The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, January 31, 1912, Image 1

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BY W. W. & W. R. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE, S. C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1912. ESTABLISHED 1844 / , ' ' : '- ..' The famous "Yama Yama Girls" "Three Twins" at the Grar S. C., Mond; I unnnnn i fluujiftiv r Our own Timber Lands, own Capital. Our own T proved Equipments. Lo^ No high cost raw materia: die man and paying him p and high rate of interes qkl worn out machinery; plies at high prices. OUR MOTTO?Quality ai these advantages we soli Doors, Blinds and mill wc . ; Complete House , * ' It will cost you nothing , prices. " Buy cf t AUGUSTA I Augusta, Sash?Doors?Blii NYAL'S For building up a run-do * of the system you can1 fin NYAL'S It is composed of such vv< pophosphites of Sodium tonate, Malt Extract, Be< and Nux.. It. is; reconsi ( creases the supply of red improves the appetite an You Must Have Health Nyal's Tonic Sells Accompanied by Our! 4 ? <4# 1 11C ITIUTlUil ABBEVIL ; SCHOOL Tablets Ir General Sch Speed's D witn tne merry musical comeay * i ( ^ i id Opera House, Abbeville, ly, Feb. 5th. Our own Saw Mills. Our Factory with latest im .v Freight Rates. I; no dealing through mid--' rofit; no borrowed money t; no make shifting with no forced buying: of sup id a Square Deal. With cit your orders for Sash, >rk of every description. Bills a Specialty. to investigate^?write for he Maker." ,UMBER GO Georgia. ids?Lumber, Etc. > TONIC vvn or worn out condition d nothing better than . TONIC sll known remedies as Hy and Pottassium, iron rep ii- Peptone, Peruvian Bark tructor .of real merit?in-, corpuscles in the blood? d strengthens the nerves. Y ; } and Energy to Win Out at $1.00 the Bottle Personal Endorsement ay Drug Co., .LE, S. C. ? % BOOKS Pencils , . . . \ Lk ool Supplies. !> rug Store. NOT A PROFESSOR OF PROFANITY. Pious Zeal and Ability Enable Dr. T. W. Sloan to Win Great Success. From a letter recently received from Greenville, the following reference is made to service in the First Presbyterian church of that city: ? < "We had over a thousand wor shippers at the First Church this a. m., and about 800 at tonight's service. Dr. Sloan's" preaching is something, without once using the Lord's name, using pronouns in stead, and opce in a while alluding to the Master." Dr. Sloan went to Greenville some nine years ago, and since then, we believe the momhArfihin nf hiA nhnrnh hftfi incrflased from about 450 to about fiOO. A $25,000 ad dition and organ has been put up. The pastor's salary has been Increased from $1,500 to $3,000 a year. Besides this, his congregation has given him two vaca tions, and paid bis expenses to the Holy Land, or to other equally far distant places. It would seem that Dr. Sloan, at least,| succeeds better at singing hymns than at fighting them. H. W. Abbeville Boy Forges to Front Washington, Jan. 24.?About eighteen months ago Barnwell Aiken, a young son of Representative Aiken, enlisted in the navy, and was assigned to service on the battleship Idaho. A few days ago Mr. Aiken was surprised as well, as delighted to learn that his sou had been appointed yeoman, or petty officer, and had been as signed to a responsible position. It seems that some time ago that young Aiken decided to try for promotion. He stood the required examination "and passed, and secured the appointment with out political pull of any kind. He did not say anything to his father, or any of his other friends, about his intentions, but iust went in and won On his own merits, lone of the officials in the navy depart ment knew be was the son of a congress men, and perhaps none of them know it yet. His father kpew nothing of his 6on's efforts to secure promotion until the ap pointment was made. Young Aikeu writes that there are other promotions within bis reach, and that he will go after them later on. The friends of