The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, July 13, 1910, Image 8

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r ?i?? All HjjjjjS 6f HIS ewil: | Mr- Martin Buys a First Class Automobile Mn James L. Martin, engineer on the Southern, loves engines so well that ho j has ordered a first class machine of his own. He is expecting it every day. The advantage of this engine is that no tracks or steel rails, will be necessary. It will go [on the public highways, carrying a limited fnumber of passengers with the. speed of the wind and with the safety of a life insurance company. Men about the corners may stand out of the way of this elegant new machine. It's n hofint.v and a fiver. but it wouldn't in tentionally lite on anybody. Cochran-Glymph The home of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Cochran was theseene last Wednesday afternoon, of a quiet, but beautiful marriage when their daughter. Miss Eunice became the bride of Mr. Malcolm Glymph, of Jfomariu S. C., The genuine hospitality which is proverbial of this home was never more in evidence than on this occasion. The house was attractively decorated with ferns, pot plants etc, color scheme being lavender and white. At the appointed hour, three o'clock the bridal party entered the parlor, keeping time to Mendelssohn's wedding march played by Miss Lila McKinnon, of Laurasburg N. C., First came the maid of honor Miss Emma Cochran of Anderson, dressed in white mull, and carrying a lovely bouquet of wisteria and ferns, tied with lavender ribbon. Next came the happy groom with his best man, Mr. Walter Kichardson of Pomaria followed by the bride leaning on the arm of her brother Mr. Harvey Cochran. The brides dress was of white messaline trimmed in embroidered applique, and her flowers were white carnations and asparagus ferns, her veil being caught in places with a dainty cluster of white sweet peas. A6 thflv stood under the wedding bell and vine-draped arch Rev. R. E. Telford the brides pastor, spoke the words that made them one, thus uniting' "Two sou]s with a single thought and two hearts that beast as one." Immediately after the ceremony the V bridal party and invited guests repaired to "r the dining room where beautifully arranged tables met their view; the room had ; ' been darkened, and in the soft glow of many candles together with the lavender and white decorations, the tables were a ' - Jj vision of beauty. In the midst of these ' lovely surroundings delightful refresh. ments were served, and each guest given a ? : dainty souvenir of the pleasant occasion. After many congranulation and good .f . wishes had been extended, the happy couI - a. pletfeft for the groom's home in Pomarla. The brides going-away dress was tan with ; ; hat and gloves to match. Mrs. Glymph is ! the third daugter of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. L'lRv Cochran and a young woman of many charms of person and character. Mr. f ... Glyph is a prominent merchant of Poma - - ,." ria, and is to be congratulated upon winning Miss Cochran as his bride. The wedrfinc ffiftti were both valuable and numer Vfc ous wliich marks farther evidence of the i&S ' esteem in which thi6 couple is held. The out of town guests were Mrs. E. A. Hentz, sister of the groom, and Messrs W. L. Graham, WalteT Richardson and W. B. feffc.vHaiton of Pomarla, Miss Emma Cochran '% of Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bowie of Iva, S. C., Miss Liiy McKlnnon ' ' of Laurinburg, N. C., !?? > MUST BE ABOVE SUSPICION Kidney and bladder ailments are bo serious aplir ' In Ibelr oonsequenoes. and If unchecked bo of ' ten ftital thai any remedy offered for tbelr rare moat be above suspicion. Foley's Kid(f-jL ' ney Pills oontaln no harmful drugs BDd have oooeMfally stood a loDg and thorough test. C. A. Mllford A Co. ''f . See the Acker Building and Repair Com 'k pany's "ad." ^ t. ;:J? i. x >r . ; - ? JO 1 pave ' AND 0> The best way tc out of your sal fie Building an will help you out some sha We will also very little mc Now is your be issued Ju limited numb Sc Building a J. S. Morse, Secrel ?r^mm^mm^mmmmm JUST EI ===== TC B A eBIIBMB M I f< ) L , Since July 1st we have sold lots < afford to pass up such. a bargain, you will buy. Its an opportunit; lrmsiT? Inw .Tnst sfie what vou c< AV/ MV*J WW ? ?? ? 