\ .r: cv- . -5-'-s SWEET SLUMBER BROUGHT BACK Mrs. White, Unable to Sleep Tellf How She Brought Back Natural Sleep. Gastonia, N. C.?Mrs. Ellen White, of this city, says; "I suffered for eeveral years with -womanly troubles. 1 could not rest at night. I began taking Cardul, the wom an's tonic, and before I had finished one bottle I could sleep well. It just acted like a charm. Since taking Cardul I have been In better health than for ten years. It Is the best medicine I ever used. It did me more good than the doctors. I can oertalnly recommend Cardul to all suffering women, for I have been greatly benefited by Its use. It will build them up. Cardul has been worth Its weight In gold to me, for now I am well and hearty." No matter how long-standing the trouble, Cardul will help. It is a tonic remedy. It is prepared for wom en to bring relief from womanly ail ments. It hel,p8 sleeplessness, one of the most common symptoms of nervoua breakdown. It helps build nerves and system. Made from strictly vegetable In gredients, it has no Ill-effects on any organ of the body, but acts naturally, gently and safely. You can rely on Cardul. It will do for you what it has done for thou sands of others. It will help you. Try it X. B.?Writ* tot Ladle*' Advisor* Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat-* tanoosrn, Tenn., lor Special Instruc tions, and 64-piee book, "Home Treat ment for Women," sent In plain wrap per, on request. , The Easiest Answer. Teacher?Thirty eggs at 55 cents a dozen Is what? Pupil?It's?it's outrageous, sir.? Eoston Evening Transcript. To keep artificial teeth and bridge work antiseptically clean and free from odors and disease germs, Paxtine Antiseptic is unequaled. At drug gists, 25c a box or sent postpaid on re ceipt of price by The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass. Comparative Values. "My wife can make a tart reply." "My wife can do better than that. 'She can make a pie speak for Itself." Use Allen's Foot-Ease The antiseptic powder to be shaken into the shoes or tired, tender, smarting ach ing, swollen feet. It makes your *eet feel easy and makes walking a Delight. Sold everywhere, 25c. For free trial package, address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. x. A man is always willing to pay what he owes?if Jt is a grudge. f -A / ! ONLY ONE "BKt)MO QUININE." Ttoav is 1.AXAT1VK BROMO QtfxNINK. Look foi tbe sicnatnre of E. W. (irtoVK. L'aed the WciTld over to Cure a Cold IB One Da/. 26c. Unless a man is chicken hearted he's eeldom henpecked. Garfield Tea. by purifying the blood, eradi ates Rheumatism, Dyspepsia and many chronic ailments. All things are for the best?and every one imagines he's the best. 20 Pretty Rooms in this FREE an book ,?don't you want to see them ? Peep into other people's new homes and get the latest ideas for your oivn decorating. Our book tells about the FREE Color Plans our expert designers will send yot for any rooms you wish to decorate. You will be glad to tnow more about lAlaKsmKna The Beautiful Wall Tint o exquiute in color and quality It i* used in the mo* expentire modern hornet though it coits far lets than wall paper or paint. Kabomine color) appear birth and crude betide tbe aoft-hued Alabaatine tints. Coca fortheat on tbe wallt aod la easieat to utc. Full dircc tiona on erery package?limply mix with cold water sad put on. Doet not chip. JET IT I peel or rub off. 16 Beautiful f Colon and? W.I nup our \-.oior nuns you can easily have the most artistic home in your neighborhood. Send for oar FREE BOOK Foil 5 lb. pkf. White 50c. Reroiar Tina 55c. Alabastinc Company M lrraotf>i> tud, Grnd RijWs. aiicfu NrvlvkOty, fciki :o5 Water St. WE e?00 PER SET FOR TCCTU PAY ?1?? 0LD FALSE ice 111 which are of no value to you. Highest prices paid for Old Gold, Silver, Platinum. Diamonds and Precious Stones. Money ent by return mail. PHILADELPHIA SMELTING AND REFINING CO. (Established 20 years) 823 CHESTNUT ST.,PHILADELPHIA. PA. XANTHINE!?!'