The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, April 10, 1912, Image 1

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The Abbeville BY W. W. & W. R. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE, 8. WEST END. Personal Paragraphs and News Items Contributed by Miss Lily Templeton. Miss Janie Morse came home Fri day from Columbia, where she is a student at College for Women and stayed until Tuesday with her home people. Miss Caroline uary win gu iu v^> lumbia Wednesday to resume her studies at the College for Women af ter spending the Easter holidays here with h-jr parents, Chief Justice and 31 rs. E. S. Gary. Mr. Allen Robertson was in the city Friday and Saturday, the guest of his home people. Miss Antoinette Russell entertained the Daughters of the Revolution at their regular monthly meeting last Wednesday afternoon. Miss Mary Lou Smith is at home again after spending several weeks in Baltimore. Miss Mary Taggart, who has been teaching near Lowndesville, is at home again. Mrs. John R. Blake and her child ren have returned from an extended stay in Atlanta. Mrs. V. D. Lee and Miss Sara J. Lee are at home again after spending I some time with Mrs. Sara M. Gower 'in Greenville. Dr. Nathan Thompson .and Mr. Roy Adams of Atlanta, Ga., were in the city Sunday the guests of friends. Miss Esther Graydon, who is study- i ing at the College for Women in Co lumbia, spent the Easter holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. X. Graydon. Ml"" TXTVi ito h n Q p-firi p to iUlOO HC1V-U i? Uivv 0~ Newberry to spend a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Tench Poole. Mrs. J. C. Thomson and little son, William, left Tuesday for Winnsboro where they go to spend some time with Mrs. Thomson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Beat^ie. 'Mrs. H. I. Horton and Master Thad Horton, of Columbia, were in the city Saturday and Sunday, the guests of Mrs. R. C. Philson. Mrs. Samuel McAlily is at home again after a pleasant stay with friends in Chester. Mr. Wallace Lomax has accepted a nosition with the Abbeville Bottling Works. Mr. Lomax has been working for some time in Newberry and his friends here are glad to welccfne him home. v Mrs. Sara M. Gower of GreenvilJo is here spending a few days with Mrs. V. D. Lee and Miss Sara Lee. Mr. James Wardlaw of Greenville, spent Sunday in the city the guest of Mrs. L. W. Mabry. Miss Ruth Barksdale went to At lanta Friday and was the guest of friends in that city until Tuesday. Mr. Perrin Quarles of Charlotte, N. C., spent Sunday here with his fath er, Mr. T. P. Quarles. Mrs. Lucy C. Thomson has return ed home after an extended stay in Honea Path with her daughter, Mrs. tt JLi. n. niguauiiiu. Miss Eliza Mabry, who is teaching in Newberry, was at home for the Easter holidays. Little Miss Lucy T. Highsmith, of Honea Path, is in the city the pretty little guest of her cousin, little Miss Elizabeth Thomson. Miss Caro and Miss Ore Morse gave Miss Janie Morse, who has been at home for the Easter holidays, a delightful surprise party Monday morning. This was Miss Janie's birth day and a number of her girl friends were invited to enjoy the morning as \ her guest. A delicious course lun cheon was served. Miss Frances Lawson is home from * Columbia, where she is taking a bus iness course, to spend the Easter holidays with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Lawson. Miss Edna Hill Cox was here Sat urday and Sunday the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cox. Miss Cox has returned to Greenville,where ehp is a student at Chicora. Miss Mary Quarles Link has re turned to Converse college after spending several days here last week with her father, Mr. S. J. Link. Mrs. C. D. Brown and Miss Lily Templeton leave Thursday for Char leston, where they will spend several days enjoying the attractions of this quaint city. Miss Kathrene L. Link has gone to Charleston after spending the Easter holidays here with ber aunt, Mrs. W. D. Wilson. Mr. Smith, manager of the Nation al Biscuit Co., in Greenville, was in the city Thursday. Tomato Plants Miss Matt Cater has tomato plants for sale. These plants are full size and of the best varities. W. T. Oi"v. o prominent, dealer In Pep nlnpton 0?p. Va.. was t-o bothered with kid T)bv and blunder ironnic tn?t no cum nni ri tend to hus'n*Ks. Hp p#vs, "I had ceverp Pr:t>b In tt>v hark and kidneys and had t.n ept tip tpr> to ft'tp?