The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, March 16, 1910, Image 1

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The Abbeville Press and Ban nell BY W. W. & W. R. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE. 8, O.. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 16, 1910. ESTABLISHED 1844fl | There is more N to a Fertilizer fl than Analyses n # N The mere mixing ot H materials to obtain analyM sis requires no special PJ knowledge. The value M of a fertilizer lies in the PJ source from which the D" plant food is obtained. Each ingredient in Royster goods is selected with a view of supplying Pi the plant from sprouting g until harvest. The plant PI is not overfed at one M time and starved at anPJ other. Twenty-five years experience goes with W every bag, PJ TRADE MARK U Sold by reliable dealers throughout y the South. D F. S. Royster Guano Co. N NORFOLK, VA.' T _ ? A"Night Letter Service" Will Soon &I1S ill cLIlCG ? Inaugurated at Low Rate. The Western Union Telegraph compa has decided to start a new service, kno 8H 1 1 Ml as "Night Letter Service" and will prol Tv 1YA <3 n *\T ATW ' bly into eflec>t March 14th1 llC ?L11LL U LU1 111! "Night Letters" must be written on sp i ial blanks furnished on application, and \ be received up to closing hour at night ! delivery tbe following morning, at d I expect to give my entire time "nation. f 0 r ? They must be written in plain Engli my insurance business in tne code or foreign languages is not p future. Representing mThedeh.ree for "Night Letters" will standard rate for ten words, for transmj ion of fifty words or less, and one-fifth GOOD* STROlTG AND this rate will be charged for each additii al ten words or less. ? Greenwood Ind LIBERAL COMPANIES J. FULLER LYON APPOINTED I can take care of your interest ;w||| Be Successor t"0 M u R. Br00 and will appreciate any business as Adj||tant 6enwa|t c v given 6. j p>uiier LyCn of this city has been pointed adjutant general and chief of st Office A. M. Hill & Sons' Store, or j with the rank of brigadier general by G< rail on F C Du*>re Kneed'a Drue1 c- Irvin Walker of Charleston, comma call on I., bpeea s urug in(? the Army 0f Northern Virginia depa Store. | ment of the United Confederate Vetera This appointment is to take the plac< Plmna TOO Tiilina TT TinPrp ! Col. U.K. Brooks of Columbia who resi* r&one IZZ. dunus a. uurre. ed on account of hi8 dutie8 as clerk of i Feb. 23,1910. supreme court preventing him from atte ing the general reunion. * Gen. Irvine Walker and Mr. Lyon w both wounded in the same fight. vv i Gen. Walker mentions this fa ct in a r Pi AllCffi tam Un I ^ 6onal letter to Col. Brooks. ? The SU Free if it fails. I will eel! my house and lot on . VienDa Street, the house formerly ? uabau d??l :i v?.. iu? ? owned by 8. J. Link, on easy t?rmn. j our Money Baok if You are Mot S it contains five rooms and a ball, isfied with the Medicine we R aDd is fully provided with water and j ligbtc. The lot is large and roomy. ommenu. For further particulars apply to W. We are so positive that our remedy i W. Bradley. permanently relieve constipation, no*xr W. N. Thompson. ter how chronic it may be, that we oflei furnish the medicine at our expense sho ???????? it fail to produce satisfactory results. )|ii rp - It is worse than useless to attempt I hPI*P Q ?) I OnP cure constipation with cathartic dru * w O f* ? V,11V/ Laxatives or cathartics do much hai \ r ___ j. T'Ljr, Ql-MtiA They cause a reaction, irritate and weul .T^DOvtl 1 IllS OlOl G the bowels and tend to make constipat ? ... . * * more chronic. Besides, their use becoi That Makes Buying Mere a habit that is dangerous. A Dl Constipation is caused by aweaknesi I leas lire the nerves and muscles of the large int , . . A tine or descending colon. To expect t You 11 Snd our large and manent relief you must therefore tone stock is an educatot in good eatables. an(l strengthen these organs and rest Products from every clime and them to healthier activity. nation are gathered on our shelves The discovery of the active principli and counters. our remedy involved the labor of Swiss Cheese, Holland