I l" 1 r ''==^=?================== What "Mai "Nature's Gif Th? N. K. Fairbank Company, Dear Sirs: Many years ago I disco as an experiment--COTTOLENE, the Since my first trial o whether it is used alone, as 4's etc.. or in frying; it has never I wish it were in my pi y fellow housewives in place of 1 rare-Ly recoamiena any but after many years use has pro I feel justified in departing fr very best thing of its kind ever opportunity to make my convictio .*?' ___ i j "V ' NOTE?"MARION HARLAND" is well kn author of the famous "Marion Harl prized. Her high standing and lonj vincing, and it is doubly gratifying 0 The Civic League. The culture meeting of the Civic League was held at the club rooms last Friday af '" HTKrv ProaMnnf \Trfl fV*l om ATI lOiuiAm. XUV x i voiuvtib) M4w? . 7 . I ' called the meeting to order, but Mrs. ' Blake, chairman of the program committee, presided during the afternoon. An interesting paper was read by Mrs. ' Gambreli upon "Individual communion , drinking cups," and Mrs. Aiken read a paper* upon the beautifying ol railroad stations. Both papers were freely discussed V; and it is to be hoped that much more in; terest will develop along these lines. It is the purpose of the club to hold these culture meetings every month, at which papers upon matters pertaining to all civic improvements will be read and discussed. Mrs. John Cheek, who has taken a course ' ; In scientific cooking, is chairman of the refreshment committee. It will b6 her endeavor to serve an appetizing menu at each meeting, reporting to the club her expenditures and the number served. At the present time of high prices Mrs. Cheek's lessons will be most instructive, v There have been committees appointed for beautifying the different public places * around town and an appropriation made for eaoh committee. Let us hope that the citizens of Abbeville will co-operate with "' the league and that every housekeeper will appoint herself a committee of one, her purpose being to beautify and make as attractive as possible the grounds around her own home. ; BLOCKADED ' \ Every Honseiold in Abbeville Should k',' Know How to Resist It !p ' ' The back aches because the kidneys are blockaded. Help the kidneys with their work. I The back will ache no more. Lots of proof that Doan's Kidney Pills do this. - It's the beat proof, for it comes from this vicinity. W. P. Dean, Sr., 303 Magnolia St., Greenwood, S. C., says: "Mome time ago I was feeling quite miserable as the result of kidney trou* ble. I had a dull ache through the small of my back, felt languid and often noticed that my kidoeya did not act properly. I finally decided to try Doan's Kidney Pills and procured a box. I have not finished the contents, but can say that they did me more good than any other remedy I had previously used. The pain in my back has disappeared and I now feel better -i in every way." -1 For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents, j Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. ] Remember the name?Doan's?and take no other. ' iTrw I Cored in 30 Minnies by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Bold by P. B. Speed, Druggist. An Awful Eruption of a volcano excites brief interest, and your interest in sKln eruptions will be as short, If you use Bucfelen's Arnica Salve, their quickest cure. Even the worst boils, ulcers, or fever sores are soon healed by it. Best for Burns, Cots, Bruises, Sore Lips, .Chapped 1118008, UDiiDiaiDB ana rues, it given instant relief. 