- ! dresses of welcome, as follows: Mr. Chairman, ladies and Gentlemen: "The compliment of inviting one of; my father's daughters to respond to | the address of welcome each year at j the annual reunion of Orr's Regiment of Riflemen, has in due season con- j ferred this privilege upon me, and I j consider no honor equal to that of being counted comrade to these ! Drave men, ana speaking in their be- | half. "We sincerely thank yon for your most cordial welcome, Mr. .Mayor and | JLJLc^Vt^ V_^lJL(z Sell at and make in at your pri< the room. % Guarantee That the Royal Srandird Typcvimter i u mudo of the highest rrodo ma terttls obedrabte and by tha mo6t skillful workmen money can huot * - - That it will*<Jo work of tho best quality for a gteaigr ^ length of ome at l?*s ex- , i [' pense for upkeep thane J any other typewriters 'J t * regardle? of pnoe. * ' , igTAL Trrnrjaro rao*Ainr i EYEHY NEW 3IODEL XSTKATIOX. f one of the largest and most o you think \vc would dare the simplicity and durability on th.c market) has two-color res of the highest priced ma ll EE nd get the facts about the COMPANY 'OHK, N. V. Mrs. Vandiver, and for the many evi dence sof vour uleasure at liavine us with you. We know that what you have done and what you will do, emanates from a sentiment bred by patriotism, love and loyalty, and we are glad the great deeds of the Go's are not forgotten and that we can de pend on these annual reunions to re fresh our memories and preserve the hlctory of a just and righteous war. "The custom of holding our re unions in the various counties con tributing men to this famous regi ment is a splendid plan to throw the spot light of reminiscences on each community, thereby bringing out glimpses of the individual heroism which gave immortal fame to the army of northern Virginia. "Anderson's part will be our pleas ant retrospection today, and while we renew those friendships soldered by shot and shell and tried by the fires of many battles; while we recall with tenderest memories those who have 'crossed over tb? river and rest un der the shade of the trees'; all the time we will be truly glad we are in Anderson. Anderson?the gem of the Piedmont, today, yesterday and always the home of the brave." uriiuesi .Mrs. \_ura i-igon sang | again "Comiuered Banner." .Mrs. Lig- ' on sang this beautiful song at the j reunion held in Walhalla one year ' ago. and so charmed were the vete-1 rans that they insisted that she sing ! it again today. Mrs. A. E. Bleckley, in her inimit- j able happy way, extended additional i thanks lor the welcome accorded the j survivors. Her address was inter- I spersed with local references and to \ references to veterans in the gather ing. These called for applause ire-1 quently. Widows of ('Ulliint Men Mrs. D. A. Ledbetter of Townville, | widow of Lieut. Col. Ledbetter, who : with many of his men lost his life I in the second battle of Manassas, and Mrs. George McDuffie Miller of Ab- j bevllle county, widow of the last col- j onel of this regiment, were introduc-; ed to the convention, and were given ' prominent seats near the chairman. A Business Session The convention then resolved it self into a business session. The min- j of the 40th reunion, held at Wal halla last year, were read and ap- ; proved. The election of officers to i serve the ensuing year was entered 1 a Sacrifl fi v - u e an offer?I 3e ? not mine 'upon and rosuilcd as follows: Officers J! !< ; ( cil Joins h'skcv.', president. Reelected. John T. Green, vice president. Re i elected. j J. \\'. Holleman of Walhalla, secre tary. ! Rev. .Alike McGee, chaplain. Re-elect jed. Sixteen allis in the 1'auks j .Mr. A. .M. Guyton, chairman of the 'memorial committee, reported the jdeMhs of 1'! comrades, as follows: i Company A, Cant. Henry Holcoml) j McThoinas, Harrison Dillard. Company 13, Xone. Company C, Bob Wilson, S. H. bricks, Dad Snyder. Company 11. Sergt. Jas. H. McCori neM, J. Gilmer. Company J. H Hunnicut. Company F, None. I Company (J. Captain Jurnes Pratt, Madison Langston. Company K, Lieutenant I). R. Greer, J. Ft. Harper, Asbury Bigby, Isaac Harper. I Company L, I*. L. Gambrell. Abbeville Extends Invitation After the report of the memorial committee read and approved, the chairman announced that the conven tion was ready for business not on j the programme. W. T. McGill read a; telegram addressed to him and to] Mrs. Sign extending an invitation fori the regiment to meet in Abbeville' next year. The invitation was ac cepted by a rising vote amid enthu siasm. The Orators Mr. McGill addressed the conven tion briefly, and at the conclusion of liis remarks introduced Hon. J. E. Boggs of Pickens, who with Mr. T. Frank Watkins of this city, were the orators chosen for this reunion. Mr. J. B. Adger Mullally of Pendle ton also spoke. An Elaborate Dinner After the singing of "Dixie " by the chorus and by the veterans, the line of march was formed and the veterans were called on to march to the Bailes building on South Main street where the members of the three chap ters of the Daughters of the Confed eracy, the R. E. Lee, the Dixie and the Palmetto had prepared a bountiful dinner. The veterans are being given a trol ley ride over the city this afternoon, and they will leave for their homes late todav and tomorrow.?Daily Mail. