MllTTTl III mmmmmm \ MODELi q( the "Clothes Beaut designed and ma< Schloss Bros. & of Baltimore and New Here Our ST $3.50 to $5.00. ECLIPSE 50c. New N . mi8: ' KM) ' anybody. Lig Glac WEST Personal Paragraph: Contributed by Ml* Mrs. W. J. Wyly and her children I are spending a few weeks with rela tives near Westminister. Miss Elizabeth Barksdale has re turned home after a week's stay with her grandmother, Mrs. J. K. Durst, in Greenwood. Little Misses Lill and Kathleen Robertson are here from Belton spend ing a while with their father, Mr. T. L. Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Smith and their children left Monday for a month's stay at Caesar's Head. Mr. 0. H. Cobb was in the city sev eral days last week on business. Mr. Harry Cannon, of Cartersville, Ga., was in the city last week visiting Columbus wagons are thorc of select wood stock; they s striped; they are durable. W< every requirement. We hav horse styles. There is a Colun i we want you to inspect. Call your advantage to use this wap Columbus The Best that 5 Abbeville Mc ' ABBEVII ?v *Wv - ? .. '"C'.'T-c Boyden at #5 ? are Hats tin "ETSON STIFF HATS, A brand new lot of c SHIRTS with attached ( eckwear, Silk and wash 1 ;ht Weight Underwear, S I to show you i END s and News Items V t m Lily Templetoa his mother, Mrs. R. W. Cannon. Mr. Cannon is engaged in the newspaper business in Carterayille and is meet-' ing with marked success. Miss Margaret Latimer is at home after ? pleasant stay in Bennetsville, where she was the guest of Mrs. C. S. McCall. Mrs. V. D. Lee and Miss Sara J.Lee came home Monday from Atlantic City. N. J., where they have been the guests of Mrs. Lewis T. Bryant, for the past month. Mr. Wilber Blake came over from Calhoun Falls last week and spent a few days with his father, Mr. J. R. Blake. Miss Plevna Seal came home last < >ughly ironed; they are made ire attractively painted and 5 have a Columbus wagon to fill e them in both one and two lbus wagon on our floor that today and learn why it is to fon of unquestioned quality. , Wagons Joney Can Buy >tor Car Co., jLE, s. c. r A jljL phrases directly sibilitic Scbli v -A?? W i.5() and. ^6.00 DouglasN a at Men Like light weight and flexibl :elebrated Schoble Novel >r detached soft collars, c 'ies at 25c and 50c. Pa hirts with long or short "s 1 my time \ . week from Bennettsville, where she has been for a pleasant stay with Mrs. C. S. McCall. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bailey are at home again, after a delightful stay at Portsmouth, Va., where they enjoyed a two week's outing. Mr. Ed. Mcllwain, of Charlotte, N.C., was in the city for several days- last week the guest of Mr. R. E. Cox. Miss Rachel Howie, of Monroe, N. C., is in the city the guest of Miss Ruth Howie. , i Miss Sara Calhoun,of Calhoun Falls, spent several days here last week the guest of Mrs. James H. Perrin. Mrs. Lucy C. Thomson came home Thursday from North Augusta, where she has been for an extended stay with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thomson. Miss Onie Morse and Miss Caro Morse left Friday for Montreat, N.C., 11 - li ni-rt tlioif it' i 11 cn/inH tha mnnfh nf August. ' ** Mrs. Frank Welsh has gone to Mon roe, N. C., for a two week's stay with Mrs. John Welsh. Mrs. George Gambrell is at home again after a pleasant visit to rela tives in Alabama. Miss Eliza Mabry has returned to Abbeville after spending a few days in Newberry last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Magill, of Due West, will ;move to Abbeville in the near future. They will make their home in the house now occupied by Mr. Sam Eakin and take boarders. Abbeville welcomes them within her gates and .hopes they will have every succ^s. Miffe Margaret Burton, of Newber ry, is spending some time in the city the guest of her school friends, Miss Esther Graydon, Miss Janie Morse and Miss Sara Perrin. Miss Grajdon Entertains Miss Esther Graydon entertained - - -? ! ! ? 