25c. at Speed's drug = store. ^ ^ 8e?eral cars dressed lumber aDd two cars shingles, Just Id. Acker BulldlDg and Repair Company. Pneumonia follows a cold but never follows the o?e of Foley's Honey 8Dd Tar which stops the cough, heals the lungs and exnelstbecotd from the system. C. A. Mllford & Co. I Catarrh Will Go Belief in Two Minutes, Complete Cure Soon, Don't go on hawking yourself sick I every morning; it's cruel, it'e harmful and it'e unnecessary. If after breathing Hyomei, tbe wonder-worker, you are not rid of vile catarrh, you can have your money back. ^ No stomach dosing?just lake tbe little hard rubber pocket inhaler that comes with each outfit, and pour into it a few drops of Hyomei. Breathe it according to directions. In two minutes it will relieve you of that stuffed up feeling. Use it a few minutes every day, and in a few weeks you will be entirely free from catarrh. Get an outfit today; it only costs 81.00: it's worth $1,000 to any catarrh I sufferer. For sale by druggints everywhere and by C. A. Milford & Co. who guarantees it to cure catarrh, croup, coughs, colds, sore throat and bronchitis. An extra bottle of Hjomei liquid if needed costs but 50c. The little hard rubber pocket inhaler you get with outfit will last a lifetime. rion HarlancP Thinks of t From The Sunny South" New York, December 15, 1908 ntinued the use of lard in my kitchen and substituted for it-n comparatively a new product. * - + T +r.,,l,r cav tVi;s+ -i 'me; cr i von rnrpnlstq ?r? 1 i i nn . L XL JL wail Ciuxj iSUjr j.,* ? vv...r--www T shortening''. or in combination v/iih butter in pastry, biscuitc. disappointed me. awer to install this pure vegetable product in the esteem cf ' the gross, and often diseased, animal fats. proprietary article in print, however good I may think it, ived to my household and mysdlf the excellence of COTTOLENE, om the self-imposed rule. I honestly believe it to be the offered to the American housekeeper, and I aai glad of tne n public. Yours truly, Ui-DOiMyu. j4 own as one of the foremost cooking exports in the United States. STie is the and Cook Book." and her articles on culinary subjects are widely read And liiphly X experience with COTTOLENE make this endorsement particularly strony and conbecause of the fact that it came entirely unsolicited. f-"' " V?i ' v TH? , ? a? Mammmmm?mmam?mmm?mmmmBmm* -re POSE AS A CAPITALIST. ^ For ONE DOLLAR we will send you three handsomely lithographed, hut worth lees, 8tock Certificates, which you can fill ont yourself for any amount, and havelolsol fun showing to your friends hs proof that'yon are wealthy. These certificates appear Io represent railway, gold mining and Insurance enterprise and look |u?t I'k* the "real ' thing," but must uot be used to realize money on. ONE SAMPLE FOR FIFTY Cents. (Send two cents stamps for Illustrated clrru'ar.) Washington, D. C Independent Printing Company We are now Ready for Business WITH THE BIGGEST STOCK OF Corn, Flour, Oats, Barley, Seeds, Heavy and Shelf Hardware that we have ever carried. Of course we have all the oi: er tilings such as Suear. CofiVe and all kinds of light groceries. Shoes, Cloth inp (our tailor made garments for which we take orders is up to the very best.) We handle more seed than any other house in town. Garden Seeds, Millets, Cane Seed, Spring Barley, etc. Come aDd see us. We need your lie!}) to make our business a success, aud we want your partnership. Amos B. Morse Co. | If Yog ^^FbrJs't'o'Flrisfii 1 to stand the wear and trsua of human feet I!'. .';.]If&GfljSQj j fffi kt . r;? w. T te-Hpefpsi5} f Iry !Ly- tzs fcmsn fell r|g?