r -p . ! 'v. ' ! -'V:, Peach Orchard of Hon. Wyatt Aiken, ^jfclberta trees five years old, will yeild app: ?I| HI !' *"' * Vv V:. ' V' " f^Y t i . , v> t;iSife*i^i^ffiiiBl '1M1MB1 . '"*...-r Chert Bed Owned by I This bed covers an area of about fort) ftient expert road builder, will explain mor Of it: ^fr. Robert S. Link, Abbeville, S. C. Dear Sir : Your letter of the 24th tol&Ster to hold my mail for me until my re I hasten to reply thereto and beg to si fiider itself extremely fortunate. The qual ballast for railroads. Its location makes it limited. Joining these facts together the ii ?ively utilized for the purposes above enum Respecting the cost of construction of you should be able to build a more durable difference in quality being due to the diSer fconville material came from Macon, Ga. H Plact fRjleyfc 9* represc 1 - > "% ?i Hi est con Pills w-j ft What They Will Do for Yott f^tChey will cure your backache, Mfeogthen your kidneys, cor- Jamei MDCt urinary irregularities, build! Attorr ftp the worn out tissues, and] BEbninate the excess uric acid oflic( causes rheumatism. ^ PreDent Bright's Disease and Diajb&tea, and restore health and Money Ifcwcgth. Refuse substitutes, p* C. A. MILFORD & CO. ? March * ^ > -V;V \ * *, ^ ; . > Robt. S. Link and Wm. M. Bai roximately 3,000 crates this seasc Ion. Wyatt Aiken, R< ' acres and is in unlimited quanti e clearly the qualities and usefulr United States Department c Offipp nf Pnhlir Road Tndnirip.s. ? ? - ? A f ult., has just fallen into my har turn, hence your letter was held :ate that I think the railroad com ity of that material for roads and : easily quarried and easily loadec evitable conclusion follows that lerated. roads with such material it is mi : road for $1,000 per mile than tl ence in quality of material; the 6 Other things being equal, your m Very truly yours, > your fire insurance bbeville Insurance and Co. If the fire comes ^ :ive you prompt and jtory settlement. We >nt fifteen of the largipanies. asure town or country * U1 ty. .T. Til MpTinriH. Mcr. s Frank Clinkscales, rr iey and Counsellor at Law. A Abbeville, s. c. i?First floor City Hall. Money to Loan. R |l to loan at 7 per cent, on long .ynients?three, five or ten G. A. ipply to MOORE & MARS, 22,1910. City Hall. J iiwell, located four miles from Abbeville, contains 3,000 >n. >bt. S. Link and Wm. M. Barnwell. ?fc* i? ? - - * - - ^ t ae Q ^ ties. The following letter trom Mr. w. L-. bpoon, uove less of this Chert than any other description we might g )f Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Union, S. C., June 15th, 1905. ids. Expecting to soon return to Union I requested the p< here waiting my return. pany first to reach that deposit of chert by a siding may c streets is the very best. It will also make a most excell I, hence cheaply. The quantity appears to be practically sooner or later its true value will be fully realized and ext ich less than macadam, and with your outfit near the qua le Jacksonville road which cost over $5,000 per mile. 1 lifference in cost being largely a matter of freight. The Ja laterial would be preferable at the same cost per mile. W. L. Spoon. MANUFACTURED AND GUARANTEED BY HlftUOLA DRUG CO. ANDERSON, S. C. Sale by C. A. Milford & Co., Abbeville, S. Price, 50c and $1 per Bottle. he Peoples Savings Bank, ABBEVILLE, S. C. OFFICERS. | DIRECTORS. S. G. Thomson, H. G. Anders THOMSON, President. G. A. Neufler, C. C. Gambre AJb. U? ? KK, Vice-rresiaent. w. uwene. Jb. B. Uary, E. E. COX. Cashier. J- Btark< E- E- Cox, Jonn A. Harris,. ' ' . 7*' "Z? r . v t; *< .-!;?4 v * i ALL /?tri t/> ^^ "*4-" 1 1UUCVI11C V-?UUI1L The territory surrounding rich in agricultural and horticu in alluvial meadows along thi abundant crops of corn, while of producing as great a variety where?cotton, oats, wheat, 1 V } .' cane, etc.; Abbeville County ol growers which can be found in South Carolina has always bee culturally, and yet some of her afraid to tell of the wonderful intensive farming have accomp' ville County of from five to tv ' the proper way, will yield doubl that five hundred acres will South cultivated in the ordinar To the agriculturist and h offer substantial rewards. On ture has bestowed with a lavi: they yield up to man for the necessary to supply his wants? with earnest and intelligent la a comfortable property by g< tried, and long experience has County to be one of the best f Abbeville County has been culture for a number of years, a ? been recorded in crop productic ually giving away, and more c with new methods are superced sands of acres of most excellei that can be bought for $10, $ sonable terms, and the purchasi soil in a very short time, if noi and trucking lands are cheaper third, than they are in adjoinii make