The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, March 16, 1910, Image 8

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Sa iOur new I and Boy: Departme fk ' us bel IP la Spring Woolens | I D. p( Shortens your food fe. ^ f Cottolene is a wholesome product. It i I modern and hygienic manner, and is ju \ because its source is clean. From Cott the oil from which Cottolene is made. Cottolene makes a palatable, digestible, !,delicate stomach. Lard food, on the cc sooner or later. Cottolene is a product of nature. Wa Fields, nurtured by rain and dew, the o life-giving and life-sustaining quality wb I There is no substitute for Cottolene, a Iliiuitv.mug gu gwu. COTTOLENE is Guaranteed not pleased, after having given Cottolene a fair test. Never Sold in Bulk from catching dust and absorbing disagreeable odors, s Made only by THE N. K. FAIR || Boys' Intensive Farming. feHMore than 12,000 Southern boys lees than II 1 K years old planted and cultivated an acre II f\ IJ A V t W corn each last year under the direction ; II 11 If I ? j- i Mthe department of agriculture. Persons U I H H I ? interested in the experiment in Arkansas, || 11 f 11 * I i Sftesissippi, South Carolina and Virginia I III ] | III ? 6^?ered to pay the expenses of a trip to ,,V,,WI * jBBishington for the boy in each State who E^Hoa/H tho erroatfet. ftmnnnt nf mm cin hie _ Ie. The winning boys will .soon visit the ' donal Capital, says the Baltimore Araerihe average yield of corn to the acre in ' J was a little more than 125 bushels, A KfT } South Carolina boy, who made the ' t record, produced 152 1-2 bushels. The -p>y ming Mississippi boy raised 147 bushels, JL> Jul J\ 1 Jo, Arkansas boy 135 and the boy in Viria 122. The average raised by each of _ , 12,000 was 60 bushels. In fact anytl he instructions given to those boys by plans and fie department of agriculture are availa- . -n to every farmer in the country. If they plans win nc old be followed exactly the yield of corn will make tb ihfl nnnlri eftfiilv h? donVilfiH in n sin- ? . I year. ~ ~ " uet prict tense cultivation is worth while on all business and ?. The average yield of potatoes to tv1P Fnrufca f acre in 1909 was 107 bushels, but the oe farmers averaged 225 bushels, and e of the most progressive of them dug Dro >ushels to the acre. The yield of corn potatoes depends more upon the soil, there is practically no part of the UniStates in which these crops cannot be Ml successfully. m is beyond doubt that larger erons can R aIiau Induced from 10 acres thoroughly till- AMI.K frr | .n from two and even three times 10 lwliWI cultivated as they usually are. The lat the South Carolina prize winner more corn on one acre than the re farmer produces from six tells a Foley's Kidney R< that should not be lost upon those or Kidney or Biadd< hose benefit the experiment was yond the reach of ?Rock Hill Herald. can do more, c, a. ????????? _u~r- .ja- < ^ ? ' /rcum< Men's, Youths, Our new Ladies', Men's Oi i' Clothing Blisses, Boys' and Chil- Si nt is com- dren's Shoes and Ox- is ford Dept. is complete, fls ct every department in our s new line of Spring and Sum no purcha 3r Quality! For ^ koff's advanced spring style *ed Suits in the season's smart , $10.00, $12.50 up to $16.50 wil fore purchasing elsewhere. and Summer Dress Goods we will s and much mor DLIAKOF] %. sS C.&23L! Itm*. ItT" . jt I rOLENE I-Lensthens vour life \w !s made from Cotton Seed Oil in a thoroughly st as pure as olive oil. It is a clean product onfield to Kitchen?human hands never touch healthful food, which will agree with the most )ntrary, is indigestible, and will cause trouble j i rmed into life by the Sun on Southern Cotton 1 r 11 . 11 otton plant finally concentrates in its seed tnat lich is the basis of Cottolene. because there is no other i Your grocer is hereby authorized to refund your money in case you are F* j ked in pails with an air-tight top to re 1W t fresh and wholesome, and prevent it -] BANK COMPANY ? ???m???? rt?m^ii? i t r?