1 * I 1 $25.00 Suit for $1 (MM 5s3 $16.50 Suit for $10.51 ???? These goods are made by the best the latest shades in grays, browns an< Wo oca niirilKr ^>C T TT W U1 V VJ* M $- Al JUST LET US S TIia Tinman J_11V Afvuvmj KTr\4 44A 1\/[A4A/9T T I uui lYiun^y NN YOUR HOME \ \ > get a start is to put aside a little ary each month. J 1 Ann Jnnnmnlinn nf IMmuiIIa U LUflll ftMUlldllUII U1 xlUUCVIIID get this start if you will take res with us. help you own your home at a >re than you pay rent per month. chance. The fourth series will, ly 20th, and we have only a er of shares to offer at this time. ?e Us at Once nd Loan Association! OF ABBEVILLE. A tary. Dr. Q. President > GET YC of Clothing. Son Others bought t1 y to save money a a,n get for a little; I $22.50 Suit for $H ). $15 Suit for $9.5(1 ; Clothing people i I blues and guarai >er Cent. Off II Low Cut Sho< HOW YOU?IT W i berg Distinguished Guests. The A. R. Presbyterians of Afobevil and other friends of Dr. and Mrs. Neil ' Pressly and Miss Rosborough feel thi they have been quite fortunate to be in tl line of their stop over while in the !3tat The hospitality they have received In A bevills does not compensate,?hut we lioj that it proves in some degree the appreei tion of our people for the splendid soi moi and lectures heard, and abovo all the prescnco, which was a benediction in o homes. On Thursday afternoou tlie "Woman Missionary Society" was addressed by L Pressly. A most intcrtaining talk on t growth of the mission, trials and vicis! tudes and rare experiences were hear Mrs. Pressly in a quiet, modest way ga us a bit of homo life among the Mexicai showing thoir lidelity when onco cjonvei ed to the true faith. These truths are f more impressive when they are told to face to face. After appropriate Scriptu reahing and song service, all repaired the Sabbath-school rooms where light i freshments wore served by the sociel and everyone joined in that high priviied, of tulking with our pioneer missiona and his wife. On the Sabbath Dr. Pressly preacln plain truths to interested audiences, givii them an idea of the great work that is h iug carried on in Mexico ana asiting i their prayerful support. We were sorry to see our godly friem go, and though they were drawn t<x vis our town by family ties, we hope that tt bond may be mado surer by new-raai friends. Abbeville will always gladly w? come Dr. and Mrs. Xiel E. Pressly ?>f Me: co. C. Klugh NATURES WARNINi Abbeville People Must Recognize a Heed It. Kiiluey ills come quietly?wyst< iously. But nature always warns you Notice the kidney secretions. See if the color is unhealthy? If there are settings and sediment, Pas-sages frequent, scanty, painful. It's time then to use uoan's avion Pills, To ward oil" Plight's disease or d betes. Doan's Lave done great work in tl locality. Mrs. I?Iattie A. Dodd, -J9' \V Market St., Anderson, fcS. C., says "I would not be without Doan': Kidney Pills in the house, as ] found them to he very beneficial My kidneys were weak and 1 wa: bothered a great deal by too fre <juent passages of the kidney secre lions. Doan's Kidney Pills did 1110 more good than any other rem edy I bad previously used and consequently I highly recomment them." For f-ale by all dealers. Price ' ' - I I IJ.iflV. ceius. r usi?r-i?i tinui u *? ? ?? New York, t-ole ugentd for the Unit 8 Lutes. Keuieinber the name?Doau'a?ui take no other. Several oars dressed Iumber P ind ;two c bM - gleB, just Ju. Acker Building autl Kep C< mpany. . >UR