Noah Was th He Forgot i People, in consequence, 1 indigestion. Lard-soaked fc from greasy, indigestible hoj your inner machinery. I Cottolene is the only ration and its source (the cotton f lource of lard?and there is products as in their sources. Cottolene makes food that nutritious and healthful. If superiority of Cottolene over standpoint, lard would never ; COTTOLENE is G not pleased, after having given Cott Never Sold in Bulk from catching dust and absorbing dis Made only by THE N NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN PEOPLE ' Census Bureau's Instructions Regardiig the Enumeratton of Them. "Washington, D. C., February 16,1910.? What?the census enumerators are required to learn regarding the place of birth of native-born and foreign-born persons, and other personal facts concerning ' Y the latter class. In taking the Thirteenth United States Census, beginning April 15 next, is fully set forth In the printed in* -? 1? J.L. etrucQons prepareu oy uie omwju ounm Census Bureau to guide them in filling the population schedule. It is pointed out that all the questions relate only to conditions existing on April 15, the "Census R. v Day." - On the subject of place of birth of a nai ; tive-born person the instructions state that il the person was born in the United State? the enumerator Is to give the State or Territory (not city or town) in which born. *' A person born m what is now West Virginia, North Dakota, South Dakota, or Oklahoma should be reported as so born, ; . although at the time of birth the particuv. lar region may have had a different name. "n-ir4J?.A AAnvmnl AAn/Dfinn f.ha oriu. * iWMUVO W WUJUgai wuiuwvu, UUv . merators are to report whether the person t? ' Is single, married, widowed, or divorced. Married persons are to be asked if they have'freen married before. If the present marriage is the first, the fact is to be indicated by the sign "M 1but if it is the seoond or subsequent marriage, then the enumerator is to write "M 2," meaning '/ married more than once. The question calling for the number of years of the present marriage is declared! C'/ by the Census Bureau to apply only to I } persons reported as married, and the an- j swer should give the number of years; married to the present husband or wife. Thus a woman wno may have been mar rrxled for 10 years to a former nusDana, duc; has been married only 3 years to her pres-1 ent husband, should be returned as married 3 years. The number of years entered' should be' the number of completed years. A person who on April 15, the ^Census Day," has been married 3 years and 11 months should be returned as married 3 years, For a person married less than 1 year, the entry is to be "0," mean, , ing less than 1 year. In the case of persons speaking: Polish w or reporting that they were born in Poland which Is no longer an independent coun- I try, the enumerator is to Inquire whether Iiae DinupmctJ WttS U1 wunt id uun uiunii as German Poland, or Austrian Poland, or '' Russian Poland, and he must write the 4 $rfjwwer accordingly as Poland (Ger.), Po / land (Aust.), or Poland (Buss.). vL H the birthplace reported is Canada, ' the enumerator is required to ask whether , the person is of English or French descent .' and write Canada (Eng.), or Canada (Fr.), according to the answer. The question calling for the year of immigration to the United States applies to I ail IOreign-DOra persons, miue uuu leuitue, of whatever age. It should be answered, therefore, for every person whose birthplace was In a foreign country. The enumerator must enter the year in which the J person came to the United States. If he Eas been in the United States more than i onoe, the year of his first arrival is to be * stated. The inquiry whether naturalized or 1 alien applies only to foreign-born males 21 years of age and over. It does not apply to females, to foreign-born minors, or to any male born in the United States. If the person was born abroad, but has IDWCOU1B U 1UU UIHiOLl viLUVl uj WUUU(J VUI/ second or final papers of naturalization or through the naturalization of his parents while he was under the age of 21 years, the enumerator Is to write "Na" (for natu1 ralizedj. If he has declared his intention to become an American citizen and taken outhls"fir8t papers," the enumeiatoris v to write "Pa." The inquiry as to the ability to speak - English applies to all persons 10 years of age or over. If English is spoken, the enumerator must write "English" in the proper column. If the person enumerated is not able to speak English the enumerator is required, in such cases only, to write out the name of the language spoken, as French, German, Italian, etc. If more than one language is spoken by a person who, however, does not speak English, then the enumerator is to write the name of that language which is his native language or mother tongue. I Saved From Awful Peril. "I never felt so near my grave," writeB Lewis Chamblin, of Manchester, Ohio, R. R. No. 3, "as when a frightful cough and lung trouble pulled me down to 115 pounds in t>pite of many remedies and the best doctors. And that I am alive today is due solely to Dr. King's New Discovery, which nnmnlatalv r>ured me Vna T wpivli IWUI p*VWV?J V%?? V M MVI K * .. .160 pounds and can work hard. It also cured my four children of croup." Infallible for Coughs and Colds, its the most certain remedy for LaGrippe, Asthma, desperate lung trouble and all bronchial affections. 