Herring, world's greatest research chemists. A8 Russian Caviar, Scotch Marmalade, active agent it possesses the valuable qi the best condiments of English and ities of the best known intestinal tonlcf j domestic makers, teas from China, well a6 being particularly pleasant I and an unsurpassed line of coffees. prompt in its results. One of our best-liked brands is the \\'e want you to try Rexall Orderlies famous our recommendation. They are exceedi ly pleasant to take, being eaten like can 171 _ ^ and are ideal for children, delicate pers rjIrrrTnl 1 ^firFPrf and old folks, as well as for the rob They act directly on the nerves and xi i a select quality^with the virile coffee cles of the bowels. They apparently h flavor retained^ There is as much a neutral action on other associate Org difference between Electa and com- or glands. They do not purge, cause mon coffee, as between morn and cessive looseness nor create any incoi ^Idngand c^rinVmake^u^rior! Iliencfe. whatever. They may be taker an time, day or night. They will p 1,!,^ ?? WhiVhrsfC / tively relieve chronic or habitual const because all Electa Co&eeis tion, if not of surgical variety, and i selected by experts and myriads of associate or dependent elm cup-tested. I ailments, if taken with regularity ft f? *? I /TuroDRfinntile length of time. Thev finmi two s'zes ?* P'lt'kages, 12 tablets", 10 ce: LT1 Til ill ?*t? V f*?Pw 71 36 tablets, 25 cents. Sold in Abbeville < A* ItIIIICJ 9 at our store,?The Bexall Store. C. Abbeville, S. C. ililford & Co. It will soon be tlire to palDt your house See the Arfeer Building and Repair C be sure to do- ibe paint that goes the* furib*T pany's "ad." and Mt? the longest?DeVoe'e. Forsaleonly largest and best line of perfumer by Speed a Drugstore. Abbeville on display at Mlllord's drug t TROY. M Troy, S. C., March 24, 1910. IJ Rev. S. R. Bass of McCormicl; has ac n cepted the call from the Baptisv, Church W here and will preach each second and M fourth Sabbath afternoons of each month. R He is a capital preacher aud all will hear \ 1 him gladly. RJ Mrs. R. F. Bradley and Mrs. Al. ce BradW ley attended the birthday anniversary of 1 Mrs. Sallie Bradley at Abbeville last Fri day. No dearer or more lovable l idy does this State afford than Mrs. Bradley. Mr. R. C. Brownlee, one of Due West's best citizens, was in town recently. He is * J looking well. The alarm of fire was heard here Tuesday at noon, and was soon discovered. Rev. R. F. Bradley's house was fast burning from the top; but as someone re1J marked, you can't burn a buildin ? in Troy in daylight, so prompt and ret.dy is the bucket brigade. It was soon extinguished with little damage. A flying spark was thought to be the cause. I J Messrs. J. W. McKee and "Willie Lyon came down from Abbeville in their big ma chine last week and made it ph asant for many of the Trojans. John Moore, a substantial colored farmer II a few miles from here, lost hie barn, stables and feed stuffs, two mules and a cow from fire a few days ago. Tom Morton, his son-in-law, burglarized his dwelling only a few nights before and was caught Uin the house. He is now board ng in the Abbeville jail, as he was the one whom they thought hred the building. This seems to be the day of dinings and tea-settings in Troy and adjoining viciniDties. This adds greatly to the social feature and makes the time go pleasantly. Mr. Harris Horton of Itellevue is back from several days' stay in Mt. Carmel. Air. P. H. McCaslan of Clear Spring was to see his sister Mrs. Barnwell for several days last week at Abbeville. The recent fine weather is making the m farmers and garcieners have a quickstep, H and they are using the time ivith much r j progress in their work. mJ An epidemic of measles in a3evere form H is raging in Sandover. In some families U ev%y member is sick. The CI em son cadets brought them and they are not "our" meaf I sles, as some one has put it. Mr. \V. J. Creswell is suffering with a SI spell of jaundice. U Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Cuddy came down BB from Bellevue and spent Wednesday with Mr. J. M. Cuddy and family. kj