M 1I' ' J SSbREBs B8f5 # If for Hu HDKM .v /. ' ^Exe?5 ' 1 V' ! "' |k_ |? The early bird c ^ for delivery for Abbeville J fr-V Eev^ G.. H. Broton aoceptably filled the ^^DN^UotheS>tBtc^ur^ yestenia^ in who was in Laurens County, preaching. j&V .SMfclWHie Preesly who 1 ias been teach-i : ingirtar Abbeville has closed her school : 'Hfcw'teaow at home at Cedar Springs for a Mr. C. D. Jones of Anderson, has been in Sahuover on a pleasant yet suspicions mis/ Sir. John W. Young on E. F. D. No. 1 gc lost a splendid buggy animal last week. l^jKolIaqk street Baptist church is schedPJwil to picnic here from Augusta next FrigidUKf: We are sure they will find no better $y/ place for Babbftfeh -School recreation than our protty park of grand oaks, and mossy jKbs Mamie Cromer, the popular teacher Buffalo school with her dudUs en (jjoy^Mast Friday afternoon with an ice! &$am birthday anniversary in honor of fivpYfalr teacher. They all left wishing fox her return to this school and many more ?ich anniversaries. : ,:G>yr school should feel fortunate in seJoranbc the services of Hon. H. C. Tillman of Greenwood as their commencement orator on the 27th of May. ^vMrs. J. W. McCaslan, of Greenwood made our home a pleasant visit last week. Hr. J. S. Shadrach, came down from Greenwood a few days ago to see relatives W.H.Adamsoa, after a few days Vspent here among: relatives returned to :/x" her tome at Mt Vernon Ga.Monday. Childrene Day, excercises in the A. R. P. church passed off pleasantly, and creditabr lyio both teachers, and pupils yesterday. L |iiss Millwee Davis, leaves in a few days b" tot; Greenwood to attend the Oratorical fc Contest, from there she will go to Clemson * to-enjoy Colilion. She will be away for a ' fair weeks. ? Mr. John Addison, Due "West is expected ; 11 K o norvoinr* nrifA JO pauruv, cf cu nuu a ua^iu^ n uc, for he knows she ueeds help. She may be so nervous and run-down in health that trifles annoy her. If she is melancholy, excitable, troubled with loss of appetite, headache, sleeplessness, constipation or faintiDg aud dizzy < spells, she needs Electric Bitters?the most wonderful remedy (or ailing women. Thousands of sufferers from female troubles, nervous troubles, backache and weak kidneys have used them and become healthy and happy. \ Try them. 0D'y 50c- Satisfaction { guaranteed by P. B. Speed. Krfirjinlti ffnr Iknn U'otil Hnllivnv I Morning train leaves Due West at 10:30. Evening train leaves Dne West at 4:40. Tbese trains meet tbe morning and evenlDg trains on tbe Southern at Donalds. Pusengera can go oat from Dan West on the evening freight train wblcb leavee Due VNt at two o'clock. FOR HOSE THAN THREE DECADES Foley's Honey and Tar b&s been a household favorite/or all ailments of tbe throat, ebest and lungs. For Infants and children It la best and safest as It contains no opiates and no harmful drugs. NoDe genuine but Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package. Refuse substitutes. C. A. Mllford &. Co. ?No one of us can reform the whole I country but each one of us can do some?1 thing towards keeping one person aud Bone home from needing reformation. $s| Foley'e Kidney Pills contain Id ocmcentratSH ad form ingredient* of eatabliibed tberapeuSH lo valne for tbe relief and care of all kidney S tod bladder ailment*. C. A. Mllford < enton church Sabbath. We know of r.o v: >etter material or material more fit for eldership than the above named gentlenen. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Cheatnam, Mrs. \mes Hatiwanger and cousin "Sweet" vere very pleasantly entertained at dinner jy Mrs. C. D. Cowan Wednesday. Mrs. 13. M. Cheatham has been very iick from grippe but we are glad to report ler much better at this writing. Mrs. J. T. Dudley stopped over at Watts ipon her return from Rock" Hill on her vay home in Athens. Mrs. Dudley has [uite a reputation as a pianist and was jrganist for the preaching service Sabjath. Mr. Thomas Wilson and sister spent a ew days with their brother Mr. F. W. ' iVilson at the municipality of Watts, S. C., tfiss Mildred Wilson returned with them o spend a week in the country. Mr. B. M. Cheatham the present prin ipal of Shuron High School has been un ce uiimously chosen by the patrons as teach - \r, *" " ? C< ??? f k/V nAvl ;i ui LUC? ouxtvnn ivu vu*? ijva?