1 last luesuay evening in uuuui mmc Virgil Seljers, of Easley, Miss Marga ret Burton and Miss Kate Summers, of Newberry. Miss Margaret Latimer served delicious punch during the evening at a daintily appointed table on the porch. After an evening of pleasant conversation, refreshments of Nunnally's cream and cake was served. Miss Graydon is a charming hostess and the evening will be one long to be remembered by those pres ent. Miss Kate Summers, one of New berry's prettiest young Rirls, is the Kuest. of Miss Esther Graydon for a few days. Miss June Rainesford. of Edgefield is in the city, the pretty guest of Mis? Caroline Gary. Mr. Lewis Perrin has returned hoirn after a pleasant week's stay in Green ville. Mr. John Harris and Mr. Preston Speed went to Augusta lust week ii an automobile. They returned Mondaj by rail. Miss Ellen Gambrell is at home af ter a pleasant stay in Batesburg, with her aunt, Mrs. N. A. Bates, and ir Tennille, Ga., with her sister, Mrs Otis McMillian. Mrs. John Simpson and Miss Bessie Simpson, who were the guests of Dr and Mrs. W. D. Simpson last week were called to Monroe on account of the illness of Mr. Simpson. Mr. Tom Grant Perrin has returned to Abbeville after spending his sum mer vacation with Mr. ar.d Mrs. Jas. H. Perrin in Meridian, Miss. Mr. John Lomax left Friday for Brevard, N. C., where he will spend his summer vacation. Mrs. Jas. S. Cochran and Miss Mil dred Cochran left Monday for Char lotte, N. C., and Rockingham. N. C.,| where they will visit frtends for some] Different not only in the Jlotnes we sen, dux in i r Itfea is Simply This: ry Best possible for y isfaction is our consta "Money cheerfully refu: > with us. They are pi j with your interests, prin is of any mistake or dissat ? n o a. oss oros. oc m e do the best we can for c We Ham Lt $2.50, $3.oo an to Wear le, three new shapes, $3.5* ty and Scratch Hats for y >r without collars $1.00 ar jamas and Night Shirts t ileeves. Knee length or j Parke] time. Mrs. Cochran will :;o to Haiti more to buy the Fall and Winter stock of goods before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Sol. 1,1; Rosenborg are at home, after a month's stay at At lantic City. Dr. Thomas Davis, of Augusta, Ga., spent Saturday and Sunday in the city. I Mrs. J. H. Barksdale, of Means1 Chapel, was in the city several days last week, the guest of Mrs. Hugh Bowen and Mr. W. D. Barksdale. Miss Genevieve Marchant is at hopie again after a two week's visit to friends in Atlanta. Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Simpson and Master Henry Simpson went to Mon roe, N. C., Friday. Dr. Simpson was called to the bedside of his father, Mr. John Simpson, who has been ill. Mr. Noble Dick, of Sumter, is spend ing the week here as the guest of Messrs. Wallace and John Harris. Mrs. C. J. Wicker and her pretty lit tle daughter, Misses Margaret and May Wicker, left Monday for their home in Montgomery, Ala., after a pleasant visit here to Mrs. C. A. Haig ler. Mrs. Herman Benton has returned after a visit to her cousin, Miss Eve lyn Holcomb, of Dublin, Ga. Miss June Minshall is here from Greenville, spending a while as the guest of Mrs. Fred Minshall. Rev. H. Wv Pratt spent last week at Greenville church, where he conduct ed a series of servicfes. Mr. H. Gillespie Smith left Tuesday for Ceasar's Head, where he will 3pend his summer vacation. Miss Lucy White has gone to Rocky Mount, N. C., to spend some time with her friend, Miss Eliza Daniel. Mrs. Thomas Dean Cooley, Miss j Irena Cooley and Miss Alice Cooley ^ame down from Lowndesville Tues day and will be the guests of the Misses Robertson for a day or two. , Rev. J. M. Dallas, pastor of Green ville church, preached Sunday morn- ( ing and evening at the Presbyterian j church. He was the guest of Mr.Amos B. Morse wiine in tne cny. Miss Caroline (??rj Entertains Miss Caroline Gary entertained ' delightfully Friday evening in honor i Tf Miss Rainesford, of Edgefield, and i Miss Burton, of Newberry, who are her charming guests. Tho evening nassed pleasantly. The entire lower . floor and lovely lawn was given over to the guests. At the close of the even- ] ins cream and cake was served. Miss i j Caroline Gary was assisted in rcceiv-|< ing by her sisters, Misses Marie and , Blanche Gary. Mr. J. H. DuPre loft Monday for Hot Springs, Ark., where he will , ?pcnd several weeks. . Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Harrison and their children left Tuesday for Caes- , ar's Head, where they will spend the month of August. Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. Templeton ex pect to leave Thursday for Millers burg, Ky., to spend some time with their daughter, Mrs. John McC. Thorn. J wj. t.r.-ll! T rr> nr Kn\v .VI17 VY liiiii in lu, i uuinfiuii, v/t * ***?? York, will join them in Kentucky to ^ ipond liis vacation. Miss Mary Graham is here from Columbia, the attractive guest of Miss. 1 Janie Morse. 1 Miss Lou Rae Carle, who has been the nretty guest of Miss Jo.s Dul'ro t for the past ten days, has returned lo i her homo in Mt. Carmel. Supt. of Education, J. Foster Ham- f mond left Monday for McCormiek to t attend the political meeting that will c be held there Tuesday. Mrs. Bettie H. Shilleto is spending g a few days with Mrs. James Gilliam,at v * thoroughly good and he general spirit of the That we do the Best ou. You must be p n r?/l minnAoa /lit <11LLL rtllU JfUl puovi tided" and "satisfaction ltting the principles of iciples that protect you a: ;isfaction. In offering o\ and Michael's S ?ur customers. They cos lie Three Lin* tlli Over at $4,0 i ?a?? d |3.5o 3, also all the new shaj oung men. id $1.50. Arrow Brand hat a?e cool and comforts short Drawers 25c, 50c a; r & I Sharon. .> ' Mrs. Agnes Cochran was the guest of Mrs. T. L. Clamp in Long Cane for a few days last week. Dr. Tom Pennal ,of Monterey, was in the city Monday. I Mr. Olin Greene came down from Greenville and spent Sunday here with his home people. | Miss Margaret Anderson is here from Easley, the guest of her school' friend, Miss Janie Morse. Miss Sara White has gone to Clin ton, to visit her sister, Mrs. Geo.! Mann Wright. Mrs. Mamie Thompson, of Atlanta, Ga., is here spending the month /Of! August with Miss Mary Lou Smith. Miss Kathleen Everett, of "Bennetts-1 ville, is the charming guest of Miss j Mary Hardin Smith. \Iiae \T?rc?r#?t Rnrtnn and Miss Kate Summers, of Newberry, are the; guests of Miss Janie Morse this week, j These young ladies have received. many delightful social attentions dur ing their stay here. Mr. J. E. McDavid leaves for Green- ( ville this week, where he wilj spend j his summer vacation. Mrs. Brooks Cheatham and little, Miss Narrella Cheatham have gone to; Atlanta, where they will visit Mrs. j Harrell, for a few days, then Join : friericls on a campirtg trip. Miss Georgia Romanstein and Miss Olive Fleming are here from Colum bia. the guests of Mrs. W. P. Wham. Both of these young ladies have posi tions in the Waverley Graded school. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Philson went to Clinton Monday, to spend a few days with friends. Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Piatt and their children left Tuesday for their home in Graniteville. after a month's visit here to Mr. J. W. Sign. CMt no more than the ordin i f i ' i < is of Shoes - ? . . O a lid $5.00 > . r- < - ,' > >es in STETSON SOF & Collars, Silk Hosiery 25* ible. Suspenders /and B ad 75c a garjuent teese ! ,i i* / .. > 1SPEE DRI bJ THE OlF Twenty-Nine Years ii Without a The Place to C Want and C K Drugs, Paints, Oils Putty, ' Toilet Art 9 Huyler's Candy, a X Speed's Cinco Ciga ) Cents Cigar on the if on an average 300 ? round. mam | SCHOOL f Tahlfite Pmimlfi. In Vf/ Supp Prescription W( jg Call and See Us. Sal P. B. S .J j, . ./. . . . . Jl \J I of ig the Your ely empty vhich deal t the pos ary. v ' \ r HATS, 35c and elts to suit ; v i Break. let What You let It Right. 3, Window Glass, Jj ;icles, Agent for ti md tne famous rs, the best Five market We sell a day, the year BOOKS ks and all School lies. >rk a Specialty tisfaction Guaranteed IPEED