The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, October 09, 1912, PART I, Image 4

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The Press and Banner ABBEVILLE, S. C. Published Every Wednesday by The Press and Banner Company W. W. Bradley, W. R. Bradley, President. Vice-President W. T. Walker, Secretary and Manaftr Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1912 AN OPPORTUNITY. At the meeting of the State Bap tist Convention which will be held in Abbeville December 3 to 6, plans will i>" f?r tho ofituhliahmpnt r?f UC pCIIUV/l^U iVi WIIV wvhv??wm*.mv..v W a hospital under the auspices (if that denomination. The establishment of such an institution will prove of in estimable benefit to the community so fortunate us to be the point of location. . . There are many reasons why the selection of Abbevilltf should ap peal to the Baptists us a-splendid place in which to locate this hospital, but while many of these reasons arc as patent as they are cogent there art* others which could be? presented to the representatives of the denomina tion while in session here, and some .steps should be taken to accomplish this result in a creditable manner. One reason that should appeal for the selection of Abbeville is that such an institution, while receiving the bulk Of its support from the en tire State, must of necessity depend 10 some extent upon the local sap port. There is not in Abbeville at present a single institution .of any character whatever to diviefe what ever suppert the community could afford. Besides, there is not in easy reach of the people of this section of South Carolina a hospital of the size and character of the institution which the Baptists can aud will establish. Promoters of this laudable enterprise have a well-founded hope that this i nstitution will, at no distant day, be more than State-wide in Its scope, and the city in.which the hospital is located will be benefitted in many ways. Other towns and cities of South Carolina, aware of the benefits inci dent to the establishment of such ?n institution in their midst; are going to make decided efforts to secure this hospital. While Abbeville has splen ?IW1 immnpotbnf seftirinp this Drize. it r" M ' mm -*-i- ? ; ? is not going to be located here with out an effort on the part of our peo ple. The time lias arrived for concerted action on the part of the community. There remain only about six weeks until the Baptists .meet,, and any proposition that Abbevillemay have to make should be put ia'some defi nite concrete shape before that time. Let us put our best foot foremost? and do it now. i SOME AMENDMENTS. At the coming general election there are three amendments to the Constitution to be voted upon, but , they are purely local in1 their applica tion. The following are the titles of the resolutions pertaining to these amendments: ? 'A Joint Resolution to Amend Section 7, Article VIII of the Con stitution, Relating /to Municipal Bonded Indebtedness, by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to the Town of Bishopville." /. UA Joint Resolution Proposing an Amendment to Article X of the Con stitution, by Adding Thereto Section 14a, to Empower the Cities of Charles ton and Beaufort to Assess Abutting Property for Permanent Improve ments." : "A Joint Resolution Proposing an Amendment to Article X of the Con stitution, by Adding Thereto Section 15, to Empower the Towns of Gaff ney and Woodruff and Cities of Ches ter and Georgetown to Assess Abut ting Property for Permanent Im provement." Just how the people of the entire State are to decide intelligently on these questions we do not know un less they take it for granted thit the representatives in the general assem blp of the communities affected would not have-sanctioned the pas sage of these resolutions unless such action was endorsed by their constit uents. This is the generally accepted view of such matters, but it does' seem that some provision mjghtbe! made for the settlement of such ques tions solely by the votes of those j communities immediately concerned,' because