/ ^ rear at a selary seventy-live dollars per uonth. There is a certain rumor firoin? the ta ounds concerning one of our fairest raaidi; i rumor for which we liave vainly enleavored to he able to vouch for. The uaid in question stoutly denies the report, \ nit who can say that is not womans na- ?,n' ureV The rumor states that she is soon p 0 o change her mode of life from single 1 uippiness to double blessedness connubial y"! rows are soon to be taken. Mr. ond Mrs. Walter Wilson spent a few lays last week with Mr. Wilson's parents nf Mr. M. M. Hall of Abbeville spent Sab- y jath quite pleasantly with friends here. doi On ? ? Ur The family that eats yo J Hp plenty of J Quaker Oats f is. a healthy, rugged family, v \ The most popular jj| food in the world be- 11?, ! H cause it does most and costs least. |m I at: ParL'fH in rpmilnr nnrknpps. and in her- i I mctically scaled tins For hot climatus. 54 w 1 or liO(-nl?. If you want good coal at tbe price of cheap ()t ;rades buy now. S-l 75 cash buys from Amos B. Morse Co. a p on oi the best coal. l" Coal at S-i.'o from May 20tb to June -Oth i< heaper than you will buy again iu a year. bfl s?tues?Fish lines of all sizes and tish hookR at] it Morse's. ya Uuy cane seed to make early feed for your look and save buylng cum. w( A fine line of wa^h fabrics, lawns. Madras uitlnus, blue, black and white duck, ire Ita- ^ lou linen, percales, &c., at tlie same prices as he vheu coltob was down to 10c. by Seec gOODHTN, IIJ II lev. JVM11U CUIU, nil null" if Hied cofH and small garden *eeds. We Bt i 11 have a little lot of flue mackerel. Jood for breakfast. A case of small hams of the finest cure and lavorand bieakfast bacon Juki opened. You should try a package of our rbolce al1 nixed teu. Every package tor 15c or .'{Oj cailen a nice piece ol crockery wiih it. . Amos B. Morse Co. ir lil< Foley's Kidney Pills are antiseptic, tonic ud restorative aud a prompt corrective ot ail tin irinarv Irregularities. Refuse substitutes. ,,1, A. Mllford & Co. cu Cl.PflTPIfl The 13est Tonic, ?J] ntm JninC Mild - Laxative ot' BITTERb Family Medicine, 1 1 * nil .1 11 nr 11?Mia?n . . V v, I ,,, , , | | | ' || M| m I jj m^rn, TB f I PLJL HB | j "71 / lar / !th \l X, SO! X| ful iMiiWMW?a??MB gir thi mtracts made me o competitors. cans?ana j ke no other. wi. - tlx he Kpeed'm LociiIh. ior Vhen yon paint us? DeVoe's. the kind that ph further, looks bftter and lasts longer, pa r sale on ly at Speed s Drug Store. tll< tusslan corn cure "makes rough roads ' B. Speed s J ug Store. tu! ! costs as murb to put on chesp patnt as It ] es tbe best, bo n?e DeVoe's and besatl'tled. gfr ly * little dlffreuce In price. Speeds , ug Store. ^ry one bottle of Russian Corn Cure and t u will use no other. Only 10 cents) a bottle. eed 'a Drug Store. ab fon can always cet a box ol nice lresh . J ody at Speed's Drug Store. ")(>n't fool your money nw?y lor poor cigars _ ' i-n j ou c an tfet Speed's (JIuco'n nt the same ^ Ice. Speed's Drug Store. - - - scl J 'ood Fermenting g Causes Indigestion *? thi th "I got a.box of Mi-o-na tablets for a }j( stress iu my stomach, and the first eo; ise relieved me, aud after I took the ati urth I have not felt any more of it. ? [hitik it is a wonderfu1 medicine."? Jei iram Shultz, NVatseka, 111., July 101 , '09. If your stomach is out of order or stressed, uo matter from what cau-?e, i-o-na stomach tablets will jiive iuailt relief, and if taken regularly, i ill cure indirection, acute or chronic, th money back. t.a Every sullerer from stomach trouble, gr| s, belehiutj. sour stomach, nervous- co iss, dizziness, ami biliousness, should ^ \ a fifty cent box ot Mi-o-na stomach an bletH u>-day and start a treatmeut. c0 Jn thiee days' lime the stomach and ou >wels ?vi;i tie thoroughly purified, wi id tour stomach and distress will r( nish. hi Continue the treatment for two je ?eks and the stomach will become so (;t ong that it will be uble to digest the j-/, artiest meal without distress. Hold Tr druggists everywhere and by C. A. i 1 ford im " I) PC uracter. ?Do your work uot as well as eoroe ler man does but as (veil as tbat jer tuau ought to do it. an !? I Ml " ' ' :. w-9-i y ... .. . w i . 