The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, October 05, 1910, Image 8

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1 b i 111 w m, , I I** i\//i Abbe See Mons. Di P % j^,* -nrs** Positively the ( Don't miss that Grj The Model C ^ BaBaMMMMHMMMMI^MMHMMBHHnHHOTa WEST END. ' th * e^ Personal Paragraphs and Hews Items ? ' Contributed by Miss Lily Templeton,, i[, Mrs. E. B. Calhoun and Miss Willie Cal- a: houn left Monday for their home in Atlan- ei ta after spending the past week here with ol * Mrs. J. H. Perrin. 1 ft Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Boyd of Mt Carmel n< wereKn the city last Wednesday shopping, tl Mr. fiovd is one of Mt Carmcl's most influencal citizens. as Miss Helen White left Friday for an ex- o\ tended visit to friends in Charleston th Spartanburg and Easely. She will be out to of the city for several weeks. ' es Dr. J. w. Keller left last week for FVori- pc da where he will spend the winter with re- ro latives. Prof. D. M. Moore of Yorkville who pe taught the Antreville school several years bo and was in the city last week and went to mi Antreville to visit friends. Mr. Moore is a ro student at the Medical College in Atlanta pa and has gone to continue bis studies. pit I IMr.IJ.IW. Andrews of Willington was in mi the city Monday the guest of his son Mr. hii Walter Andrews. ce Mr. J. W. Fulmer of Lexington who is ce who is in charge of the Antreville High be School was in the city Saturday. th Dr. Luther Ellis of Due West spent Mon- ar / day here Dr. Ellis has a position in the th Nashville Dental College and stopped in to Abbeville on his way to Tennessee. be Mrs. J. H. Latimer came home Monday uu from Greenville where she has been spend- eq iug a while with relatives. th Mrs. A.J. Geer ol Charleston is in the city spending a few days as the guest of tu Mrs. C. A. Miiford. ra hi of The Abbeville LibraryThe past week has been an interesting iei and busy one at the Library. More visit- ,]e ors called than any preceding week. Many ^ ladies who attended the openings availed up themselves of that opportunity of seeing U( the Library. All expressed themselves ^ nriH in nunv if tvna n nlonennf. ? v.vwpjwvv.^ vv "**"V ,w " w jjj surprise. Seven new members joined, and ar the following books were- donated: Swiss Family Eobinson, Trilby and five books m for children, by Mrs. Gary Hall. Though en in its infancy, Abbeville is very proud of her library. "Despise not the day of small things," for with just a little substantial help from 2 our city Abbeville's Library will soon be with those of her sister towns. JJ K- ti It's the World's ltral. ?? Noxme baa ever made a salve, ointmentor balm to compare with Buck.leu's Arnica Salve. It's the one per- b< feet healer of Cute, Corns, Burns, 1 Bruise?, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Eczema, Salt Rheum. For Sore Eyes, gj Cold Sores, Chapped Hands, or Sprains, it's supreme. Infallible for] n Piles. Only 25c at Speed's drug store. " \ 1 iiiumy Hrai miiinmi mi i ti IRST rhty / ville, Sat AFTERNOON auhlaw, the Human basdiimn i?i irandest Amusen ind Free Street Para rirls in "The Newlyweds and thf "The Plungers "_ In every line of business conducted in lis wide awake country there pops up rery now and then a daring man who erfonns seemingly impossible achievelents. Men like Frick and Schwab in the lanufacture of steel; Harriman in con-all ig various railroads; .Leiter in wneac; [organ in financing great corporations, all re known as plungers; this because when ther of them thinks an enterprise worthy t attention he puts all his energy and a ibulous amount of capital into it at once, 5t waiting for developments but pushing le venture to success from the start. In the show world Ernest Haag is known I i the most daring plunger, * being sole! verof the mighty Haag shows. When 1 is far famed amusement perveyor began bid for public favor, he launched a modt affair, yet he put Into it every dollar he ssessed, believing the public would patnise the show which was most worthy. InsteatLof secdinc forth a poorly equipd show, he organized the greatest tent at show ever afloat. His list of perforers was small, Jjeing a first-class all uid performer himself, he