The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, May 11, 1910, INDUSTRIAL EDITION, Image 1
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piie Abbeville Press and Banner '
IbTwTxV & W. R- Bradley. ABBEVILLE, S. C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1910. Established 1844
I Abbe
(Its High Altitude i
Conditions. A
lent Schools, I
Beautiful Homes, of Civic!
Pride, and the Social
It is not our province to discuss
particularly the events that go to
make up an accurate history of
Abbeville since its settlement.
Suffice it to say, that the pioneens
served God, fought the Indians,
distroyed the wild beasts,conquered
the wilderness, cultivated the land,
and transmitted their best qualities
I to their children, as pioneers have
done in all new countries since the
down of civilization. So in the
outset of this issue of the Press
and Banner it is better, inlieu of
all profession, to state that is in
no way a purpose to publish a
work, but on the contrary, this
***'? "- J? "fV>a infillrp.
Ieaiuon is ucvuicu ?v wv
ments, advantages" and opportunities
Abbeville and Abbeville
County have t<5 offer the homeseeker,
manufacture and investor.
The city is so admirably situated for
manufacturing sites and so convienietly
traversed by railroads, as
well as so completely hemmed in
by large and fertil agricultural
sections, that it is most inviting to
the home-seeker and to the manufacturer.
'' - ?*.
S Abbeville is tne coumy acai ui
Abbeville county, the county was
formed in 1785. /
The advent of /the Abbeville
Cotton Mill and Shops of the Seaboard
Air Line Railway was the
I beginning ot the busy town ana 11
kas grown steadily since that time
ind Fine Climatic
\^ny ui luAt^iFine
until the present population is estimated
between 6,ooo and 6,500.
Its attitude is goo feet above sea
Abbeville is emphatically a business
city. It has three' banks,
whose combined deposits amount
to $.454,563, and no city of its
size has such enterprising merchants
or offers greater bargains
to buyers.
The necessary elements entiring
into a place as a manufacturing
center are; advantageous location,
abundant transpartation, various
abundant, row materials, situated
| only twenty miles from Calhoun
[Cherokee and Tretter Shoals 01
the Savannah River with adequat<
power to turn the wheels of thou
sands of manufacturing plant:
and coma proximity of the greai
consuming markets of the Union,
These facts emphasive the im
portance of Abbeville as a plact
for successful and profitable manu'
These aie many lines of manu
facture that could be carried 01
here with profit, and Abbeville i:
especially niviting for a chair fac
tory, spoke and handle factory
knitting mill, canning factory,over
all factory, another cotton mill
another oil mill, a fertilizer fac
tory. There are excellent and fine
openings for a fertilizer factory
a canning factory and a knitting
mill. Other inducements include
an unlimited supply of water
reasonable price for labor, and <
lack of friction between labor anc
capital Abbeville has all of thes<
and more. It has a climate that
does not interfear in any part o
and A
the year with the operation of
manufactures, and enables, the
workman to attain his highest
ability throughout the entire twelve
To summorize all facts pertaining
to general conditiona existing
in Abbeville at this time, and the
brilliant outlook for the city's
future it can be truthfully stated
that realty values are more stable
trade condition in all lines more
satisfactory, and general prosperty
more evident than at any time
since the city's birth.
Abbeville lies near 34 degrees
North Latitude, Midway between
82 and 83 West Longditude in the
Piedmont section between the coa
toeville IPt_
, stal plains and the Appalchian
1 Mountains. This is an uplifted pei
ne-plain with hilltops rising to a
- nearly uniform level with here and
5 there a monadnock standing above
t thp p-pneral surface. Hence the
. streams sink their valleys between
the pene-plain causing perfect dras
inage on all sides. The general
geplogical formation insures a
climate that cannot be surpassed.
A perfect sewage system insuring
? sanitary and hygienic conditions
5 difficult to attain in less favored
sections. A mean annual tempera,
ture of 60 degrees, with an altitude
of 900 feet makes the climate eq?
uable and healthy, allowing out
door life practically all the year
2 round. Diminished barometric
' a ?
? pressure ana consequent i<uci<u,i\
ion of the atmosphere increases
5 the asepticity of freedom from
i pathogenic germs. The high altii
tude compensates for the influence
1 of latitude, so that it is cool in su
mmer with dry air, making an unncoihr
attractive condition for tu
' U^UtAJ . ?
I bercular people. Natural drainage
and freedom from outlying swamps
with their accompanying decaying
substances make malaria almost
?n unknown disease, typhoid fever
occurs only sporadically. Persons
suffering from Asthma and Hay
Fever show marked improvement
in their condition after a short residence.
Scattered throughout the
country are many springs of ever
flowing water which have unusal
medical DroDerties especially in
the treatment of kidney diseases
and their kinered ailments.
With wisdom that is not usually
displayed in the building of a
town, the fiist resident of the place
left standing many of the original
forest trees, and since many others
such as willow oaks, palmetto and
maple trees have been set out on
the streets, the result is that AfcbJeville-is
finely shaded and delightfully
cool in the summer.