-n ?tnrip? porh n'ght. S?w Fo )py K'd' p.v Pi is ?id vurtI'Pt! a"d t orch! t w<i hf>ittpK. an<t o<"-n !e't v'"pat relief, and was en firpiv cured. lonirf r distn'b'd hi n'gbt, but ?leep HI! morning." MoMnrray Drug Co Cash Bargain Store sole agents for American Beauty corsets. 95c. v Bellevue. Mrs. Ada Kennedy visited her mothi on Saturday. Dr. Swingle of Mt. Carrael was in Bell vue Sabbath afternoon, looking after tl broken limbs and sprained wrists. Mrs. W. P. "NVideman is at home agaii after a week spent in Gastonia with h< mother Mi-s. Boyce, who has been sick ft tome time. Mrs. McGee and children, of Iva, sper las week with her parents. Mr. J. E. Bradley, of McCormick, woi shipped with the A. li. P's. of Long Car on Sabbath. Mr. Charles Britt was In Augusta laf week on business. Miss Eddy, of Iva, was the charmih truest of Miss Jennie NVideman from Fi* day till Tuesday. Mrs. W. H. Kennedy is sppnding som time with relatives in Anderson county. Mrs. Lillie Morrah and Miss Emm Wardlaw were calling on friends in th Long Cane section Thursday afternoon. Mrs. W. H. Britt has not heen at a well during the past week, but is better a this writing. SOCIAL EVENT. The most interesting social event of th past week was the birthday dinner give by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Britt in their prett home in McCormick on Thursday the 4t of April. A delightful day was speni Hospitality was dispensed by this charru ing hostess to a number of near relative in honor of her mother's anniversary (Mrs W. H. Kennedy). Mrs. Britt was assistei in receiving her guests by Mrs. McGe< At the usual hour for dining, the guest were invited into the beautiful hall wher a royal ;repast was sprc&u, uujioiouuik v everything to tempt the appetite?turkej ham, salads, and other things too numei ous to mention. A sweet course was als served. The table was handsomely dec orated with hyacinths and tuberose plucked from the yard of the hestess where all kinds gYow in abundance. Mrs Britt's guests were: Mr. aud Mre. W. H Kennedy, Mr. David Kennedy, Mr. am Mrs. Frank McGee and children (Edna am Kennedy), Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Britt am children (Edward. Frances and Mary Eli2 abeth), Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Morrah, Mi and Mrs. W. D. Morrah and children (Kat rina and Mary Ellen), Mr. and Mrs. Johi Wardlaw, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Eritt, Mis Ellen Morrah and M. E. Morrah. Wewisl for Mrs. Kennedy many happy returns c her anniversary. OROZCO HAS PRESS AGENTS. Sends Emissaries to New Yorl to Deny 'Charges. New York, April 6.?Three represents tives of Gen. Orozco, the Mexican reb leader, have arrived in New York with th object, they state, of starting a campaign to correct the falser mpressions which the; claim have been circulated in regard totn rebei cause. They are Manuel L. Lujan, i leading lawyer of the State of Chihuahu: who is ^designated as "minister plenipc tentiary," Maj. Rafael Cam pa, militar; attache of the party, and Juan Prieto Qu emper and state that they will make the! headquarters in New York until they cai disprove the statements of the Mader government that the revolutionists ar bandits and robbers." "Polly of the Circus," Frederic Thomp son's production, which comes to the open | house April 15th, is one of the successes o a decade. Presented for the first time ii I New York three years ago, it remainei one season at the Liberty Theatre an< since that time hrs repeated its triump] in nearly every large city in the countrj When Margaret Mayo wrote this romanc of the sawdust ring, she worked wit! proper materials. To the substructure o the play, Fred Thompson added a super structure of [a really unusual productioi and the results have been a dramatic en tei tainmeni that promises to continue t appeal to all classes of theatregoers, & long as the American theatre-goers' vein