the family in South Carolina will be .pleased to learn of his success, and will watch his career with interest ?Anderson Daily Mail. Mews on Route 1, Lowndesville. . Mrs. C. H. Bulkley has returned home ^fter a pleasant visit to her father and other relatives. The roads have been in a terrible fix, owing to the continued rains and snow, which has. just melted off; but glad to say they are improving rapidly. Some on Route 1 are making prepara tion for a new crop, while others are wait ing for warmer weather, I suppose. Mr. F. N. Shumate has been confined to his home for the past week with mumps, but is much better now and will soon be able to return to his work. Mr. J. H. Hutchison received a fall a few weeks ago while repairing a bridge and ? ? ~ U.i wi W7 a fiNief Ka mill an/\n WUiJ paiULUUV UUiU no uuou uu nui owu be out again. Mrs. G. M. Speed has recently moved to Lowndesville and Is occupying one of Mr. Jauies M. Baker's cottages. Baker Boles Is staying in town now, studying telegraphy under Mr. Ira Bell, agent at C. & W. C. R. R. Mrs. Mollie Clinkscales and family, ex pect to move to Willington as soon as the roads dry up sufficiently to haul over. We regret very much to see them leave but trust it will be to their interest. Mrs. E. H. Turner of Elberton. Ga., is spending awhile with her father Mr. C. L. Clinksctites. Mr. R. W. Carlisle is having a lot of lumber 6awed oti his place now. He ex pects to build a nice house soon. Mr. J. W. Harden recently purchased a shredder and is shredding up corn for dif ferent ones on Route 1. HE1PF0L HINTS Oil HAIR HEALTH. Scalp and Hair Troubles Generally Caused by Carelessness. Dandruff is a contagious disease caused by a microbe which also produoes baldness. Never use a comb oi* brush belonging to some one else. No matter how cleanly the owner may be, these articles may be In reeted witn microDes, wniQn wiu lpieci your scalp. It is far easier to catch hair microbes than it is to get rid of them, and a single stroke of an infected -comb or brush may well lead to baldness. Never try on .anybody else's hat. Many a hat band is a resting place for microbes. If you happened to be troubled with dandruff, itching scalp, faliing hair or baldness, we have a remedy which we be lieve, will' completely relieve these trou bles. "We are so sure of this that we offer it to you with the understanding that it will cost> you nothing for the trial if it does not produce the results we claim. This remedy is called Rexall "93" Hair Tonic. We honestly believe it to be the most scientific remedy for .scalp and hair troubles, and'We know of nothing else that equals it for effectiveness, because of the results it has produced in thousands of cases. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is devised to ban ish dandruff, restore natural color when its loss has been brought about by disease, and make the hair naturally silky, soft and glossy. It does this because'it stimu lates the hair follicles, destroys the germ matter, and brings about a free, healthy circulation of blood, which nourishes the hair roots, causing them to tighten and grow new hair, we want everybody who has any trouble with hair or scalp to know that we think that Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is the best hair tonic and restorative in ex istence, and no one should scoff at or doubt this statement Until they have put our claims to a fair test, with the understand ing that they pay us nothing for the rem edy if it does not give full and complete satisfaction in every particular. Two sizes, 50 cents and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Abbeville only at our store?The Rexall Store. C. A. Mllford & Co. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS always give satisfaction because tbey always do tbe work. J. T. Sbelnut, Bremen, Ga., says: "I bave used Foley Kidney nils with great satisfaction and fonnd more relief from Ibelr use tban from any other kidney medi cine, and I've tried all kinds. I oan cheerful ly recommend them to all sufferers for kid ney and bladder trouble." MoMurray Djrng Co. Make II fe more worth living by smoking a Speed's cinco. m S Without opiates or harmful drugs of any kind Foley's Honey and Tar Compound stops oougbs and oureB oolds. Do not accept any nbBtltnte. MoMurray Drag Co. WEST END, Personal Paragraphs and News Itemi Contributed by Miss Lily Templeton. Mrs. Edwin Stapleton of Memphis Tenn., was in the city several days last week the guest of her cousin, Mts, John R. Blake. Mr. H. G. Smith went to Dyson last Thursday for a few dayB hunt Mr, Smith was the guest of Mr. James L McMillan and Mr. William C. Owen? while in Dysons. Mrs. Ella Mcllwain was in the city last week for several days the guest of Mrs. J. M. Kirby. . Mis3 Mary Hardep Smith went to Due West Friday and was the guest of Miss Kathleen Klugh at the Col lege for Women until Monday. Miss Oney and Cora Morse were th, guests of Mrs. Geo. White, Jr., for sev eral days last week. miss Dannie Harris leaves l nursaay for ML Carmel where she will be the guest of Miss Kathleen Morrah for several days. . Mfss Octavia Scherln of Sumter, who is In the city the Charming guest of Miss Irene Rosenberg, is. receiving many delightful social attentions. Miss Lila T. Speer and Mr. Geo. W. Speer of Monterey were in the city Friday. Mrs. E. B. Gary returned to Abbe ville last Friday after a very pleasant stay with Chief Justice Gary in Co lumbia.' Mrs. Gary went to Columbia to attend the Banquet held by the State' Bar Association at the Colonia Hotel. Mr. Allan M. Robertson spent Sat urday and Sunday here with his home people. . Miss Jessie Speed expects to go to Mt. Carmel Thursday to spend several days with Miss Kathleen Morrah. ,/Mr. Clyde Morgan spent Sunday In Monroe, N. C., with his parents ,Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan. Embroidery Club The Embroidery Club that has been recently organized was delightfully entertained Friday afternopn by Mrs. George. White, Jr. Deligtful refresh ments of Charlotte. Russe and sand wiches was Berved after the. guests had spent some time in embroidering and conversing pleasantly. The Club will meet every two weeks. Miss Grace Crawford from Parks Creek was in the city Saturday. Miss Bennie Watson, who is teach ing at Belton, spent Saturday and Sunday here with her home people. Miss Mollie Cochran, the successful teacher of the Edgewood school, was shopping in the city aSturday. : Mr. W. A. Stevenson was in. Colum bia last week on business. \ Mr. St. Clair Baskin spent Sunday in Lowndesville with his home people. ! Mr. C. B. Brewerton, cartoonist for the Atlanta Journal, visited friends in the city Sunday. Mr, Richard Sondley was in Colum bia for several days last week. Miss Margaret Klugh went to Due West Saturday and stayed until Mon day witu ner sisters, miss nuuiteou and Mary Klugh, who are students there. Mr. Julius H. DuPre spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ju lius H. DuPre, Jr., at their pretty country home. Daughters of the Confederacy Friday afternoon and evening the Daughters of the Confederacy will en tertain at a Leap Year , Party at the home of Miss Maggie Brooks. In the afternoon from four to five o'clock there will be an entertain ment for the children. An admission of 10 cents will be charged. In the evening from eight to eleven o'clock the older people will be entertained. Refreshments will be served at both entertainments. Dr. F. E. Harrison is at home again after _spending the past ten days in New Yoric. Miss Susan Johnson of Anderson, is In the city spending a few days here with her aunts, Mrs. L. B. Love and Miss Mary E. Baskin. Mrs. Thurston Clark and her little son, Thurston Jr., are in Atlanta vis iting relatives. ' Mrs. R. L. Dargan and her children are in Spartanburg spending a while with Mrs. H. F. McG6e. Mf. Lewis Levi of Manning is spend ing this week here. He is a