Mr. Eldred Price and Miss Mary Rosen H wike will be married tomorrow; (Tuesday) N afternoon at three o'clock. They are a happy young couple and have a bright furl ture (so far as we can see). There are kJ scores who extend best wishes with happy H congratulations to them. y Miss Mollie Tittle is home from a visit with friends at McCormick. P CHANGE IN DONALDS BANK. U Mr. R. B Cheatham Succeeds Mr J C a Booker as Cashier Donalds. Mar. 1 ? At an election held by the directors of the Bank of Donalds, for cashier to succeed Mr. J. C. Booker, resigned, Prof. R. B. Cheatham, principal of the - - school here was elected. Mr. Booker has held the position of cashier since the bank was founded In 1908, and it is with sincere regret that the bank and the citizens of Donalds give him up. He U goes to the Merchants and Farmers Nati onal Bank, Charlotte. N. C. His^successor, Mr, Cheatham, is a gradub ate of the Citadel and an excellent gentlee man. ny B AD PRACTICESWD t)a_ The Press and Banner, this week, says that during the progress of a certain case PC_ in court of general sessions there last viH week, in which much that was indecent for had to bo brought out, a number of boys es. in knee breeches were noted taking In every word and that a number were on the Sh front seats all during the trial. erI It surmises that a large number of fathers discussed the case in fullest detail bebe fore their little boys and their neighbors' jss. little boys. of Parents make the greatest mistake of on_ their lives in talking heedlessly before es children and in a matter of this kind, such talk Is criminal. Of course, children are wiser far nowadays than their elders were and all that, but how much better some of our older ideas on such s ubjects were than those , which obtain now. ? Greenwood Index. ks "We see by the papers," the Abbeville ap" papers, that Hon. w. P. Greene, is a can;alT didate for mayor over there. He would make that town one of the best mayors it ud- has ever had and ought to be elected, rt- Just to think, if he had stayed here, he ns- might stand as good a chance of being s of mayor of Greenwood, so much higher ?n- honor. ? Greenwoed Index ;he Mouse in Her 'Rat* Upsets Dinner ere Table>er Tipton, Ind., Feb. 23.? A mouse in a rte. womans "rat" cost one of Tiptcns wealthy citizens a new set of china today when it appeared suddenly on the table after jumping out of his daughters hair. The farmer had put out poison and a mous9 ate some ? " ? ? - -l _ a _ At. - I. i.M TT? J2J oi it ana crawiea into uie rat . jic uiu not eat quite enough to kill Mm, but was !at* paralyzed for the time. This morninig when the ycung -woman CC- was awakened by the arrival of a girl friend, she dressed in a hurry and did not examine the "rat" closely before putting rill it on. It was noon and she was at the diniat ner table when the mouse recovered from r to the effects of the poison and jumped from uld the "rat". The table was overturned in the exciteto ment and every dish was broken, igs. - ? rm- How tiiooil XewN Spread*. ion ion "I am 70 years old and travel most ues of the time," writes B. F. Tolson, of Elizabeihtown, Ky. "Everywhere I 3 of go I recommend Electric Bitters, be tes* cause I owe my excellent health and vitality to them. They (fleet acure or-j every time." They never fail to tone the stomach, regulate the kidneys and gof bowels, stimulate the liver, invigorate the the nerves and purify the blood. They an work wonders tor weak, run-down ual- men and women, restoring strength, anri v'Kor aL)d health that's a daily joy. Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction is ;on positively guaranteed by P. B. Speed ng- ? . dy, Schedule for I>ue West Knltway. ?"s Morning train leaves Due Went at 10:30 USt. Evening train leaves Due Wes; at 4:4QA 1 bene 1U8- trains meet tbe morning ami evening trains ave on tbe Southern at Donaids. allg Past-engers can go out lroiri Due West on _ the evening freight train wtalcn leaves Due e Went at two o'clock, lve- _ ,0^ A NIGHT ALARM ipa- Worse than an aiarm m tire at nlgbt Is tbe metallic cough of croup, direful mother* keep Foley's Honey and Tar hi the hoiiMe tind .tnic Kive It at the llrst sign of danger. Foley's n onH Tor hoo au voH m unt! 11 ft I P 111; P? i in No opiates. C. A. MUford ft Co. nts; . ? ? ?. ?nly Orpington t'sgM for S?1p. I Btn geti log 15 etg* every dt.y fjono 25 bene. Wlml Hre your lietiH doing? I can furninb you a Irenb Betting of select Orpington eggH, laid tbe NHiiie day thai you buy, for ouedolom lar. Appiy J. F. Bradley. y tn Hot chocolate and all tbe hot and cold ilore drlc&B al AUUord'e drag Btore. WRONG VIEWS OF THE CENSUS No Harm Can Come To Any Person Wh Answer The QuestionsWashington, D. C., March 2,1810. Letters from the census supervisors t the United States Ceneus Bureau showth erroneous apprehension of a considerabl element of the population that their ane were to the enumerators' questions in th next census, beginning April 15, this yeai will cause increased taxation, legal en tanglements, or injurious consequence 4-s\ f hoU rmpcinnt! anrl nrnnflt v tv UI1V/AJ. p\yl.JV'HO In order to quiet such uefounded feare which would, unless removed, materiall; affect the accuracy of the census, the bu reau has prepared an official statemen relative to the decennial census, its origit purpose, and uses. This statement should furnish complet assurance to those concerned that infoi mation given the enumerators is held b; the Census Bureau in the strictest confi dence with reference to the identity c the informants, as required by the polic; of the bureau and commanded by the lai of the United States. The bureau earnestly hope clergymet priests, physicians, school-teachers, err ployers, and other public-6pirlted citizen who come in contact with large number of people, will cooperate with the burea by telling persons who are believed to er tertain erroneous opinions of the censu the real facts and urging them to giv full replies to the enumerators. Teacher are particularly requested to speak of th census to the school children and ask thei to tell their parents about it. The statement issued by the bureau ez plains that the Constitution requires acei sus of the population to tie taken ever; ten years In order to reapportion stab representation in the National House ( Re iresentatives. It is the means also t ascertain the increase in the populatioi ncrrimiitnrpi industries, and resources < the nation since the last census. It is emphatically declared, by the stat< ment, that the information sought froi the people of the United States i9 use solely for general statistical purposes. ] will neither be published nor used in an other way to disclose facte regarding an individual or enterprise. The census, : goes on to say, is not, never has been, an can not be employed to obtain inform? tion^hat can be used in any in the ai sessment of property for purpoess < taxation or the collection of taxes, eithf national, state, or local; or for deport) tion proceedings, extradition measure) army or navy conscription, interral-re nue investigations, compulsory schoc attendance, child-labor law prosecution quarantine regulations, or in any way t affect the life, liberty, or property of an person. It points out that replies to the em merators are and must be held by tb Census Bureau in strict and absolute conf dence. All the bureau officials, supervisor clerks, enumerators, and Interpreters, tx fore entering upon thoir duties, ai obliged to take a solemn oath not to die close any information they m ly obtaii except to the Census Bureau, and a viola tion of the United States law in regar fViJo nn+h msarn a $1,000 fine Or 111 prisonment for two years, or both, in tt discretion of the court. LEARNING THE SECRETS OF THE SKY. "The upper air observation at Mount Weather, Monday showed above the sur face winds, a stratum of westerly wind and high temperature, extending1 upward lyto 10,800 feet, at which altitude th temperature 24 degrees. This conditio indicates a continuance of unsettle weather in the Eastern States through period of forty-eight hours or longer." This bulletin, issued by the Weathe Bureau on Washingtons Birthday, is i sample of a number which theGovernmen sends out at frequent intervals. Vount