run red with blood. Miss Ida St. Leoi tirili Vm ciwn in tho titlA mil. AiirrminHn by the original cast. JCol. Frank B. Evans, of Greenwood, an< Mr. M. C. Long, of Walhalla, are announc ed as candidates for congress from th Third district, which Hon. Wyatt Aike has represented for several terms to th satisfaction of his constituents, and whic! h) will probably represent for anotne term, as he is a candidate for re-electio ?McCormick Messenger. One of the most unique musical number now on the stage is the ."Campbell Kids, performed bv 1C young ladies with the fi mous "Buster Brown" Company. Thi big company will be here soon. Dr. J. T. R. Ne?l, Prop. Klverslde Drug C<i Greenville, H. C., writes recently, "I liav >een n pnicl'criK physician snd rir gylst Ic over35 > earn and h?vc eo'd hd<1 admlnlsiere many kidney medicine* but Done to oqui Kt>!ey Kidney Pills. They are superior to an I ever used, and gi e tne quickest *Dd mo: permanent relief." McAlurray Drug Co. MONEY BACK. Here's Some Talk on Square Deals Line Fifty ceuts ; thai's all, for a box ( Ml-O-NA stomach tablets tbat wi bring a smile to your dyspeptic coin tenance teu minutes after the flri dowe. And C. A. Milford & Co. state tbat MI-O-NA doesn't end tbe misery < iudigestion or banish stomach distrei of any kind, you can have your mone back. This guarantee applies to the follov ing ailments, gas, acidity, heavines distress after eating, iermentatioi htartburn, walerbrash, bt-iching, sou ne>s, pain in stomach, biliousness, di ziness, nervousness, sleeplessntss, be dreams, nigbtsweats, headache, coi stipation, despondency, bloating, foi breath, coated tongue, sea or car sic! ness. morning sickness. Fifty ceiltsli box for MI-O-NA ston ach tablets at C. A. Milford & Co. ; and druggists everywhere. Buy the "Sunny South" or ">'e Century" Cotton and Corn Plaute; > and then you will be sure of a stan , Its late and you want sure planters you can get tbein here. Dargan-Kii Company. LOWNDESVILLE Happenings of a Week In and About the Seven-Hilled City?Personals. Lowndesvllle April 8,1912. All-fools day, Monday, was uneventful excepting that missives in April fool trap pings were still in evidence were sent and received. These disturbers of accustomed serenity have in a great measure taken their place among ;the things that wore. Yet the same old time propensity, a re minder of years ago crops out, where nothing bettor offers. Tuesday was . one of the worst, for its high winds, which swept away, the mois ture in the soil and made some of It very hard to plow. At the usual annual municipal election on Tuesday it was decided that the follow ?r?Aon /lAiinAll fnt* fk/: IUj? Will WIU^UOO U1IO WUUUl 1UI U11U WIU lng twelve months; Mr. D. L. Barnes, Intendendent, and Messrs. J. H. Bell, Will Ellis, S. B. Cook, E. F. Latimer, wardens. Wednesday quite a cool change in the weather. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday some frost was noticeable in places. Mrs. J. B. Moseley went to Chester, C. H. Wednesday to visit for a time, - her bro ther, Capt. W .G. Johnson. Mr. J. M. {Huckabee went to Spartan burg, C. H. Wednesday on business. The 6 p. m. closing of the stores and shops in this town began the first of last week, and the buyers had better remem ber this change to avoid probable trouble. Miss Lou Austin of Honea Path for the few days has been the guest of Mr. E. F. Latimer and family. Messrs. D. L. Barnes and John McCaila took an auto ride to Anderson, C. H. Wedn aii hiicinnca n Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Wilson and little Miss ^ Margaret Wilson, their daughter went to ,f Abbeville, C. H. by the dirt road Thursday. Mr. Jno. ^McKee, of Abbeville, C. H. spent Wednesday night in this place. Mre.J. T. iLatimer who had spent the past. several months with relatives In Georgia came back to her home here last week. * The members of the High School in cluding the teachers and nearly all of the scholars went by rail to Starr Saturday and witnessed a base-ball game and took i- part in partaking of an up-to-date, well >1 prepared and bountiful picnic dinner.! e While Easter was by n. means an/ideal a day, yet it was far better in