guest at the Eureka while in the city. . .. There is a movement on foot to have our streets worked. Miss Sara Giles of Anderson is in the city spending a while with her aunt, Mrs. W. A. Templeton. Miss Louise Brown entertained a few of her friends at a spend-the-af ternoon party Saturday. Miss Mary E. Hill leaves this. week for Elberton, where she will be the guest of Miss Jennie Ray Auld. The many friends .of Mrs. A. E. Cor nish will be delighted to know that she is some better after being extre mely ill for the past week. . The Civic League have recently moved into their rooms over Philson & Henry's Store. -Philson & Henry have given the League the use of their rooms and they have been attractive ly arranged. The League is arrang ing for a good many interesting enter tainments. J. B. GLENN'S XOCALS Burt 90 Seed Oats, Spring Barley. ; Garden Seed, Landreth's 2 Pa.for 5c Bliss & Cobbler Potatoes, onion sets, unknown and clay peas. Garden Wire 75c to $3 roll. Good clean Rice 20 lbs $1.00. N. 0. and Ga. Syrup 20c to 50c. Keg and bbls. < Tobacco 30c, 32 l-2c, 35c, 37 l-2c 10 lb boxes. _ Pratt's poultry, cattle powders, rock salt, Cyphus incubators and brooders, ; Chicken Feed, Bran. : Leather and Sho lindings. Farm and garden tools, steel plows collars, bridles, hamtes, traces, lineB halters. ... ., Cotton Collars 50c, 1-2 leather 75c; all leather $2.00. Best pants made for hard use $1.0( and $1.75. Covert for men and boys pants will out wear 40c; Jeans only 12 l-2c yd Cheviots for boys waists and mer shirts. Boys hats 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00. Caps 10c, 15c, 25c. Mens hats 60c, $1.00 $1.50?25 and 50c under value. Shoes, men and ladies, tan button King Bee Comfort, Beacon Oxfords. HOYST HITS THE The explanatic nmdeiriffi the everyingpedi test of our e theresnoluioi Fertilizers. Sold Relia F.S.R0YS1 Sale NorfolkVa. Tar Baltimore Md. Montj Macon. Ga. 1AA IVvn A Ininrv Qnnrrr flnflF tl 7K XVW I ua uuv TT uuvu yi. VI 200 lbs high grade below mill price. 1000 lbs Roasted and green coffee at bargain. / Dr. C. C. Gambrell ?ays that on Fri day afternoon at'5 o'clock there will be the first Fire Drill for the benefit of the Ladles and Children. This will be an opportunity to "see Mutt and Jeff." How To Stop Stubborn Cough We don't mean just stop the irri tation in your throat?but cure the underlying cause. Cough syrups cannot do this.' It takes a constitutional tonic body 1 builder to do the work properly?. and cure you to stay cured.- Vinol is'the remedy you need. HEBE IS PROOF' Mrs. Minnie Osgood, of Glens Falls* 27. Y., writes:-M After trying several rem edies for a bad cough and cold Withont benefit, I was asked to try Vinol.' It , worked like magic. It cured my cold and cough and I gained in health and , strength. I consider Vinol the most wonderful tonic and invigorator I ever saw." If we cannot stop that cough ' | with VINOL?our delicious cod liver and iron tonic?which is made without oil?we will not charge 1 you a cent for the medicine you buy. This seems like a pretty fair proposition?and ought to be ac cepted. Don't you think so? With tnis understanding we asK you to try a bottle of VINOL. P. B. SPEED. Sheriff's Sale. Miss Sarah J. Kennedy individually etc , against W. H. Kennedy and others.?Execution. "V * ,*?' * A' ' V * By virtue of an execution to me di rected, in the above stated case, I will sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, within the legal hours of sale, at Abbeville, on Monday, the 5tb day of February, A. D. 1912, all the- right, title and interest of W, H. Kennedy in the following described property, to Wit: Four Hundred and Fifty (450) Acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Miss Statia Wideruan on the north, by Bradley estate lands on the west, by lands of Mathew CresBwell', J. P. Palmer and estate of Mrs. Cresswell on the south, by estate of A. B. Kennedy on the east.' ' : 's Levied on and to be sold as the prop erty