SUIT le said they did n< wo Suits. If you cc nd get just the Sui money. I. $20 Suit for $12.50. I. $12.50 Suit for $8.51 / .n America and are ntee every Suit to g on all Men's 2s at Reduced Pri ILL BE OUR PLE. Vf^r Schedule for Due IVeot Railway. . Morning train leaves Dne.Wect at 10:1 Evening train leaved Due West at 4:40. The ? trains meet the moruingand evening tral on the Southern at Donalds. Pasnencers can go out Irom Due West < ie the evening freight train which leaves D West at two o'clock. i I 'Every Month' ,s n writes Lola P. Roberts, of >r. m Vienna, Mo., "I used to be 110 I sick most of the time and B suffered with backache and vq g headache. My Mother, who is. I had been greatly helped by : 1 the use of Cardui, got me us 19 two bottles, and I have ii ^ been well ever since." CARD i The Woman's Tonic "r ISS Cardui is a gentle tonic B| for young and old women. <it IS It relieves and prevents ' ? HH ?->oin If KniMc Qfrpnath- It J; Kg feeds the nerves. It helps d- jgj the whole system. H Made from harmless H roots and herbs, it has no GH bad after-effects, does not H interfere with the use of . ffl any other medicine and can n(* do you nothing but good. ;rMarshfleld, Vt., Jan. lfi. 19U6 The lilftrdlne Corporation, Boston. Mass. Dear St ra Enclosed And 80 00 P. Money order lor whleb please send me o dozen bottleHof Bloodlue by express, prepal I have taken eight bottlec, and think it b ey helped me m norterfully. Respectfully yours, Mrs. C. I). Smith C. A. Mtlford A Co., special agents. A bi? bowl of J1S ? Quaker Oats i is the best dish you * can serve. i Delicious and [ nourishing Good for all ages io, and all conditions. LHi Economical and strengthening. art* Packed in regular size packages, and in h*rmeticaliy sealed tins for hot climates. 58 ? -1 - . * s > t- ^ v- .'vVj? aa ?**??' IE I) AT igU |M Mlflfl MHH Mtf| MHki flKj| &3 ?J IS wL S y Si S3 BB HI Bfl / PSH ^ ; Dt need another suit >me in and see what1 t you want. The pr i $18 Suit for $11.50. I Sio Suit for 56.50. i this season's goods ive absolute satisfact Pants and Boy ices -$ ASURE TO DO SO. niiuu ? R. I u< I The Great Liver Medici Don't Take Pills and Violent matters worse, They don't cure. . Milford for Constipation, Biliousnei bles, It acts in perfect harmony w: refunded, Dr. Richardson, of Anderson, o timiouslv for 25 vears and savs he ne " " " " k a, will give such good results as this and at C, A, Milford's Drug Store. Chiquola Drug Co., Anderson, S. C.: Dear Sirs: Tn response loyour inquiry. I cheerfully state that 1 have used It. L. T. in my family for several . years with very beneficial results. I have personally used it recently for its i tonic i Itects and have been much benefited. Fox" chronic constipation, indiv yeslion and torpid liver, I do not know a better remedy. Geo. E. Prince, Judge of Tenth Circuit. MANUFACTURED AN CHICIUOLA ADDERS' For Sale by C. A. Milfori Px'ice, 50c and /MB '/ I I ^Ejjw * YiV S:' ,*j MVIH i i ' Vv 4? n /%n 1 /I vt rk + I UUl UVJU1U 11UU we are offering, ices are ridicuS^5S25^^"^ " \ f ; r r We have all ion or money back. I s' Suits I v H e Co. I ?? H \H j. 1. -fm i * H ne and General Tonic. I Purgatives. They only make bad' NB Buy a bottle of B. L, T. from 0. A. 3s, Indigestion and all Liver T^ouith nature. Guaranteed or money HH S. C., lias been prescribing con' HHj does not know of any remedy that remedy. See testimonials below H I have been using "Ilichardao n's HBH Liver Tonic" m my home for some SB months past and find it an excellent S^Bj preparation. It has served as a sub* 9BH stitute for calomel, giving the desired R9BB effect without the usual nausea follow- |HjB ing a dose of calomel, and leaving the juHB liver in normal activity. I recom- HH mend it without hesitation. . A.J. Cauthen, HH| Presiding Elder Anderson District. HjUl D GUARANTEED BY DRUG CO., OTV, S. O. BH i & Co., Abbeville, S. C. H| $1 per Bottle. - IMB I