a bale of cotton to the ac or $20, how is it possible for t farmer to fail to get rich? A I $70. The seed from the same to $12. The seed from a singl for the acre on which the $60 c grown. Corn properly cultivated w els, and there are lands in abi that will make 100 bushels pei this county and a conservative 6 izer and labor to produce tw< Sorghum cane grows to perfecti crops of white or Irish potatoes the same land. Sweet potatoes are a favor: every garden. Turnips grow ir ing man and beasts. Oats is one of our standa pea vine hay feed our stock whi plant enriches the soil from whi Vetch is at home in Abbe well drained, while the purest health-restoring water flows frc nearly every hill. In Abbeville County we h rn- undrained lands; we have no i water; we have no sluggish st pestilence. The waters of ou sparkling as when it left the Bli mild that we have ice and frost cold season. In the light of a telligent, thrifty and painsta >st- truckers and stock raisers fror other States of the Union; the on" man need have no fear or dot; ent part fairly, honestly and with di un_ man who comes to Abbeville C en_ first a warm welcome, heartily hospitable and kind-hearted; h J"ry cheap, for less than he can buy ne west; he finds an ideal climate ck- climate that enables him to be j entire twelve months in the ye; stores to perfect health many \ and ice, hoping to live only a permits him to grow practicalb m the South, save the purely people a people facing the futui J absolutely assured of their stei finds educational advantages p schools; he finds a diversity anc that is not found elsewhere. To the thousands of read< = vite you to come to our County the many advantages and oppoi The man who is considering t * Abbeville County, South Caroli do general farming may rest ass the South where better opportui on prefer to do general farming, ral ing of any one commodity; any are grown to a great advantage. - ....... .. 1 I . I I -_t_ T _ J y s inducements * V >* ^ ~ " ; V and tributary to Abbeville is iltural possibilities, abounding e water courses that produce _ the fertile uplands is capable of crops as can be found any lay, potatoes, melons, sugar * ifers inducements to vegetable no other section of the State. :n known as a fine State agristrongest adherents have been v results which open air, and lished here. Farms in Abbeventy-five acres, cultivated in v le in proportion the net profit, in another portion of the .*, m y slip-shod fashion. orticulturist, does this county the soils of this county, na f. sh hand her choicest gifts and asking, as it were, all that is -with small capital, combined bor, one can soon accumulate meral farming alone. Well abundantly proven Abbeville :arming sections in the State. I i among the foremost in agrimd an entire failure has never )n; the tenant system is gradiiversified system of farming, ing the old. There are thou t farm lands in this County 15 and $20, per acre, on reae price may be taken from the t by a single crop. Farming in Abbeville County by oneig counties. The farmer can :re on land that costs him $10 :he industrious and intelligent >ale of cotton is worth $60 or bale may be worth from $10 e bale being sufficient to pay 1 >r $70 bale of lint cotton was ill yield from 40 to 60 bushundance in Abbeville County r acre. Alfalfa grows well in ;stimate of the cost of fertild tons hay per acre is $20. on in Abbeville County. Two 5 may be grown every year on ite crop on every farm, and in t the greatest profusion, feedt rd crops. Tons and tons of ^ le the roots of the leguminous ch it grows. ville County. Our lands are and the best of life-giving or )m every spring at the foot of ave no swamps; we have no malaria; we have no stagnant reams; we have no storms or r rivers is as pure and as ie Ridge. Our winters are so only a few nights during the . bove conditions, we invite inking home-seekers, farmers, n our neighboring States, or intelligent and well meaning ibts of success if he does his * etermination to succeed. The ounty to make his home finds and sincerely given by people e finds that he can buy land land for in the East or Norththroughout the whole year; a growing a crop on his land the ar; the climate that often reuhn havp frnm <;nnw few months; a climate that I / anything that can be grown tropical fruits; he finds the e with a confident air, resting idily increasing success. He for his children, free public 1 multiplicity of opportunities srs of this issue we again inand investigate for yourselves rtunities we have to offer you. he advisability of coming to __ __J ? ui 1J 4-~ ria, ciiiu wxiu wuuiu pciu iu ;ured that there is no place in lities are offered to those who ;her than engage in the growof the general farm products C. H. L.