The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, April 03, 1912, Image 8

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Mr WEST END. 4 Personal Paragraphs and News Items Contributed by Miss Lily Tenpleton. Mrs. L. H. Bowden, who has been the charming guest of Mrs. W. D. Simpson for the paBt month, leaves today for New Orleans, La., where she will v^sit relatives. Mrs. Bowden will stop in Abbeville on her return for a few days before gt ng to her home in Scranton, Pa. Miss Ida Oland of Greenville is in the city spending a while with Mrs. Lewis Perrin. Mr. Sol Rosenberg and Mr. Albert Rosenberg were visiting in Sumter for a few days last week. Mr. Albert Rosenberg has gone to Charleston to V"- Ul? If. Ufa T m speuil tL WUIIO V?1L1X ITXI auu nuo. ?#. *?*. Visaifska. Miss Mary Quarles Link is here from Converse College spending a few i days with her father, Mr. S. J. Link. Miss Sara J. Lee went to Greenville i last week for a short' visit to her brother, Mr. W. A. Lee. MisB Frances Harris came home1 Wednasday from Bainbridge, Ga., where she has been for the past month I visiting friends. Mr. Stuart Baskin of Columbus, Ga., was in the city several days last week the guest of his brother, Mr. Glenn, Baskin. Mr. Baskin has a good posi tion in Columbus. His friends here are always gald to see him. Miss Annie Hawthorne of Latimer, was shopping in the city Saturday. Miss Grace Smith entertained the bridge club Friday afternoon at a very pleasant meeting. After the games a delightful salad course was served. Mr. Lewis Levi of Manning has been in the city for several days the guest of friends. Miss Jessie Speed is at home again after a pleasant stay in Mt. Carmel, where she was the guest of Miss Kath leen Morrah. Mrs. E. E. Breux and her two chil dren, of Denmark, are in the city spending some time with Mrs. J. A. Harris. Rev. Arthur Spencer of Claussen Is in the city spending a few days with his aunt, Mrs. J. M. Harde.n WOOL TARIFF FASSiSS WUUSiii Washington, April 1.?The Demo cratic wool bill today passed the house, 189 to 92, with 20 Republi cans voting for It. Representative Rucker of Colorado, who opposed It In debate and answered "present" oa the roll call, and Representative Francis of Ohio, who voted against it, were the only Democrats who did not line up with the majority. Representative Payne moved to re commit the bill with instructions to the committee report the Republi can substitute, but that waa lost, 169 f>m. . j ,v \W!\ r i Rost "T < Supporers of the bill dei-.lered it would not cut the government's rev enue but would save more than $50. 000,000 a year to consumers because of the readjustment df rates. All at tempts of Republicans to amend the bill to increase the rates were lost The tariff board came in for criticism during the speech-making. Representative Kitchin charged that 'Senators Smoot and Warren had de liberately imposed on the tariff board to maintain the high duty on wool. ROBERT L. TAYLOR. Washington, March 31.?Robert L. Taylor, United States senator from Tennessee, "Fiddling Bob" to all the South, died here today, unable to withstand the shock of an operation for gall stones performed last Thurs day. Early this morning the senator began to fail to respond to stimu lants. Mrs. Taylor, worn out by a day and night vigil, had gene to her apartments. At 3 o'clock this morn ing the senator began to sink so rap idly that she was sent for. She was at his side when the end came at 9:40 o'colck. An Office-Holding Family "Fiddling Bob" Taylor so known 'because he played his way into the hearts of his audience, carrying his violin wherever he campaigned, was 61 years old. He was born at Happy Valley, in eastern Tennessee, but spent most of his life at Nashville, practicing law. He belonged to an office-holding family. His father was a representative In congress and coo missloner of Indian affairs, and an uncle was in the Confederate senate. Once pension agent at Knoxville, thrice governor of Tennessee, from 1887 to 1891 and 1897 to 1899. Sen ator Taylor forged his way to the national honse of representatives from the same congressional district that had previously sent his father to congress, and later his brother, Alfred A. Taylor, whom he subsequently de reaiea ror goveraur. Entered Senate In 1907 Senator Taylor was a Cleveland Democrat. He had served In the sen ate since January, 1907, his principal activity being in behalf of a com parative system of good roads and the lakes-to-the-gulf deep