11 ? i ...in i iiitnn?? TL. C i ne ouuicc From the snowy tufts < id the oil extracted. This e oil made odorless and i Being a vegetable proc : animal infection. You )g lard, for fats of animal i frrvm tr^rrpfaKIp Qnnn ottolene from the standpoi If every housewife woi ice in purity, cleanliness < ottolene, lard would never COTTOLENE is Gu not pleased, after having given Cotto Never Sold in Bulk from catching dust and absorbing disaj Made only by THE N. Dlemson Extension Work-Article III. 'rom the date of its establishment Clemi College has been getting into shape to till its primary duty of educating the ysof this state in Agricultural and Enleering pursuits. The fact is recognized it there are many boys destined to fol- { v agriculture in after life, and many m in the state actually engaged in farmX who could be helped and benefitted by rrying to them tne scientific facts of riculture. The regeneration of the state >m an agricultural stand point, is too >w when we depend only upon the agriItural graduate. In order to hasten this acess and to increase the usefulness of s college and to extend its benefits to the eatest number, the Board established in e Agricultural Department the Division Extension Work and farmer's Institues. rh6,men of this Division have nothing do with the t .-aching in the college, but 0 to give their whole time to helping 8 farmers of the state. rhe force of this Division consists of a perintendent, a Specialist in Dairying, a eciall6t in General Animal Husbandry, d a Specialist in Rnral School Agriculre. These form the basis of a permanent ititute corps and it is planned to hold a imberof institutes at such times as the :mer will be at leisure to attend. It is xmded that the majority of these instates shall be held in the rural districts lere they will be able to reach those >st in need of them. :n addition to their work in institutes ese men will select a few farmers scatred over the state, who are interested in elr special line of work, whom they will sit regularly and suggest to them imoved methods. They will act, as it were advisarv physician, causing an accurate -ord to be kept of all operations and reits and finally publishing these in bulle1 form for the information of others. 3ossibly the most important man in this ce is the Specialist in Rural School AgriIture. It will be his purpose to encoure the teaching of agriculture in our ruschools. To this ond ho will select a j v rural schools and visit regularly, givX agricultural instruction to the children . addition he will also meet the teachers their various organizations and by . Inting out subjects and methods, en. irage them to teach agriculture themVG6. But it is not Intended that this extension all be confined to the efforts of four I ;n. Every man in the college and es- i ?lally in the Agricnltural Department i d Experiment Station will be called up- i to help in the good work. ' Each paper in the 6tate will be supplied ceaweek with a short article by some 1 ?mber of the faculty, giving useful ihrmatlon to the farmers on 6ome per-1 ' ient subjects, thu6, as it were, supplyx a good reading course. rhe Engineering Department is now , eparing a bulletin giving a number of I ins and specifications for the building of } simpler rural school houses and standp > idy to advise not only along these lines, t regarding all farm buildings. 1 Eventually a number of short courses 11 be established at the college so that 3se who have time can spend a few weeks i re, thus getting the benefit of the super teaching facilities. A summer wind-up ititute, or congress, to last the better rtof a week upon the college, will be ' ? clincher to each year's work. I ro sum up then Clem son College is vir- 1 illy throwing her doors open to every I mer and citizen of the state. She pro- | ses doing this: . 3y holding one hundred or more Insti- , tes over the state. By visiting in person the farms of [the ite and advising with their owners. 