EAST END. What "Mh Sees and Hears on His Rounds About the City and Along Route No. 3. If Abbeville needs any one tiling more than another it is a town clock. We have a beautiful city hall and a handsome town clock to ring out the hours all through the day and light would give new life to all, besides would be an ornament to the city. Let our up-to-date mayor and his wide ' 1 ? hold aWllKt? Hllil piu^ i trooi > c luv?? ..? of this idea and see that Abbeville has a town clock. What does the Civic League say? We know l?etweeii the two we should get what the city needs and could easily pet. Let all strike for a clock and it will strike for all. Mrs. Coleman and lire. McMillan are expected home this week after a long ab sence and a most enjoyable visit. Mr. Hannah, of Rock Hill, spent last Monday night in the city looking after his best interests?a pretty young lady on Magazine Hill. Many friends welcome Miss I annie Mor row back to her old home, where she has been spending her vacation with relatives and friends. All are glad to see her. The many friend6 of Miss Kate Marshall will be glad to know that she i? now able to visit her friends in the neighborhood. It was quite a compliment-to Capt. Sy fan, the polite and attentive conductor on the Abbeville branch, to give him the two nice coaches. It shows he has a strong hold on the head men, and that tiiey have full confidence in his judgment. He is receiv ing compliments irom tne i?uies every day. If all conductors were as polite and attentive as he, ladies would have no trou ble in traveling. Miss ltuth Dunn left yesterday for Mul lins, S. C., where she will spend sometime with her sister, Miss Cooper. Mr. Will Jordan and sister, Miss Lizzie, were the guests of Major Nance a*id fam ily last ISaturday. Miss Lizzie Nance expects to visit her brother at Lowndesville this week. The campaign is still ragiig and we guess by the time they wind up all the candidates will be "well pV-ked." Hosts of friends extend kindest congrat ulations and best wishes to Mr. Sol Rosen berg and his happy bride, and extend to both a hearty and most cordial welcome to Abbeville, the home of Mr. Kosenberg. He was married on the 10th to Miss Octa via Harby Schwerin, one of Sumter's charming young ladies. DOINGS ON- ROOTE 3. Misses Lillian and Josie McCanty were among the pretty visitors in the city one day last week. Mr. Edwin Parker was in the city last Monday. Misses Bessie and Lily Link were among the pretty visitors in the city last week. Messrs. Sam and T. E. Wilson were in the city last Monday on business. Messrs. Sam, George and John Link, with Mr. Sam Carlisle, were iishing last Saturday and caught 25 or 30 |>ound8. Crops 011 Route 3 are getting in fair THE m B] Grey E Now on at thij below and see Ten Days, beg Mixing Bowls No. 16 Mixing Bowls, nice size, 8c each Wash Basins Large size Basins, splendid value, 9c each Grey Caps Large size Grey Cups, regu lar ioc size, for 5c each Tea Kettles 8 qt. Grey Tea Kettles 59c We have quantity so good for tl fast. So com they are sold prices named. the Dai >; u? . . '" Tl'J*' , i^ii^r;jTiTa?. Covered and handled 3 qt. 20c each 4 qt. 25c each 5 qt. 29c each 10 qt. 45c each Tea Pots These are live bargains 2 qt. 25c each 3 qt. 29c each White Lined Basins Venetian white lined, blue miKirlf* snecial. 11 inch 25c White Lined Dippers Blue outside 1 qt. size 15c 25c value j but the goods are tat they will move t you want before ! for Cash at the ing Co. smv SERIES POK BUILDING ANi> LGA&. I <1? sire t?> call your attention to the eighth series of stock to bo issued l?y tlio Building' and Loan Association of Abbe ville 011 July 20th, 1012. Every well organized and well conduct ed Building and Loan has two ambitions: ; one to leach men to save, the other to help them to own their homes. Our Association started business live years ago with #500, today our assets run up to $50,000. This amount has been got ten by small monthly payments from our stockholders?a good many paying $1 per month aiul tin? majority paying uum -tj to $10. The only way to nceuniulate any sum of i money is by systematic saving. The man | who savtfc $10 this month ami ?25 next month and then misses several will never yet ahead. Hut if you put aside a definite amount each month it will soon amount to a neat sum. Suppose you take ten shares of stock with us on July 20th, y?u will pay in $10 ' per month for 80, months, making: $<<00 you have saved. In that time the Asso ciation will have made #200 on this for you and we will pay over to you #1,000. With this amount, you can make some pood investment for yourself, while it! would have been hard for you to invest j at a time in a paying proposition. To make money last save it first. Our other ambition is for home build- : ing. We are now^helping 50 citizeus ofj Abbeville to pay for their homes by easy monthly payments. Every man should own his home. It! makes him a better citizen. The man who j pays rent is restless and careless, while j the home owner is interested in every- j thing about the place. With very little more put aside each iiRtnth than you pay rent, you can pay for j your home and in a short time become an independent home owner. Our Associstion is purely local, we leud only on real estate iu Abbeville township, and it is managed by nine directors