The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, November 23, 1910, Image 5

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mbmmmb ?a? ?a? Those $15 and Ov m ?s /T? We give you a choi garments cut to suit bot] If you are of the prove the economy of 01 Boys' Our garments for tl , our Men's Clothing, anc For example, we offer J Every style garment tha * ill liiis Liiiciit. iu* D. PQ The Press and Banner. Published every Wednesday at two dollars x a year la advance. "tFedEesday, Nov. 23, 1910. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1911 Almanac The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Almanac for 1911, that guardian Angel in a hundred thousand homes, is now ready. Not many are now willing to be without it and the Rev. Irl R. Hicks Magazine. Word and Works. The two are only one dollar a year: The Almanac is 35c prepaid. No home or office should fail to send for them, to Word and Works Publishing Company, St. Louis, Mo Lumber for Sale. I have about 50,000 feet of rough lumber for sale. Win. Castleman, Route 3. Lowndesville, S. C. Wanted. Everyone in Abbeville and vicinity to read the opening chapters of the new "seriol Kw \V Phonihnrc in i ho Vnvom ber number of Cosmopolitan Magazine. It is tho greatest novel of the year and is illustrated by Charles Dana Gibson. For Sale. Appier seed oats 75 cents, Blue Stem seed wheat $1.50 per bushel. Guaranteed sound and pure. Jas. H. Cheatham. For Sale. Georgia cane syrup at 35 cents per gallon in 35 gallon barrels. Also, home-made vinegar at 20 cents per gallon. Terms cash. W. H. Davis, 1308 Taylor street, Columbia, S. C. DEFORE ordering MAGAZINES get our D big clubbing catalogue and special offers and save MONEY. Southern Subscription Agency, postal card will do.) Raleigh, N. C. NEXT. The next number on the program of the series of entertainments under the auspices of the Civic Club for the benefit oi the High School is the Caveny Co., MonHnv niirhf- Viu?r 91 tf fit flit* T-Iiirh School Auditorium. The first, the Scotch Singers was strictly musical, and pleased the lovers of music?the Caveny Co., will appeal to the artists and lovers of ait in the community. J. Franklin Caveny is an artist and cartoonist of world-wide reputation. Iiis skill is marvelous and a revelation to the average talent. With Mr. Caveny is associated Mrs. Marie Caveny, a sweet soprano singer. Morse's Locals. Twenty cans fresh sausage for Thanksgiving. A half barrel of the finest fat mackerel you ever saw. We will have a shipment of that fine sausage to arrive today, and will make orders all during the fall. This is the season for big hominy and the old fashion buckwheat. We have them w aon you make your fruit cakes 01 mince meat pies, remember we have the seeded raisins and currents, all the differ ent kinds of nuts and citron. We have a small quantity of nice home raised pecantf. A line lot of cucumber pickel in brim has just been received. Mackerel and white fish in kit*; tlicy an fine. Come and see them. Give us a call if you want nice prunes, oi a good Edam cheese. liemember we can furnish you with the best Jellico coal. Amos 13. Morse Co. The young ladies say that Gutli's candj is the finest. For sale at Speed's l)ru? Store. Suits ercoats at 4 i't We particularly ; ers of $15 and $1S frankly believe we ^ v\ All O Ul nils gruujj ux v^ivj splendid showing of at ?10. . We contend that \ to spend can come 1 * ' Suit or Overcoat fo] to pay $15, and the $20. to spend can s purchasing one of oi We Guarantee $ and Overcoats se We know that t but it takes values values to hold trade it is the service and Clothes that bring 01 son after season. 