there might arise a case at! gome time in which, through lack of proper information, the voters in the) State at large might defeat the will of some particular community. ASYLUM BOND ISSUE. A 4- nrnnona 1 ulnnHnn f Kto trnait HIV gVUVIWi VtWWtVK VlUkJ J tbe voters will be called upon to de-: cide whether the State of South Car olina shall issue bonds to the amount of $1,000,000, bearing 4 per cent, in terest, for the purpose of making ad equate provision for the State Hos pital for the Insane. , The State has already purchased a large tract of land near Columbia for this purpose and has commenced the erection of buildings thereon. As i ; I we understand it, it is the purpose to gradually remove the institution from its present aite to the place se lected in the country. The issuance of the proposed bonds should furnish an amount ample for making every provision for the^com fort of the poor unfortunates, to whom the State owes the best care that she is able to provide. Just how much the property on which the Hospital plant is now lo cated could be made to bring we are unable -to say, but with judicious handling it nhould go a long ways towards the liquidation of the in creased debt which it is proposed to incurJorJJit^^ "BOOM 23." With an utter disregard for signs and portents that may be born of desperation or that may indicate an optimism that even the hodoo of the "jbJrtrlnn" nnmher 23 PAnnot damn en, the Bull Moose party has estab lished South Carolina headquarters in Room 23 of a Columbia hotel. Mr. W. P. Beard, of Abbeville, is the State secretary, and according to an article in the Columbia Record he proposes to travel the State in an au tomobile and distribute literature in I the interest of the new party. a The names of those present at the organization of the new party show that most of those identified with the, new party have been recruited from the ranks-of those who have for some time been identified with the Republican party, with an eye single to the loaves and fishes. The Bull Mooses can hope for noth ing in South Carolina, and it requires a considerable stretch of the imagina tion to scent a national victory for their party in 1912. s WRONG, NEIGHBOR. An article published in the Daily Mail of October 7th, written from Washington, Georgia, makes many claims lor that city as to the part its public men played in the Confeder acy. Among other thing** it claims that "the last Confederate Cabibet. meeting was held in the General Heard house, which was torn down and replaced by the elegant new Wilkes County court house." It is an undisputed fact that has gone down in history that the last Confed erate Cabinet meeting was held 1 the Burt House in this city, which it now occupied by Mr. J. S^Stark. nu" r%A<- full*? ranPa^Uifltnl mt*t 1 I1C I'UUIIICl, 1MIIJ ivfxvwvuvir., liere for the last time, and dif|)?nded. The article likewise claihis thai Jefferson Davis was born in Georgia. The fact is, he was born In Kentucky, in au adjoining county to that in which Lincoln was born. If the accuracy of the artfcle is to be judged by these two references, it will be of little value to history. A SURE ENOUGH FAIR Greenville Daily Piedmout. They are going to have a county fair down at Abbeville next-1 month, the 23rd, the 24th and the.?26th, be ing the dates, we believe. ;7lt is not going to be any half-way faireitber because the people of old Abbeville don't do any thing by halves. It, is going to be an exhibition^ feat will be a credit to the county;'11 The re sources of one of the state's best ag nnnntlaa will ho tMlinl ??m|. MUUJVUiai WUiitivn n ?<? w y?i?wr.w#(ww. There will be fine ear* of corn from almost every township in the county we dare say. Big' pumpkins, and they grow mighty big in Long Cane townships, will be on exhibition. Peavine hay, some of the best pea rine hay in the country grows in Donalds township, fodder, etc., will be on exhibition. Extraordinarily fine stalks of cotton will.