r-.V Rf-.'. . Georgia's "Nature's Gi J. H. McCandless, State ( Seed men, gave emphatic p: . "The sale of this product andl bring cotton seed oil truthfully Mr. McCandless then poi as Cottolene, is the only assura It seems a positive wondei of what is known of lard, w made, that anyone will con healthful Cottolene can be so COTTOLENE is G not pleased, after having given Col Never Sold in Bulk from catching dust and absorbing di Made only by THE J Stores to Close at Six O'clock. After the first of May, we the following merchants will close our stores at six o'clock, excepting pay days at the Shops and Saturdays: Amoe B. Morse Ctompany. Cash Bargain Store. L. D. Caldwell. 0. H. Cobb. Mrs. Jas. 8. Cochran. Algernon S. Simmons. Philson ?fc Henry. Farmers Bank, 5 o'clock. The Bosenberg Mercantile Company. i J. B. Glenn. - ? 8. J. Link. ? B. M. Haddon & Company. :/ Parker & Reese. National Bank, 5 o'clock. Ellis & Smith. Preasly A Perrin. Cason (Send two cents stamps for Illustrated clrcu1 Washington, D. C. In We are now Res WITH THF, RT(il Corn, Flour, Oat Heavy and 8b that we have ever carried. Of coi such as Sugar, CofFee and all kindi ing (our tailor made garments for very best.) We handle more seed than : Seeds, Millets, Cane Seed, Spring ] Come and see us. We need yo cess, and we want your partnership Amos B. . SCHOOL Tablets XJU General Sch( Speed's D] HHmH st Praises n .V 99 unny doutn l recent gathering of Cotton Cottolene. He said: ton seed oil have done more to nything else in recent history." 1, vegetable-oil product such igestible, cooking fat. sly been said and written, and it may be weet and !5Ftin5^?P HAIR HEALTH.-2c=D If You Have Scalp or Hair Trouble, Take Advantage of this Offer. We could not afTorcl to so strongly en dorse Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and continue to sell it as we do, if we were not certain that it would do all we claim it will. Should our enthusiasm carry us away, and Roxall "93" Hair Tonic not give entire satisfaction to the users, they would lose faith in us and our statements, and in consequence our business prestige would suffer. Therefore, when we assure you that if your hair is beginning1 to unnaturally fall out or if you have any scalp trouble, Rexall "93" Hair Tonicwill promptly eradicate dandruff, stimulate hair growth and prevent premature baldness, you may restassiirecf that we know what Ave are talking about. Out of one hundred test cases Rexall "93" Hair Tonic gave entire satisfaction in ninety-three cases. It has been proved that it will grow hair even on bald heads, when, of course, the baldness had not existed for so long a time that the follicles, which are the roots of the hair, had not become absolutely lifeless. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is vastly different from other similar preparations. We believe that it will do more than any other human agency toward restoring hair growth and hair health. It is not greasy and will not gum the scalp or hair cr cause permanent stain. It is as pleasant to use as pure cold water. Our faith in Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is so strong that we ask you to try it on our Positive guarantee that your money will e cheerfully refunded without question or quibble if it does not do as we claim. Certainly we can offer no stronger argument. It comes in two sizes, prices 50 cents and $1.00. Remember you can obtain it only at our store,?The Rexall Store. C. A. Milford & Co. Tennis lovers can get what they want at The DarganKing Co. Car of ash, blind and doors, Juet arrived. Acker building and Repair Co. See tbe Arfcer Building and Repair Com pany'a "ad." mnMpMrnnmn altrpnan ?>?re iPto tho Having. iltlvo pxtormin- I ittle chicks und ! ???