Weather, from which these bulle tines emanate, is a plant established b; the Department of Agriculture, on th crest of the Blue Ridge Mountain, som fifty miles from Washington, where i located a plant especially adapted to th investigation of the phisical condition o the atmosphere of great elevations abovi the surface of the earth. I Since 1905 the station has been carryin; Jon this new and promising work of aeria research, and co -operating with Europeai institutions in sending up, on prearrange* days, kites or captive balloons. Thes kites may be raised in winds varying fron , 10 miles per hour to 35 or 40 miles at th< surface. With winds of less than 10 miles hrmr It. is nAP.ftSsarv to emDlOV CaDtiv balloons. To attain great heights smal rubber balloons of 2 or 3 cubic yard j capacity, called pilot balloons are employe' The instruments carried by the kites an< balloons vary in weight from 11-2 to 3 or pounds and record variations in the tern perature, the pressure, the humidity of th air,and the wind velocity. These small pilot balloons carry up theii instruments to heights of many miles where the prevailing temperatures are a all times veiy low sometimes exceedin* 100 degrees Farenheit below zero and 8 regulated as to burst at prearrange! heights. It has been shown that the observationi obtained in this manner at various eleva tions, when campared with the record made at the same time at the surface of th earth thrown much new light upon meet anism of storms, cold waves, etc., and givi the meteorologists a bettor understanain/ of the general circulation of the atmot phere.? Greenville News. Catarrh Will Go Relief in Two Minutes, Com plete Cure Soon, Don't go on hawking yourself eicl every morning; it's cruel, it's harmfu and it'a unnecessary. If after breathing Hyoroei, the won der-worfeer, you are not rid of vile ca tarrh, you can have your money bach No stomach dotsing?just take th littie hard rubber pocket inhaler tha comes with each outfit, and pour int it a few drops of Hyomei. Breathe i according to directions. In two mic u?p? it will relieve vou of that stufle up feeling. Use it a few minute every day, and in a few weeks you wi] be eutirely free from catarrh. Get an outfit today; it only cost $1.00; it's worth $1,000 to any catarr sufferer. For pale by druggists everj where and by C. A. Milford & Co. wh guarantees it to cure catarrh, crour coughs, colds, sore throat and bror chitis. An extra bottle of Hyom< liquid if needed costs but 50c. The li tie hard rubber pocket inhaler you g< with outfit will last a lifetime. An Awful Eruption of a volcano excites brief interest, an your interest in ssin eruptions will t as short, if you use Bucklen's Arnic Salve, their quickest cure. Even th worst boils, ulcers, or fever sores ai soon healed by it. Best for Burn Cuts, Bruises, Sore Lips, Chappe * "???* a Pl?i lhluino onH Pilau Th oriui U.aiJUO| VUIIUIUIUP uuu x uvui *V ?' iDBtant relief. 25c. at Speed's dru store. Grand Jury Presentment. |. o A.t February Term of Court for o the Year 1910, e e e The State of South Carolina. I- COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. s Court of General Sessions. 5. y To his Honor, Chas. G. Dantzler, ? Presiding Judge: i, We, the Grand Jury for Abbeville County, at this the February term of w > Court for the year 1910, beg to make jP the following presentment: ? We have carefully considered all in V bills of indictment handed us by the ar * Solicitor and have made such endorse- S1 i, ment thereon, respectively, as in our opinion the testimony submitted to us h< a warranted. cc u Agreeing fully with your Honor, b< 8 that one of tbe moat important duties fr e devolving upon theGrand Jury is that 0I 0 of investigating the official conduct of n our County officer*, to see whether t they discharge the duties enjoined by ~ l- law upon them, we determined to 7 give that matter special attention dur- ^ )f ing our term of service, but realizing " ? that such a thing could not be done in }{ addition to our other duties, in a satis- tt factory manner duriDg the present ai q term of the Court, we concluded to cl d delegate that work to a committee of y our number, who should be charged s? y with making such investigation be- jz tween this time and tbe June term of ^ i- Court, the result of such investigation ^ to be incorporated in our presentment . 