-doubtless be exhibited by the good farmers of Due West, Lowndesville, Calhoun Falls, and other townships. Fine hogs and pigs and cows and sheep and goats will be put on. exhibition by the Abbeville county p&ple, who live at home and who do/^iot depend upon western markets * for . their meats. There will be poultry ex hibits galore?some of the best chick ens in South Carolina 'are raised at Bordeaux, McCormick, and Mount Carmel in Abbeville county. Abbe lHlla nltv ttaalf hnaatm nf Hnmft nf)U1 - try fanciers. And then there are "the fine horses which are.tb be ' found in every section of toe copnty? they will be on exhibition; No fair is complete without the la dies departments, no cotinty is better prepared to have a go6d ladies' de partment at a fair tlran Abbeville county for no county boasts of more industrious women. There will be preserves, made of good old Antre ville pears, peaches and apples, all sorts of jams, Pies, cakes, jellies, pickles, etc. And the needlework department will be a success for some of the best seamstresses in the world live in Abbeville county. "We are going to have a bi^ enter taining fair," writes Acting Secretary Renwick Bradley, "a fair wortty while. No expense is being spared to jnake it 8ucb. uooa races, -nying macmnes, splendid exhibits, shoVa galore." And Renwiek Bradley would have^sald it if it wasn't so. You can take his word for it for he is as good as bis word. Paint and Not r-'.n :?. Paint was never before m high as last year and this: about $2.35 a gallon Devoe and half-dollar Use for trash. What Is trash ? It looks like paint and pretends to be paint, but Isn't worth painting. It costs a paiuter's day's-work to put-on a gallon of paint, good or bad; and a paiuter's day's work is *8 or *4. Add that to the price of a gallon. That is the cost of a gallon.' Devoe is $5 or $6 a gallon; and trash a half-dollar less. But Devoe Is all paint and more too; you add oil to It; a gallon ig 5 or 6 quarts of perfect paint for the painter's pot. But trash is three-quarters two-third# or half paint; you pay a balf-dollar less for no-' body-knows-what-lt-is. .10 gallons Devoe is enough for the aver age job; it takes 15 to 20 gallons of trash. And the wear same way. Unfortunately, they look alike when first put-on. DEVOE P. 8. Spaed sells it j THE SWEETEST LIVES I (Elizabeth Barrett Browning) ?. The sweete*t lives are those to duty wed, Whose deedB, both great and small, Are close-knit strands of an unbroken . thread Where love enobles all. The world may Bound no trumpets, ring no bells; The Book of Life the shining record tells. Thy love shall chant its own beautitu . des After its own life-working. A child's kiss Set on thy sighing lips shall make thee glad; < A poor man served by thee shall make thee rich; A 'sick man helped by t hee shall make thee strong; Thou shalt be served thyself by ev ery sense Of service thou renderest. ANNAPOLIS MIDSHIP MEN APPOINTMENTS. An examination will be held at Greenwood, Tuesday, January 7th. 1913, for the purpose of selecting two principals and six alternates as can didates for appointment to two va cancies In the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis. Applicants must be free from bodily defects; must be not less than 5 'efet and 2 inches tall, between tie age. of 16 and 18 yearB, and not rjfss than 6 feet and 4 inches tall be tween thfe ages of 18 and 20 years. The minimum age limit is 16, the max imum 20 years. Candidates will be examined', mentally in punctuation, spelling, -English Grammar, United States history, World's history, arith metic, ajgebra through quadratic equations;:and plane geometry. Wyatt Aiken. Blanket* 50c and np to $3.50 pair at PoliakofB. 2 r a* 10*4 Pepperell Sheeting 25c at Pol iakofTs. ' CHIEF RILEY'S BEPORT lA^he"r,egular monthly meeting of City Council last night Chief Riley aubmittedrthe following report of the operationsof the police department for the month of September: Disorderly-- 31 Fighting 4 Keeping disorderly house 1 Visiting dfgprderly house 3 Drunk 7 Discharging firearms 1 Vagrancy 3 Larceny 1 Contempt of Court 1 Violation Auto. Ordinance 1 Drunk anfl disorderly 4 Non-payment Com. Tax 2 Gambling'- 5 Allowing .Minors in Pool room ... 