11 those things and be dence in our Clothe their yalue. ce of all the newest fabric b conservative and extrem show me" disposition con iir values. Clothes S -10 TTnnn rrcf^rc qrP mflflp 1 J V/UJUguvvj.u ma ^ I the*values are a full thirc suits special at $2.95 tha it's popular for the boy is t( * quality is $4, but the pri 'LIAE St. Elmo Nov- 24thAccording to the management of "St. Elmo" the drama built upon Augusta J. Evans famous novel of the same name, the play will be presented in a way to satisfy the most critical taste when it is seen in this city at The Grand on Thanksgiving Night Nov. 24th. Special scenery has been built for the production and the cast is made up of picked players, who have been drilled under the supervision oi the author Neil Twomey. 3421. Report of the Condition of Thp Mima) Rant nf Ahhflvillfi 1UU JLIUUUIIIU JJUUil ux UUUUUUUj at Abbeville, In the State of South rarollna. Ht the close of business, November 10.1910. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 9216,056 99 ovprdrHltR, secured and un>ecured... 19,241 79 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation ... 18,780 iu Bonds, securities, etc. 500 00 Banking house, furniture und fixtures 5,000 (Ml , Other real estate owned 2,900 00 Due Irom National Banks (not Reserve agents) 29,494 03 Due from State and Private Banks Htid Bankers. Trust Companies, and S?vlrgs Banks ; 8,320 10 Due from approved reserve agent*... 35,232 89 Notes of other National Banks 1,950 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents 113 52 Lawful Money Reserve In Bank, viz: Specie 811,545 00 Legal-tender notes 14,115 00? 25,660 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas'r (5 per cent, of circulation) 937 50 Total .{364,156 82 LIABILITIES. . I Capital stock paid In S 75,000 IX' ; Surplus fuud 25,000 CO Undivided profits, less expeuses and taxes paid 12,361 57 National Bank notes outstanding is,"Mi u< Individual deposits subject to check 166,681 62 Demand certificates of deposit 26,363 63 Bills payable. Including certificates ol deposit lor money borrowed... 40,000 00 Total.. .. .5364,150 82 I State of South Carolina, ? g B . uouniyoi Aonevme. t I. H. CJ. SiDlth, Crfsbier of the above-namfd bank, (Jo solemnly swear that the above statement 1b true to thp bestot my knowledge i and beiiel. H. G. Smith, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17ib day of Noy.. 1910. W. IJ. Whit1", Notar> Public. Correct?Attest: J. K. OI ENN. ) AMOS H. MORSE, > Directors. J. S". fc'fARK, j [The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. J'KOllATG COURT. In tbe matter of the K-tate of Jacob Clamp, Deceased. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. I All persons Indebted to said estate must | settle without delay, and those holding | claims against tbe estate must present them | properly attested 10 Mrs. Isabella Wilson, or to John S. Martin, Admr's. You ask. Who is Guth ? Well, he is not t he man who put the gait in the sea, but he is the man who makes the line candy the I I; I ? ...II T.V 1 f^iriis liivtr bu wcii. iui oiuc at o. 1; Ask for Speed's Cinco cigars and have no 'other; the kind Well man carried in his > balloon. ? ' Have you tried Iiexall ?J8 Hair Tonic ? If not. pet a bottle from C. A. Milford it Co You will he delighted. Phone 107. For eatarrh of the head and stomach get n bottle of Mucutone from C. A. Milford & ' Co. Every bottle guaranteed. Prompt service nnd high quality of drugs j is our motto. Phone'us if you want your I goods quick. C. A. Milford & Co. ? For any and everything in the drug line phone Milford's and save time. r A good prescription man on duty all the , time. Send them to us and receive them ' promptly. C. A. Milford ?fc Co. ; i o.oo direct this Ad to buy\ Clothes, because we can satisfy the ideas 'thes buyers with our Suits and Overcoats ; the man who has $1C to our store and get a r which he would have i man who has $18 01 ave the difference by ur $12.50 garments. 