% I ^ <A". .^? f ? ?? ?? ???^?? j I lnilHinn nnrl flnnnir ftn In/7 > iiiy uiiu Hcpiiii yy? iini.; DEALERS IX 11 FLOORING, LATHS, c CEILING, LIME, I SHINGLES, CEMENT, ?j i1 liDg that is needed to build a house. Let us make your * ;ure with you on your work. If we do your work your )t cost you anything, aud if we dou't get your work we e other man do it cheaper. i< ?s on material before buying elsewhere. We want your are making prices to get it. You will find us just below iotel?a few steps from the square. t-i p in and see our stock?write or plione us. PHONE 233 ABBEVILLE, S. C. J Building & Repair Co ,,1RC. |* e amedy will cure aDy case i'neutnonia follows a cold but never follows _ 3r 'ESi11 1xt u?.1 .' 1 he use of Foley's Honey and Tar which stops P ?i?? JD^V. medicine | cough, heals the lungs and expels the cold Mlliord & Co. from the system. C. A. Mllford A Co. i at; jlAi BEGINS? ir new and up-to-date Oui 7 Goads department and complete aid over- par swing with bargains, jwitl tore is now cornpk mer Goods. We ir se, you are welco T alue! Foi displays are une< test styles popular 1 save you a gooc \ show a wonderful div e extensive than ever F, TROY. Troy, S. C., March 7, 1910. What a deliflit to all to see the suaehine with its balmy weather, for truly this has been a winter of unusual cold and blizzards. Mrs. W. |P. Wideman, having stood a splendid examination, is the census enumerator for .Long Cane. Mr. W. W. Wardlaw is adding very much to his pretty home with several coats of paint. Air. J. B. Reagan is doing the work. Mr. M. W. Cuddy from Believue vicinity was in town last week, and says it was almost miraculous he reached herein safety, as he says the condition of the public highways beggars description. This is in Abbeville county. Mrs. Ella Dora Power, after an extended visit with relatives at JDornville, has returned to her home at Abbeville. The children of the A. R. I*. Sabbath School are preparing for Children's Day exercises, which date we will announce in our next letter. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clinkscales entertained most pleasantly last Friday evenin<r Mi? nvwl VI vc .Inmuc: W??ir nn^l can \Tnc_ Ler Norman, also Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Patterson with a delightful tea. The iirst three are from Woodstock, Canada. Pretty little Willie Jay is in Abbeville with her aunt Mrs. Fannie Haddon. Mrs. Fannie Palmer spent several days last week with her daughter Mrs. G. A. I'albert, of McCormick. Mr. J. C. Kennedy of Eden Hall is nearng completion a nice new store at his liome. Messrs. R. A. Crawford and Joe Young liave the contract for covering Long Cane jhurch, and have already begun work. Miss Bessie Long of Newberry is spendng pleasantly some weeks here with her jrother Mr. G. W. Long and family. Mrs. J. H. Chiles fiom Midway went to spartanburg Friday to visit relatives, reurning home today. Mrs. Rebecca Wiuenian is now connected vitli Troy Telephone Exchange. Mr. J. T. iolomons is putting in her telephone tolay. Mr. J. W. Lyon is Census enumerator for rroy. We are glad to see Rev. R. F. Bradley on >ur streets again. He has been quite un veil taieiy. Mr. and .Mrs. Jim Creswell have returned roin a visit with relatives at Piedmont. iir. ami Mrs. J. E. liradley, with their tandsome sous Arthur and Jim, from Mccormick, were pleasant visitors with his laronts lie v. 11. F. Bradley and family yeserday. Mayor's Court will convene this a. m. A ively scrap in town last ni^ht at the colred church ; all parties of tliecolored peruasion. Just listen ! The announcement of wedlintf bolls, and the pretty house on thecorler of Church Street will be the happy tome. lapt. Bogardus Again Hits the Bull's Eye I'iiio U'urid Im rnciiM n tlshot wlio hnlds lit. IihtnpiotiKhip record ol 100 pigeons lu 100 iiiHtcuilve hliuiN is living at Lincoln, lu. lereniiy interviewed, lie says: *-1 bavesufthI a imis; time with kidney arid bladder rnub'e "i-d have usttl fevernl well known Itlney iihdlciiico