The foundation of all industrali*
and commercial-^^ospwitwpis a
sound banking system ^gfi'dently
lt>liO ScjTlEf
land honestly administered.
It has been said and said truh
, that the financiers of Abbeville an<
Abbeville County have at all time;
i resisted the temptation to plung<
i into hazardous and questionable
enterprises. Nevertheless there ii
abundant evidence of the libera
policy of the directors of theii
banking institution in the sub
stantial growth of manufacturing
i ? * a.- XT
and commercial interests. x\t
i speculation influence go to th<
swelling of the volumn of the bank'
ing business of this community,
neither do transactions of a speculative
uature figure in our state'
ments of weekly bank clearings,
as published throughout the coun;
try in comparison with the clearing
- house statements from other cities.
Another feature of the banking
system of Abbeville is their saving;
departments, their reports show
"? * ??11 Vio rnr\c|
lQg lllill uicjf ai& an iu uii. mivai
prosperous condition. As pro*
moters of ecominy and saving
these features of our banks are
most potent.
lie Coi
Generally speaking the businesi
men of this little city are young
1 and ambitious; they are willing at al
times to entertain any propositioi
that has for its purpose the better
ment and upbuilding of the city
They extend a hearty welcome tc
all new comers who are worthy o:
their consideration. They ar<
progressive and conservative, anc
are careful to do nothing thai
would in any way reflect upon the
fair name of the city. This care
and diligence is reflected in the
substantial and continuous increase
in the volumn of the cities traffic.
Abbeville is growing rapidly aud
judicious action is very essential.
The city is one of the best governled
municipalities in the state and
land is continually being pointed
oi't as an example of what can be
I done when selfish political interlests
are sacrificed in favor of the
I general good of the community.
Abbeyil^s post office for the
Hpast many years shows a large inHcrease
in receipts- This reflects a
Hsteady prominent growth with
Bboom features of every nature
Hentirely eliminated.
There are two clerks employe?
r in the office here, whose wag?
1 are $800, per annum. The rfl
> ceipts for 1909 were $8,211.8?
; and the expenses of the office w?
$2,981.68, leaving a surplus ov^
3 operating expenses of $5, 230.1*
1 During the year 8,543 money o
r ders were issued, and 1,25
- special delivery letters receivet
r The incrsase of receipts for th
> year ending March, 31, 1910 ove
; those for the previous year wa
- $738.
rive rurai routes aic acive
from this office. Congress ha
already made an appropriation c
$50,000 for a Federal Buildin
and Abbeville will soon have
new post office the site for whic
has already been selected.
The police department of Abbt
t ville is a well organized, efficier
. body. There are four men on th
; force including the chief,
i There were 658 arrests made dui
ing the fiscal year ending Apr;
ist. 1910, oilf of "which 'there Were 551
convictions. Fines paid dor*
ing the year amounted to $2,390.00 j
The majority of the offenses committed
against the law in Abbe
ville are of a petty nature. The
confirmed evildoer -gives the city *
a wide berth, well knowing that* f
^ short sojourn- in its limits would ..
lead to his detection by the faith?
' ful men on the-force;
Real Estsfte" men are doing more business
and1 there is a greater de-; mand
from the outside for our property
than 1 ever before. This is not
a boom, but a substantialgrowth
and" development that :
inevitable follows advantages that
Abbevill enjoys. Business location
and residence '-property have
? ^+r\ fnrontv -m*r
Cillldlltcu 11VSUJ IVU wv
cent according to the location faf
the property. Business property
in Abbeville can be bought -for
$40.00 to $50.00 -front foot. Residence
property for $10.00 to fms
00 front foot; It is a proverbial
fact that Abbeville real estate
never ^decreases-and all indecatioos \
show that Abbeville property will *
dopbie its* present value in a year
S ' ft''
or so. . J '*. * ? v .
Ill the city many modern im
1 _ I 1
- r?
I #
d ; provements have created a big de?s
mand for central property, thereby
s- necessitating the town to expand
Y, and suburban property is accordis
ingly of valure, and there can be
;r no misrepresentation when we say
5. that real estate investments at
r- prevailing prices are an excellent
'i safe investment, either to the home
1. seeker or the capitalist
* V
Pre-eminent Advantages or
beville in Paragraph.
i. Advantages of location.
d Splendid railroad communicatkau .
ts 3. Abundance of ground for man~
j? ufacttring sites. 4. Good water
and plenty of it. 5. Low taxes8
good public buildings. 6. Agree*
a able and comfortable social candih
tions, elevated domestic life, good .
churches, excellent public schools,
first class hotels and cheap mar* kets.
7. Solid banks, and with, at
few excentions. public spirited .
business people, conscious of Ab- it
beville's natural advantages, p?Ie
sating with pluck and verility, and
imbued with confidence in the destined
greatness of the city. 8,..
Cleanliness and sanitory conditiaog**il
C. H. L. *