? Restores Qray Hair to Natural Color UIOVES DUDKirr ASD WtRf IxiTlgoratesand pr?Tenta thehalr from falliugoS For Sal* by Draff WU, w S?at DirMt kj XANTHINECO.y Rlohmond, Virginia Pri?? 91 ftr Bttxiti Saaipla Battia Uc SUa4 far elrt&lar. Tuff# PUIS The dyspeptic, the debilitated, whether front excess of work of mind or body, drink or ex* posurein iai MALARIAL REGIONS, wDi find Tutt's Pills the most genial restora tive ever offered the suffering invalid. THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. No |.So.2.Np.3. T |_| PDA D I IU Used In French 8 ntnAriuwuoKpi.aiHw>th 6KKAT SUCCESS. CURES KIDNEY. BI.ADDKR DISEASES, fil.ES. CHRONIC ULCERS. SKIN JCKCMKINS-EITUKR SSX kddr^u f(if?lo,*# rRKK.to DR. I?K CLKKO UID. CO.. MAVKRSIOCK KD.f mImPSTRaD, LONDON. ENG. EARN $3000 TO $5 000 YEARLY If you live in section where wheat Is or can be grown. Investment f'500. For full particu lars address E. W. McSiannon. Thomson, Ga Ph A A Wanted, Second-hand Baps and Bur KRk\ isi l>. Write for l.rlccs. KICIIMONII KflUW HAG CUMFA.N 1, Kichtsond,Virginia \ 1 * j U' r-'T-fTt-y ACTION IS TAKEN ON APPOINTMENTS | ATTORNEY GENERAL HAS START ED PROCEEDINGS AGAINST OFFICERS. HE DECLARES THEM ILLEGAL The Appointments Were Made With out the Consent of the Senate? Fine is Also Asked?Hearing to be Held in Near Future. Columbia.?Whether or not several men whom Gov. Blease appointed to county offices without the advice and consent of the senate are acting ille gally and shall be fined for doing so will be decided by the supreme court under quo warranto proceedings in stituted by J. Fraser Lyon, attorney general. Compalints have been filed against J. M. Bowden, appointed mag istrate at Spartanburg; W. E. Green, magistrate at Sandy Springs, Ander son.county; S. E. Whitten, magis trate at Pendleton, Anderson county; W. T. Chamblee, magistrate of Rock Hill, York county; J. A. Younp, mag istrate at Iva, Anderson county. The complaints against these ap pointees of Gov. Blease allege that they were made without the recom mendations of the county delegations. The complaints ask that the men holding these offices be required to pay the cost of the actfons against Vhem and a fine, not exceeding $2,000 as the court may judge. Hearings on all the cases will be held on April 29 A rale to show cause was issued by Chief Justice Gary against all the parties named in the complaints. The attorney general has also brought proceedings in the supreme court to have the appointees of the governor as township commissioners for Beaufort county ousted, these be ing J. W. White, Hilton Head; A. J. Alexander, W. H. Stalworth, Beau fort; C. E. IBoineau, J. W. Campbell. B. JosselBon, of Sheldon; C. A. Ver j dier, J. R. Cooler, W. W. Hudson, of (Bluffton; C. A. Walker, R. A. Cbburn. I S. S. Kellars, of Yemassee. Extension Work is Progressing. The extension of the South Caro lina Wester^ railroad from Hartsvflle to Sumter is now built to a point between Lydia and Bishopville, sev eral miles from Hartsville. The Lydia section being one of the best : farming districts in the county, has 1 given the road a large amount of i fertilizer to haul, and from the mo ment the rails were laid to Lydia ; trains have been hauling loads. The I new road is being laid with 80-pound ; rails, indicating that the promoters anticipate much heavy business. It is i the conjecture of 60me that eventual j ly the road will be built from Sum , ter to Charleston, thus making tne line an artery of importance and prob ablv it will "be a trunk line. I 1 South Carolina New Enterprises. The secretary' of state has issued a commission to the Mutual Land and Lumber Company of Charleston with a capital stock of $3,500. The peti ; tioners are: A. H. Silcox and H. W. j Silcox. A charter has been iseued to ; the Florence Gas Company, of Flor i ence, with a capital stock of $75,000. The