* ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY WILL ESTABLISH FARMERS BUREAU Washington, July 31.?President Finley, of the Southern Railway Company, an nounced today that the management of that Company, realizing: the threat oppor tunity for increasing the prosperity of the territory traversed by its lines through building up soil productivity and increas ing the average crop yield per acre, had decided to organize a Department of Farm Improvement Work to begin operations on September 1st. This Department will work on the co-operative demonstration plan, first adopted by the late Dr. S. A. Knapp, of the United States Agricultural Department. It will aim to show to the irhut t.hov on.n dn 011 t.hoir own lands and with thoir own resources. This plan has been^followed with maiked suc cess by the Southern Railway Cotton Cul ture Department in the territory along the linejof the advance of the Mexican cotton boll weevil. It is now proposed to extend the work over the system general ly and to adapt it to the peculiar condi tions of each locality. The Cotton Culture Department is to be merged into the Department of Farm Improvement Work, and Mr. T. (). Plunk ett, who has been General Agent of the Cotton Culture Department, is to be at the head of the new organization with the title of Manager of Farm Improvement Work. Hisjoffice will be in Atlanta, Ga., and three Assistant Managers of Farm Improve ment Work will be appointed to be located at advantagcqjis points. A force of field agents will be appointed to visit farmers in their respective localities and co-oper ate with them for the demonstration of those methods of culture and soil treat ment which may be expected to produce the best results iu the way of increased crop yields. This work" will be carried on in co operation with the State Commis sioners of Agriculture, the |State Agricul tural Colleges, and the United States Agri cultural Department. It will be entirely free of cost to farmers wishing to avail themselves of it in the territory traversed bv the lines of the Southern Railway; Ala r ~T~ - - bama Great Southern Railroad; Cincinnati New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railway; Georgia Southern & Florida Railway; Mo bile and .Ohio ^Railroad ;a Northern Ala bama Railway; Southern Railway tin Mis sissippi, and Virginia & Southwestern Railway. The work of the JDepartmeut of Farm Improvement Work is to be entirely sep arate from that of the Southern Railway Land and Industrial Department which will, as heretofore, carry on its co-opera tive work for the location of industries and farm settlers and for jthe general de velopment of the territory traversed by the lines of the Southern Railway System. Speaking of the Department of Farm Improvement Work, President Finley said: "Its purpose is to be broadly helpful to the farmers in the territory traversed by our lines. I can conceive of nothing that would be more beneficial to the South eastern States than a substantial increase in the average yield of farm crops such as it Is the aim of the Department of Farm ,-Vf-L (VV. -VC-U ; vvv Vs. v S\v W Tf | THE PEO Jr % Invite and assur Our co fi ? y* i i ,t, lUlll^MVM V aid in the ty by eve banking p tion for o To this are" thoroi Give us service be Has be paid annu Q+nnU r i v-/ WN/V V \ TheR f THE PEC I $ I Make This BANK S. G. T S. G. TV t Your Bank J f. cii A f- B. Ga S*^? SSS* SH-r SHS* I ! Ha Accumulating make mo B Below we give I during the Not shop worr anteed to 9 The following I Muslin (Ladies, Misse Ladies' L? i ham Dr< i Don't Wait E HAD! I ' />>> ?vvrS ?vvv ' r Sxv S*^* 7^5* *r>V *JJV your account and you w jyond criticism. 