waterway project. His last speech In the sen ate was made last July in advocacy of a Confederate monument bill. His last appearance in the senate cham ber was a fortnight ago. Senatpr Tay lor is survived by his widow, a ssn, David Taylor and three married daughters in Tennessee. He was stricken March 15 at the union sta tion as he was about to board a train for North Carolina. He was hurried to his apartments, suerffing Intense pain from gall stones. An operation for their removal was urged, but he flatly refused to submit to the knife. Meantime the (I? lll[[||[llllllllllllllll ier. THE Franki heire, is this pri< priced clothe FASHIOI FABRICS WORKM SERVICE * garment fr< We have scoure offer at a price 1 . with FRANK Through FRA without the cust If only for inspe< to you FRAN] for $15.00. V poison was diffused in his system and he finally acquiesced, but to the de lay his death is attributed. Last Thursday two gall stones were re moved successfully, but stomach complication developed, causing ex-! treme weakness, to which he finally succumbed. The senate tomorrow will pay trib ute by an early adjournment. Both houses of congress will appoint com mittees to leave here tomorrow night attend the funeral at Senator Tay lor's old home in KnoxvHle. The burial service will be held there probably Wednesday. How's This? TtTA flna TTnnrlrpH DollflTS R?? f? *7 Vuvt wmw ? ?? ?- ? ? ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. Wd, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney tot the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OP COMMERCE, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu | cous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. T?ke Hafl'a Family Pllla for constipation. * NO CAUSE TO DOUBT. A Statement of Facts Backed by a Strong Guarantee. We guarantee Immediate and positive relief to all sufferers from constipation. In every case where our remedy fails to do this we will return the money paid us for it. That's a frank statement of facts, and we want you to substantiate them at our risk. Rexall Orderlies are eaten just like can dy, are particularly prompt and agreeable iu action, may be taken at any time, day or night; do not cause diarrhoea, nausea, griping, excessive looseness, or other un | desirable enects. mey nave a, mnu uai | positive action upon the organs with which they oome in contact, apparently acting as a regulative tonic upon the relaxed,muscu lar coat of.tbe bowel, thus overcoming weakness, and aiding to restore the bow els to more vigorous and healthy activity. MRexall Orderlies are unsurpassable and ideal for the use of children, old folks and delicate persons. We cannot too highly recommend them to all sufferers -from anv form of constipation and its Attendant evils. That's why we back our faith in them with our promise of money back if they do not giVe entire satisfaction. Three sizes: 12 tablets-10 cents, 86 tablets 25 cents and 80 tablets 50 cents. 1 Remember, you can obtain Bexall Remedies in Abbe ville only at our store,,?The Rexall Store. C. A. Miiford Jc Co. 1,119,000 Sweet Potato Draws. Ready from April 1st to July lst; $1.75 per 1,000. No discount, varieties: nancy Hall, Triumph, and Providence. Place your orders now, as supply will not last long. Tomato Plants: Livlnstons Beauty, New Globe, and Earllana, $2 per 1,000. Pepper Plants: 12 per 1,000. Address all orders to H. Lightfoot, Starke, Fla. Mar. 6, 2m ~Dao. J. Joyce, Sanvllle, Va., Is no glad ho escaped ooufumpllon find egalm-d hlw health mai be write* about It 'or the benefit of o?ti er*. "I bad a 6ongh wbiob bung on for two year*, when 1 began using Foley's Huney and Tar > oinpound. 1 fcppt on until the cough finally left me ntd I Ruined In weigut from 113 to 186 pounds. Id two years I have grown strong and healthy, all Irooa the use of Fo ley 'k Hooer and Tar Oompoand, which cared me." UcMarruf Drug Co. RANK MERICAS GREA iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii STORY ( IL FIFTEEN. America built to meet the demarn :e?and higher. It pre? s. ?Fifth Avenue, New York -Absolutely all wool and thor< [ANSHIP-Hand-tailored throi !r-Warranted to give satisfa se. id the clothing markets, in the < urKirK hits the average man. ?T *AAV?? EL FIFTEEN America's NKEL FIFTEEN every m< omary strain on his wallet. :tion, call at our store and we KEL FIFTEEN?the suit t IT "Buster Brown." The management of the opera house are pleased to announce that they have secur ed for next week the ever popular