ail which hkvp rue no '"lei until 1 Maru-'! l? king Foley's Kidney 'ilie. Before I used Foley V Kidney PUN I aN subject d to Keviie backache and pains i my Kidneys with snppiewaion und oftenmes a cioudx voiding. Wlilli* upon hrlnlI i tin morning J would ?et dull headache*, low 1 have In ken Ihr'n bottles ol Foley'. Jdney IMIs and fe? I 1(0 per wnt better. I m never bothered Willi toy kidneys or blader h ud once more teel I'kemy own ?e-f. All! lis 1 owe solely to Foley V Klrloey 1'ills and I ways recomtneuil iheiy to my lellow sutler- j rs." C. A. Mlllord & Co. Place your fire insurance i/ith iKytflTtillfl Tncn'i-on/io artH 'rust Co. If the fire comes hey give you prompt and atisfactory settlement. We epreaent nftecn of the largst companies. * We insure town or country roperty. j J. E. McDavid, Mfjr. I . . [OFF GOPEN MARCS ' new Men's, Boys' Our new Men's i I Children's Hats De- Ladies' Furnishi tment is complete Goods Department h the latest shapes, complete. ite with a full and up=to=dat< lvlte all! Purchase or me. ? Extensiveness! quailed! Our clever Men's prices, ranging from $5.00 I many dollars if you call or ersity of weaves and shadings, a shown before. Abbeville Milford's Sa: The Blood Purifier ai Your blood is the body current of ities anvwhere in vour svstem. vour J J J / J all through the other parts until the whole system is run down and you ai The human body is like a piece of parts, all working separately, but eacl or less extent. Let one part become ; organism is in bad shape. Milford's Sarsaparilla is the blood purifier. It contains Sarsaparilla, Trifolium, Stillingea, Mandrake, Capsicum, Sassafras, Salycilic Acid,Iodide ot rotash, Iodide ot iron, uascara ana Soda. You know the purifying properties of the above ingredients. You also know that each and every one of them is as good as could be used. Milford's Sarsaparilla also acts as a vitalizer and invigorates pvprv nprvp and fihpr in thp hndv. It tones up the liver, restores the stomach to a healthy condition and brings back the appetite. Then pure blood goes tingling through the veins, and the whole being teems with enlivened spirits. Milford's Sarsaparilla is pleasant and agreeable to take. You need something to build you up and to take away that tired feeling. Try Milford's Sarsaparilla. It is an honest medicine, a medicine that we are not afraid to show and tell iust what it contains. If J we did not think it would do the work, do you think we would tell you all of this ? PRICE 01. 3 Bottles for $2.71 0. A. MLFORD & ( jT [ 19th. ' 7 i d exhibit far superior ft 5, S. C. i ' 1 rsaparifla! * nd System Renovator. ' your life. If there should be impurblood will find them and carry them i poison is sown broadcast and your :e sick. machinery. It is composed of many a dependent on the other to a greater affected, and sooner or later the whole Milford's Sarsaparilla relieves all affections of the skin and blood, such as pimples, boils, syphilis, old sores, tetter, salt rheum; it acts on the liver, and imparts new blood to the entire system. * IV MM Head wnat reopic toii Know nas to say about this Medicine. 1 Abbeville, S. C., March I, 1910. > C. A. Milford & Co., Abbeville, S. C. Gentlemen?It gives me pleasure to say to you that I have used your Milford's Sarsaparilla for the blood and found it to be everything you claim for it, and to my mind second to none on the market. You can safely recommend it for boils, etc., arising from imniiro Kl/\Arl J^UiC L/JUUU. Yours very truly, W. G. Riley, Chief of Police. Abbeville, S. C., March I, 1910. C. A. Mil ford & Co., Abbeville, S. C. Gentlemen?It is with pleasure that I say to you that I have used your Milford's Sarsaparilla for rheumatism and blood, and can truthfully say it is the best medicine for either I have ever used. Any one suffering from either of the above troubles cannot get anything better than Milford's Sarsaparilla. It dnes the work. Yours very truly, Charley J. Bruce. 5. Made and guaranteed by 70., Abbeville, S. C.