15 Suj,s $ t n rvice ror he price may attract, and the right kind o 1 i. We appreciate that the satisfaction of qui lr customers back seat is because we know cause we have confi>s that we guarantee s?you can choose from e dressers. le in to-day and let us ipecial n the same good way as 1 greater than elsewhere, t are regular $4 values. d be found ce is "J ;off. Master's Sale. The State of South Carolina, County of Abbeville. Court of Common Pleas. Mrs. Emma V. Bigby and others, Plaintiffs, against Mrs. Lillje Eu genia Robinson and others, Defendants. By authority of a Decree of Sale by the Court of Common Pleas for Abbe ville County, in said State, made in the above stated case, I will offer foi sale, at. Public Uutcry, at ADpevme \j. H., 6. C., ou Salesday in December, A. D. 1910, within the legal hours of sale the following described land, to wit All that tract or parcel of laud situate, lyiug and being in Abbeville County, in the Sta^e aforesaid, containing Oue Hundrend and Ninety-Cjix (196] Acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of L. A. Morris on the south aud southwest; by Dr. J. W. Shirley ou the north and northwest; by C. L. Ashley and the E-nate of James Bigby on north and northeast, and by ES' rate of John M. Ashley on fhe east. This laud may be sold in two or more tracts. Terms of Sale- Oue-half cash, balance on a credit of twelve months, with interest from day of sale; credit portion secured by boud of purchaser aud a mortgage of the premises, with privilege to pay all cash. Purchaser, to pay for papers and recording. R. E. HILL, Master A. C., S. C. Mr, Otto Paul, Milwaukee, Wis., says Foley's Honey BDd Tor Is still more than the best. He writes us, "All those tbat bought 11 think li is the be*t for coughs aDd colds tbey ever h?<l and I tblok It Is Mill ti ore than the best. Our baby had a bad cold and u cured him lu odp day. Please accept thanks." (J A. Mlllord <? Co. FURS WAFTED All kiuds of Furs Muskrat and Others. Muskrat 25c to 85 cts. Mjnk - 50c to $7.50 The highest market price always paid. Further iuformation may be had by calling on or addressing S. POLIAKOFF Next djor to Postofllce, Laurens, S. C Our readers have doubtless noticed tht advertising of the Cortrlght Metal Roofing Co., 50 N. 23rd St., Philadelphia, Pa., which flits oeen appearing in uie rruss mm Banner" for some months past and wc hope those who have had reason to be interested in roofing material have profited hereby. The Cortright Company is by far the largest maker of Metal Shingle in the world, and their product is well and favorably known over the entire United States. They are always glad to give prompt attention to inquiries and to eithei send samples and quote prices to those likely to be in need of roofing, or to refei them to a nearby local Agent. If its blood trouble you have Milford's sarsaparilla does the work. Every bottle guaranteed. Ask anybody who has evei taken it. C. A. Milford ?fc Co. See our lino of cut glass, leather goods and fine crockery before buying. C. A, Milford ?fc Co. imtiimjuiiiimu jl An Story For Little Polks ' The Cat School 4 From Pittsburg and from Boston, From Springfield, too, as well, - The cats came to the cats' school To learn to read and spelL It's kept by Mrs. Scratcher, A cat of mighty brain, ' Who teaches them their lessona, ^ ( Well aided by her cane. > Beneath her sage tuition In course of time