1 ,r at said term of Court; that said comi mittee should have the right, if deemed advisable, to engage the ser- C< >1 vices of an expert, provided such ex- di ^ pert could be had for the limited com- ir y pensation allowed by la\y, viz: $20. tr We visited that institution where sc ie are maintained those unfortunates g( who are the wards of our County?the ? Poor House?as also the County Jail. jfj, e We have no fault to find with the management of either of these instl- c t-' tutions. / 5* ^ So far as we were able to pee and S( ie learn everything is being conducted pi in a satisfactory manner. We would suggest to the Supervisor y< that he have the dwelling house of the overseer at the poor farm repainted as soon as practicable. Our attention was called to the un? tidy condition of the water closets in ^ e the basement of the Court Hoijpe. ? Wben spoken to about this matter a the Supervisor said that the present a condition was largely due to the fact I that some of the water pipes had burst t during the recent freezes and that he A 1 1 1 ? U l? Uana tka a a m a r uau Utrcu uuauic IU uatc iue aauiv iv y paired but hoped to do so soon. ? While th'.s may in part account for ^ 8 the unsatisfactory condition existing ? down there, we are of opinion that if 3 the janitor were instructed to report ^ to the town marshal parties who are f in the habit of resorting there for the i purpose of drinking whiskey, espe- A g cially in wet weather with their feet i covered with mud it would doubtless 0 have a wholesome effect. A e We have seen the Supervisor's re11 port for the fiscal year 1909, which A j contains a good deal of information of 1 a public nature, from which it would * seem that he entered upon his official Ai e duties considerably handicapped by debts contracted by his predecessor. , He omitted however, to state the financial condition of the County, i 0 What the public desires to know is the 1 present indebtedness of the County. 3 This information we hope to be able - to furnish in our next presentment, t | through the efforts of our special comi mittee which we shall appoint. ~ 9 There is another matter to which we . ). desire to cail attention and that is the I fact that scarcely more than one-half I or tne lax-payers mane ineir reiurue to tbe County Auditor within the time prescribed by law, especially does this apply to tbe colored tax-payers. The result Is that tbe Auditor is kept busy during the time of tbe collection of taxes, to the exclusion of other impork tant duties, in making out supple!] mental returns or assessing such taxpayers whose names do not appear on - the tax duplicates for the reason that tbey had failed to make their returns e when the books were made up. While kt this applies more generally to the col? ored people, as before stated, there are ^ a great many of the white who are j also derelict :'n that particular. b The law prescribes that when a tax11 payer fails to make his return at tbe proper time, tbe Auditor shall make b tbe same from tbe best information obtainable, or shall copy tbe return of o the preceding year and add 50 per cent, thereto as a penalty. ?j We recommend that this provision t nf fho lour ho rloiillu purriprl nilfc bv 't the Auditor, as we are satisfied that if the same be done, in a little while we would hear of no more complaint on d that score. ie Id conclusion, we desire to thank ia your Honor, the Solicitor, and other nfflpftrs of the Court for courtesies .e ? .... . h, shown us. d Respectfully submitted, ;8 JOHN H. BELL, lg March 3, 1910. Foreman. I Does Not Pay to on Fertil GET THE Get a fertilizer that you know giv ere no better crops grown jg this uj own where our fertilizer was used, last year's corn contest in this cour e ammoniated with high grade bio ade fish scrap, cottonseed meal and We had cheap makeshift ammc Dof-meal and other such stuff, offert )st of our fertilizer at least one