|Sij! lv?s made on purpose for fsoccs, ei;d wcats : ?' I z:\r\ does not scratch white or rub oil. ^Vrii? it is different from other floor varnishes* f.; | lt'j made tougher end n:ore lasting. '?' ^ Wo guarantee if to ctancj, o:>;Ji tf-.c Cloai- &ud i the Scvca Beautiiui Colord vjR EooLict and Coicr C&rd Ftce The McMurray Drug Co, Abbeville, S. C. Inl/nr Dnilflnn nikl Donn r Po Im luKul dUII \).. j.., j. DEALKKS IX : DOORS, FLOORING, LATHS, SASH, CEILING, LIME, BLINDS, SHINGLES, CEMENT. In fact anything that is needed to build a bouse. Let us make your plans aud figure wilh you on your work. If we do your work your plans will not cost you anything, and if wo don't get your -work we roill molro (lis .ithdr mnn rtn it f?ht>a.r>f?r. Get prices ou material before buying elsewhere. We want your business and are making prices to get it. You will find us just below the Eureka Hotel?a few steps from the square. Drop in and see our stock?write or phone us. PHONE 233 ABBEVILLE, S. C. Acker Building & Repair Co., |MMade 41 Bales of Cotton W ltti Uniy une iviuie Read in our Farmers' Year Book or Almanac for 1910I10W a planter in Terrell County, Georgia, made 41 bales of cotton with only one plow, a record breaking yield, and he had a nine weeks' drought?the worst in years. His gross income was $2,098.47 for this crop. You can do it too By Using \na V JLJL VXM& Fertilizers liberally,combined with careful seed selection, thorough cultivation, and a fair season. Ask your fertilizer dealer for a copy of this free book, or write us for one. Be sure you haul home only Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers SALES OFFICES: Richmond, Va. Atlanta, Ga. Mail us this Coupon Norfolk, Va. Savannah, Ga. I | Columbia, S. C. VIRGINIA CAROLINA ^HEMILAL Durham N C ffQMBKFKlSffl Please send me i copy of your 1910 Winston-Salem, N. C. 153 Farmers' Year Book free of cosi. Charleston, S. C. || atwftir FCrtili. Simpson went to Atlanta last i . week on professional business. Miss Louise Urown came home Saturday * ! from Converse. Miss JJrown lias been j j .suffering with a severe cold and come | homo to enjoy a few days rest from her j studies. : Mrs. W. ('. Beat tie and Miss Elizabeth 1 I Koaftie who have been the guest of Mrs. | j Culvert Thomson for several days le't last ! Wednesday for their home in WinnsiHiro. ' Mr. Ilov Miller ranie home last week . from Snniii Carolina fol!c;?i\ ||<> h.-is been | ipiitc sick from grippe but lie isahlcto be | j iipagiiin and his liiends h<>pe he wil soon ' j be a ile to return to his school duties. Mr. lioboat Shejurd of Iva. spent Satur- ? | day and Sunday hen- the guest of his , brother, Mr. W. C. Shorard. Mrs. J. Allen Smith Jr. and her little I 1 dauifhtcr. Miss (Irnce t-anio h< Momlnv from an extended stay with friends and | i relatives in Sumter. i' I Mr. 11. ('. l'hilson c.nno homo Monday i ! from tlx1 Northern markuis wh.ire ho lms been to huy the Spring and Summer stock ' i for the firm of Philson .V Henry. Mrs. F. C. Link left Monday for Monroe, ! N. C. whore she will spend sometime with ? friends. Mr. W. E. Hill is at home again after a two weeks stay in New York. Miss Grace Hemphill spent Sunday- in in Montcry the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. i M. Bell. Mr. W. D. Wilson and Mr. W. H. White I came home Saturday from New York | where they have ben to buy the goods for the L. W. White Company. ! Miss Bessie Fretwell of Snowhill, TVTtl., will have charge of the millinery department of l'hilson and Henry. Miss Fretwell will arrive in the city Thursday she will make her home with Mrs. J. A. Hill while here. Mrs. Let tie Shellito is in Atlanta spend- . ing a few days with Mrs. H. II. Hill. Mr. W. E. Hill is spending a few days in Atlanta. j Capt. Eogardus Again Hits the Bull's Eye | Thit? world famous rill ^h'.t who hold* chant puiuKbip record hi 100 piirtouN la JUii c iiviua nt Lincoln, In. I eni'.y interviewed, 1i?