{ I ?cr. ComploUj dirMtionTwIthTacli^M^ UuiUd Statoi. Satin taction cuaractccd/SVvlJ^ * [ [cMurray Drug: Co. CAPITALIST. ree handsomely lithographed. hut worthies", yourself for any amount, and have loin of fun re wealthy. These certificates appear to reice enterprise and look Inst like the Veal ey on. ONE SAMPLE t'OR FIFTY Cents, ar.) dependent. Printing Company idy for Business GEST STOCK OF \ s, Barley, Seeds, elf Hardware irHe we have all the other things ' " ? * 2-- LM f M/vtl. 3 oi ngiit groceries. ouucn, viumwbich we lake orders is up to the ?ny other house in town. Garden 3arley, etc. ur help to make our business a suc>. Morse Co. BOOKS Pencils i .J3l doI Supplies. rug Store. Stomach Misery frvr? nupr Sty Yfiars W V WA r-w **J|. _ w IV ? t . lj ll Ilead what Mr. Hoflman, landlord ^ of i lie Webster Hotel, writes. * "I sullered misery and intense paitss ( from fitoijiucb trouble lor over six g years, and all the doctoring that I did s or medicines I used were of uo avail L until about two years ago, when I used a treatment of Mi-o-na. The first few 5 days' treatment helped me greatly J and upon using it awhile I was made , entirely free from any stomach trouble ,, or complaint whatever. Klnco the j cure by Mi-o-na I have regained my t weight, J eat and sleep well, am never i nervous, and my entire general health is much better."?Max H. Hoffman, ' Webster, N. Y., Aug. 12, 15)09. i Mi-o-na stomach talilets relieve dis- , treHs in five minutes. They act likeji magic. They are guaranteed to cure 1 sour stomach, gas eructations, heart- ? burn, dizziness, biliousness and ner- * vousness, or money bark. For sale i>y j druggists everywhere and hv C. A. j Milford & Co. for 50 cents a large box. , Try Booth's Pills for constipation ; j they never disappoint, 25c. "" ( Nails and barbed wire at i the new hardware store at a , bargain. The Dargan-King Co. Excursion, Rates VIA THE Southern Railway Co. FROM ABBEVILLE, S. C. , To Bit It i morn. Md. and K< turn $17.7'i Accouut Southern Baptist (Convention and Baptists of North America, General Convention, May 11 18, 1910. Tickets on sale May 8, 9 ami 10, with final limit returning June Int. Richmond, Vh., and R< turn $16.85. Account National Association of Piano Dealers of America, May 13-1S, 1910. Tickets on sale May 11 and 12! and for trains, scheduled to arrive R.chmoud before noon May 13, final limit returning May ?9,1910. Allauto, Uh., and Iteturn S5.85. Account National Baptist Sunday School Congress (colored) May 25-30, 1910. Tickets on sale May 23 aud 24 and for trains scheduled to arrived Atlanta, May 25, 1910. final limit teturnint: June 1st, 1910. Richmond, Vh.. aud Rrturn $16-85. Account American Pharmaceulial Association. May 2-14, 1910. Tickets on sale May 1 aud 2, 1910. Final > limit returning May 17, 1910. Cincinnati, 0? and Return ?17.10. I Account Biennial Session, General Federation of Woman's Clubs, May , 11-18, 1910. Tickets on sa'e May 5, 9, 10 and 11, 1910, with final limit returning to reach starling point not later than midnight May 22, 1910. Abbeville, X. and Return 34.75 Account General Conference M E. Church, Sluth, May 4-24, 1910. Tickets on sale May 2 to 11, inclusive, with final limit to reach original starting point not later than midnight May 31st, 1910. Molnl'-, Ala., ami Return $10 10. Account Annual Reunion, United Confederate Veterans, April 26-28, 1910. Tickets on sale Ap il 24 , 25, 20 and 27, 1910, with exceptions. Final limit returning to reach original starting point not later than midnight May 2nd, 1910. Charlotte, X C? and Return $5 5 5. Account American Coiton Manu-I1 facturers Association, May 17-18, 1^10. Tickets on sale May 15 acd 16 and for trains scheduled to arrive Charlotte before noon May 17, !I910. Final limit returning to reach orlgi- ( nal starling poiur not later thai) midnight May 21, 1910. Xew Orleans, i.a , and R-liirn S22.150 1 Account Na'ional As3rciaiion of Credit Men, May 17-21, 1910. Tick- , ets ou sale May 14, 15 and 16, 1910 only, with filial limit returning tor reach original s arting point nut I laier than midnight May, 23, 1910, | At 'antic (My, X. J., ami Return $83,550 , Accoui t General Assembly, Presbjt-rian Church in the IT. S. A., May < 18-31, 19i0. Tickets 011 sale May 16, , 17 aud 18, 1910 only, with fiual limit returning to reach