1 Violating JjRack Ord 1 Loafing gild Loitering 2 Selling Liquor 1 Total AtreBts . . . .69 Fines for month, $375; cases disv missed, 8;' of the cases tried by jury, me was found guilty and 5 not guil ty. $ i SATED BY HIS WIFE She's a wiBe woman who knows just what to do when her husband's life is in danger, but Mrs. R. J. Flint, Braintree, Vt., is of that kind. "She nsisted on my using Dr. King's New Discovery," writes Mr. F. "for a dread ful cough, when I was so weak my friends all thought I had only a short time to Hve, and it completely cured me." A quick cure for coughs and colds, it is the most safe and reliable medicine for many throat and lung troubles-r-grip, bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, quinsy, tonsilitis, hemorrhages. A trial will convince you. 60 cts. and $1.00. Guaranteed by > P. B. Speed. The McMurray Drug Co. j (Advertisement).' NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC i I want to state that I am still in the monument business. I have been sick and hot able to travel for abouti nine months, but I am now at home ! and will be glad to have you call to see me before you buy. I will make it j to your interest and you will be help ing a sick man to provide for his j i needy oneB. ! ' We guarantee our work to be as ; good as the best. Please come to see ; \ me or drop me a card and I will try ! J to come to see you, and will certain-1 \ ly be glad to have your business. | * .Tne F Fdmiinds. I BBBnamMMaaasHi Janet Frank Glinkscales, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Abbeville, s. c. Office?First, floor City Hall. Master's Sale. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ' County of Abbeville COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. B. BERRY ALLEN, Plaintiff. f- against A. J. SPEER, Defendant. By authority of a Decree of Sale by the Court of Common Pleas for Abbe ville County, in said State, made in the above stated case, I will offer for sale, \ ot PiihM/? Hnfnrv nt Ahhpvillp C. H.. I ' S. C., on Salesday in November, A. D. 1912, within the legal hours of sale the following described land, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land sit uate, lying and being in Abbeville County, in the State aforesaid, con taining Two Hundred and Twenty Three (223) Acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of Estate J. M. Lati mer, Charles Loafer, Bowman and others. TERMS OF SALE: CASH. Purchas er to pay for papers. R. E. HILL, Master A. C., S. C. ' ' " STATEMENT Following is a statement of the ownership, management, etc., of The Abbeville Press and Banner, as re 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 1 * 1 1 * 1 1 1 1 * 1 * * 1 (I quired by tne Act or August t*, i Published once a week at Abbeville, 1 South Carolina. 2 Name of Editor, W. T. Walker. il Name of Managing Editor, same; m Name of business Managers, same; Name of Publisher, The Press and 4 Banner Co, Abbeville, S. C. i Owners: W.. W. Bradley, W. R. Bradley, W. T. Walker, Abbeville, S. C. Bondholders: Farmers Bank, Abbe ville, S. C. W. T. WALKER. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30th day of September, 1912. W. F. N1CKLES. Notary Public for S. C. 1 (My commission expires at will of the Governor.) Sheet j 10 Ce We have recently added a Music at the extremely low p is the famous McKinley editio latest hits in instrumental and ^TU/v 1 O /IntnlArril! A lit; u' And may be had by those in Come and get one or drop us; logue will be mailed to your ? If the piece you want write us, and we may be %ble The McMurra EEE2BQ9HB59 A TVT TTTTT. fir A. 1TX. JLJ-LI II i U. Our Motto: j Fresh shipment of Grc day. Ring 126 an< our Lrrocenes are wu Headquarters for Whit< ton's Teas, Ferris He Everything Sold Under a A. M. HILL ( % MOLES AN1 Removed with MOLESOFF no matter how large, or how Ja ol' the skin. And they will nc or scar will he left. MOLESOJ the MOLE or WART, which en six days, killing; the germ and and natural. MOLESOFF is put up onlj Each bottle is neatly packed in