The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, June 19, 1912, Image 5

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vamsneu must <t luui uvuy aiiu. <x refreshed one; the sure way?the only way is via a glass or bottle of Ideally delicious?pure as purity?crisp sparkling as frost. p Our new booklet, telling ^106 of Coca-Cola vindication at Chattanooga, for the asking. Demand the Genuine as made by THE COCA-COLA CO. ATLANTA, GA. l-J and Whenever you see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola. Drop in with, or Mail your architect's plans and builder's list, and let us figure with you on a complete house bill. You will be surprised and pleased. Our stock is so complete and varied, you can easily satisfy yourself on the most particular and exacting | specifications. Controlling the manufacture of our entire out put as we do, from stump through our own saw and planing mills to the finished product, we furnish mill work and interior finish that is of the highest standard. 4 Complete house bills our specialty. "Buy of the Maker" Sash, Doors, AUGUSTA LUMBER CO. Blinds, Etc. AUGUSTA* GA. MOLES AND WARTS Removed with MOLESOFF, without pain or danger, no matter how large, or how far ro'sctl about the surface of the skin. And they will never return, and no trace or scar will he left. MOLESOFF is applied directly to the MOLE or WART, which entirely disappears in about six days, killing the germ and leaving the skin smooth and natural. MOLESOFF is put up only in One Dollar bottles. E x'h bottle is neatly packed in u plain ca-e. accompanied by fiill >lirectto*i?. and c>nt>tin-> wtuiiiiih remedy t<? remove eight or ten orlmarv MOM'Nm- WaUTS. We ?e'l MOLESOKK u'lit^r a posi tive (tIJA It A N TKK if its fails to remove your Mole or Wart, we will promptly refnttu the qollar. Florida Distributing Company, Dept. B102, PKNSACOLA, FLA. This Brand on (he I5ajj i* Fertilizer what the i-ajiU' is 10 me jAiiiericiiii imiiiui-. Scoco Top Dresser 4-7 1-2 2-4 Will hurry forward that late cotton and make !i fruit lilrn finrlv iil-mtfil pnttnii. ft will lllsO sustain early planted cotton till late. We would be glad to talk with you. J. H. PARKS, Manager, THE SOUTHERN COTTON OIL COMPANY, ABBEVILLE, S. C. WEST END. . Personal Paragraphs and News Items' Contributed by Miss Lily Templeton. Miss Mary L. Robertson and Miss Eugenia Robertson left Saturday for an extended visit to friends in Mon roe, N. C. Mr. Ernest Visanska, of Charleston, was in the city Saturday and Sunday, I lie guest of his father, -Mr. G. A. Vis anska. Miss Bessie Grier lias returned to her home in Spartanburg, after spend ing sometime here as the guest osf Miss Helen White. Mrs. James A. Hill and Master Richard Henry Hill came home Mon day from Columbia, where they have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mose ley Mobley. -Mr. James Rogers of Union was in the city Monday. -Mrs. F. A. Eigerman of Atlanta, spent Friday and Saturday in the city with her daughter, Mrs. W. S. DuPre. Mr. Frank E. Harrison, Jr., is home from the Citadel to spend his summer vacation with his home people here. Mr. David Henry, of Clemson Col lege, is spending a while ftere witn his mother, Mrs. Francis Henry. Mr. Henry leaves in a few days for Eu rope, where he will spend the sum mer. Mrs. Ellen Parker Norwood, who has been making her home in Rock Hill for the past year, is here spend ing a while with friends. Mrs. Marie Gary Eason, of Char leston, is in the city the guest of her mother, Mrs. M. C. Gary. Mr. Allan Robertson, of Atlanta, spent Sunday here with his sister, Mrs. John A. Cheek. Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Simpson and ? 