m t t BaIava Ahpsefmac uciviir viii latmua Clean=Up SALE w 4 % t t ? All Goods S A Genuine Money Saving L?" ? _ ? X. I Hi VCI11 L/UWll UU U1C Prices on Ladies Suits and Coats $25.00 Suit -reduced price $18.00 20.00 (< " " 15.00 16.50 ?t " " 12.50 10.00 i ( " " 8.00 30.00 Coat 4' " 20.00 25.OO ( 4 " " 18.00 22.50 i i " " 16.50 I 5.OO i i " " 11.00 We have tried to tell you in print what un usual values we are offering, but the best evi dence is an examination of the goods them selves. See them and convince yourself. Millinery at Cost This is the ending of the most successful season we have ever had in Millinery, but we have still a large stock which must be sold regardless of cost. If you will come in and let us show you we are confident that you will make your pur cnase nere. 11 is aDsoiuteiy necessary inat we dispose of our Millinery before Christmas and in order to clean up we have instructed all in this department to close it out regard less of cost. You will be surprised at the bargains we are offering in this department. Laces and Embroideries We will also put in this sale all our Laces and Embroideries. All will remember our beautiful line and in order to get the stock down as low as usual in January we have reduced the prices so much that you will be surprised at the bargains we are in position to offer. All goods sold un der this Bargain offer are strictly Cash. REMEMBER TI tinue until Christn Txrill -Pav +1in P.qcI JLUA UJULV VUiOJI 5 In order to wind up the s and clear out all "Odds and ! business January 1st, 191: fresh and new, we have de tion in prices for CASH thf our Stock to a normal stat< sale the greatest values ever dering the timeliness of th merchandise offered. old Under tbis B An Honest, Sincere Sale Offering?Truly Genuine Saving Opportunity We find that we afe overstocked on Blank ets and have pot them in this sale at about cost. $10.00 All-wool Blankets $7.25 7.00 " " 5.25 5.50 ? " 4.50 4.50 " " 3-50 3.50 " 41 2.50 2.00 Cotton Blanket 1.50 ^ f r\ Oil life _ _ 9 OO ? ??"? ? 1-75 " - - i-25 1.25 ?' - - 1.00 A look will convince you that this is an op> portunity to take advantage of. The Most Successful Season is Just Draw And we know no better way to sh business than to give you ger save dollars for you. Everybody knows tl carry, hut nobody ha on them as are givei Moderate prices being the ke^ promise you so much unless thes< nary. They are. We have tried a difficult matter. The goods the] and more easily than anything w No Fake or Mi but a plain business proposition. to raise the money we are willin "We hope for the attendance o; invite all those who have not yet in and see for what little prices r LACE CURTAINS and SHADES About Christmas time you will need to fix up the house, and this sale will be an oppor tunity to get some Lace Curtains at greatly reduced prices. To appreciate the low prices von will Vinvr* to romp in and look. Reduced prices on all our Window Shades in this sale. IIS SALE. Rememl las. Also rememb< 1. sason's business expediently Ends" so that we can start 1, with everything bright, cided to make such a reduc it will enable us to reduce 3. We promise you for this offered in Abbeville, consi e sale and reliability of the arm Offer are S Actual Savings in Table Linen We are overstocked on Table Linen and in order to reduce the stock we are offering $1.00 Table Linen for 8oc .75 41 ** 60c .50 44 44 42^c .40 44 4 4 30c .25 4 4 . 4 4 20c $3.00 Doylies, dozen $2.50 2.50 4 4 4 4 2.00 2.00 4 4 4 4 1.50 r if < < <' j X./D ..-J 1.50 " " , 1.15 1.25 11 " 1.00 Some beautiful patterns in this lot in the History of this Store dng to Close .ow OUR appreciation of YOUR mine price reductions that will Vvlft 4- y~v nn /*/ /I V?1tl Xt QUr auic )uu lu save; uuuoiuciauij vjh y\ju; w?nu^ bill, especially low prices will be made in Children's Shoes, as we find that we bought too many, and to get the stock down we are offering some at about cost. Any old stock shoes will be sold regardless of cost. Silks Silks $1.25 Black Taffeta, yard - $1.00 1.00 " " " - .80 .75 Silk, yard - - .60 1.25 Messaline Silk, yard - 1.00 1.00 " " " - .80 .75 Silk, yard - - .60 .50 " - .39 1.21 Persian Silk, vara - 1.00 V1? ' ? I \ ' is ' ' ; 1.00 ." " " - .80 .75 " " " - .50 All Remnants Silk will be closed out in this sale regardless of cost. Some great Bargains. All goods sold under this Bargain offer are strictly Cash. once and will con he Reduced Prices