was princiilly, the whole show, but ever trying to Base the .public and give them their oney's worth or more; the result was 9 111 Ot tvilbuiu 11UO 1**1 U?V1 Miitiuiiufe owv ss. After a few seasons on boat he ormized the over-land show, which grew to : the biggest and best overland show of ose days; then came the railroad show id once more Plunger Haag startled the e world with his magnitude and darine the last degree. Every year he has en raising the standard of his attractions itil today they heralded as the best uipped most complete and pleasing upon e road. Many instances of his lavish expendlres are to be found in the display of his re and curious species of animal life in 8 menageries. The countless number handsome hoi ses and cute little ponies e priceless herds of elephants, droves of mels and handsome trains of double Qgh sixty-foot sars. his massive cages ms, chariots and tableaux cars, together th the great array of high priced talent ion his pay rolls. Rival managers have jclared that he will go broke, because of ia r/t/li rri/Mic ?? *-?>r*iinf inf a/1 V?iif tlm j'Awui^,n>uo (wiiuuiii wiu'icoiuu, vuu i/itu ightyHaag shows have made a vast i nount of money for Ernest Haag who (1 the nerve to provide the public so amouth and invaluable an amusement torprise. Abbeville Oct. 15th. e sure to attend the Range emonstration to be held at le Dargan-King Co's store .A ~-T I1? OO A w> IC nCCA. Ul Ut L. 11*66, All tpert lady demonstrator will 5 in charge. Some valuable ctures on cookiog will be [yen daily. R.KING'S NEW DISCOVERY Vttl Surely Stop That Cough. BsnmHHHBm " "<* ~ .? mi^?x*iin->l>lir>wii.i? mi < ?? ? ."w n .!>?*, n'WXfc*. j!?.TEm yir^i^Trt.'yri laag b urday, Oc AND NIGHT Bird and his Aeroplan lent Enterprise Ej de, Costing: Alone $10 iir Baby." Reaching the Top in any calling of life, demands a vigorous body and a been brainK Without health there is no success. But Electric Bitters is the greatest Health Builder the world has ever known. It compels perfect action of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, purifies aud enriches the blood, tones and invigorates nr*/1 Ariftkloo vaii r\ I IUO WUU1C DJOICLU auu cuowicc j \j ji ?w stand the wear.and tear of your daily work. "Af'er monthfi of suffering from Kidney Trouble." writes W. M. Sherman, of Gushing, Me., "three bottles of Electric Bitters made me feel like a new man." 50c at Speed's drug store. |. inm.4xuiii,"iuiu u ii %! New from Ctfverto Cover J WEBSTER1S L F NEW 1 INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY j JUST ISSUED. Chief, Dr. W. T. Harris, former U. S. J Com. of Education. The Webster Tradition Developed by Modern Scientific Lexicography. Key to Literature of Seven Centuries. General j ' Information Practically Doubled, j rages. 6uuu illustrations. u 400,000 Y/ords and Phrases. |l GET THE BEST I I in Scholarship, Conven- | I ience, Authority, Utility. I f[ Write for Bptclmcn Pagu to ' j| I G. & C. HERRIAM CO.. SPRINGFIELD. MASS. Eff II Too will do ua a favor to meatlcn this pnbUc&llon. )|| \ THE GRATITUDE OF ELDERLY PEOPLE Goes out to whatever give* tbein e"-e, comfort and strength. .Foley's Kidney Pills cure kidney and bladder diseases prom illy, and give comfort and relief to elderly p ;opie, C. MUford >lc Co. iOM.-.'Wa.t.ifiatiii M-I n~Mir* ?i ii mm . 7 >h o ws t. 15 e, the Metor. ?s forkances j Daily | /et: Attempted! 0,000 to Produce. ; I "Sore cirfl SI "I would like to guide 1| H suffering women to a sure 1| Ha cure for female troubles," [? I^H ??r?*UAo AKfc* D P Morp^r 1(58 of Frozen Camp, W. Va. 1| "I have found no med- II icine equal to CarduL I Eg had suffered for aboul: || four years. Would have: I headache for a week at a g? time, until I would be Eg nearly crazy. I took Car-T| dui and now I never have || the headache any more." H ICARDUI The Woman's Tonfe / I1 The pains from which El many women suffer every month are unnecessary. - B It's not safe to trust fo Ej| strong drugs, right at the H A 4- Via mEwS 911 llillC KJ1 111C paiiio. UEfl Rb Better to take C^rdul ?? y for a while, before and Es H after, to strengthen the I| system and cure the cause, gfl m This is the sensible, || |fl the scientific, the right way. I| Mineral Spring for