Buster B.own. It is hardly necessary to say any tain# further for the inimitable Buster, together with Tige and Mary Jane, hl6 churns, being so well known that they re quire no introducing to the theatre-going public of this city. It is said that the show this year is all new, bring greatly elaborated. New features, costumes, mu sic, songs and Scenery being added since its last production aud l'rom critics in the cities where the play has been seen, the assertion has been proven. Master Har old, as Buster, D. J. Murphy as Tige, Lou ise Allen as Mary Jane, and a large sup porting company including the famous Buster Brown Pony Ballot in the newest of all 1911 and 12 mu leal features "The Campbell Kius," promise you an evening of 1 eal enjoyment. Save your "Buster Brown" playbill when you seen this comedy success at opera house Tuesday Apru iz. ine names oi the chorus singers of that organization arq jping to blossom out into stellar ef fulgence before long. It is a promising group of young debutantes that The Bus ter Brown Amusement Co.. has selected to lend volume to the "Buster Brown" en sombles. Some time in the near future each member of the chorus hopes to be a star and then the play-bill of today that prints her name in small type will be a cherished souvenir. CRYING FOR HELP. Lots of It in Abbeville But Daily Growing Less. The kidneys cry for help. Not an organ in the who'e body so delicately constructed. Not one so important to health. The kidneys are the Alters of the blood. When they fail the blood becomes foul and poisonous. There can be no health where there is poisoned blood. Backache is one of the first indica tions of kidney troub'e. It is the kidneys' cry for help. Heed it. Doan's Kidney Pills are what is wanted. Are just what ? v. rworked kidneys need. Tbt-y strengthen and invigorate the kidneys: help them do their work. Rom< the r.rnnf fmm an Abbeville citizen. W. H Peeler, grocer, Greenville St., Abbeville, IS. C., t?ays : "My kidneys were di*ordeied and caused me to suffer from painb in my back. Dpati's Kidney Pills, which I obtained at P. B. Speed's Drug Store, brought me relief and I therefore know that they live up to the claims made for them." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, Fole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's?and i take do other. Do aot drag along with a kidney ailment thai mps your strength, causes terrible back aches, hieeplesbnesH, nervousness, and loss of appetite. Take Fnley Kidney Pill*. They quickly cure all kidney and bladder ailment*, McMurray Drag Co. EL (TEST FIFTEEN DOLLAI iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIHIIIIIIIHIIIII )F FRANKEL i's greatest $ 15.00 Suit for which d of that great majority of men whc ;nts at $15.00 a suit which expresse -created. DUghly shrunk. ugnout. ctory wear, or a new effort to find the best to Our final decision lies Greatest $15.00 Suit, m can be well dressed THE G Every FR Suit or 0\ Guarantee a new one s will cheerfully exhibit hat set the standard or cnarge i that disap] er in servi< DON'T BUY UNT: The Cars that look to cost t\ that are as good as they loc size, power, equipment and p value than that offered in thi Model K. Five Passenger Tourin Wind Shield and Demountable Rims. E Model KR. Roadster, fully equipp gasoline tank and trunk. Delivered Model A. Roadster. The Car tha notice. This is a wonder at the price. Eq Win s;hip?iH Rorvi arid all necessarv toe ? ? 11A ' ii, 1VAVA J Abbeville Let us give you a demonstra1 you will know how to app Models on our floor. Come a Our Shops are the best. Bring guarantee satisfacl Abbeville Mc A. M. STONE, Manager. ... - ' > 4 ? ,? - VR*.^ ' ' > ' fiirpiT ? EN R SUIT IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIW' FIFTEEN we are Sole Agents > wear clothes around :s the ideals of higher GUARANTEE 1 ANKEL FIFTEEN rercoat carries the of its makers that will be given Free m exchange for any points its purchas ce or value. ; m (Inc.) [L YOU SEE THE vice the price, and the Cars >k. In no other Car of its rice can you receive greater 3 1912 Krit Models. g Car fully equipped with Top, delivered f. o. b. Abbeville - - $950 ed, same Car as above, with large $950 t makes them all set up and take uipment includes Top Brassbound >ls and lamps. Delivered f. o. b. $800 tion in these Cars and then v?an-ia+o t il Pitt Wft llRVfi fl.ll I U\jXU uu UiiUi nd look them over. n? vnur l'ftnair work ancl W? "" .7 r tion or no charge. )tor Car Co. ABBEVILLE, S. C.