of W. H. Kennedy to satisfy the aforesaid execution and costs. Terms?Cash. C. J. LYON, ' - Sheriff Abbeville Oo'unty* Sheriff's Office, Abbeville C. H., S. C. 1-16-12. ?... Estate of Mrs. Isabella H, Bon ner, Deceased. Notice of Settlement and Application for Final Discharge. Take notice tbat on tbe 29tb day of Feb., 1912, I will render a final account of my actings and doing*.as Administrator of tbe Estate of Mrs. Isabella H. Bonner, deo'ed. In tbe office of Judge of Pr'obal'e for Abbeville County at 10 o'olock a. m., and on the same day will apply for a final discbarge from my trust as such Administrator. All persons having demands against said es tate will present them for payment on or be fore tbat day, proven and authenticated or be U. * . ; Administrator. Cored In his Own Home Town. ' Greenville. 8. C. Dr. J. P. R. Neal, Proprie tor o( tbe Riverside Drag Company, tell# tb? ; way for bis fellow townsmen to be cured ol kidney and bladder ailments as be himself . was cured. "I wish to state that I bave been ' a practicing physician and druggist for over 85 years, and bave sold and administered | many kindred preparations, and Foley Kid ney Pills aresuperior to any I bave ever uced and give the qulckost and most permanent I rellel." McMurray Drug Co. i Do not allow yonr kidney and bladder ' tronble to develop beyond the reach of med lolne. Take Foley Kidney Pills. They give , quick results and stop irregularities with sur prising promptness. MoMurray Drug Co. m is simple; they greatest care & mt has to pass t _ - __ > 7 I * wn mooratones rmiss aboutfiqyt ible Dealers Everywhere "ER GUANO C s Offices b oro N. C. C olumbia S. C. JomeryAla. Spartanburg < Columbus 6a. Sheriff's Sale. Nixon Grocery Co. against I. L. Por ter, Agent.?Execution, : <Bv virtue of an execution to me di rected in the above stated case, I will sell to tbe highest bidder, at public auction, within the legal hours of sale,, at Abbeville, on Monday, tbe 5th day of February A. D. 1912, all the right, title and interest of I. L. Pofter, Agt., in the following described property, to wit: One Hundred and Five (105) Acres,, more or ies?,. bounded by H. 8. McBride, R. F. Morris, R. B. Cheat ham and C. & W. C. Ry. AIpo, one tract containing Ninety Six (96) Acres, more or less, bounded by I. L. Porter, C. <fe W. C. Ry., .T. C Scbrimp, Little Mill Creek and others. Levied on and to be sold as the prop erty of I. L. Porter. Agent, to satisfy tbp aforesaid execution ana costs. Terms?Caeh. C.J.LYON, Sheriff Abbeville County. Sheriff's Office, Abbeville C. H., S. C. 1-16-'12. Master's Sale. The State of South Carolina, County of Abbeville. Court of Common Pleas. W. P Devlin and others against R. Hillery Devlin and others. By authority of a Decree of Sale by the Court of Common Pleas for Abbe ville County, in said State, made in the above stated case, I will ofler for sale, at public outcry, at Abbeville C. H., 8. C., on Salesday in February, A. D. 1912, within the legal hours of sale the following described land, to wit: . All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Abbeville County, in the Stare aforesaid, contain ing Three Hundred and Twenty-seven ($27) Acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of the Misses Adkins, R. H. Devlin and by the public road leading from Abbeville to Verdery, being the homestead of the late Sallie M. Devlin, dieceaeed. ! Sold at the risk of the former pur chaser. Satisfactory arrangements must be made with me in ten minutes after the sale or a re-sale will immed iately take place. Terms of Sale?Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. ' R. E. HILL, ' Master A. C., 8. C. Don't Neglect That Cough If neglected that cough will surely rasp and tear the membranes of the throat. and effect the bronchial tubes a n d lungs as well. Nyal's Cherry n y i c ;_:i i cougn oyrup rids,you. of all mucous de posits in the throat and r prevents further accumu lation., ;With'the first ap pearance of *a cough or cold use : Nyal's Cherry Cough Syrup Two Sizes, 25c and soc sold. by TheMcMurrayOrugCo ABBEVILLE, S.'c. . James Frank Clinftscales. Attorney and Coun8eJlor at Law. .. Abbeville, s. c. Office?First {.floor City Hal J. i--: In the District Court of the Jnited States for the Dis trict of South Carolina. In tbe matter of Frasler & Company, Bankrupts.? In Bankruptcy. Pursuant V an Order of tbe Court made in the above stated matter I will sell at public auction toi highest bidder for cash in front of the Court House at Abbeville, Soutb Carolina,on Sales day in February, 1912, during tbe te gal bours of sale the following de scribed real estate, lying, situate and - being in Abbeville County, South Car olina, to wit: Tract No. 1, Containing Forty-Five (45) Acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: On tbe North by lands now or former- < ly owned by D. B. Cade and by lands of Burdett; on tbe East by lands of Old Zoar Church and lands of Mrs. C. A. Rogers ; on the South by lands of Dr. T. J. Hester, and on the West by lands Of Mrs. S. E. Thomas and Right of Way of Savannah Valley Railway Company and Abbeville Public Road. rhe>.ime being tract conveyed to Mrs. Bessie J. Heard, now Jb raster, by Wit. A. Frith. Tract No. 2, Containing Ten (10) Acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: On the North by lands now or formerly owntd by Thomas Frith, Sr , on the West by lands of Bobert Black, on the South by lands of Elizabeth Taggart, and on the East by Abbeville Public Road. The same being tract conveyed to Bessie J. Heard, now Frazier, by D. B. Cade in 1890. Tract No. 3, Containing Six and One-Fourth (6 1-4) Acres, more or less, and bounded ' as follows : North by lands of J. D. Cade, on West by lands of Mrs. Black, on South by lands of T. J. Hester, on East by lands of Mrs. Bessie J. Fra sier. The same being tract conveyed to Mrs. Frasier by Jno. D. Cade in 1898. Tract No. 4, Being in the Town of Mt. Carmel, S. C., containing three-fourtbs of One Acre and bounded as follows: By lands of Mrs. B J. Frasier, D. B. Cade and Savannah Valley Bailroad. The same being lot conveyed to Mrs. Fra sier by Clementine Burdett. Tract. No. 5, Being in tbe Town of Mt. Carmel, 8. C., containing Acres, more or less, and bounded as follows : On North by lands of J. W. Morrab, South and West by Jots of D. B. Cade aud on the East by Vienna Public Road. Tract No. 6, Being in the Town of Mt. Carmel, containing One-sixteenth (1-16) of an acre and bounded as follows: by lands of M. M. Morrison on the South, Jno. A. McAllister on the North, Jas. Suth erland on tbe East and Main Street on the West. This being tbe lot con veyed to T. B. Frasier by J. B. Dunlap. Tract No.7 A lot or parcel of land in Calhoun Mill Township, about two miles from Alt. Carm?l and bounded by lands of J. H. Robinson, Mariah Smith and others, and being tbe same parcel of land conveyed to Frasier & Company by Mary and Will Tate, and upon wbich is situated a good tenant house. Purchaser to pay for papers. I will sell, The tract of land con taining Three Hundred and Seventy Five (376) Acres, more or less, belong ing to said Bankrupt Estate, situate in Lincoln County, Georgia, lying and being on waters of Savannah River, tbe Petersburg and Augusta Road, at public auc.ion in front of the Court House ' at Lincolnton, Georgia, on Tuesday, the 6th day of February, 1912, during the legal hours of sale. December 21, 1911. J. M. Nickles, Trustee. Charles Durham,, has suc ceeded In finding a positive cure for bed wet tlug. "My little boy wet tbe b??d every night clear through on the floor. I trle-.t several Kinds of kidney medicine and I was In the drug store looking for something: different to help Ulm wben I heard ot Foley Kidney Fills. After be bad taken them two days we could see a change and wben he bad taken two thlrds oIa bottle he was cured. That 1b about lx weeks ago and be baa not wet In bed since." MoMurray Drag Co.