i full direction*, and contain" ennujrh ordinary MOLEH or'WARTS. Wei tive GUARANTEE if it* fails to n will promptly refuud the dollar. Florida Distributing Con PENSACOLA *** 314 ********* *** I The South Carol 5 Tr TVip Hf?rmitT>rip<5 nre UV11UX *1 LOCATED AT ! WILL begin its twenty-sec- * ond session on Sept. 26th. Col. Bailey has been President of the Institution all these years and has associated with him a large experienced faculty of fourteen instructors. Last session stu dents attended this school from all over South Carolina and five other States. J always filled to the * utmost capacity and J each year the school * grows in favor with J the people. ico ONE F. N. : PRESID i EDGEFIELD - SOI 1 (tf 4*4 ttt ftf fW ( RENTERS. Read This Notiet I have sub-divided mv l.roo pens I'mn on easy and long teinis. I invite tlioe c I y< home in a beautiful section, to wiite or b making arrangements for another year. 1 1 proposition. It will lie my pleaMiie to wt l<< show them the lands. 3 here is only K fj which is also for sale. Hern Music :nts specialty line of Shaet rice of 10 cents. This t n, and comprises all the vocal music. e Ls Now Ready terested for the asking. i- 1 ?i a post uuru tiuu luc Ldid iddress. is not in the catalogue, i to get it for you. y Drug Co. > ~ . ' : [. . \1 * ? ; : COMPANY ' , . . i CHE BEST )ceries arriving each d be convinced tha+ iat we claim for them. 3 House Coffee, Lip ims. n Absolute Guarantee COMPANY. ) WARTS , without pain or danger, r raised about the surface iver return, and no trace ?F is applied directly to tirely disappears in about leaving the skin smooth 7 in One Dollar bottles. ? plain ea^e, accompanied by rer??eiiy N> jemove eight or leti ?e)l MOLESOFF under a poai emove your moje or wari, we ipany, Dept. B102, , FLA. 1*4 444 444444444444443* * [ina Co-Educa * it u. ili lstitute ib ilr iir Ui EDGEFIELD T^HE buildings are of brick and are furnished with everything that is necessary for carry ing on a high grade Institution." Graduates of the S. C. C. I. can be found all over South Carolina, filling posi tions of honor and trust. If you contemplate patronizing this In stitution it is impor r?4- - K O f tf All icij11 iiidi ywm munic;we with the President as early as possible, as it is al ways necessary t o engage rooms before the session begins. . K. UIEY, ENT * tii 4) it Hi ITH CAROLINA :i iiito !<>1s ai d jini irady 1<> fHI them nn who are tii'simufc to own their own i*tl?*r eome mid see nie at onee, before ia\eto oiler them u very attractive me the'iii, tfive them information and 1 ums, comi'iisjin^ the residential lot a E. C. MESCHINE, dtage Farm. Lowndesville, S. C. TRUTH TRIUMPHS Lbbenlle Citizens Testify for tie Publio Benefit. 6h A truthful statement of hd Abbe llle citizen, given in his own word?, hould convince the moat bkepticai bout the merits of Duan'd Kiduey 'ills. If you suffer 'rom backache, lervousnoas, sleeplessness, urinary liBorders or any form of kidney ills, ise a tested kidney medicine. Au Abbeville citizen tells of Doan's {iduey Pills. ' Could yov demand more convincing >roof of merit 1 J. W. Smith, No. 98 Factory Hill, Abbeville, S. C., ?ays: "When I had trouble from my kidneys I used Doan's Kidney Pills and they helped me quickly. There were pains through my back and sides and when I stooped or lifted, I felt the trouble the most. My kidneys were disor dered and the kidney secretions " oooil tnn frunnonttv nflen hoincr |M?90V U IWV . . V u W.J , .... 0 attended with paiu. My supply of Doan's Kidney Pills wsh ob tained from P. B. Speed's Drug Htore and tbey soon relieved me." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mil burn Co., Hnft'tilo, New York, sole ageuts for tbe United (States. * . Remember the name?Doan's?and take no otber. Blue Ridge Railway Go. Effective Not. 27,1910. No. 12 No. 10 No. 8 Eafllboand. Daliy Daily Dallj Ex. Mar SlatloDtf? A. M. P. M. A. M. LvWulhalla 7 00 *3 20 10 30 Lv West (Jo lot 7 03 3 *5 10 35 Lv Seneca 7 a 3 48 11 00 Lv JortlanlM .. T2H 8 46 11 33 Lv Ad*tD8 : 7 41 i 01 11 63 Lv CUerry'a 7 44 4 04 11 ofi Lv Pendleton 7 bt 4 16 12 12 Lv Autun 8 04 4 24 12 38 Lv Bandy t-tpringH 8 07 4 27 12 42 Lv Denver 8 12 4 38 li SO Lt ffwt Anderson 8 28 4 47 1 08 Lv Anderson (Pa*#. dtp). 