3y sending her representative into the . tiools and encouraging the agriculture to those boys and girls who may not be le to attend college. By editing a reading course for farmers be published in every paper in the state. By establishing short Agricultural urses for farmers. By assisting in the betterment of rural liools and farm buildings. By holding a summer farmers' congress ce a year, thus bringing together for induction and the exchange of ideas the ' st and njQst progressive farmers of the < ite. Up to the present the Superintendent of j e Extension Division has been alone in Is work. During the time from last j: Jvember until the present he has, with ] me assistance, held sixty-three institutes bended by over five thousand farmers. Many of these institutes, though conduc:1 by but one man, lasted from three to ur hours. ? D. >1. Barrow t. t_l 1 i I aiipUriULtmUUIll; XiALUUJHUU uwa Lion FoikIIo* a C'bllil, [n Pittsburg a savage lion fondled e hand that a child thrust into bis ge. Danger to a child is sometimes eat when least regarded. Often it mes through Colds, Croup, and hooping Coutrb. They slay thous-1 : ds that Dr. King's New Discovery uld have savtd. "A few doses cured j r baby of a very bad case of Croup," | rites Mrs. Geort ? B. Davis, of Flat >cb, N. C. "We always give it to m wi>eu he takes cold. Its a wonrful medicine for babies." Best for ughs, Colds, LaGrippe, Asthma,, c?morrhages, Weak Lungs. 50c. SI. ial bottle free. Guaranteed by P. B. i eed. Xcw Kciieiiuic rur nciiuohtu. Id Ffb. 6, 1910. . 3.'} due 1.15 p. rii. Southbound veotlbule. i. 50 due H.48 p. m. Southbound IochI.?. 41 due 2.56 a. m. Southbound night tralo >. ;12 due 5.12 p. m. Northbound vestibule ). 52due 12.58 p. in. Northbound local, t. 38 due 2.1-8 a. tn. Northbound night train WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS Ivrrj body dU? r of Cottolene I of the cotton plant, the seec ; in turn is refined by our o leutral in taste. luct, cottonseed oil is free f i cannot be absolutely sure origin are, of necessity, not ces. Right there is the diffe nt of health. ild but stop to think of the < md healthfulness of hog lar again be used in any nom layantaoJ Your grocer it hereby- auth laranteea refun(j y0ur money in case lene a fair test. Cottolene is packed in pails with an air-tigl keep it clean, fresh and wholesome, and ( greeable odors, such as fish, oil, etc. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY R. L rhe Great Liver Medicini Don't Take Pills and Violent P natters worse. They don't cure. Ut ftilford for Constipation, Biliousness, i . n . i _*il )ies. it aots in penect narmony win efnnded. Dr. Richardson, of Anderson, S. ;inuously for 25 years and says lie do will give such good results as this r< md at C. A. Milford's Drug Store. L'hiquola Drug Co., Anderson, S. C.: Dear Sirs: In response to your inquiry, I cheerfully state that I have used R. L. T. in nty family for several years with very beneficial results. I Pr have personally used it recently for its sti tonic effects and have been much bene- efl fited. For chronic conntipation, indl* in jestiou and torpid liver, I do not know lh i better remedy. m Geo. E. Priuce, Judge of Tenth Circuit. MANDFACTtJBED AND nTTTATTAT A vniuuujun. ANDERSC For Sale by C. A. Milford Price, 50c and $ The Peoples Si - -w-rrwr ~w i A?5J5Jbi V IIjJjJ OFFICERS. 8.|G. THOMSON, President. G. A. NEUFFER, Viee-Pre8ident. ' R. E. COX, Caxbfer. SCHOOL : Tablets Inl General Schoc Speed's Dri A.,, . s Pleasing J is removed, crushed, wn special process and , /v romany possible taint i of this when buying as healthful as fats obrence between lard and i . > . T. * \ ? v^j^jir * ^jo/l / i/// / f f mi AI mmMi ) and General Tonic. J urgativefr ..They only make bad ly a bottle of B. L. T. from 0. A. 1 Indigestion and all Liver Trou1 nature, Guaranteed or money j rZtiw'.t&L.- I JMH 0,, has been prescribing con- ' '] as not know of any remedy that 3medy, See testimonials below I have been using "Richardson's ver Tonic" in my home for some onths past and find it an excellent eparation. It baa served as a sub* itute for calomel, giving the desired feet without the usual nausea followg a dose of calomel, and leaving the /er in normal activity. 1 recomend it without hesitation. v A. J. Canthen, Presiding Elder Anderson Dintrict. GUAKANTEED B* DRUG CO., >IV, S. O. r & Co., Abbeville, S. C. 4 1 per Bottle. ivings Bank. \ r* ci /I Cij )3? \J* DIRECTORS. 8. O. Thomson, B. O. Anderson G. A. Neuffer, C. C. GambreU, W. E. Owens. F. B. Gary, J. 8. Stark, R. E. Cox, Jonn A. Harris. BOOKS Pencils w L 1 Supplies. t V / jg Store.