who' have the interest of Abbeville at heart. We are doing a safe and prosperous business, and will be irlad to help you as ' we are now helpUitf others. Remember the next series will bo issued j July 20th. J. S. MOliSE, Sec. and Treas. ! N. J. Gorham, Cashier Hank of Woodvi lie, Woodville, Ga., had a very ; prvere attack of kidney trouble and llie pains in his kidneys and hack i were terrible. "I got a bottle of Fo-! l-y Kidney Pills from ojr druggtst i and they entirely relieved me, I have more benefit from them than any oth er medicine." McMurray Drug Co. Childrei I TUESDAY, Good soda water is good for chil dren?and they like it. You want your children to have the things ..they like?if they are good for them. Our soda water Is good for them. It's pure?delicious?healthful. Wo are the originators of "Chil dren's Day" in this town. The McMurr; I' a. m. h: Our Motto: Fresh shipment of G] day. Ring 126 a] our Groceries are w Headquarters for Whi ton's Teas, Ferris E Fvervthinp Sold Under W J ? 11^ WWBVB 'W ? W I A. M. HILL SCHOOL Tablets In General Scho Speed's Di aMjaw?^rwiimn?ii?-iTirnrn~iiiTrri'ii wnrrw PERSONAL, Dr. J. 0. Chatham and family, of Texas, who for some tirue pkstt have been on a visit to relatives hero, returned Sunday to their home. Thev w^tP accompanied as far as Memphis, Tenii.; by Mr. A. B.Cheat lium, who will go to Hot Spring, Ark., for 11 stay of some duration. Mrs. E. C. Horton, who has been spend ing some with her mother at Willianiston, returned home. Tuesday. Mrs. Horton will go to Waynesville, N. C., to s[)cnd the summer. Mr. B. H. Deason, of McCormick was in town yesterday. You can't afford to be without Con key's White Diarrhoea ltemedy. It is a positive relief from this disease which kills thous ands of chicks yearly. Price 5Uc. The MeMurray Drug*Co. Fire, Wind-Storm and Light ning Insurance on Coun try Property. To those people liviDg in fVio ziAnntw rrr Vi n ttq n f r?l rl 1 i n P UUV UVUU ujr *T 4AW ?f MU V V*v* JAM V fire insurance we will be glad to call on you and talk the matter over. We are in posi tion to insure your dwelling your bams, negro cabins, etc. againet fire, wind - storm, lightning. Write, phone, or call Abbeville Ins. & Trust Co, J. E. McDavid, Sec. James Frank Clinkscales. Attorury and Couoeellnr al Law. Abbkville, s. c. Office?First; floor City Hull. Contractors and Builders Estimates furnished free. Let us make your plans ar.d fig ure on your work. FREE! < Soda Water for the CHILDREN WIICOTUV Tnlw Oft JL UJDOl/il I, UU1J uv SIGN TIIE C'AKD SEND IN THE CHILDREN l's Day JUiy JULI1 "We want your children to coiun to our founLaln and try our soda water ? free, but with youf con sent. Wo liavn isHie.1 cards, **'hich whrn signed by you, entitle the child presenting the card to a free glass of hoi la water?011 Children's Day. Sign tho card. ay irug Co. ILL CO. TUB BBST nr.Yii <-,n nrVlTTTVirr ?1Q L VJVJC1 ICO CU.AJ. VJU-lg, ad be convinced thaf hat we claim for them. te House Coffee, Lip ferns. an Mselute Guarantee COMPANY. -n r\ /\tt Pencils k ol Supplies. aig Store. " r~ Fai YOUR ( THE Government figures ii a^e is about two and om year than last and that the cent, worse than it was at thii Two and one-half tiiillk cent, worse in condition of manv nf rnttnn PVfn if J as well as it did last year and It looks as if this is a goc cotton you can. We know a year by side-dressing made : four horse farm and had nes on his cotton. This is nearl; mcr can get rich at that rate. He could not have made We recommend with the at this time. Ten per cent, ai the other half blood, meal a quickly and the blqod, cotton up the supply of plant food u We had a late spring a fall. It is not too late to fruiting soon and will need ad from shedding. Your best co goodness knows your poorest c applied as quickly as possible reciuireth haste. *i One handred and fifty 4-10-2 will pay for itself abou It pays to side-dress corn as v good crops this year, don't w good crops, make them this y ANDERSON & OIL C D. S. VANDIVER, Sec. * ^ ^ A Columbus wagons are thoro of select wood stock; they a striped; they are durable. We 1 every requirement. We have horse styles. There is a Colum we want you to inspect. Call your advantage to use this wad year to make 'every lock of man in this county who last seventy bales of cotton on a irly $1,200 clean clear profit y $300 to the plow. A far this without side-dressing, fullest confidence our 4-10-2 nmoniaand half of this soda, nd fish. The soda will act seed meal and fish will keep ntil frost. nd will probably have a late apply it. Your crop will be ditional plant food to keepjt tton deserves this 4-10-2 and :otton needs it. It should be t . t ' il:. ior me ousiness 01 una <_iuy pounds to the acre of this t three times. Corn is high, veil-as it does cotton. Make ait until next year to make ear. ' PHOSPHATE OMPANY J. R. VANDIVER, Pres. .. Lvi i uglily ironed; they are made re attractively painted and have a Columbus wagon to fill 5 them in both one and two* bus wagon on our floor that today and learn why it is to on of unquestioned quality. Wagons >toney Can Buy )tor Oar Co., jLE, s. c. I VVDATHOD f V A X I 1 1 l\/ i\ , Kczeina, Indigesiion, Neu lionia, Rheumatism, Ac., and ind Safe Results. > simply constructed that any jst measure of success. te ifPATHOR CO. P. O. Box No. 3