1^*4. Master wimam n. simpsun icn. oai urday for Atlanta, where they have gone to attend the marriage of Miss Eliza Candler. Miss Nelle Edwards is home for the summer months, after a successful season at Gainsville, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Templeton spent a few days last week in Monterey,the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Speer. Miss Catherine Link left Monday for Atlanta, where she wiJJ; be the guest at a house party, given by Miss Ruby McGaughey. A number of at tractive entertainments have been ar ranged for Miss McGaughey's guests. Miss Link will go to Gainsville to vis it Mr. and Mrs. William Lawson, be fore returning home. Bridge Party Miss Sara J. Lee was the charming hostess of the Bridge Club Friday af ternoon. After the games a delightful salad course was serveu. Miss Janet Nance and Mr. John Nance spent Sunday in Due West. Mrs C. B. Wilson has gone to Bre vard, N. C., to spend a whilo with her home people. Mr. Henry DuPre has gone co I!on roe, N. C., to attend the Davis-Serrell wedding. Mrs. Frank G. Eason and pretty lit tle Miss Absdie Eason, of Charleston, are in the city spending some time as the guests of Mrs. Frank B. Gary. Miss Lizzie Nance and Miss Ruth Dunn, who have been making their home in Due West have come to Ab beville and will live with Major and Mrs. Nance in the future. Mrs. R. C. Philson is at home again after a short stay with relatives in Columbia. Mrs. M. T. Coleman left Saturday for San Francisco, Cal., where she goes to attend the Biennial meeting of the General Federation of Women's PluKo V;IU I/O. Mr. Edward Earns, of Central Amer ica, has been in the city several days the guest of Mrs. Warren Smith. Miss Mattie Cochran is in the city spending a while with her niece, Mrs. Brown Syfan. Evans-Ferrell Mr. and Mrs. John G. Evans have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Miss Lucy Robinson Evans, to Mr. Junius Leon Ferrell, the wedding to be solemnized Wednesday, June the twenty-sixth, at noon at the Lebanon Presbyterian church. A re ception will be held at the - Evans home after the ceremony. Miss Eliza Gary entertained the young girls Bridge club Tuesday af ternoon at a very pleasant meeting. Mr. George Syfan, who has been in Texas for the past year, is here spend ing a short vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Syfan. Mr. Syfan has a position with the Southern Cot ton Platform Ins. Co., with headquar ters in Atlanta. Miss Mariale Loftis left Saturday for her home in Brevard, N. C., after spending some time here as the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. B. Wilson. Mrs. Herman Benton left Sunday for Monroe, N. C., to attend the Davis Sewell wedding. Mr. W. Joel Smith is home from the Citadel for the summer vacation. Miss Mary Hill, who has been in Summerville for several months, is here to spend some time with her father, Judge R. E. Hill. Mrs. F. M. Pittard and her children are here from Lincolnton, Ga., spend ing a while with Mrs. C. L. Cochran. Mrs. J. L. McMillan left Saturday to attend the General meeting of the Federation of Women's Clubs in San Francisco. C n nnrv will entertain Wed nesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Frank Eason, of Charleston, who is her charming guest. Mrs. J. R. Blake is at home after a short stay in Atlanta. Miss Mary Perrin left Saturday for Oregon,where she will spend the sum mer as the guest of her friend, Miss Sara Norwood. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Thomson expect to move this week into their lovely new home that has just been complet ed on West Main St. Miss Hallie Grant, who has been' the guest of Miss Eva McNeill for a few days, has gone to her home in Chester. Miss Mamie Sykes left for her home in Augusta, Monday, after a pleasant stay here with her friend, Miss Minnie Clary. Mr. W. T. Cunningham, of Monterey, =n?nt Friday in the city the guest of his sister, Mrs. L. B. Love. Mr.Patrick Noble,of San Francisco, Cal., has been in the city visiting Mrs. T. G. White. Mr. Noble is the eldest son of Mr. Edward Noble and lived in Abbeville before going to California. Mr. Owen Speed is home from the Citadel