8 81 4 52 1 lf> Lv Anderson (Fgf. dep)... 8 31 4 55 2 83 LiV tursKme aiding u w Ar Helton . P 00 5 25 2 fi<> ? Westbound. No. 11 No. ? No. 7 Stations? 1'. M. A. M. A. M. Lv Betton .. 5 85 11 92 Lv Eroklne Siding Lv An demon (Fgt. depot) 6 00 11 47 .... Lv Auderoon (Paaa. dep).. 6 08 11 50 7 o0 Lv Weet Anderson 6 OX 11 57 7 u8c Lv Denver 8 20 19 10 7 2flu Lv Handy (Spring* 6 25 19 1ft 7 38 Lv Aul.un ? -11 19 18 7 36 Lv Peudleion ? 34 12 26 7 5<B Lv OLerry's 6 44 12 36 8 11 Lv Adams <1 46 12 :? 8 1* Lv Jordanl 7 01 12 67 8 &Q Lv Seneca 7 03 1 00 8 She LV West Union 7 21 1 18 ? 46 Ar Walhalia 7 26 1 23 9 .10 Will also 8top at tbe loilcwlng stations anc take on and let off pat-sengers?Pblnney> James, Toxaway, Welch. J. p. Anderson. Superintendent. UAH O AT PI run oaiiui I 1 132 9-10 Ao:es Land in Dia mond Hill Township about four i^iiles from Antreville. One five-room dwelling, two tenant Houses; about 80 aores in cultivation, a good pasture, plenty of water, Two schools within two miles of this place and three churches within three miles, Good orchard, $30 Per Acre. ROBT. S. LINK., Charleston and Western Carolina Rj ' Schedule Id effeot Jure2, 1012. Lv Augusta ... Lv McCormlcK Lv Greenwood Ar Laarena I'HII) 7 J5iro 9 0-iain lil.Otam ii.iOh m u*lty 4.2<>pm 0 95pm 7 01pm 8.10mp Lv MrCormlek.. Lv Calhoun Kali*.. Ar Anderson 9.10am 10.17am ll..r0?m Lv Laurens Ar Fountain Inn... Ar Greenville 8.12pm 8.56 >m 4.4?pra Ex. sun. 8.10pm 8.50pm 9 3'lpm 9.25pm 10.39art> 11.25am Lv Laurena Lv WoodruH ......... Ar Bpwtanburg ?...'am 11 56am 12.40pm 8.10pm 8 56pm 9.40pm (8oulh?rn Kv ) Lv Spartanburg 5.25pm 10 80pm 4 1.5pm Ar Heudereonvllle 8.07pm l.Oupm 0.29pm Ar Asbevllle 918pm 8.10pm 7.ifc)pni (Southern Ry.t Lv Asbevllle 7.00am 4.10pm 10.25am Vr Hendersonvllie 8.05nm 5.15pm 11.30am Ar Spartanburg 10.25im 8.00pm 1.40pro (0. A W O. Ry) Lv Spartanburg .... 6 50*m 502pra Ar Woodruff 7.85am 5 47pm A r Lauren* H.'JOum 6.3'Jpm Kx.wun. Lv Greenville 12.20pm 7.00am 8/0pm Lv Fountain Inn... 1.03pm 7 40?m 5.0,)pm Ar Lauren* 1.45pm 8.l0em 6.00pm (C. N. * L.) Fx. Sun. Lv Greenville 12 20pm 7 00?m 8 Lv Lauren* '2.0opm 8.20;im Lv Clinton 2.8Upu> s.44nm ArNewbPrry 3.20pm 0 82am ArColnmb'a 4.55pm 11.15am ArCharNs'on 10.30pm Lv Auderuoo 5.40pm Lv Calhoun Falls... 7.11pm Ar McCormlck 8.20pm Ar Auvnuia IU.25pm D-Uiy Parlor Car *f>rvlc? between Auguits lod Ashnvllleon trains Now. 1 arid 2. via Spar tanburg in connection with Southern Ry. Note?The above arrivals and departures,a* well as connections with other companies, art riven as Information, and are not guaran :e "i. Erue?t Williams, G P. Azt.. Augusta, Ga. It. A. Brand, Traffic Mautiuer. Foley's Kidney Pills What They WU1 Do for Y<* They will cure your backache, rtrengthen your kidneys, cor-; "oct urinary irregularities, build if the worn out tissues, and > eliminate the excess uric acid 1 that causes rheumatism. Pre- | rent Bright's Disease and Dia- | I >ates, and restore health and I itrength. Refuse substitutes. I McMURRAY DRUG CO. For Rent. One large well furnished room, second ior, southwest exposure, private bath id hall. Well suited for married couple fht house keeping, or four young men. Bated by grate. One closet fitted with elves and nooks, Dimensions 20x20 ft. Mrs. J. C. Kiugh. FOR RENT?A part or the whole of the a rehouse opposite the Southern depot, rice, reasonable. tf. For Sale or Rent?Five room house on reenville Street. C. Lamar Richey. ob SALE?25 acres of good fanning iana within the incorporate limits. Apply to Mrs. J. C. Klugh. For Rent. One large store, with plate glass front, d the Square, and next to Court House. One livery stable on good busines reet. Mrs. L- H. Russell. / YE OFFER FOR SALE THE FOL T AWfVTl 111.1 i T Vfim ifflD world. Land is getting higher and higher year by year. If you are wise you will buy a piece of dirt. Our best business men are the largest land owners. They know