original starting point not later than midnight June 5, 1910. j WaNbinKCOu, D. ('., nud Return $16.5:0 ] Account World's Sunday School ] Association. May 19-26, 1910. Tick-11 ets on sale May 1G, 17 and 18, 19?.0 ouly, with liual limit returning to ' reach original starting point not later than midnight June 1, 1910. Knosvillr, Trnn., t?iul Itcliirn $8.65. Account Summer Schools of tbe ' South, June 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, July 2, ' 9, 10 aud 16, 1910, with final limit returning to reach det-tination not later thun fifteen days from, but not including, date of sale. ami Kewanre, Teun, and ICcturu $11.50. Dates of ticket 9alea Juue 30, July], . 15. 16, 22. 23. 29, 30 and August 12, isnu, wim nnai juuii returning 10 reach original starting poiut not later than Sept. 5, 1910. Account Opening: Week, July 1-7, 1910; Mon- . teagle Bible School, July 15-25, 1919; J Monteagle Sunday School Institute, July 28, August 15, 1910. XiinIii ill*', Tenn., and It1 t urn $12.70. Account Army Manoeuvers, June ( 19-20, 1910. Tickets on sale June 18, 39, 20, 22 and 23, 1910, with exceptions. Final limit returning to reach original Htarting point not ? later than raiduight June 28, 1910. For further information, apply to Southern Railway ticket agent, or Alex. H. Acker, T. P. A. Augusta, (Ja. J. L. Meek. A. G. P. A. ] Atlanta, Ga. jrei lltk?c? u Giil! ANDCURSTHeLUNCS] mD&KINCS mwmm iftBf OUCHS Uitf50?a?i.oo ?UKVOt?S ITRIALBOTTLE f?EI AND ALL THROAT AMP LUNG TROUBLES ^GUARANTEED 3AT/SFACTORY'" ! . OR MONEY REFUNDED. , 1 nHSaBBmamMBHnMW See our display of hardware in one of our windows. The Dargan-King Co. ih^H \ The Situation in the House. Daily Mail. We hardly know what to make of his itest news from Washington, to the teect hat the insurgent republicians, spurred y letters from their constituents, have aiout derided to resume their light against !annonndCannoism?aud have intimated hat they will now be willing to vote with he democrats to declare the speaker's hair vacant and then elect an outsider as peaker. The constution provides that the peaker of the house mav not necessarily ie a member of that bocfy. But somehow we do not believe the insurgents will do anything of the kind. One ?r two of them may, but we believe that nost of them are insincere, and have been* unking all this noise simply for political ; fleet in their own districts, without any ntontionof kicking out of the truces of heir own party or of doing the party nachine any particular harm. In this connection we take the liberty of luoting from a private letter from Congressman Aiken. It was written on Friday: "Your comments recently have been correct in tho main, but we feel sure that the [iemocratic position is better than ever, because wo helped the insurgents to the jxtreme limit, and we were delighted when ,hey took to the woods and refused to get rid of Cannon,and Cannonism, for which < ,hey had been howling for so long. "We I iad to call the speaker's bluff, for if we had | lot done so the press of the country would nave said we had endorsed him and that ( we had acted cowardly. "WAdid all we could and we are now in belter position than aver to light the insurgents, and the regulars too, in the west and elsowhere. Taking everything into consideration, fe could not have asked for better conditions. As far as the rules are concerned, they are about as befoie, but the insurgents may sometimes combine with us on the floor and knock out objectionable special rules The insurgents and northern press claim that they did wonders, when as a matter i of fact they laid down at the crucial moment, and never could have turned awheel , if the democrats had not stood solid." This is a view of a democratic member of the house, who is on the ground and who watches things closely, and it is just the view of it that we have had at this distance The fight of the insurgents did not amou to a hill of beans, and we do not believee ] was ever intended to. i The record of the fight, as given in the J Congressional