The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, April 27, 1910, Image 8

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T'-v, tI -' ' 1 I Tl ? Sumi I No doub v told that . J | Buggy is ' as Summei *. t 1 Jones." jl S^T:* - I you buy | ''just as g p.. you can t) I. thing. $ feW: f i... I - ^ affc gkv N ?&. i fe}? -. Cottolene Is Not a |i j No animal product, such as hog ] - {action to compare with Cottolene. It iat, and its purity is unquestioned. It v Irying because, being richer, one-thirc Cottolene is made from cottonsee cotton. From Cottonfield to Kitchen ^ Cottolene is made. ? Pies, doughnuts and cakes cooke most determined dyspeptic, for Cottolene r There is no substitute for Cottolem ing as good as Gottolene. It is pure, cl and absolutely the purest and most he medium. COTTOLENE is Guarante not pleased, after having given Cottolene a fair Never Sold in Bulk ?l"?le?xec\\ from catching dust and absorbing disagreeable ode Made only by THE N. K. FA Death of Little William Harbin. II nl/nv On last Friday evening about half-past II | f 1/ I seven o'clock, the death angel entered the 111 U J home of Mr. and Mrs. Escue Harbin and PI I [1 took from them their only son, little Wil- III 111 I Iiam, aged seventeen months. The little 11V11V one wag taken after a week's illness of pneumonia. "William was a beautiful, loving little boy, "None knew him but to love nim." The The home is so sad and lonely now, and JL)(JOJL\i :long for the touch of a vanished hand, and the sound of a voice that is still. c< \ citjt We pray that God will comfort the sad home, and that they will strive to meet __ __ their little one in heaven. TIT, T]V I The little body was laid to rest on last Saturday afternoon in the Hodges cemetery. We feel that little William is Iu fact b Safe in the arms of Jesus, plans ai Eg Safe on His gentle breast; nkna ?, SB There by His love o'ershaded, P Sweetly his soul shall rest. will ma 4' a Get A JL 11UUU. ' \ wm\ busiiies Cold Weather. theEui ?Monday was unusually cold. It was partly cloudy during the day and frozen rain fell here. Monday night the cold was most severe. Earlv gardeners were distressed to see their efforts wither under | such an atmosphere. m WATCH FOR THE COMET. HvH Th? RflH Hrflortn nf tho obo WatnH V* o ohlldren for spring oougbs and colds. Care- ?. fal mothers keep Foley's Horiey aDd Tar. It is the beat and safest prevention and cure for mm I croup where the need is urgent and immedl- Money ate relief a necessity. Contains no opiates or _ ? harmful drugs. Refuses substitutes. C. A. COUIlly ] M'"?r<"tCo- ville Inst A fall line of Mints at the new hardware J, company. The Dargaa-Klng Co, \ K ti #:<: 11. W XJ* JLJL^ I will receive this " ners & T it you will be rsome other 'just as good s & Tyson & t/ Why should / something I jood" when uy the real JSk \ I 4. ix yj' w'fm.i aBBaHHBBHBnHBHHBnMOaMHHHMI Substitute for Anythin lard, ever has afforded, or ever can afford is far superior to lard because it contains i is mnrp ernnomiral than hutter for shorten! i less is required. d oil, a fluid extracted from the seed of - human hands never touch the oil from :d with Cottolene can be fearlessly enjoyed nakes food digestible as well as palatable. r, because there is no shorten- =5^ ean, neutral in taste and flavor, faithful frying and shortening ff ,p-| rour grocer is nereoy aumorizea to m refund your money in case you are || packed in pails with an air-tight top to an, fresh and wholesome, and prevent it >rs, such as fish, oil, etc. .IRBANK COMPANY ^jlgg! i %30 nn nnr Pinnn y (1(\ , llJ. - I)]., DE.4LKKS IN S, FLOORING, LATHI CEILING, LIME, >S, SHINGLES, CEMEJ anyihii g that is needed to build a house. Let us make ad figure wilh you ou your work. If we do your work ill not cost you anything, and if we don't get your woi ke the other man do it cheaper. prices on material before buying elsewhere. We want s and are making prices to get it. You will find us just t rtilz ? Hnfcl o fun? otono frnm iho umioro Drop in and see our stock?write or plione us. PHONE 283 ABBEVILLE, S. C. er Building & Repair Co., to loan on city on Nails and barbed w real estate. Abbe- tlie new hardware sto urance and Trust Co. bargain. E. McDavid, Mgr. The Dargan-Kin a TfeTTr week a fresh shipment < 'yson & Jo: ' ' * ' . " ' ' ' ' / ' *' PRICE $50.00 Democratic Club Meeting. LOWNDES I In pursuance of the call of tho Chair man of the County Democratic Executive I ? . . 1U W ' | Committee for Abbeville County, a meeting Happenings Of 3 H6t ()* Club No. 2 of the City of Abbeville was Cauan llillafi l^:i | held in the Court House on Saturday the oevCn-nilleQ Uli 1! 