you'll see The maltose, if he studies, > A clergyman will be. mr .. II .U. I , T; x$ ; ! * TO LEAEN TO READ AND SPELL. Young Tab will be a soldier, A captain bold and true, And Jack will be a lawyer, And make a good Judge too. The teacher's kind and gentle, > Although severe she looks; w She makes them pay attention j And stick well to their book*. ?Detroit Journal. I " C 1 An Animal Story Por I Little FoIKa fc ? E The Mice a Who Would. Be Frogs s ; ? Mr. Bullfrog sat sunning himself on ^ the bank of the pond and wiggling his throat to get it in good shape for the P evening concert at Lily Pad Opera House. ~ Three young field mice came sauntering by looking for grasshoppers. They i soon spied Mr. Bullfrog and were much attracted by the funny wiggle In hli green throat "I wish I could do that," d, said No. 1. "Easy enough," grunted Mr. Bullfrog. 0! I "Yes, but we haven't the kind o! rr throat," said No. 2. "If s all in practice," commented Mr ? Frog. "All In practice, I assure you m mm ma = a,.'-./.,C/\A.r. < j' i ' . .: ' LwAy5, ^ ; .??g>~ 1 | fatheb and motheb pulled him out. Practice, my dear young mice, makes perfect See! I do this every day for ten hours." "Whew!" gasped No. 8. "I don't think lfs worth while. I'd rather be a frog out and out and swim around In the cool pond.. It's so hot out here In the fields! How do you learn to swim? Is that Just practice too?' "Pnreiv so." said Mr. Frosr. drawing himself up proudly. "Purely so. Just jump lu like this, then strike out like - this, and then like this, and In a few months you will find that your hair will come off. Your feet will become webb<Kl like mine, and your mouths will Eitretch, your tails will drop out as mine did, for I had a tall once, and you will become frogs. But, my dears, i remember, it*s practice, practice, practice. Practice will change anything into anything." "Thank you," said they in chorus, "we will try it at once." Off they set to the barn, where the drinking trough stood. "Here goes for a frog," said one, and, standing on the edge, he plunged in. ' "Oh! Oh! Oh I Help, help!- he squealed plteoualy. "I'm drowning. I can't practice, 'cause I can't get my breath. Mother! Father! HelpP Just then mother and father came by ' and pulled him out dripping. "Silly thing," scolded his mother, "to try to be what you can't"?St Loulf Post-Dispatch. He Kdctt Him, She?George says he feels for you. ! He?He always says that after ha | has made a touch.?Yonkers Herald. I . ! Khali Women Vote* [ If they did, millions would vote Dr. King's New Life Pills the true remedy j for women. For banishing dull, I fagged feelings, backache or headache, . constipation, duelling colds, imparting appetite and toning up the system, ' they're unequaled. Easy, safe, yure. ' 25c at Speed's drug store. > l Schedule for l>ue West Railway. ! Morning train leaves Due West at 10:30. : Evening train leaves Due West at 4M0. Tbpse, trains meet the morning auct evening trains on the Southern at Donalds. > PuMnceri can go out from Due West on , the evening freight train whloh leaves Dae Wert at two o'clock. rhe Dargat ot add to your home or Prices hanksgiving for the Chil The best thing about Thar lildren is the good dinner, and ti !mas is only four weeks off. appy realization and the other cipation. By coming to us for your nd other Xmas gifts you can mal nd girls very thankful this year. HANKSGIVING FOR FJ Tho the price of cotton and orn crop are making our farmers ll, yet we can make them more t >r with our low prices on Two I >isc and Peg Tooth Harrows, W 11 kinds. Saddlerv and Har hovels, Buggy and Wagon Mate luilders' Hardware, we can save ollar. Our Hardware Departrr