officers are: W.. R. Barringer, president; J. C. Williamson, vice president, and W. J. Brown, secretary and treasurer. The company will erect a plant to manufacture commer cial gas. A commission has been is sued to the Mountville Gin Company, with a capital stock of $4,000. The petitioners are: B. R. Fuller. J. M. ^Simmons, E. C. Smith, H. M. Bryson, | and S. S. Farrar. Dillon Roads Being Improved. The roads of the county are being 1 rapidly Improved and in a short time will be in as good condition as before the rough winter weather. Superin tendent Wayland has put about 100 split log drags over the county and they have proved their worth already in making quickly a good road. Con | siderable more interest in good roads is shown now than ever before. Next Meeting at Charleston. "The congress was a success and J results will be secured," said Commia ! sioner Watson, who returned from I the annual meeting of the National : Drainage congress, which was held I In New Orleans. Over 700 delegates ; from nearly two score states. There j were 18 delegates to attend from \ South Carolina. The next annual j meeting will be held in Charleston during January and February of next ; year at the same time with the Na ! tional Corn show that is to be held ; in Columbia. Could Work But Would Get No Pay. B. J. Rhame, who has been removed ; from the office of state bank examiner I by Gov. Blease, visited Orangeburg in ; the performance of his official duties, j Mr. Rhame called at some of the .banks and signified his intention' to j examine the banks. He was told that I he could proceed to examine the | banks, but the matter of his fee for j the work would be held up until the , courts decided whether or not he is to | continue as state bank examiner. Mr. | Rhame did not examine any of the : banks in consequence thereof. Two Get Executive Clemency. TV.** unfomnr Viae prantorl n narnlp 1 to Joe Hope, who was convicted in I Richland county in 1906, and sentenc ed to serve eight years on the county | chain gang on the charge of grand j larceny and breach of trust with frau ; dulent intent. The governor has granted a parole to Paul Woods, who was convicted last year in Chtester county on the charge of housebreaking and larceny and sentenced to IS months. Since assuming office the governor lias extended clemency i;: 1 860 cases. r -"-v -.v LOSE ON THE HAY IMPORTS Canada Selling Farmers of State Hay While Cowpea is One of Cheapest Crop6 to Raise. Clemson College. ? Attention has been called recently by President E. W. Dabbs and others to the fact that large shiploads of Canadian timothy hay are being brought into South Car olina. It seems absurd and extreme ly unbusinesslike that the farmers of this state should import hay from Canada, when it can be made so easily and at so much less cost. Prof. J. N. Harper, director of the experiment station here, has the fol. lAU'inc fo zer, Columbia; Dr. A. M. Brailsford, i.Iuli'ns, and Dr. H. L. Shaw, Fountain Inn, and Dr. C. B. Earle The governor also appointed the executive committee of the asso ciation nnon recommendation by the state medical board. % Rural Policeman For Cherokee. A matter which has been perplex ing Cherokee county people for some time was settled when Sheriff Thomas appointed Brossie B. Byers as rural policeman for the county. The bill providing for this officer was introduc ed i.i the last session of the General Assembly by Representative Dobson, and after being vetoed by the Gover nor, was passed and became a law. The bill stipulated that this officer was to be appointed by the sheriff upon the recommendation of the county cpmmissioners. Catawba Rifles Were Inspected. Prtmnnnv H First South Carolina regiment of Rock liill, locally known as the Catawba rifles, was inspected at the armory by the adjutant general. W. W. Moore, and Capt. George H. McMaster, U. S. A.,'with a large num ber of citizens present, ('apt. McMas ter gave the boys a splendid tec'.inica1 talk on what the soldiers in action should expect, and what was expected of the soldiers. He said that next t< the German Fusiliers, the Rock 11:1 company showed up better than an. company he had yet inspected. inihmtionm. SllNMSdOL Lesson fBy TS. O. SELLERS. Director of iSVen Injj Department, The Moody Blbltt In stitute of Chicago.) i LESSON FOR APRIL 28. THE BEATITUDES. LESSON TEXT?Matt. S:1-1J GOLDEN TEXT?"Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall (No dotfbt about It) see God." It was St. Augu6tine who Qrst gave the ordination address of Jesus, after choosing the twelve, the title of "The Sermon on the Mount," a title now uni- | veraally accepted. It is Detter perhaps "The Gospel of the Kingdom.," telling ' ub of the characteristics of tUese mem bers of the new kingdom Jesus came to establish, the influence of these members upon the world, an6 is a com mentary upon the laws of this king dom. It is this, and more, for it is a prophecy uf the church ai work and1 also a test whereby we a!e to know who belong to this kingdom. Their Spiritual Meaning. There ft/e in reality ouiy seven of the Beatitudes, the "blessednesses" and 8e\eu is always typical of perfect ness. They are written In Old Testa ment language, but give the old fcrm a new and spiritual meaning. The re- j Wards are not arbitrary, but are the logical outgrowth of the character de picted. The four are pa&sive virtues. Happy are those who aie poor in spir it, not the poor-spirited but the humble minded ones conscious of their need. It is the poor, as to this world, that are to be rich in faith and to be heins of that kingdom which Christ haB promised 10 those that lo.Ve him (Jan. 2:5). Happy are those that mourn, for they mourn not as those who have no hope, they shall be comforted,' yea, they shall be strengthened. Paul tells us of that Borrow which is unto salva tlon and iiced not to be repented of, but the -sorrow of the world worketh death. Happy are the meek, those who are not nrnud. The orlde of man is soon cut off as grass. In him, tbe meek and lowly, we are to find rest to our souls. We are exhorted by the meekness and gentleness of Christ to receive Instruction and Peter tells us that our ornamentation that shall be of the greatest price is to be meek and quiet in spirit. i At this point the master begins to make his practical application of the lives of those having tnese character istics, upon the world alwut them. Happy are the merciful. The with holding of mercy tends to poverty, but1 the liberal soul shall be made fat, for to tbe merciful he will show himself to be merciful. Forebearfng, and fefrglv-. ing we enter into this happiness, being kind, forgiving, tender-hearted, even as Christ hath forgiven us. ' Righteousness Defined. V - | Happy are the pure for they may ( draw nigh unto God in full assuiance of faith for themselves and on behalf \ of others. Indeed the writer of He brews tells us that without holiness t (purity) no man can see (fOd, not our , own righteousness wherein we might boast but the righteousness of Christ which is by faith. Happy are the peace-makers, the re- i ceivers and the diffusers of this king- 3 dom. Not merely peaceable men, nor j pieces of men, but rather as Tyndale's j version Is, "the maintainers of peace." j Led by the spirit of God they are not j only called the sons of God, but are ; i the sons of God (Rom. 8:14). "The i . cause, not the pain, makes the martyr," said St. Augustine. Those who are presented for righteousness' i ?ake, not those who seek persecution, i are possessors of this kingdom; pos sessing it they are persecuted. Being is doing?doing does not pro duce life, and we Jiave her? a linking ' J of the old law and the new gospel. His i kingdom brings blessedness, happi- \ j ness; satan's kingdom turns to the ap- " i pies of Sodom, God says, speak out, i endure for