23rd instant, the purpose being to elect of- Lowndesvil | fleers for the ensuing two years, and the Yesterday was a wee election of delegates to the* County Con- time in the history of < gvention which meets in this city oh Mon-! was a legal delivery of day the 2nd day of May. | the Savannah Valley R The following are tile names of the ofli-1 can determine the rei cers elected by the Club: President, J. R. parture. Bluke; Vice President, Major F. W. R. Mr. W. T. Cunninghf a SatlS- Nance; Secretary, -T. Howard Moore;' a visitor to our town o i Treasurer, J. F. Bradley; Member of Ex-1 Messrs. George C. C 10 nog ecutive Committee, F. B. Gary. ; Allieter of Latimer we n p- and There are nearly two hundred names en- on Tuesday, o rolled as members of the Club, entitling Mrs. Jas. T. Baskin the same to eight delegates to the County Wednesday on the 5 p. Convention. The following were elected few days with relati' as such delegates, viz: R. E. Cox, R. E. place. purest Hill. J. S. Stark, C. D. Brown, Major F. W. Miss Mary Baskin, U* L R- Xiipce, M. E. HoUingsworth. J. Moore of a flourishing schot WniCn Mars and W. R. Bradley. for several months, car At the meeting of the County Conven- a few days ago, her tion on May 2nd, delegates to the State time being having endi Convention will bo elected. Mr. J. H. Grogan of i , Any delegate to the County Convention Wednesday and moi Dy tne Who may be unable to attend, has author- home some househok itv to designate some one as his alternate ; ture that he left here a it is hoped that this will be done, as it is this place sometime a^ desired that a full delegation be present, On Tuesday last, fr nc n ninttilv/if MncillAMhU imn?i-tn.i,ia +, > f>Yt.finslv? )lll(l tolflrahl . tiie party will likely oorao up for consider- these parts; not enoi ation at iliat meeting'. swer all purposes, as d ^ . I , but as it was cloudy s ^ "" two afterward, it did m ^Vi Special Census flgerl. ???d s?uSy'ni|ht! \ SgSw)n Mr. "Wni. H. Frierson, special agent of the which is hard to estirn %%sjssSli,\ Census Bureau, will visit Abbeville next | for days to come. T Jj-ajj week for the purpose of collecting the sta-! ago it was generally tistics of manufactures of all kinds in the! small grain crops we aiiljlllHH city and vicinity. but the dry weather di tMB Printed forms have been mailed out to tie. This last rain, jfca\if the various establishments in advance in gave to us yesterday tl B5W order that secretaries and book-keepers day that we have had f ay/a may familiarize themselves with the en- Mr. T. C. Liddell a f quiries and furnish the data desired by the and received a motor Department without delay to themselves proposed to serve th< or the special agent. It is desired to have No. 1, from this place; IcjmM as full, complete and accurate a census as few times, and had t the facts will warrant, and the real value hang" of his machine to the community and the section will be places on his route ec appreciated only after the aggregates are safer served in the published in the Census reports. Mr. Fri- way, i. e., horse and bu ersoii nus a goou long usi at Auuevnie. magistrate o. vj. nu ] The Act ol' Congress providing for the ness trip to Anderson c Thirteenth Census has thrown every safe- It is not known to th guard around the privacy of all individual our people are losing and corporate business. for the appearance ol talked-of and written m /> ?^ comes so seldomly?i ? rr-i ?i i if any, now living, bi rPpT,T,i'n I P 1 jTHITH away before it visits us ? ci11uic uiuUJJ. are still living>andwl 1 i et of some years ago (i ? My little boy, who is? four years old, j k?'of bus suffered a lot with croup. Ou sev-; peurC(j }lttV0 considera erul occasions we thought he was gone. ti,e non-readers and After trying all the old time reme-; are some of that sort ? dies and most of the new, I came home them to look for dire one night at midnight, and my wife I cyclones, bad crops?n< faid. "The boy haf the croup again? and any and everythin Hiinnosp vou iret a bottle of Hvomei." i credulous imagination vt ^ wv... A culate our money so they all will get ( year. As for us, we some." i nor trying to borrow, s your I hastened to au all nightdrug store, | patiently awaiting eve ur brought it home. In live minutes he j a wa* breathing easier. In fifteen miu k we utea he was sound asleep. It broke i THE SOUND SLEEP C the croup so quickly it scared me. | Tbe restorative powei 'your Anyone wishing to cure the croup of bPVu 7mfn? jelow a chlld 1 boPe W1" t,ive Hy^mei aj SoutnerR, Eau Clare, Wli trial. lime 1 have bean unab Wishing you tbe bent of success, i because of pain ... t i t I soreness of my kidney which vou surely deserve. I remain, very poor rlU my ge Jos. E. ('lark, 204 Gth St. S. !?., Wash- i murh run down. 1 hav< ington, D. <J. Oct. 7, 1909. ! Kidney Pllu but a 8bort vV ' iii i\- i- Round an a rock. ] Hyomei is a remarkably efJective; meai*, and my general I remedy in case 01 croup ami 11 snotuu improved, i cau uon.f be in every home where there is a MniorSVcc Ing croupy child. Full instructions now | j B,,w" to cure cruup comes with each outfit. Xew 8t.heU?ie , Complete Hyomei outfit including! in Feb 6 ?