to spend the summer holidays. Mil. ELLIS BUYS TRACTOR FOR PLOWING Mr. W. R. Ellis, one of the largest and most progressive farmers of Abbeville county, who lives on the Due West road, has purchased a traction eDgine for use on his farm. The sale was consummated through the Aim of the Daigan-King Co. The place to get what you want?Speed's drug etore. $ A\ Had( /is & TTT 11 TT worn ii ( Well, H On account need room and | Stock of Merch 4 necessarily mea 11 mers we will c White Gow 25 pieces 10c Lawn now 20 pieces 12c Lawn now 20 pieces 15c Lawn now 20 pieces 20c Lawn now 20 pieces 25c Lawn now White Linens and Lawns Good stock on hand at 85 a dollar. I jKemnant I Had i. For bale 300 Acres of land about 8 miles' from Abbeville, on Rural Route No. 4. One two-story dwelling, one teuant bouse, plenty of wood and saw timber, j well watered. Price $5,000. 3 Houses and Lots in the City of j< Abbeville near tbe R. R. Shops. ' Prices low and terms easy. 311 Acre8 of land situated about half way between Troy and McC'ormick, a fine cotton farm, well watered and has one settlement. Fine mineral depos-j its on thiB property. Pi ice $4,000. *"*"v " - ? ? -1 1 o ll?,. o/u 2.cres or janu auuuw o luhco from Abbeville, baa 3 tenant bouses. 300 acres wood land, is well watered. | Price $10 per acre. 511 Acres of land 4 1-2 miles south ! of Ware's Sboals on Saluda river; 3j dwellings and 3 tenant bouses, 75 acres wood land, 75 acres bottom land, good pasture, 7 horse farm open ou the place. It is now rented for 3,600 lbs. lint cotton. Can be easily made to bring double this rent. Price $12.50; per acre. One Lot on corner of Orange and j Lemon Streets, beautifully located level and well drained, $500. TWO Lots near Wardlaw Street, two minutes walk from Graded i School; near in, and a bargain at $500 each. List your Real Estate with me and j come to see me. If you want to buy I j haveor can get what you want. If you i want to sell I eanfiud you a buyer' I also buy and sell all kinds of Stocks and Bonds. Remember I represent the E<]uita- i ble, the strongest Life Inuurance uoni paDy in the world. Eobt. S. Link! Office over Milford's Book Store. Estate of Matthew Creswell. Notice of Settlement and Application for Final Discharge. Take notice tbat on tbe 25ib day of June 1912, we will render a float account of our ac counts and dologN as Administrators of tbe Eetnte of Matthew (Creswell, deceased, In tbe j office of Jud|?e of Probate for Abbeville Coun ty at 10 o'clock a. m., and on the same day will apply for a final discharge from our trust: as mcb Administrators. All persons having demands against said estate will present tbem for payment od or: belore tbat day, proven and authenticated or be forever barred. J. M. CUDDV, J. S. CRESWELL, Administrators. You can't afford to be without Conkey's j White Diarrhoea Remedy. It is a positive j relief from this disease which kills thous ands of chicks yearly. Price 50c. The McMurray Drug Co. Don't let lice eat up your valuable poul try when its so easy to get rid of them. Conkey's Lice Powder, Lice Liquid and Head Lice Ointment are guaranteed to do the work quickly. Get a practical poultry book free from The McMurray Drug Co.|g )ii Buy fit )F COURSE, ' ere It Is: of the improvetr money. We ha andise at 85 cent in Cash. If you ;harge it at the Is 8?c IOC .... I2\c \6\c 22C Linen Table 1 AND KU 2 pieces $1.50 Dama 3 pieces J.25 Dama 3 pieces 1.00 Dama 3 pieces .75 Dama 3 pieces . 50 Dams 50 dozen Doilies i Damask at 8nc on th ints on the in need of Table Lir to save money. Counter! ; don-"V 5 HAD SE'V SE' r have been subject to severe head iches for about seven years. My bead would ache so badly at times that I could scarcely stand it. Doctors seem pd to be unable to give noe relief, though I tried several of tbera, and Sold by The Ab oeville-Greenwo od MUTUAL rnmm ASSOCIATION. Property Insured, $2,100,000 February 1st, 1912. WHITE TO Oil CALL on tbe aoderttlgtjud or tb?