Record, brings out a very , interesting fact. When the vote was taken I on the ihomentous resolution to declare . the speakers chair vacant, the roll was 1 called in alphabetical order, of course. The two members whose names come before that of Congressman Aiken did not vote bsing absent. When Mr. Aikens name was called he voted, and his was the first vote to be recorded in favor of declaring the speakers chair vacant. All the rest of the democratic members followed him like 1 sheep, but the insurgents turned tail fled The fight was lost, but, but, as Mr. Aiken 1 says.it was not the fault of tee democrats and they are in better position than ever, " while the blame rests where it belongs and is so plain that everybody sees it. It was a very pretty fight, in which nobody won a victory except the democrats, and* we are very glad that Mr. Aiken led the fighting at such a critical moment. Poultry wire cheap at The Dargan-King Co. ONE CONDUCTOR WHO WAS CUBED. Mr. Wlllord Adams Is bis nsme, and be writes about It?"Some time ago I wus confined to my bed with cbronlo rheumatism. I u?51 9so ?%. 'pi,wwu. 511 AcrOS of laud 4 1-2 miles south uf Ware's Shoals ou Saluda river; 3 iwelliugs and 3 tenant houses, 75 acres wood land, 75 acres bottom land, good pasture, 7 horse farm open on the place. It is uow rented for 3,600 lbs. liut cotton. Cau be easily made to bring double this rent. Price $12.50 per acre. I 2 Houses and Lots in Fort Pickjos. These are nice Dew cottages. Price $750 each. Dwelling and Store in the city of Abbeville near S. A. L. shops. Price $2,000. The very place for a man wanting to do small mercantile business. House and Lot corner Church aud Tanyard Streets. This house is new, well built and has six rooms. Price *2,000. House and Lot in Mt. Carmel 1 is located in the best section of the town. Price $550. [)ne Lot on corner of Orange and Lemon Streets, beautifully located level and well drained, $500. rwo Lots near Wardlaw Street, two minutes walk from Graded School; near in, and a bargain at $500 each. I 111 Acres one and one-fourth mile from City limits, price $2000.00. 560 Acres land near Mt. Carmel, S. C., price *2,000, possibly enough wood on this place to pay for it. List your Real Estate with me and iome to see me. If you want to buy I )aveor can get what you want. If you ~ it t &?i - i? *uui iu sen 1 cauuuu you a Duyer I also buy and aell all kinds of Stocks and Bonds. Remember I represent the Equita-, >U, the strongest Ijife Insurance Com>any in the world. Robt. S. Link Office over Milford's Book Store. V "P T % JLVl \ Fhe Great Liver Medici Eon't Take Pills and Violent natters worse. They dqn't cure. MLilford for Constipation) Biliousne Dies. It acts in perfect harmony ^ refunded. Dr. Eichardson, of Anderson, tinuously for 25 years and says he will give such good results as this ind at C. A, Milford's Drug Store. Cbiquola Drug Co., Anderson, 8. C.: Dear Sirs: In response to your inquiry, I cheerfully state that I have used R. L. T. in my family for several vears with very beneficial result*, i have personally used it recently for its tonic effects and have been much benefited. For chronic constipation, indigestion aDd torpid liver, I do not know a better remedy. Geo. E. Prince, Judge of Tenth Circuit. MANUFACTURED A] CHIQUOLA ANDERS For Sale by C. A. Milfo: Price, 50c and Mvi 1 1 ' * 1 ' ? 1 * ) J. I . u DEAL] I DOORS, FLOOR SASH, CEIL1N BLINDS, SHINGl In fact any hi g I hat is needed to plans and figure wi'h you on you plan* will not cn^t you anything, will imke the other man doit chei fte! pric?s on material before huhinctf and are making prices to the Euitka .Hottl?a few btepfl fron Drop iu and see our st PHONE 233 Acker Building The Peoples f ABBEVIL OFFICERS. S.|G. THOMSON, Preeident. G. A. NEUFFER. Vice-President R. E. COX, Cashier., Toothm THE SOOTH'S 61 Unexcelled Dinning Car Serv Through Pullman Sleeping Convenient Schedii Arrival and Depj No. of Trains. 106 Leaves for Green\ 108 Leaves for Colum 110 Leaves for Greenv 112 Leaves for Gr