Sale. We have cut the Mineral Spring property net.r I va, S. C., into several very desirable tracts and are now prepared to offer them for sale on easy terms at attractive prices. These tracts contain valuable timber and farm lands, and are situated on one of, the public roads H miles from Iva. J On this property is one of the best mineral springs in this section, analj'sin ofi^hich can be furnished on re- . quest. If you are looking for a bargain, now is your chance. For particulars apply to Mrs. O. H. Reid, 638 North Faut St., Auderson, S. C. * ? i Foley's Kidney ; puis ; What They WiU Do for You They will cure your backache, ' strengthen your kidneys, tor- < rect urinary irregularities, build ! op the worn out tissues, and 1 | eliminate the excess uric acid . * that causes rheumatism. Pre- ] vent Bright's Disease and Dia- ' bates, and restore health and strength. Refuse substitutes. 11 C. A. MILFORD &'CO. j1 Dr. King's New Discovery! KILLS TKE COUGH. CURES THE LUNGS. fejS^ggSgijMi^iSSiB1 Sajlj Jiirdrs lor Sec6nd Wioli, 66totef hffti Court Cofnmon PJeas. W.T.Cason, Abbeville. I John Whaley, Abbeville. Jim Irwin, Abbeville. W. J. Jones, Magnolia. R. H. Burdett. Lowndesviile. S. H. Barnes, Lowndesviile. L. M. Parker, Magnolia. ; R. L. Young, Due West. . i G. O. Hall, Lowndesviile. , L. N. Brown, Bordeaux. Thomas McNeill, Abbeville. G. D. Hill, Lowndesviile. I R. B. Bowen, Diamond Hilt. J. B. Coleman, Abbeville. 1 G. R. Brock Due West. 1 S. C. Riley, Calhoun Mills. J. W. McAlahariv Due West. M. L. Weeks, Bordeaux. R. D. McCollough, Lowndesviile. J. II. Hutchison, Lowndesviile. J. R. Wilson, Abbeville. T. J. Edwards, Smithville. * M. F. Barnes, Lowndesviile. ; J. M. Hollowav, Bordeaux. T. J. McKee, Long Cane. Henry L. Brooks, Abbeville. L. A. Bigliy, Due West. W. 8. Bosler, Lowndesviile. J. W. Strickland, Due West. M. O.Speer, Lowndesviile. s R. W. Hawthorn, Long Cane. G. J. SDotts. Abbeville. J.C. Bfack, Abbeville. Tom Gablo, Bordeaux. R. R. Price, Abbeville. II. G. Hagan, Cedar Springs. BLAZING THE WAY. Capt. Shaw's Suggestions to Legislators. Lowndesville, S. C., Sept. 23,1910. Editor Press and Banner : The political battle is over and the smoke has cleared away, and we have' elected a delegation that we can expect! something from?and I think that their; first act should be an endeavor to make a law to throw more restriction around our primary elections. The day has fully como when it is badly needed. .When boys from tho ago of sixteen to twenty years old, and men from other States become the; balance of powerun our primary elections, it is timtyfor something to be done, so that | every man who is a candidate can have a: fair toallot and a fair count, and whoever; gets the majority of legal vot^s ca&t, then' let them have the nomination, and every-! body will be satisfied. But as long as boys I under age and. men from other States are allowed to vote in our primary elections,' fr.hnrfi will alwavs bo dissatisfaction. A! fair thine: is a fair thing, and let's have equal rights to all and special priviieges to none in' our primary elections. It is to be hoped that when our newlyelected legislators go in session th'at they will make such laws as will be for the benefit of the whole people, and that they will make some much-needed changes in some of our laws. Amend the lury law. Amend the pension law. Amend the fertilizer law. Some change is needed in the county government law. Change the ddg tax appropriation to Clemson College and let that go to the public schools of the county so that those who pay the tax can get the benefit of it. It will be well, too, to look into the DeLa Howe Estate and soe'if some of the surplus money could be used to accommodate more children at the Lethe School. There is an income from the Lethe farm of something like twenty bales of cotton per year, besides a surplus of about twenty thousand dollars that Is out on interest. It will be well If possible to use some of that surplus money to educate more poor children at that institution. We are not dictating to me usgisiubuxe, but just blazing a few trees along for a path. W. C. Shaw. ? ? * Death Of Mrs Eli LinkMrs. Emma Shillito Link, wife of Ell Link departed this life Sept. 