several re s' spects than nearly all of the 8undays in 6 the past four months it was gladly wel a corned and enjoyed as it was. An Easter a service was held in the Methodist Church *- at kll :S0 a. m. Only a few flowers and ? potted plants were used for decorations. '* The pastor used as a theme for his dis r course a passage of scripture taken from Q the 1st. chapter, 1st Peter 3, ?4, and 5 u verses, from such an apDroDriate text, he 0 gave to liis hearers a very interesting: ser mon and one very encouraging to believ ers. The preacher's Easter iduties were i- somewhat mixed. He was called upon and a went several miles in the country, and f performed a marriage ceremofiy between a Mr. J. McCullough and Miss Eunice Me 3 Curry at the home of the bride, and return 3 ed in time to preach above sermon, h Troupe. e Frederic Thompson's production of b "Polly of the Circus," that dramatic epic' f of the sawdust Jriug, which is so vivid in - the recollection of thousands of playgoers, n will be the attraction at the opeaa house i- Monday April 15. Jt will bepresented here o with Miss Ida St. Leon In the titular role, o supported by all of the important mem s bers of the original "Polly of the Circus" a Company. The wonderful third act rep ri rndno.tion of f.hfi 'hie tent show nerform ance, while it hardly could be made more realistic than it has always been, has some added feature to lend to its attractiveness* Among other circus acts which appear is the famous Barlow Troupe of performing dogs and and eonies which has been the feature in various of the more Important canvas shows that have toured the country in the past few years. Ghnn flnnnirinn m mm When your Shoes need repairing send them to us and have them fixed in the most up-to-date Shop in the up country is ol Cil Bring your Shoes to us and have them repair Ad and rarrv them back home with you the same day, which will save you many dollars a year Our machine in turning: out first-class work and is giving satisfaction. BROWN & PERCIVAL Opposite Public Wagon Yards FENCE! >Ve have the Agency for the American Fence. Its the best. Let ns price it to you. Dargan-King Co. Buy 7 cakes Octagon soap for 25c at Cash Bargain Store No candy like Huyler's for your sweet heart. They all prefer It A fresh lot at Spee d'sDrug Store. GOVERNMENT NOT DIS MAYED. Finds Some Comfort in Revolu tionary Situation. Mexico City, April 6.?Although admit ting that they were still without informa* tion regarding the formal evacuation of Parral, government officials were encOur aged over the revolutionary situation to night. They appeared to regard the re. tirement of Col. Villa even as related in Associated Press news dispatches from rebel territory as far from being a severe reverse. Inasmuch, as wfth a small force he had been able to stand off a greatly supe rior force and make good his retreat News from other portions of the repub lic received at the department of the inte rior was all favorable to the federal army. A small fengagement was reported to have occurred at Arteaga, near Satlllo, Coahul la, in which the federals killed three reb els, captured several prisoners and a quan tity of dynamite and ammunition with a loss of one Injured. Gov. Naranjo, of Morelos. reported trains in operation i and everything quiet in the recent hotbed of Zapatista. He also re ported that twelve of those who attacked the i Mexico-Ouernavaca train March 30, killing a number of persons on board, had been executed. OPINION IN FERGUSON CASE The* fnllnwln? Iq tho nnlnlnn ftf thfl Supreme Court granting J. H. Fergu son a new trial: Testimony as produced at the trial tended to shojy that the son, J. H. Ferguson, waB in his own house and a quarrel took place between him and his father, John Ferguson. The mother made an assertion to which = the son replied "You are a damn lie." At this the father took offense and started at the son. The son claimed that the father was approaching him with an open knife with the Intent of killing him'. The son then pointed his pistol at the father in order? \ as he claimed, to bluff him off. The pis tol discharged and the father was killed. The younger Ferguson in his