- Director of your Townablji for any Inforniation yon nony d'ftiro about oar plan of luMirunoe. We insure your property aualn.-t il*?iiac Hon by f'i&e, vassTasv b insnm, and do ho cheaper th?? '*nv inrnninro p^rr. pany Id e*l*tonc? Dwellings covered with uietul roofs are lowared lor 23 per cent. cheaper th*n other property. itameiobei wo are prepared to prove to you thntonntls the nafeit aud cheapest plan or UHuranoo known. J. B. BLAKE, Gen. Agent Abbeville, 8. C. J. FRASEB LYON. Prea. Abbeville, S. C. 8. G. Majors, J.T.Mabry W. B. Acker... T. S. Ellin 1 . O. cji lv,... W. W. L. Keller. I. A. Keller ...Greenwood ....Cokesbury Donalds Due West .. liong Cane .?.Hmlthvllle D. A. Wardlaw Cedar Spring W. W. UradUy Abbeville Dr. J. A. AndorsoD, S. 8. Boles i c\ firan! Antrevllle Lowndetvllle Masroolla A. B. Kennr*dy.? Calhoun Mills 8. P. Morrab Bordeaux H. L. Kasor Walnut Grove W. A. Nlckles Hod yea M. G. Bowles Coronaca D.8. Hattlwanger Ninety-Six A. D. Tlmmerman Klnards Ira B.Taylor. Fellowship Joseph Lake Phoenix J. W. Smith Verdery J. H. Chiles Bradley J. W. Lyon Troy A. W. Youngblood Yeldell G. E. Dora...- Calllson G. E. Dora ... KIrkseyB 8. H. Stevens Brooks Abbeville. 8 0? Feb. 1. 1912. If you will inspect the houses around town painted with Devoe paint you will have no trouble deciding what you will put on yours. It's the kind that lasts and looks well. For sale at Speed's. That pain in the head and back of neck often conies from smoking mean cigars. Moral, smoke Speed's Cincos. For nice cigars and chewing tobacco go to Speed's Drug Store. Wilson I vni i woi ti n 1 T T V/ V/ 4 I I lents we are goir ive decided to o on the doliai*, a are one of our same price. lamask Read lPKINS ~1? -/mii t nr bdit iiuvv isk now. I.OO Ladies' Wb .sk now. 85 Ladies' Gin .sk now .63 Ladies' Kir tsk now. 42 h Children's Children's ] n patterns to match ie dollar. If you are Ladies' Voi len now is your time 4 cc V special feature of this sale wi Short Ends in all kinds^ot Dress (TilSO] rERE HEJ! VEN YEA took many kinds of headache medi cines and tablets. About a month or six weeks ago I tried Hunt's Light ning Oil, which gave me almost in stant relief, and I am glad to say that I have been entirely free from those McMurray Drug Co., V/Oiumuus waguua are mu of select wood stock; they striped; they are durable. ^ every requirement. " We ha horse styles. There is a Colu we want you to inspect. Call your advantage to use this wa Columbus The Best that ] Abbeville M< ABBEVI] ?T. K. Glenn's Locals. 4,000 Fruit Jars, three kinds, Atlas E. Z., Seal, Mason and Economy. Caps, rubber, jelly glasses. 8,000 tin cans, with soldered caps. Cap ping steels, solder and tluid. Preserving kettles. Freezers $2.00 to, tripple motion. Ice cream junkets. Whi$e canvas slippers 75 cts to $1.00. Well buckets, all kinds, well chains. Victor & Terrell sweeps and bolts. 1 Co. at 85c? f ig to make, we ffer our entire . ind this doesn't regular custo y-to-Wear Garments lite Lawn and Silk Dresses. igham Dresses. nonas. Dresses, white and colored. Rompers. le Skirts. >RSET STOCK 11 be au opportunity to buy Goods at one-half price. a Co. IlDACHES ES dreadful headaches since. From my own experience I can say that Hunt's Lightning Oil is without an equal aa a reliever of pain, and J only wi?h . that I bad used it several years ago.? Mrs. W. T. Dixon, Sherman, Texas. Abbeville, S. C. ve them in both one and two mbus wagon on our floor that I today "and learn why it is to : Wagons Money Can Buy Dtor Car Co., liLE, S. C. They Put i*n End to It. Charles Sable, 30 Cook it., Roches ter, N. Y., says he recommends Fo ley Kidney Pills at every opportunity because they gave him prompt relief from a bad case of kidney trouble that had loDg bothered him. Such a rec ommendation, coming from Mr. Sable, is direct and convincing evidence of the great curative qualities of Foley Kidney Pills. McMurray Drug Co.