~ inhaler co-ts $1.00 at dru^^i^ts every- j x0.:?:(due 1.15p. m/sou aA. wbeie and at ('. A. Mil ford & Co. It No. 5o due :?.? p. m. Soi ire at jg jjuantuteed to cure catarrh, coughs ?'' .I1,1"? f'Hnm'jln re at a and folds. no.' 52 due 1253 ? ml no m , m No. as due 2.08 a. 111. No: tr Pn Hee the Acker Building and Kepalr Com Car of fash, bllmTVnd 5 xjUi pany'H "ad." Aoker Building and Rep X in * JLJLJ) yf the celebra ties Bi These standard. others fc h avfi "Ri " w w -w grades. Top Bug? $i Call and srer iVILLE. ? b3 ilr In anil flhnnf thp [y?Personals! JLi * le, April 18th, 1910. ik ago was the first ;his town when there a Sunday's mail by _ ailroad. Time alone suits of this new deim of Monterey was Iraves and C. G. Mc- t re here on business M went to Mt. Carmel j? I < m. train to spend a I ves in and near that who has had charge )1 near Chesterfield yygi ^ ne to her home here school term for the Elberton came over ?ed to his present 1 and kitchen furnivhen he went from om reports, quite an JHMf y good rain fell in wHSmu-Ui(mfM igh, however, to anIry as it had been; Bivtey vWHW^S ind cool for a day or men good, ana tnen setter rain Saturday the good effects of ate and will be seen imaged tjSeaaa no Jit-' ^ or several weeksi ew days ago bought cycle, on which he 3 patrons on Route m1 . but after using it a Thfl TlflAnf >egun to "get the l]]n UI Ufl.L , he sold it, as some )uld be better and good old fashioned c:gy. ckabee made a busi- Lon't lake m Tuesday. e writer that any of matters W0rS6. any sleep watching n f the great, much- Mllford for CODS' -about visitant. As , . T . every 7G years?few, 0168 it acts 111 it will have passed r , , > again. Some who r6IUD(16Ui 10 saw the last cornnot Halley's)?they, oday of some of the _ _, , , ;ar in which it ap- JJr. XtlCliarCu bly excited them? .. , ? ^ non-thinkers (there tlllUOUSJy IOr 20 ; )?and have induced ', calamities, such as will give sucn gc othing to be made? 2 x n a n/r-u g else that a fertile, and at (j> A< Mill i can father. All of ame the year of the xi wuu lu ..uiiio uuo (jhiquola Drug <;o. are not borrowing, T)^ fi, . BT iny trouble, and are VearT&'r? ' J u.,* nts. Troupe. quiry, I cheerfully used R. L. ni ? years with very b IF GOOD HEALTH. hav? P^S0Iially "8l r of sound sleep cud ? efleets sud hi id QDy aliment tbnt rited. r or ChrODIC co to health. J. L. gealiou and torpid J nays:?"1"or a long * t.ptfpr rpmpriv lie to sleep soundly a oeuer remedy. s across my bncfc and s. My appetite was Judire neral condition was 3 been taklDg Foley's time and now sleep [ eat and enjoy my MAW condition Is greatly itly recommend Foqow they bave cured v w hrr. tUlU or S(>HbOiird. 1310' A ittstiouod ventlbule. i i ill bound lccl. ill.bound dlelit train _- r? i 1 rthbouud vemtbuie KnT Si) I A HV ribbouDd local. x UA uwl? MJ rtbbound night train ? Pri< 1 doorp, joat arrived. air Co. r S! i ited aggies buggies are They lead, >llow. I also n 11 If ^ iggies 01 an I Have a capital I ;y for 50.00 ; buy a Buggy. | t I I I. L. T. r Liver Medicine and General Tonic. % Pills and Violent Purgatives. They only make bad U "D T T A.?tt, n A * mey uuil't uurui uuy a uumc ui jl?. jj. h uum vi xn tipation, Biliousness, Indigestion and all Liver Trouperfect harmony with nature. Guaranteed or money ion, of Anderson, S. 0., has been prescribing conyears and sajs he does not know of any remedy that )od results as this remedy. See testimonials below ord's Drug Store, , Anderson, S. C.: I have been using "Richardson's to your in- jjjver Tonic" m my home for some y8familvfor Lve^al P??t aDd find 11 an excellent eneficia'l results. I preparation. It has served as a subtri it rHc^ntiv for its stitute for calouiel. eivine the desired ive been much bene- effect without the usual nausea follow! conptipation, iudi- jog a dose of calomel, and leaving the liver, I do not know liver in normal activity. 1 recommend it without hesitation. Geo. E. Prince, A. J. Cauthen, of Tenth Circuit. Presiding Elder Anderson District. 0FACTDRED AND GUARANTEED B? UOLA DRUG CO., NDERSON, S. O. A ? 1 Ml M n u. a. minora & no., ADDevine, ?. u. ?e, 50c and $1 per Bottle.