others. His kingdom is dis tinguished by altruism. The kingdom of darkness says: "Keep still, live for j yourself." ThiB kingdom knows not 1 | the essence of brotherhood. ! Man ever asks this old question: l "How may I be happy?" Those whom i Jesus selects as the happy ones are j I looked upon by the world as the most ( : unfortunate, but time has proven and J ; eternity will justify these declarations i of Christ. The good of this age be longs to the selfish and self-assertive, the good of the coming age to the self renouncing. It is better to have sor rowed and to have received his com fort than never to have sorrowed at all. The message of the meek will get. a hearing as aga'nst the censorious. I j and the supremely happy are those j ; who shall see God. Jesus saw the multitude when he | gave us this sermon, which is not a ; ! sermon at all. He understood their j j need, the state of their hearts and | what was in their minds. He did not | see them as so many pawns upon th? j chess board of life; he saw their life, 1 thei.- sorrows, their sins. He read the , story of human need and human des | tiny. He looked into their sad eyes i and saw their longing after happiness and immortality. He knew that the ! best heathenism could offer was ob | livion or else sensuous ease and so I from his heart he spoke to them of the { "Heart of Happiness." Mght. liberty. : growth, altruism rather thah any < paralysis of soul or supreme selfish ; ness. Hunger for the highest and the : noblest can find a supply for all its needs in Jesus the Son of God and only according to the principles he here sets forth. Why rejoice over our reproach? Be cause mis is ine pain imu mis new kingdom. And when we walk "for Christ's sake'' we shall enter therein and rejoice greatly for we shall have "great reward in heaven." These happy ones are the 6alt that preserves and the light that lightens human bo Wha ^ASTOEIA is a hannl Soothing Syrups, ] other Narcotic substance. , Feverishness. For more th of Constipation, Eatulency regulates the Stomach an natural sleep. The Childre The Kind You Have 80 vears, has borne the sii his personal supervision si All Counterfeits, Imitations and endanger the health oi Infants /Children Promotes Digestion/Wii ness and Rratfontalns natter 0 piunx .Morphine nor MinaaL Not Narcotic. Stc^eTOtdltSSMILmSR B?pkin SmA* M ? . Hon, Sour gtorafuDtantoa Worms fonvnlskms Jgrerisk ness and Loss OF SlEEP. Atb months old 35 Doses-J5cknis_ [ifV?inTantecd underthc Foeople a-U cbil \iv cents. It doesn't seem right that a woman should have two ears for hearing gossip and only one tongue for re peating it. % . Kill the Fliet Now and Prevent llse&se. A DAISY FLY KILLER will do It. Fvills thousands. leasts all season. 15 cents ach at dealers or six sent prepaid for $1.00. a. SOMERS, 150 DeKalb Av., Brooklyn, N.Y. Always remember to be a gentle man?unless you are a woman. PILES CUKED IN 0 TO 14 DATS | Tourdruggist will refund inuney IX PAZO OINT- < MKNT falls to core any case of lushing. Blind,] Bleeding or Protruding Plies in B to 14 dart. 60c. I O U are vowels that have caused ! many a man's downfall. "Pink Eye" la Epldensle In the Spring. Try Murine Eyo Bemedy for Reliable Belief If a girl really wants a man's love she returns it. Since It Is worth while to be well, take Jarlleld Tea, Nature's Medicine. The deserving poor do not always leserve to be. 9 A BLOOD MEDICINE Recently it has been definitly proven lowers the germicidal power of the body puscles of the blood and renders them una Disease germs cause the death of over oni A blood medicine, made entirely witl tract ox roots, sucn as cioourooi, vuccu Stone root, has been extensively sold by Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery. The Nature's influence?the blood is bathed ic the vital fires of the body burn brighter a tissue rubbish which has accumulated dur Dr. R. V. Pierc Surgical Institute, e practice, was the fir roots, without a pai "It la with the grca the great benefit I ret treatment at home," wri fered for three years fi r. they failed to mend or tion and would have to dead bone must be cut advised me to write to use of the treatment th? ever did. I dressed the took the "Golden Merli troubles. 