3en in business eight yea al dividends of 10 per cent low worth two for one. ichest Bank in the Cot JPLES SAVINGS AWDrrnTr n KJ, V. HOMSON, President. G. A. NEUFFER, Vice-President. R. E. COX, Cashier. DIRECTORS iomson, G. A. Neuffer, W. E. Ow( nkscales, H. G. Anderson, C. S. Jones iry, R. E. Cox, R. 0. Hunt > ava Ay , J-xs J > 777 V"r ~ dd< ; money is n mey but few ; a few points 1 month of A i but New Go< every custon AUG goods at cost1 Underwear, js and Children's) awn and Ging jsses, lut Come At ; BANK f i 4? T* hfiville Icome. every ik, to Coun sound jrotec i bank ill find rs, and inty BANK >ns, er. Make This BANK Your Bank ?> ?>?; ... - : - r.t-.' - Y.' . m-S ot m the mak can Save it. * directing the wa ugust. }ds. Every thin ier iUST CLE, which are just n Kimonas, Shi Summer Silk lengths, all j All Millinery Once To Our . They Are >0 0< Improvement Work to endeavor to brin about. The lincreased prosperity of th farmers would be reflected in all lines c business. I believe, therefore, that a! those interested in the development of ou our section who are in a position to aid i this movement can very properly do sc The State Commissioners of Agriculture State Agricultural Colleges and Experi raent Stations are doing valuable work and tho |newspapers of the Southeas which give special attention to the publi cation of the advice of recognized experts on agricultural matters are most helpful It shall be the policy of our Department o Farm Improvement Work to co-ope rat* with|all these agencies and seek their co operation." Freaks of Nature Some naturalists who hav% been to the antarctic and the higher regloni of the Alps, have noticed flies with out wings?flies that look more Ilk* ants. Wondering whether cold had anything to do with this wingless oon dltlon, they took wasps, just hatched, and kept them In an Icebox for 4! hours. Result: Wingless wasps They tried the same experiment wltl several other kinds of Insects and always with the same result Hay fever and asthma make Augus a month of intense suffering to man] people. Foley's Honey ana Tar Com pound gives prompt ease and relief and is soothing and healing to the in flamed membranes. Wm. M. Mere thew, N. Searsport, Me., says: nf TTnlov'a T-TntlQW q n if To IOW UUDCO U1 A- UJOJ a UVUVJ MUM Compound relieved me of a severe at tack of asthma and less than a bottli caused a complete cure." Refuse sub Btitutes. McMurray Drug Co. IF WOMEN ONLY KNE1 What a Heap of Happiness it Wonl< Bring to Abbeville Homes. Hard to do housework with an ach ing back. Brings you hours of misery at leisuri or at work. If women only knew the cause that Backache pains often come fron weak kidneys, 'Twould save much neediest! woe. Doan's Kidney Pills are for weal kidneys. Read what an Abbeville ci|izen siys Mrs. M. N. Thornton, Fort Pickens Abbeville, S. C., says : "I have always found Doan's Kidney Pills to be a good kidney medicine and I consider them worthy of the highest praise. I bad pains through my back and kidneys and was caused a great deal of annoyance by the kidney secretions. In a short time after I UBed Doan's Kidney Pills which I obtained from P. B. Speed's Drug Store, I began to feel better and it was not long before the pains left. My kidneys are now in a normal condition and do not trouble me." For sale by all dealers. Price 5( cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's?and take no other. ing but is in the Saving. tt ! /% l\/[ /\r\ r T U y iu jjavc, iviuiic^. i nu g just as represented an FRANCE SALE ow in most demand: irt Waists, s in all short printed muslins # Goods, ? SLII Broken Lot Now is yc Slippers, -but must Store And Get These CI Picked Over. h .on ton DRun J ^WTTfwwwwwwrnrwfwww * _ _ _ ' ^ We carry E stock of Dru % Toilet Article i ba ^ Af nnr .Sr ^ you will find | refreshing drii | Come To 5 : The Drug Store . , ? 0 Every body > se prices will prevail i" d Satisfaction guar -?siec?5iF?a 'PER SALE s of Slippers, at Cost. >ur opportunity to get They are not shop worn be sold. ' ioice Bargains Before m mmwmwwwwviM a fresh clean \ gs, Stationary, s, Cigars, To cco. Dda Fountain all the most 3 iks. See Us. 3 R IJiiiilJUttliliittJMllMJiiJiiM t On The Corner