* trays; J have snfr ' lend a jong 11r* e with kidney and bladder I iroub'e and bn\e used several well km>wn i Kidney in.dlcit ('M ?il of which cave ine no | relief uut.il I started Inking Foley's Kidney ! Fill*. F.etOTe 1 used Foley's Kidney Fill- I i we.;, mbjectffl io srv. re backaetu: and paina j !n my Kidneys with suppression and of'enI time a cloudy voiding. While, upon arlcinp | In the morning I wouid Let (lull ! cad aches-. | Now I have taken three bottles 01 Fol y'i ' Kidney Fills and fe? l 1(0 per eent belter. I ' Hin never bothered with my kidneys or blndI der and once more ten line my own ?e'f. All ibin I owe solely In Foley1* Kidney I'llIh anil ' always recommend them to my leliow sutler- ' era." C. A. Mil lord A-Co. TROY Dr. C. A. Wilkinson one of Augusta's ; iible divines preached at Luflalo Baptist < j church yesterday. I MissAiutin C're&well, who for five weeks i lias been in the Margaret Wright San- 1 itarian in Augusta, was brought home last ! Friday very much improved, which is a j source of delight to her scores of friends j and relatives;. Our vicinity has no purer I or more popular young lady than Miss | Annie. j On Tuesday the 8th of last month Mrs. ' W. "NV. "Ward I aw, complimentary to her | I mother R. F. Bradley gave an elegant din! tier in honor of her birthday anniveisary. I Tliern is no dearer mot her or better i woman than this sweet mother. Messrs T. C. Lites, G. \V. Long and j John Dow tin, joined a party of hunters j last week at Uellevue spending a night in the pretty and hospitable home of Mr. and ilrs. W. D. Mori ah. They bagged near (2i score birds tramping over tho grounds of dear old Hopewell, whose dust is dear to our heart. The people of that community are las we think) part exj eellence. ! Mrs. Sallie Bradley, and daughter Mrs. i A. If. AVidemen of Bradley, were pleasj ant visitors among relatives' here last week. Mrs. W. II. Kennedy, spent a day in i Greenwood last week on a shopping ex| pedition. vji Ht'uijrwiu) Lilt* 11 ui Jiiuni ing at 11 o'clock in the Baptist church Rev. J. D. Moore Sabbath School Field Secretary for S. C. will hold an institute in the abovo church all denominations are i uracil and invited to be present. Mi'. 1 Moore is an enthuseastic worker and up to date as to the most approved methods | of church work and Sabbath school ! management and teaching:. All local pas- 1 I tors are expected to come and join in with this meeting. Rev. S. R. Bass and Rev. |N. E. Ballinger of McC'oruiick will assist i with the meeting. I .A! r and Mrs. 1). Wardlaw Morrah of Atlantaare at Bellovue with his parents ; Mr. S. P. Morrah and family. ! Mr C. C. Clinkscales conipliuientary to a Mr. James Weir and family of Canada, r j gave a delightful tea olio evening last : week a most pleasant time was spent. Jli-. J. W. King our obliging and 1 aflieient depot agent is wining many lawj rels for the accuracy with which he ; handles the great amount of freight which j is coming here now. Be is not the "King" that wears a crown but lie justly deser- , j ves one. Mrs J. ]5. Uritt, returned to her home i at ltellcvue this morning after a few days j spent with her family at Princeton they j having lately moved there. She is the j efficient teacher of Pellevue school, i We are sorry to hear of the sickness of Sheritf Lyon of Abbeville. No better cit| i/.cn or big-hearted and ki id friend treads. 'J'erra-fima. / Saved a Soldier's Life. Facing dealh from shot and shell in | the civil war was more agreeable to J. ! A. Stone, of Kemp, Te?: , than facing I it from what doctors said was consumption. ' ! contracted a stubborn cold," he write;-, ''that developed a cough. | that stuck to me in spite of all reni: ciics for .v?;?tv. My weight ran down to 130 polled*. Then 1 began to use j Dr. King's Nt-w Discovery, which completely cured toe. J new weiiih 'ITS pounds." For Coughs, Cohl-, La (iiippc, Asthma, Hemorrhage, Hoarseness, (.'loop, W'hoopiiiir Cough ami ' long trouble, its supreme. 