defense claimed that the pistol was discharged accidentally. Ferguson was Indicted for murder and was convicted of manslaughter. The exceptions were all taken to the -1 * it- - -I? 4i??tr cnarge ot me uiruun juugc lu mc ju>; that convicted Ferguson. The appeal of the defendant was sustained and. he will get a new trial. In reviewing the errors of the 4 charge to the jury the opinion con cludes: "Taking the charge on this subject as a whole, the jury may have con cluded that the burden was upon the defendant to prove that the killipg was accidental, which is not the law. Judgment reversed." Devoe Takes Least Gallons: Always Paint Devoe; it's the cheapest paint, in the world: never mind the price; it; ibay or may not be more. Less gallons will - paint the house; and the paint will out wear anything. , Skip wear; you've got to wait, to find that out. It covers more; you haven't got to wait to find that out. * '' It's the cheapest of all; no matter pbout the price. t N R Watkins, Lott, Texas, used IS gal- " lnno nn his hnnPB hflfore: boucrht 13 gallons? Devoe for same house and hail 6 left! C B Edwards, of Edwards & Broughton, printers, Raleigh, N C, used 30 gallons paste paint on his heuse; bought 30 gallons Devoe for same house and had 16 left. That's how. Sold by P. B. Speed. Books of Subscription. . Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a commission to us, issued by R,W. Mc Cown, Secretary of State, dated March 20, 1912, the undersigned will on April 5, 1912. open books of subscription to the| capital stock of the Neel Mining Company, a cor poration being organized under the laws of South Carolina. The capital stock of . said corporation is to be 122,000 divided -1 into twenty-two hundred shares of the par i value of $100 each. . I W. W. Bradley, ' ) C. J. Lyon, ( B. 8. Link, ; Incorporators. ? ? ? c "Buster Brown." A congress of funsters headed by Buster I Brown, will arrive in opera house on Frl- 1 day April 12th. Tlge and Mary Jane are 1 Included in the crowd and also their new j playmates, the Campbell,kids. The Camp- ( Don Aias are a new cumuiiuvuuu auu uovc j been added this season and their addltl- I tlon to the show has put it among the top- , notchers of today. "See it! or you'll be sorry" is the cry from young and old. See what? Buster | Brown, Mary Jane, Tige and The Camp Do not drag along wltb a kidney ailment that taps your strength, causes terrible baok> aches, sleeplessnesn, nervousness, and loss of appetite. Take Foley Kidney Pills. They qalokly cure all kidney and bladder ailments, McMurray Drug Co Boys' suits and knee pants, sizes 3 to 18 years, 25c. to $4.98. Cash Bargain Store. TYPEWRITERS bell Kids. Easy pay SAVE 50 per cent; ments. $10 and up All Makes?Guaranteed. Send for Catalog. Edward J. Murphy, The Typewriter Dealer, CHARLESTON, S. C. HITS THE ? ff "x we expiananc madenith the\ everyingpedi test ofour o theresRoMtoi Fertilizers.\ - SddJjyRjelia F.S.R0YS1 3alc NorfolkVa. : .Tar > Baltimore Md. -Monti ] ? ' Macon &a. your architect's pli and let us figure wil house bill. # . . You will be surprise is so complete and var yourself on the most ] specifications. Controlling the man put as we do, from stumj planing mills to the rtfi/l tnfnrmr fit aim vtui& auu uiKiiui ui Standard. . Complete hotise bi "Btiyyof i Saah, Doors, ' ' * Blindi, Etc. " ;r . * 4 North Caroling. ! FOR SALE? 7 400 Acre Cotton Farm, n ; * * ' *' ?? \ >- . Income from this big Moore County; S". C., cotton and grain farm was $4,000 n a year; Cotton alohe paid1 $2,660!; i.OOO cords of wood, 1,000 railroad ties, ots of timber, apple and peach trees ; mly 1J miles to railroad, mail deliv ered ; owner, to close immediately, in jludes 12 HP engine, boiler, cotton gin; srice only $8,5(0, part cash.. Fall de allx and traveling direction's to- see ;his and many other farms/ large'and small acreage, id tne oeet rarmtng'sec :ions of North Carolina, Vinrijpia^and )ther8outhern states,page fV'Sbroht'H 3outbem Farm Catalogue-35,, ju^t out, ;opy free. We pay buyer'srR. R, fares. Statiqo 24, E. A. 8trout,.517 Lithia 3treet, Greensboro, N. C. ' si- mi n h . I am so enthusiastic con- . cerning the virtues of HUNT'S All LIGHTNING UIL that I always Jkeep a bottle of - it in the house,.and to my par- ' ticular friends I give a bottle unless they live do near lhat I i.. can pour out from my own .. supply tp tide than* o.ver any . trouble.