dc 3Ught any nor or we going to buy nn/1 h on 1 o TP nnf n Ulli i^aiu^i auu u?v r jr fertilizer is plant food and plenty < The nitrate of soda feeds tfce yoi sips to get a stand. You all like to , etting a stand at the first planting th int point as seed may be very scarci lis last season and nearly everyone h Get the best Fertilizer. We don' le best. We don't make any low gr rd and high grade. Now, if you g leaper than ours, it doesn't amour do pounds to the acte. One ton wil! iving. or think you are saving, twent er, when you are really losing severa y not getting a first-class high gra auling, distributing guano, g.nd wor ed with inferior goods as it does andsome high grade goods and all yc jnts an acre on your fertilizer, whec Dllars an acre on your crop by not u: ig your year's work and your year's ying to save twenty-five cents arl aci juare.'do you think it is good busine 2t our goods ? You make no mists aods. You are getting the best m lan ours. Get th$ best; get Aaderst > see how good we can make our goi jod. There is nothing better tha Dods. They are home made and r -1 rovea n. Just to show you how oar goods i )u the following analysis of our good nderson Blood and Bone ) Guarantee Guano f Found ... * nderson Cotton Fertili-) Guarantee zer J Found ... nderson Special Fertili- | Guarantee zer \ Found .. ? i r* , i > r* nderson special rotasn ( uuaramcc Mixture j Found ... j o , u i. ) Guarantee nderson SupcrphosphEtc j* nderson Special Acid ) Guarantee Phosphate j Found ... nderson Acid Phosphate j poynd"^6 T? . ., , ) Guarantee nderson Kaimt [Found... nderson Acid Phosphate ) Guarantee with Potash f Found .. . derson Special Cotton ) Guarantee Formula f Found .. . Inderson Phosphate ANDERSON, R. Vandiver, Pres. BEAUTIFY I YOUR I EOME J By roofing your house with BURRI8S tic in design, never leak. Fire proof, ir gles. Look better, wear indefinitelj', ne to cover wilh our goods than the wooc l A ~.. nor. rmt them ntl for VOl lOUg. AUj uut ? ? gles and put them on. No danger ol BURRISS METAL SHINGLES. We will soon have 20 or more mach states, which shows the merit in our We can convince any man if we can get in them, we want to show you. Jno. T. Burr Manufacturers of BL'RISS M Anderson, - So Abbeville Lumber Co. 1 no vinn?? i%ifm/ nmrnvFRY I Iininiiiu m iii-iw ? ? If I! Will Surely Stop That Cough. Take Chances ! izer. Jmm BEST. J es satisfactory reSdlts. ' ^WC? 3 country last year thai* those Every man who took a prize H lty used our fertilizers Tbe? 9 od, high grade tankage, high H iniates, derived from leatb^^flB id us, that would reduce the ? >llar a ton, but we haVeVt^^9| any, as ammoniates derivj&jB lant food. What we. wa^t j?. fl ing sprout and helps it BpJjMES get a good stand at the stag^^B lis year may be a very import -0 2. Seed brought fancy as sold up closely, ffl f malffi the cheaDest: we ffinfli * " T~? r 4 ". ade goods; ours are all et a fertilize* $1.00 ver ' tim M it to anything. Say you^nHHB 1 go over lour acres. . You raj M y-five cents an acre on l! dollars an acre on yog^^H 9 de goods. It takes tbe ^^m k in cultivating a crop f^cflBMB on a crop fertilized witlQ? u hope is to save twenty$f9|^| t you are really losing sevjHff I sing our goods. You are'fflHflB expense in making yotttfj^UH^ :e on fertilizer. Just f&jr jjjBHl tss to do that, when yo(9 I ike, run no risk in haying^HuM ade. There is nothing nHR )n Fertilizer. We are tijjjUHB ads; not, butfl n our handsomie higlv gjjjM B nade right. La^t year's eraHH stand up on analysis, wc SBSBj s for the season of igog-lS^SH A. P. Acid. Ammo. id.. IO.OOv 2.00 10.76 2.23 well id.. 8.75 2.00 H .... IO.OO 2.31 id.. 8.00 3.00 id.. 10.00 4.^01 - ;d.. 9.00 3.00 & Oil Compaifl D. S. Vandiver, ManadBflj FLAT v'lCW ~ w ^ nflHHM END VIEW OF LOCK ' METAL SHINGLES, artiB9N isurance less than wood shii^^HHB ed do repairs. Costs no mo^HE^B I shingles and last five times i, cr we will furnish the shi^^HHH nre luese wiuuy uajo inea making our goods in otb^HBHB shingles as other people see to show our goods, the iss & Son H ETAL SHINGLES. uth Carolina local agents. nc'S NEW LIFE ? ! rhe Pills That Do CuBBBa