50c. ?1.00. Trial bottle five (iuarautced by 1\ l'?. Si iif < 1 I ~ ? THERE'S NO DISK. tf This P*7cdic:iic Does fco* Benefit, Yau Pay Nothing. A physician w in mad) a specialty of stomach troublfs. particularly dyspepsia, after years of study perfected Hut formula i from which liexall l)yspepsia Tablets are made. (>111* experience willi II -xall Dyspepsia , TaMets leads lis to believe (hem 111 be tlie I creates! remeily Known for the relief of E 'anile indigestion ami ch. oiiie dyspepsia, j . j Their ingredients are soo|him; and healing |1 I to the inflati eiiii<;s ahont a cessation ^ of | he pains caused liy stcmach disorders.! Jiexall Dyspepsia Tablet* v.ill insure 1 healthy appetite, aid digestion and promote mil ril ion. As eviden of our sincere ' faith in lJe.xall Dyspepsia Tablets, we ask I j you to try them at our risk. If they do| I not jrive you entire satisfaction, we will; * I return you the money you paid us fori 11tem, u i(lioiit oiiestioii or forma'ity. They i-i i|, i' ill 1 III t'l' j>1 li-i-n i.? n-iii.- ..... . u.p . 1 i.ir.l ]> nuiiii't r >(>ii .'<'111 nlitain Uiimii i uiily i.l our sloiv,?Jlii' iki'Xiill Stori'. j ('. A. iliironi A: < <' i j l-u'i-j v Kidney KuiikIv will cuic Hiiy case | 1 j i I Kidi.ty iw liiadiJi-r trouble tbi't If* not he- [j j yoiid ttie reach ol mtdlcliie. No medicine I j can do more. C, A. Mlliord ?fc Co. I? I OFFER For Sale 293 Acres of land partly iu the own of Due West. Six good tenant inures, and barns, stables and out louses, good pasture, plenty of water >n !lie pluee. Rents for 12 bales of otlon weighing 5imj pounds each, belides the owner works a three horse arm. Price $8,000. 3-room Dwelling House on a own acre lot, with good out bouses, arus, He. Good bcrinuda pasture, in lie imvii a?f D.tii.'ilds, S. ('. A bargain l! $1 j.'I'il). 511 Aoi'CS of liinil 1 1-2 miles sout h >f Ware'.-: iSlio;iIs on Saluda river; 3 IWt llillgs iill>! ;? 1 * 11 :M I! nollWH, any iu the world. Robt. S. Link OlTice over Milford'a Book Store. Abbeville-Greenwo od MUrUAL * . ifsniim ASSOCIATION. Property Insured, $1,850,000 February 1st, 1910. UrttiTfc To OB CAJ-L on trie nn3T(< your ;.mpei;y alumni - l -tt j ? l??l X | ? itifciiitifiis* 4? .ncl do ho oheaper !han nay insurance Oou M?!j tn existence. K&menibcr we are prepared to pro'c to yot bat curs la itie 6&fj7d eucapeai pibr of cm.aiv.ii k?iowii. J, R. 2LAKE, Gen. Agent Abbeville, S. C. f, I RASES 1Y0IS, Pres. Abbeville, S. C. S. G. Majors, Greenwood J. T. Alahry Cofceabury W. 8. Acker ..Donalds T. S. E 1- Due West \V. W. L.Keller juong Cane f. A. Keller Hmit.bvlile \V. A. StevfiHt-on Cedar Spring \V. W. iJrhdl6y Abbeville Dr. J. a. Anderson Autrevllle H. a. Bo'en Ixjwndesville A. O. G*ani Magnolia Edwin Parker Calhoun Mills t*. L. Edmonds Bordeaux K. L. Rasor Walnut Grovo U' A VipLUU PAHpah M. G. Bowl< 8 i.'orou&ca 1). h. Haitlwfincfr Wluety-Slx G. C. DuwLbeiry Klimrda lrn B.Taylor Ffeilowoliip Joseph Luke Pbceui* K?v. J. B. Muko Verdtry J. H. Cbf'.PH Bradley J. W. J,von Troy A. W. Yor.ngblood Yeldell G. K. uorn ChMhod G E. j??rn Kirkpeyh W. F. Hamilton H'-ookg 1 t/l.dvtile. S 1... Feb. 1. 1) Foley's Kidney Pills What They Will Do for You They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, cor ect urinary irregularities, build lp the worn out tissues, and :liminate the excess uric acid :hat causes rheumatism. Present Bright's Disease and Diajates, and restore health and jtrength. Refuse substitutes. C A MILFORD & CO. Ktiililici'ii as Mill's ii' I'm-; :i : i bs>u? Is s?>n ptinu's : ? ?*iii i> ici'k without cut m\ '1'ln ii there's iiiilliie- Lmss of Apl'filt?