- I use this liniment i. for, colds, rubbing it on my throat ahd chest as a counter '' irritant.' . . ... I won't'sky * any more but you see how en- t thusiastic I am. , v -u Mrs. Ida B. Juddj- . 1 West 87th Sjt?. N*w York Gity* ^ 50c and 35c Bottles ' Manufactured only by A. B. Richards Medicine Co., Sherjnan, Texas. * * SOLD BY / t The McMurray Drug Co. Abbeville, S. C. ERFEK1 SPOT EVER wis simple ;lhey greatest care a enthmtopasstl wii laboratories nmiss"about Roys ble Dealers Everywhere 'ER GUANO O StOffirpi".; boroNC. Columbia S.C.c lomeiyAla. Spartanburg I Columbus 6a. ; ith, or Mail ans and guilder's list, rh you on a complete id "and pleased. Our stock ied,'you,cari easily satisfy particular and exacting ufacture of our entire out 3 through our own saw.and" [shed product, we furnish lish that is of the highest lis our specialty." the Makex',1. " | AUGUSTA LUMBER CO. I AUGUSTA. GA. ' I 'Buster Brown, which comes tb the opere ; house ^Tuesday April 12th, is tiaid to sur. pass in many respects any American pro duction of its kind:.'. The music is tuneful ' and catchy and the play is full of merl meat provoking comedy.. The girls are pretty and well, drilled, the costumes dainty in the extreme and the [scenic environment complete, This i season finds a complete change in the mu sical numbers and o'he to be long remem bered is the famous Campbell kids, to say nothing, of the Buster Brown Ponies. ' ARE MI A0BES IN YOUR SCALP? It Has Beert Proved that Microbes Cause . Baldness. < Professor t[nna of Hamburg, Germany, and'Dr.- feabourand, the leading French dernjatolpgisfx discovered that a microbe causes baldffess. Their theory has time j and ajjainljoen amply verified through re M sparfh.flsneriments carried on under the 1 observation .of. eminent scientists. This ; microbe lodges'in the Sebum, which is the natural'haft oil, and when permitted to flourish JUi'destroys the hair foUides and in : time the pores entirely close, and the scalp ! gradually, takes on a shiny appearance. , When tliifi happens there is;no hope of the growth of'hair being revived. We -hava-ca remedy which will, we hon estly believe, remove dandruff, extermi nate the microbe, promote good circulation in the -sealpi-''and around the hair roots, tighten ana* revitalize the hair roots, and overcome baldnessv?o long as there is any life left in the hair, roots. _ We back lit) this statement with our own personal guarantee that this:remedy called ReXall "93'V/Hair Tonic will be supplied free of all. c^at to the user if it fails to do as wo state. It will frequently help to restore gray and faded'hair to its original color, pro viding. loss .of color has been caused by disease : yet it' is in no sense a dye. Rex all "93" HSir,Tonic accomplishes these re sults by aiding iff making every hair root, follicle,-and pigment gland strong and act ive^ stimulating a natural flow of coloring pigment' 'throughout the hair cells. ? * ., . ' "We exact rro obligations or promises? we simply ask you to give Hex all "93" Hair Tonic # thorough trial and if not satisfied tell u?"and We "will refund the money you paid rig' for it. Two sizes, prides 50 cents and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain it in Abbeville only, at our store?The Eexall Store. C. A."MiTford & Co. R G. Collins, Pd'slniHstor at J^arnegat.lN. J., aavlBes his friends. "I find your Foley's , Honey apd Tar, Compound the best remedy for a cou^ 1 ever tried. I had a la grippe cough that left mo completely exhausted, but r after taking hal/.a bottle or Foley's Honey and Tar Compotipd, the coughing spelJB en tirely ceased. I wish to say It can't be beat." MoMurray Drag Co. r ' . * _ . , * . ^ MEMPHIS UNDER WATER. Extracts From Letter Written Mr* J. R. Blake by his Sob Erskine, now living in Mem phis* Memphis, Tbdd*) Night, Apr. 6,1913; jjtitur xrapa. navo uuiy uhuu \aj uivy o? ine. Memphis Is in a bad shape today ind water still rising, but no possible