1 shall ulw?t] Mm Elti Dr. Pierce's Pie* ^ - I ' J. ...| . -T ? .. . *?* 1 'wy *53$?$ T. om Donirla*, Brockton, Um, for catalo?. Sho?? atari dallTery charge* prepaid. FaM Color X Pomade A choice dressing and preservative for t refined; delicately perfumed. Checks dandruff and keeps scalp In healthy Pomade Vaseline is put up In attractlvi collapsible tubes. Insist oh Pomade VA8EL! If your dealer doss not carry It, write us. We will aleo be glad to Bend you free llluitrated b log other choice "Yaecllse" preparaUoai lor toilet as Addrtai Dept. K. Chesebrough Manufacturing . 17 State Street (Conaolidated) I ??i diii nouuto i iid r ocu hiii Horses and Mules do more work; Co Sheep and Qoats fr*ow bettor fleeces; Cattle end Hogs take on more flesh am better health and condition when fed on Cottonseed Meal an For Breeding or Nursing 8tock, Hi valuable. Much better tban Write for free Booklet containing much v Kaisers to THE BUREAU < Interstate Cottonseed 808 Main Street Special Offei This paper is printed from in the SOUTHERN OIL & INK CO., per pound, F. O. B. Savanna WITHOUT ALCOHOL. by experiments oa animals that alcohol and that alcohol paralyzes the white oor ble to take up and destroy disease germs. s-half of the human rac?. lout alcohol, which ia a pure glyceric ex 's root, Golden Seal root, Mandrake and druggists for the past forty years as Or. refreshing influence of this extract is like i the tonic which gives life to the blood? md their increased activity consumes the ing the winter. se, the founider of the Invalids' Hotel and ind a physician of large experience and ' st to make up an Altbrativb Extract of 'tide of alcohol or narcotic. test of pleasure, that I write to let yon know of :eived from the use of your medicines and self itealtas. WM.HEYE3,of Ladysmith, B.C. "I suf- j om a running sore. Consulted four doctors but ; jpve relief. Finally I was told I was In consump- j ' consult a specialist concerning: my ear. that the out before the wound would heal. A kind friend j Dr. Pierce, which I did, and after seven month*' i ' s sore is healed, and I enjoy better health than I t ' wound with Dr. Pierce's All-Healinfr Salve and < cal Discovery' and ' Pleasant Pellets' for my j . ra recommend your medicines. I , uaut Pellets regulate liver and bowels. >ria. I, Paregoric, Drops and her Opium, Morphine nor stroys Worms and allays onstant use for the relief rabies and Biarrhosa. It tod, giving healthy and iend, has been hi use for over md has been made under e to deceive you in fbls. tperiments that trifle with lence against Experiment. inent Physicians as. H. Fletcher. says: *1 have used Castoria te regard it aa an excellent madida# . Put!, Minn., njsr "I Have u*t ?lrith good results, and can recoxn* aless remedy for children** ' / $979: "l have used and prescribed (side practice for a number of years for children." i nu, Horn; i umym uaeu /yui w, i!&d It pleasant to tike, and hare ays: *1 have used your Castorla b? ad It Vaa beat medlcina of Its lci?l ' ajflf "I find your Castorla to ?? M st thing for infants and children I iiOb, saya: "Tour Castor!*, certainly" i use by mothtrs through. all th?a tate it, suflclent recommendation { to the mothers.* Ity, says: "For senreral years Thare ?. always continue to do so* as it has : >-,r. ? y>> says: "I object to what are called knows What ingredients are put la 'or_particulars addrera World Mail Courses. Kxpert Miiortoaad. Book iKcpintf >nlr LOKRI log, iypowminn> njuniftuaui^. expense.Write quick enc)oslt)Kkt*mp. hOUTJIIM IS*)* DkSl XI .ItiTITl TK,f?, SEW 0UK1.VB, lyOllBUJiA Pettit's Eye Salve TONIC FOR EYES