lete. THANKSG On the Calendar Thanksgivi ous rush for Christmas goods thi Join the Shop Early Club an ther gifts every day. Buy no^ :as finds your shopping list bong THE DARGAN/ ' #lusiness Places Closed ThanksgivingWe, the undersigned, agree to close our aces of business Thanksgiving Day, ovember 24,1910. The L. W. White Co. A. M. Smith, J. S. Bowie Co. Cason <fc Mc Allister,. Pressly & Perrin, National Bank, Abbeville Telephone Co. C. A. Milford & Co., Sunday hours. r. a. opeea, ounaay noure. Parker <fc Reese, E. M. Haddon & Co. S. J. Link, The Rosenberg Mercantile Co. Farmers Bank, Philson & Henry, 8. S. Turner, J. Hayne McDill, L. C. Haskeil, Amos B. Morse Co. R. L. Mabry Co. L. T. Miller, A. M. Hill & Sons, 0. H. Bobb, v Mrs. J. S. Cochran, Abbeville Drug Co., Sunday hours. Cash Bargain Store, W. G. Hollingsworth, AV. C. DuPre, J. W. McKee, Kerr Furniture Co. Stark Vehicle Co. Scott Hammond, Peoples Savings Bank, The MoMurray Drug Co. Hot Hustler Racket, W. T. Cason, T. H. Maxwell, W. A. Calvert, A. B. Cheatoam, J. Allen Smith, Jr. E. R. Thomson, W. D. Barksdaie, W. E. Johnson, D. Pollakoff, H. Weinraub, L. W. Keller & Bro. J. R. Glenn, D. A. Dewev, Abbeville Hardware Co. The Dargan-King Co. The Dargan-King 5 and 10c Store. Wilson, The Furniture Man, Thos. Tolbert, Postmaster, W. G. Moore. WAKE UP! Shake off that tired feeling due to sluggish liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels. Cleanse and purify your system with the greatest of tonics, OXIDINE i 1 ?a bottle proves. The specific for Malaria, Chills and Fever, and all diseases due to disorders of liver, bowels, stomach and kidneys. 50c. At Your Druggiatt For sale by Mt. Carmel Bargain House, Mt. Carmel, 8. C. '-?<?? v?r *- ' n-Kicjj Co.r Thanks Next to health tl the things we feel ir ing 1910 we have m homes thankful by our excellent Stove le of these necessities to hi range from $9.50 t dren! Thankseivi ! i iksgiving for Men, we he fact that smile if you ^ The one a hundreds of a joyful an Department, Toys, Dolls useful thinSs <e your boys partment to t feel thankful IRMERS THANKSG the bumper ; very thank- We are v hankful still, splendid busii lorse Plows, and we are t: ire, Tools of merit your p ness, Hoes, best goods :rial, and all , . and by put vou manv a % r lent is com- at once show right-store. IVINQ! CHI ng is a month off from Christmas, is year. Everything points to it.' d buy now. We /are selling Toys, y while the stock is complete and y< ht and stored away. KING COMPANY $16.20?Washing! AND RETO ABBEVI1 . . . YI SOUTHERN Accou] National Rivers and December Proportionately low round Pullman Sleeping Cars and S Service on all through trains, i ' Excellent Schedules, Tickets sold December 3 tc limit returning not later than 1 For detailed information, call 0 Southern Railway or Jno. L. Meek, A.G.P.A., Atlanta, Ga. Charleston and Western Carolina Ry Bohedule In effect September 12, 1608. t Dally Dfltly Dally t Lv Augusta 10.10am 4.85pm 6.80am * Ar MoCormlck- 11.56am 6.38pm 8.14am ' Lv McCormlofc 8.15am Lv Calhoun Falls... 9.25am 1 Ar AnderBOD- 11.00am Lv McCormlcK 11.56am 6.48pm 1 Ar Greenwood 12.57pm 7.50pm t Ar Waterloo 1.28pm Ar Laurens 2.00pm \ ^ Ex. San. Lv Laurens 2.85pm 8.10am Xt Fountain Inn... 8.17pm 9.23am T Ar Greenvtlle 4.00pm 10.20am 1 Lv Laureus 2.32pm Ar Woodrufl 8.19pm S ArSpartanburg 4.u5pm ijv bpuriauburg .... 5.25pm (do. Ky.) Ar Hendersouvllle 8.15pm ' Aj Asbevllle 915pfa . . "( LvUshevUle 7.00am (So. Ry.). Ar Hendersonvllle 8.0jam LvSpartanbnrg 12.20pm (C. 4 W.C. Ry) Lv Woodruff 1.13pm [ArLaurena 2.03pm Lv~GreenvU]e 12l20pni OOpm Kx.Sun. ? Lv Fountain Inn... 1.08pm 5.25pm Ar ljaurens l.sopm o.apm Lv Laurens 2.12pm (C. N. A L.) Lv Clinton 2.32pm Ar Newberry 3.20pm Ar Columbia 4.55pm Ar Charleston 10.00pm Lv Laurens 2 32pm C- <k W. C.) Ar Greenwood 3.32pm 6.55am Lv Anderson 4.00pm Lv Calhoun Falls... 