dan ger of its Retting up in town. All of tforth. Memphis, under water and hotlbee >elng washed away. No gas in city, and vater supply Is contaminated. The city ias turned over the testing of water to \gee and myself and itils keeping us going light and day. We are doing the best we ;an with gasoline and alcohol stoves. Don't get uneasy If you don't hear from ne in the next few weeks. Am drinking iistllled water. The ' street car line that I usually go lome on is under water tonight?the lev Ms broke on it today. I go on another car low, but have to walk some dlstanoe. About 1,000 negroeo were rounded up ;hl8 P. M. and carried across the river to work on levees. When the boat started, a number jumped overboard and swam lack. Can't see a negro on the streets to light. Have'just heard that the levees aejpw here broke this P. M. No telling ivhat amount of damage will be done. Every boat brings in homeless people from icross the river. Boats are running up the streets now where street cars were running several jays ago. Never saw so much water In all )f my life. Balnlng hard now, which does lot help the situation. Fairfield. -A beautiful dby this is; everybody at work. Mr. and Mrs. R. EL B*auford and dear little Julia Belle, from Bethiah, worshipped at Long Cane last Sabbath. Mrs. F. T. Young la sick, ' Mr. J. C. Leard celebrated his birthday last Saturday. Several of his friends and relatives dined with him and all wish him many more happy days as pleasant as this one was. It was the first birthday dinner bis good lady has cooked for him, as Mr. Leard has not been long married. How ever, everything was nice and we wish him joy and happiness. Mr. L. 0. Beauford has been sick the past two days. We were present at the burying of Mr. C. E. Wilson on last Tuesday. He was laid to rest In the cemetery of Bethlah In the presence of imany mends and relatives, who have our deepest sympathy. His grave was a perfect mound of beautiful flowers and ribbons, as pretty as we ever j raw. The pall-bearers wore: Messrs. Henry McNeill, John McCaslan, John Wil son, Robert Wilson, Wardlaw Wilson and Dutch Wilson, all being nephews of the de- 3 ceasad. Funeral services by Bev. J. B. M Hillhouse. The undertaker was Mr. Sign from Abbeville. There Is much sorrow- ja which would Instantly be turned to joy if those who weep could see things as they J really are. Tfle loss of a dear husband I and father, a loving son and a good neigh- I bor, Is grieved over, but if we could see as 1 our loved ones are in glory, we should re* 1 joice. We grieve and let ourselves be 6 crushed by our sorrows, not knowing that the sorrow is only the shadow of a great joy. and that what seems to us emptiness and loss is really the blessedness of heav en. May thse few words comfort the dear aged mother, wife, and loving children. We know not now. but we shall Know here after why these things were done. Thus saitb the Lord. Mr. Josh Bradley spent part of last week with Messrs. Joe and Cowan Young. The egg-hunt at Mr. Joe Young's Satur day was a success. There were 88 chil dren and 76 eggs. All seemed to like hunting eggs, but my! how nice the eating after they were found! Mr. Tom Talbert lost a fine mule last week. Misses Zellle Langley and Irene Young were the first to send answer to last week's riddle. They won the candy. It was: A Not on a Tree. Now, boys, listen and send answer soon to get the prize : What Is it that will go up a smoke stack down and down a smoke stack down, but will not go down a smoke stack up uor up a smoke stack up ? Mr. Josh gave us this one; don't allow him to guess. The first correct answer given to the writer will receive a prize. Mr. G. M. Boyd from Florida spent last Tuesday night with Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Beauford. He was enroute to North Caro l)nn urn*. whirlwind of good clean comedy and music is;.Buster iBrown, which comes to the opera house on Friday April 12th. . Buster Brown is the merriest kind of fun land and with little Mary Jane, Tige and forty otners, not counting the Campbell Kids, twill ^entertain kiddles and kids grown up with more comedy and fun thaq one can shake a stick at. .