it, the best investment above all others. Tf you bare real estate to SELL place it with us. We have fifty inquiries for land where you have none,but keep this in mind that the day of miracles is past and we cannot get two prices for your land, but we can get what it is worth, and do not claim that we can get more. Abbeville Ins. & Trust Co. J. E. McDavid, Sect Land for Sale! One of the most desirable tracts of land in the Up-coun try; lies about six miles from Troy, S, C., and contains 350 acres; has five good settle ments with all necessary out houses. One hundred acres of place is in virgin forest, possi bly the best body of timber in the State. Lies well, is well watered and has a fine pasture wire fence. This place would be cheap at $25 per acre. I offer it for $7,500. Can give terms, JOBT. S. LINK. Constipation 'For many years I was troubled, in spite of all so-called remedies I used. ?t last I found quick relief and cure in those mild, yet thorough and really wonderful DR. KING'S NewLifePills Adolph Schingeck, Buffalo, N. Y. 26 CENTS PES BOTTLE AT ALL DRUGGISTS. jiVfiun juaii tji.ij.ii ./ 00 Acres known as the Hnclubee place in Lowndesville township, near Campbell school house. Can give you a bargain in this place. 8 Acres in Lowndesville .Township joining lands of Will Burris and others, 3 room dwelling house and other out-houses. A nice farm for a bargain. 10 Acres In WarrentomOn this tract there is a good four room dwell ing, within half mile of school house and church. In one of the most thickly settled communities in Abbeville County. tl Acres of land on poor house road, between city and poor house, within one-third mile of city lim its. This tract can be bought on easy term;. 1 Tract on Public Road leading from L. R. Wilson to E. L. Bell's about 135 acres of fine level land, good buildings, good pasture and - , a good 3 horse farm in cultivation. One of the best places in the coun ty. Price $37.50 an acre. 100 Acres of !and withln-one and one half mile of Abbeville, at the very low price of $30.00 pep acre. I Tract of Land, 148 acres ontke pab* lie road near J. J. Botts. Good 3 room house, price $16 an acre. 1 Tract of 10# Acres on Little River. Good house, good two horse farm in cultivation, adjoining lands of R. A. Crawford, Bowman, Ferguson and L. R. Wilsoh. Price $22 an acre. About 100 Acres adjoining the above tract, very little in cultivation butr plenty of fine wood timber and good pasture. Price $13.50 an acre. 68 Acres of land one and one half mile from Court House, on Abbe ville to Mt. Carmel road. On this tract there is a splendid six room dwelling, large new barn, all land is in cultivation. This would make an ideal country home, giv ing a person all advantages of both town and country. A portion of this tract lies within City lim its. Can be bought for one third cash, balance on long terms. 109 Acres in Diamond Hill township. This tract is in edge' of the Nation where all land is high, land rang ing in price from $25 to $50 per acre. This tract can be bought for $25 per acre. This would be a fine investment for some good farmer. This Is another fine nrdpo&tion; 107 acres of land 2 1-2 miles South West from Mt Carmel at the dirt cheap price of $10.00 per acre. Will possibly pay 15 per cent on money renting it Another good one of 207 acres fonr % miles from Mt. Carmel, adjoining the Cable lands. The Cable lands are held for something like $25 per acre. We can 6ell you this 207 acres for $10 per acre. Rank Stock, Cotton Mill Stock and any other kind of stock cannot be compared to investment in real estate judiciously bought A man could close his eyes and purchase any of the above tracts and make good money both as a renting proposition and the increased val ue' which is going on day by day. .">7 1-2 Acres of land near M. B. Clink scales' X roads, at $27.50 per acre. While we do not know anything of the land this price sounds cheap for land around Due West rhls world has no more land now than day it was created, but min ute by minute, day by day, thous ands nrp helnar horn into the