5.36pm Ar McCormlck 4.82pm 7.52?m 6.45pm ^ Lv MoCormlck 4.32pm * 7.52am 6.47pm Ar Augusta 6.15pm 9.35?m 3.35pro Holld through trains between Greenville and ? Charleston via Laurens and Columbia. Trl-weekly Palace Car Line between Au- ^ gusta and Asbevllle. Trains Nos. 1 and 2 leave Augusta Tuesdays, Thursdays and Rat- ^ nrdays. Leave Asbevllle Mondays. Wednes- i days and Fridays. Nole?The above arrivals and departures,as ^ well as connections with ott>er companies, are given ad Information, and are not guaran- j teed. r Krnest Williams, G. P. Aet., Augusta, Ga. t JR. A. Brand. Traffic Manager. ? Guth's candy is what you want for your girl. She likes it. Speed's Drug Store. For real enjoyment smoke Speed's Cinco j cigars. / ?- ?I giving! I ie comforts of home are ; H lost thankful for. Dur- 9 aae a nunarea or more m placing therein one of 1 s or Ranges. May we :M t thankful for ? v Jl o $55 I I ing for the Wife! I will guarantee you a thankful will take home any on? of the H beautiful things from out China fl or any one of the exceedingly H . bH from our Housefurnishing De- h hat good wife of yours. Youil jH too. Try it. gj IVING FOR OURSELVES 1 -v ery thankful to all of you for the U ness you have given us this Fall, : rying as hard as we know how to ,..3H atronage by giving you the very i all our lines that we.can bay, H ting prices on them that will you that you are buying at the JH RISTMAS! I There is going to be & tremen H , Dolls, China, Cut Glass and iSi ou will be thankful when Christ- ' H .--uWUvllEHT. | ton, D. C?$16.20 I RN FROM . I jLE, s. c. I RAILWAY I Harbors Congress, I 7-9, 1910. trip rates from other points. SB Southern Railway Dining Car jH f Sapreb Service. Hp ) 7, 19io, inclusive, with final , 'BH nidnight December 14, 1910. ' n nearest ticket agent of the 9H Alex. H. Acker, T.P.A., |H Augusta, Ga. CAVE NY CO. B Every child in Abbeville should be taken ?K] a see the Caveny Co., Monday night, at ? ;he High School.- Special rates are given HB ;o children. There is no telling the re- H suits of seeing and hearing an entertainnent of this character. . . , Hfl Hare talents may be 8wakened, the very H east will be an incentive to, greater inter- -,S| sst in the higher things. ' M J. Franklin Caveny as a clay modeler BB| rill surely interest you. H| Get your school books from Speed's IgHH )rug Store. 9H9 Window glass and putty for sale at Ipeed's Drug Store. S9H **** |?g Blue Bidge Railway Go. H , Effective Jaiy~28j 1&10. No. 12 No. 10 No. 8 H| Eaitboand. Dally Dally ex. pud m Stations? A. M. P. M. A- M. ,v Walhalla 7 00 8 90 10 30 BIB 18 18 *8 -M v Jordan la - 7 28 3 46 11 83 v Adams ...... 7 41 4 01 11 68 ?I ,v Pendleton 7 66 4 16 12 12 8M 4 24 12 w inn ?p:'T IS <3 88 H iV West Anderson .. 8 28 *?7 1 0? ,v Anderson (Pass, den), 8 31 4 62 1 15 Hfl ,v Anderson (Fgt. dep)... 8 34 4 65 2 83 MHj ,v Ersklne Siding . 5 15 ...?. Lr Belton 9 00 5 25 2 50 HUH Westbound. No. 11 No. 9 No. 7 Stations- p.M. A,,M,.A.M. ,v Belton - 6 oo 11 22 |W ,v Ersklne Siding ? HRB ,v Anderson (Fgt. depot) 6 00 11 47 .... mm iV Anderson (Pass, dep)- 6 08 11 50 7 <g ,v West Anderson 6 08 11 57 W W ,v Denver ? 20 19 10 7 96 HH I* iliS '8 :;pi?sj;z ??> ?? am V2^-~r=z !8 88 SU -mm jV Jordanla - 7 01 12 67 8 85 iV Seneca 7 08 1 00 8 38 jV West Union 7 21 1 18 8 46 ir Walballa 7 86 1 83 9 CO HB Will also stop at the following sUtloas and |hB ake on and let off passengers?.Phlnney's, ]MH ames, Toxaway, Welch. . \ J. E. Anderson, 8up?rlnUa4**t H| ' j