5th after a very brief illness, being sick only five days. She leaves a husband and two sons and one sister, Mrs. Amanda Link to mourn her She was a kind neighbor and friend a thoughtful, considerate, and faithful wife, and a consistent and useful member of the Bethia Presbyterian Church. She was ever ready to lend a helpiDg hand to anyone in distress on sickness or in trouble of I any kind. She was a woman of sound judgment and christian spirit and the approach of | death did not shake her faith or disturb tor peace of mind she was consious until i the very last moment. She said she was ready and willing \ to die, which is a great consolation to her family and many friends. She was held in high esteem bv the people among whom she lived, which was strongly attested by the great crowd that attended the funeral service which which was preached by her, pastor Rev. J. B. Hillhouse at Upper Long) Cane and the interment was in the ceme tery near by. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. A Friend. THE DOCTOR'S QUESTION. Much Sickness Due to Dowel Disorders. A doctor's first Question wfcen consulted' by a patient is, "Are your bowels regular?" He knows that 98 per cent, of illness is attended with inactive bowels and torpid I liver, and that this condition iiiust be removed gently and thoroughly before health can be restored. Eexall Orderlies are a positive, pleasant and safe remedy for constipation and bowel disorders in general. We are so certain of their great curative value that we promise to return the purchaser's money in every case when they fail to produce entire satisfaction. Eexall Orderlies are eaten like candy, they act quietly, and have a soothing, strengthening, healing influence on sthe entire intestinal tract. They do not purge, gripe, cause nausea, flatulence, excessive looseness, diarrhoea or other annoying effect. They are especially good for children, weak persons or old folks. Two sizes, 25c. and 10c. Sold only at our store ?The Eexall Store. C. A. Milford & Co. "IT-BEATS ALL" This Ib quoted from a letter of M. Stockwell, Hannibal, Mo. "I recently used Foley's Hooey and Tar for the first time. To aay 1 k m pleased does Dot tialf express my leellngs. It b?a(B all the remedies I ever used. 1 contracted a bad cold and was threatened with pDeomoola. The first doses gave great relief ond one bottle completely cured me." C. A. Milford <fe Co. Itch relieved in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by P. B. Speed, Druggist. Land Sale! I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder, at the old homestead of J. Wesley Bigby, deceased, in Doualds Township, Abbeville Couuty, at 11 o'clock a. m., on Wednesday, October 12th next, the real estate of 168 acres belonging to the estale of said deceased, which has been divided into four separate tracts of 56, 42$, 35 aud 34} acres. The property is located within 1} miles of the Graded School at Bouea Path ; each of the said tracts has a frontage along a public road and a sufficient quantity of running water for stook. Terms? One-third (A) cash, balance an a credit of one and two years with interest at eifcht percent, per annum. Not^s secured by mortgages of the premises. The privilege of paying all jash will be allowed. Purchasers to pay for all necessary papers. For further particulars address or ?all on the undersigned at Honea Palh, who has plat9 of the land and tvill take pleasure iu showing any prospective purchaser the property. JOHN R. DONALD, Trustee. , Honea Path, S. C., Aug. 30, 1910. EAST EHDi What "M" Sees and Heart Hi lib Rounds About the City and Along . Route No. 3. Rev. Henry Stokes preached an ear' neat and practical sermon Sunday morning in the Methodist Chnrch -from the text "Roll ye away the Stone". Christ's command to the people at the grave of Lazarus. His subject was "human aid necessary to the regeneration of the world." | Showing that Christ in all his miracles always called in human, aid, not bat that lie could have done without it, but to show that we too have our part to perform. In speaking of the protracted meeting that would begin on Monday night, he said many hindrances would rise up in | tilt; YY LLy , UUt WO LU LI at UU UU1 pcblb IU ^Ul them out of the way and all would be well. Jtev. Truesdale of Spartanburg will assist in these services to which tjie public and all congregations are most cordially invited. Services at 10 o'clock every morning and 8 o'clock at night. Mrs. Doctor Britt of Princtcfn near Honea Path is visiting1 relatives in the city. . Mr. C. V. Hammond afte^ spending several months in Tennessee and Atlanta's home again. Capf. Johnson' is doing some of the finest road building in front of the Power House you ever saw, when finished it will stand ate a monument to his memory. In this work will be the erection of a splenid steel bridge across the Blue Uill fVina Will Kft 1 i I7Q/1 AlIT liill UiaUUU) VUUO TT1U VO VW* brightest anticipations in this line. Then there \pillbe no turning'back from our duties as rural carrier on account of high water, and no more going to the factory to cross; but will afford a safe and near way to and from the city. , The Abbeville Fair, and the big circus coming on the 15th will make several gala days for our city. Merchants of all others should grasp the opportunity remembering the present isv only ours. On last Friday afternoon Rev. J. B. Hillhouse, assissted by the ladies of the Missionary Society of the Lebanon church entertained most delightfully at the Manse >.a large number of the Sunday School children and members of the church, in all there were present, one hundred children, and young people, and twenty-five grown n^ children sometimes called old' folks. During the afternoon refreshments were served. These social meetings between pastor and people are conducive to much good, and. are socially very pleasant. Pastor1 and people mingling together. Rev, Hillhouse is an earnest preacher, and a true pastor in the fullest sense of the term, ever ready to visit the sick, and to speak words of comfort and cheer to those in trouble. In all our experience we nave never seen greater love between pastor and people. Socially and spiritually they mingle together in harmony and love, all having the npbnilding of their churoh at heart The many friends of Mr. and Mrs- J.. R. Brown welcome them back home after a stay of six months in Rushville, Indiana. They ari home again and we hear have come to stay, Mr. and Mrs. Brown are with their home people Mr. James Gilliam and family. I This month October is to ua one of the finest of all the twelve. The weather-is typical of a true Indian summer | with the flowers of autumn along the wayside, and the beautiful tints of the Autumn leaves in aH their varying colors, and last but not least is the | "Goidenrod" in all its beiauty nodding I its head as tis swayed to and fro by the | passing breeze. This brings to mem1 ory the beautiful lilies of the poet, viz: "The weaving plumes of the Goidenrod, kiss Aster's cheek, White Gentian's fringes show Rents where coquettish breezes seek Their homage to Destow". "October gave a party. The leaves by hundreds came. / The ashes, oaks and maples, and leaves of every name, The sunshine spread a carpet, and every thing was .grand; Miss Weather lead the dancing; Professor Wind the band". Hon. J. S. Gibert and Mr. Walter S Wilson were guests in the city Monday Mr. Tom McNeil and Miss Ada, with Master Robert Bruce were in the city Saturday. I Miss Eakin with Misses Dotsie and Allie Evans spent last week near Antreville. Misses Annie and Lucy Gibert were in town &onday. Mr. Ray MeKenzie spent Sunday with his hjOqae people. Miss Louise McEenzie spent Monday n the city. Service* Postponed. On account of serious illness in his family, Rev. R. S. Truesdale could not come to Abbeville, as announced. It was not thought best to try to secure a substitute at the last hour. Henry Stokes, Pastor of Methodist Chnrch. FOB HOSE THAN THRE2 DECADES Ko:e>'s idom-j buo Tar but been bouse* bold favorite for oongbi, oolds. and aliment* of tbe tbwat.rbeiil and longs. Contain# no opiates. C. A. MH/ord A Co. Kew Schedule for Hektoanl, In May 15,19ia No. S3 doe 12.25 p. m. Southbound. No. 63 due 3.67 p. m. Boatbbonnd No. 41 dpe 2.68 a. m. Pontbbonnd. No. 32 due 4,82 p. m. Nortbboond. No. 62 due 1.02 p.m. Northbound. No. 38 doe 2.08 a. m. Nortbboond. The Peoples? ABBEVIL