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT \ s;w/wt V TT/? V l\in: \ M'/FTl Quite u Number of Teachers of thr County Attended the Organization Meeting. Much Interest Manifest ed. A County School Improvement As sociation was organized by the teach ers of Abbeville county Saturday at noon. A number of teachers from the different parts of the county were present and manifested considerable interest in the new organization. Of ficers for the year were elected as follows: President, .Miss Mattie Winn, Donalds; Vice-President, Prof. M. M. Wilkes, Lowndesville; Secretary and Treasurer, .Miss Ellie Mcllwaine, Ab beville, S. C., and a Constitution was orl ;ic fnllnws* Article I. Seel ion 1. The name of this Organi zation shall "The County School Improvement Association." .Article II Section 1. The purpose of this As sociation shall be: 1. To arouse the interest of (he peo ple of the County in the improvement vt their schools. '1. To establish a local Association in every School District in the Coun ty. Article III Section 1. Any white woman inter ested in this work may become an ac tive member without the payment of any fee; any white man may become an associate member upon the pay ment of a lee of 50 cents. lrtiele JV Section 1. The officers of this Asso ciation shall be: A President, a Vice President, a Secretary and Treasurer. TMi ..Ww, 11 14 i ncit smm ue an eiavcuuvc ^uiniliiu tee composed of the officers and four otlier members. Sec. 2. All officers shall be chosen by ballot at each annual meeting. Artivle V Section 1. This Association shall hold an annual meeting at such time and place as shall be designated by the President. Article VI Section 1. This association shall send, through its Secretary, an an imal report of work of county and as sociations to the Corresponding Sec retary of the State Association, two weeks before the annual meeting of ce <e> < o o t When You I <> O <> o Ask Where will wv. oro ttr*! V ? 1JL\^X V_ VV X Where "s When Where D. I D. PC the State Association. Article VII | Section 1. This Constitution may be amended at any annual meeting by a vote of two-thirds of members pres-; eat. Miss Mattie Winn is Organizer for i the Association and any school terri tory desiring to contest for a prize should communicate with her at! once. Valuable prizes will be offered | for improvement in grounds and. buildings. It is hoped that all the j schools of the county will join the association. Those desiring to be come a member should communicate with Miss Ellie Mcllwaine, Abbeville, s. c. OFFICIALS OF SEABOARD VISIT ABBEVILLE SHOPS A party of officials of the 9eaboard Air Line, Including President Harra lian, passed through Abbeville one day last week. President Harrahan, who was recently chosen as the new head ot' the Seaboard system, was on a tour of Inspection of the company's prop erty and was accompanied by a num ber of high officials. A short stop was made at the Abbeville shops and an inspection made of the plant. The party traveled in a special train of six coaches. A LOG ON THE TKACK of the fast express means serious trouble ahead if not removed, so does loss of appetite. It means lack of vi tality.loss of strength and nerve weak ness. If appetite fails, take Electric Bitters quiCKiy to overcome me cause by toning up the stomach and curing the Indigestion. Michael Hessheimer of Lincoln, Neb., had been sick over three years, but six bottles of Electric Bitters put him right on his feet again. They have helped thousands. They give pure blood, strong nerves, good digestion. Only 50 cents at P. B. Speed's and The McMurray Drug Co. (Advertisement). WPTTKHMHCMBWfMWBgCCEJOP" THE ONE GREAT EVENT, j 1 | The State Fair Which Everyone At* tends?The Dates, October 28 ! to November 1, Inclusive. There is one gala occasion oa which all the people of South Caro lina unite. One time when they alt join In having a good time. It le at me israte rair. rrvousanaa ana uiuiu ands of South Caroilnlans agre? front year to year to moot in Colum bia during the State fair. This year they will be in Columbia between October 2S and November 1, inclu sive. liesldos meeting their relatives, friends, acquaintances and sweet hearts, if they have any, they witt find a better and greater State fair. South Carolina is progressing by leaps and bounds, her farmers want the best, and it is to be Bhown at the fair. Never before have there been *o many entries at this time nor such a demand for exhibit space. President J. Arthur Banks, Seer retary J. M. Cantey and Superin tendent Watts are already in con stant touch with the situation ar ranging for the details. The dates of the fair?October 28 to November 1, inclusive?are not in con.'lbi with any other event in the State. Olv'isp r.iilrnad rates have already been si eiiri'd and special trains will be opt rated tor the convenience of the thousands attending the State [ fair lave New Clot Yourself These Questi I find the best assortment 11 I find the newest styles vill I get the highest qualite* 2 Will I find the lowest prices : will I get the best fitting cl( POLIAKO IS THE AXSWER The reason our business is constantly increasing is be cause we give such big val ues. One satisfied customer tells a friend. Then he finds out and tells some one else. That's the way we keep get ting more and more trade. ft little Better \ Quality for the I I Money Than r ri ii msewinere ? ______ We make satisfaction sure by guaranteeing it. Our customers are urged to call to our attention any cause l'lr for dissatisfaction with our clothes and we consider it a privilege to replace any im perfect or unsatisfactory gar ment or refund the purchase price. We carry out this policy so earnestly and so willingly that once a cus tomer experiences it, his permanent patronage is as sured. If You Come Simply I Just as Welcome } Came t )LIAK Insure Yo and H This is the season of too much green food and stock. The premium is used for farming purposes gy animals. We insured WRITE OR I Abbeville Insuraj J. E. McDAVI SCHOOL Tablets In] General J Schoi Speed's Dr B uyC We are overstocked rial and are makii make room for othe in every day CALL TO " The Lumbe i ii o < o hes to Buy j ons <> 7 ! < )thes FF J A to Look, You'll be ? as Though You 0 Duy < OFF I j : < -r* * M?1*c Ui 1T1U1W [orses year when hard work, bad corn will kill your $7 per $100 on animals , and $6 per $100 on bug 27 head last few days. 3H0NE US ace & Trust Co D, Secretary. BOOKS Pencils k ol Supplies. ug Store. h ?ap ! on Building Mate lg good prices to r material coming SEE US. Hill ft. r People.'I mgssmm