*?Iiiiiiuesii n, X(irvotisness. l)es|)itiuli*iU'y,Ht?illa, the world's eat Hiomach uud Liver remedy. fcjo asy. 25c. at Speed's drug store. i ; " . : -. r. " v. r R T The Great Liver Medic Don't Take Pills and Violen matters worse. They don't cure. Milford for Constipation, Biliousn bles, It acts in perfect harmony 'refunded. Dr. Richardson, of Anderson, tinuously for 25 years and says h( will give such good results as thi and at C. A, Milford's Drug Store. Chiquola Drug Co., Anderson, S. C.: Dear Sirs : Tn response to your in quiry, I cheerfully state that I hav< used R. L. T. in my family for severa years wjth very beneficial results. ] have personally used it recently for it! touic effects and have been much bene fited. For chronic cont-tipalion, indi geation and torpid liver, I do not knov a better remedy. Geo. E. Prince, Judge of Tenth Circuit. MANUFACTURED A CHIQUOLA ANDERS For Sale by C. A. Milfo Price, 50c and The Peoples I ABBE VII OFFICERS. S.|G. THOMSON, President. G. A. NEUFFER. Vice-President. R. E. COX, Opliiej. SCHOOL Tablets Ii ! General Sell Speed's D Master's Sale. The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. Court of Common Pleas. C. D. Brown, plaintiff, against Hattie Brown, Defendant. By authority of a Decree of Sale by the Court of Common Plees for Abbeville County, in said State, made in the above stated case, I will offer for ..niiii/. mitfM-v nf A hhevilie r'illCj tl U fMIMXV VUWl J} -V H., S. C., on Salesday in March, A. D., 1910, within the legal hours of Hale the following described lnud, to wit: All that tract or parcel of laud, situate, lying and being in Abbeville County, in the State aforesaid, containing ONE-EIGHTH of One Acre, more or less, and bounded by Jerry Mitchell, Julia Brown, and by Wardlaw St., being the lot |iurrhnse<' by Huttie Brown from Julia Brown, ou June 2, 1908. Terms of Sale?Ca*?b. Purchaser to nay for papers. R. E. HILL, Mn>tfr A. C., S. C. How <>OOll XfH'N Us. "I aiu 70 years old and travel most of the time." writes B. I*\ Tolson, of EliziOeihtown, Ky. "Everywhere I go 1 reconjmeud Electric Bitters, because I owe my excellent health and vitality to them. They eflvct a cure every time." They never tail to tone the stomach, regulate the kidneys aud bowels, stimulate the liver, invigorate the nerves and purify the blood. They work wonders for weak, run-down men and women, restoring stiengih.j viuor ami maun mat* a a any joy. | Try ilieai. Only 50c. Satisfaction is: positively ^uaranteeti by P. 15. iSi>ee<^j KING'S NEW LIFE PILLS I The Pills That Do Cure. J bee tbe Acker Building and Kepair Com! ^ . 7 I~tT~ pji WrT, House for Sale I will pell my house and lot on Vienna Street, the house formerly owned by S. .T. Link, ou easy terms. It contains five rooms and a ball, and is fully provided with water and > ligbte. The lot is large and roomy. > ; For further particulars apply to W. W. Bradley. W. N. Thompson. i Master's Sale. ; The State of South Carolina, I COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. Court?of Common Pleas, i Mr9. M. B. Carlton, hs Administratrix of the Estate ot J. M. Carlton, deceased. and in her own right, Plaintiff, against Louise C. Stakely, Frunk Carlton and J. M. Carltou, Defendants. By authority of a Decree of Sale by the Court of Common Pleas for Abbej ville County, in t-aid State, made in j the above slated cane, I will offer for sale, at Public Outcry, at Abbeville C. i H.. Ss.C., on Salesday in March, A. D. 11910, within tlie legal hours of sale, | the following described land, to wit.: All that tract or parcel of land situate, living and being in the town of Mt. Curuiel, Abbeville County, in the State afoiesaid, containing ONE (1) Acre, uiiirc or less, and bounded by lands of J. W. Morrah. by Peachtree street and Willingtou public road, beins the late home of the said J. M. j Carlton, deceased. Also, all that tract or parcel of land, lying ami beinjz in or near tne town of Mt. Cartnel. County and State aforef-aid. ci'ii'siinitig TWO and ONEHALF (2A) Acres, bounded by lands ofjA. M. Kuox aud the Willingtoii road. of Sale?Cash. Purchaser to papers. R. E. HILL, 8HA Master A. C., S. C.