OFFICERS. B. Q. THOMSON, President. G. A. NEUFFER. Vice-President. R. E. COX, Cashier. I SCHOOL Tfl.KlfitR rffel W fv In General Schi Speed's D: - nriirmnfiiFift-r? Wt??ti 18 WW , Every year k large nombei' bf ptMf sufferers whose lungf are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to anothef climate. But this is costly aod not always sure. There's a better way. Let Dr. King's New Discovery cufe you at home. "It cured me of lung trouble," writes W. R. Nelson, of Calamine, Ark., "when ail else failed and I gained 47 pounds in weight. It's surely the King or all cough and lung cures." Thousands owe their lives and health to It. It's positively guaranteed . for Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe, Asthma, Croup?all Throat and Lung Troubles, 50c and $.100. Trial bottle free at Speed's drug store. ^ ' $ James Frank Giinkseales, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Abbeville, s. c. Office?First floor City Hall. / Estate of Dr. J. Lowrie Wilson, Deceased. Notice of Settlement and Application . for Final^Discbarge. rpAKE NOTICE tb*t on the 20th day of OcA tober, 1910, I will render a float account of my actios* and doing# as Admr. of ibe Eat. or DrJ.Lowrle Wilson, deed, to the c>01ee or Judge of Probate for Abbeville Connty at 10 o'clook a. m., ao<1 on tbe saae day will apply for a final discharge Irom my trnatassnch Administrator. All persons bavin? demands against said estate will present tbem for paymentonor before tbat day, proven and authenticated or be forever barred. 8. G THOMSON, , Administrator.. Round Trip Excursion Hates VIA THE Southern Railway Co. 1 FROM / ABBEVILLE, 8. C. ' Chattanooga, Tean, and Keturn $ 1UO AccooDt National League of Poet* master*, October 12-14, 1910. Tickets on sale Oot 10 and 11 tb and /or trains scheduled to arrive Chattanooga before noon Oct. 12th with final limit returniug to teach original starting point on or before midnight Oct. 17,1910. Extensions. , . Cincinnati, 0? and Retnrn $17.10 Account General Assembly of the Episcopal Church, Oct. 6-26. 1910. Tickets sold Oct. 3; 4, 5, 6 and 10,1910, with limit to reach original starting point not later than midnight Oct. 30, 1910. ' Knox vi lie, Tenn., and Belnrn $. Account Appalachian Exposition Sept. 12-Oot. 12, 1910. Tickets sold daily Kept. 10 to Oct. 12 Inclusive with final limit returning ten days from, - buU not inclodlog, date of sale. See agents for farther particulars. unexcelled cram service, ruiunan r sleeping care, dining care and electri* cally lighted day coaches on all 1 through trains. For detailed informar tloo, call,on Southern Railway Ticket Agents, or, Alex. H. ACker, T. P. A, ' - Augusta, Qa 1 Jno. L- Meek, A. G. P. A. Atlanta, Qa. I Abbeville-Greenwood ^ MUTUAL J iiiiMte ASSOCIATION. Property Iniured, 11,850,000 v - February 1st, 1910, 1X7BITE TO OB GALL on tfce under?l*ned or tbe Director of sour Town*hlp tor any Information you may dtdrt about our plan of Iniuanea. We liuur* your property against. destruction by m, warn n utsmii, and do ao cheaper than 'any Imuran o* Oampany In exlitenoe. Remember we are prepared to prore to yoo theiourel* the safest and ebeapeet plan of Insurance known, J. R. BLAKE, Gen. Agent | Abbeville, S. C, J. FRASEK LYON, Pres. Abbeville, 8. C. 8. G. Major*,...??Greenwood ' J.T. Msbry Cokesbnry W. B. Acker. DonlTda T.8. El I IB.? DaeWMt W. W. L. Kellef..^?JJODgw Cane I. A. Keller .. Mmllhvllle W. A. Stevenson ......Cedar Serine W. W. Bradley ^.Abbeville Dr. J. A. Anderson. Antrevllle 8.8. Boles Lowndesvllle A. O. Grant.? ...Magnolia Edwin Parker Calhoun Mills 8. L. Edmonds. Bordeaux H. L. Raeor. Walnut Grove W. A. Nlckles ............ Hodges M. G. Bowles .... Ooronaa* D.8. Hattlwanger..._ Ninety-Six * G.C. Dusenberry........ Klnards , Ira B.Taylor Fellowship Joseph Lake ....Phoenix Rev. J. B. Muse- .. Verdery J. H. Chiles. -......^Bradley J. W. Lybn Troy v A. W. Youngblood .......... Yeldell \ G. E. L>orn..._ Call 1 son G. E. Dora Klrks?v? W. F. Hamilton Brooks s hhevllle. H a. Feb. 1. im Savings Bank. L?) S. C. , DIRECTORS. 8. G. Thomson, H. G. Anderson G. A. Neuffer. C. C. Gambrell, s W. E. Owens. F. B. Gary, J. 8. Stark, ,R. E. Cox, Jonn A. Harria. "DnAirc Pencils Lk doI Supplies. I rug Store. ? . - ..