50c. and $1. / Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by P. B. Speed. See tbe Acker Building and Repair Com pany'a "ad." For oolds and grippe take 73011 at Mllford'e drag atore. "- I? A Ufillov RfilvlrtPTP Til _ wrltPR tlfi! ?. i.v.vj, ?, ? flrafial "1 am ex-eDglneer wltd '?1 years active jSfcBs service (d my credit. About three years ago BMgjJ my kidneys -were effected so that I bod to HaiSj Rive Dp my eDglne. First 1 was troubled BfiSSia wltb severe, acbiDg pain over tbe blps. Tben SBB| followed Inflammation of tbe bladder, and specks appeared before my eyes. A sample of gjffigi Foley's Kidney Pills tbat I tried,so benefited r hnimht mnr? T mnllnned to lake Ilbem until now I cbd Rarely tef-t'fy they have mado me a ioddcI and well rnau." C. A. Millord & Co. ITCH Cured in 30 Minnies by WooJford's Sanitary Lotion. Never /alls. Bold by P. B. Speed, Druggist. ^ t7/Mii%JI^M /\f Iw/lmaofrm^ ? LC 1 UUIAU^I l/l ilAUIgV?JUVll :o Leave the Pigs Ashore lave ever since been victims of lard-cooked food and >od is not fit for human stomachs because lard is made y fat, and is bound, sooner or later, to make trouble for ol nafinriQl shnrtenin If y If Jt DEALERS IX DOORS, FLOORING, LATHS, SASH, CEILING, LIME, BLINDS, SHINGLES, CEMENT. In fact anything that is needed to build a house. Let uh make your plans and figure with you on your work. If we do your work your ?1,1 *"' < nmitkin/. on/1 if ii'fl rlnn't not ?nnv u,-nrlf U'f? J/1HL18 Will UUl WSL yuu UlJjr tuiu^j ctuil 11 vt w vtv/?j ? j?u. ...... .. _ will make the other man do it cheaper. Get prices on material before buying elsewhere. We want your business and are making prices to get it. You will find us just below the Eureka Hotel?a few steps from the square. Drop in and see our stock?write or phone lis. PHONE 233 ABBEVILLE, S. C. Acker Building & Repair Co., '? ... A 3 Bales of Cotton Per Acre Mr. John B. Broadwell averaged three bales of cotton per acre on his entire crop by using fertilizers at the rate of 1,000 pounds per acre. You should be able to do as well as Mr. Broadwell By Using Y irginia-Carolina Fertilizers Get a codv of our iqio Farmers' Year Book or Almanac from your fertilizer dealer, or write us for a free copy. Mr. Broadwell tells in this book his own story of how he got this big yield. SALES OFFICES: Richmond, Va. Atlanta, Ga. Mail at this Coupon Norfolk, Va. Savannah, Ga. lu........ I Columbia, 3. C. i iKiinin vn>?ui?i Durham, N. c. 33R?3S Plea,e^Tme . copy of your igio Win.ton-S.iem,N. C. .J?93B&1 Farmers' Year Book (tee of cost. Charleston, 3. C. . CrlillZCrS Name Columbus, 2 ^^gia-C^ro ^^MICROBES BN THE SCALP. i The Latest Explanation is that Microbes Cause Baldness. Prof. Unna, of Hamburg, Germany, and Dr. Sabourand, of Paris, Prance, share the honor of having discovered the hair microbe. Baldness is not caused through a few weeks' work of these hair microbes, but is the result of conditions brought about by their presence. Baldness may not occur until years after the microbes began work, but it'is certain to come sooner or later. I The microbes cut olT the blood supply. They teed on the fatly matter about the [ roots of the hair, through which the blood i is absorbed. Finally (lie fatty matter is consumed, the food supply of the hair is gone and it starves and finally dies. Kesorein is one of the most effective genu destroyers ever discovered. Beta Naphthol is a most powerful, yet absolute! v safe trermlcide and antiseptic, which ! prevents development of germ matter, and creates a clean, healthy condition. Pilocarpine, although not a coloring matter or dye, is an ingredient well established for ils power to restore* natural color to human hair when loss of color has been caused by a disease. liorax. because of its well-defined softening and cleansing properties, is most useful in the treatment of scalp and hair diseases. Glycerine acts as a stimulant to the hair bulbs, and has a soothing, healing and nourishing influence. Alcohol is indispensable in medicine because of its antiseptic, stimulating and preservative qualities. We want every one who has scalp or hair trouble to try liexall Hair Tonic, which contains all these ingredients. If it does) not give you complete satisfaction in every particular, we will return every penny you paid us for it, for the mere asking and without question or formality. Of course you understand that when we say that liexall '"IK!" Hair Tonic will grow hair we do not refer to cases whore the roots are entirely dead, the pores of the on/I f lin lino/I hfiC fho chl'nw auaip tlUCCU, IHIV4 UIIW UVttU IIUVJ vuv WM4.1J . appearance of a billiard ball. In cases like this there is no hope. In all other eases of baldness Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will grow hair, or cost the usor nothing. Two sizes, 50 cents and $1.00. Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Abbeville only at our store,?The Rexall Store. C. A. Milford Co. Sour Stomach. Mi-o-na Puts the Stomach in ^" OVi ? 1*1 Pitta W mill ftfl XiLlt) OllrljJO ILL J. l v D iumutDo If your stomach i* continually kick-1 ing up a disturbance; you feel blotted and distressed ; if you belch gas and sour food into the mouth, then you need Mi-o-na Stomach Tablets. Mi-o-na stomach tablets give instant relief, of course, but they do more; they drive out the poisonous gases that j cause fermentation of food and thoroughly clean, renovate and strengthen the stomach j-o*that it can readily digest food without artificial aid. Mi-o-na stomach tablets are guaranteed to cure indigestion, *?eute or chronic, or money back. This meaus that nervousness, dizziness ami biliousness will disappear. Druggists everywhere and C. A. Milford & Co. sell Mi-o-r.a for 50c. "I was under the care of four different doctors during nine month* and was cured of dyspepsia by Mi-o-ua." Mr. Joseph Grondine, 197 Fountain Street, Fall Uiver, Mass. Booth's Pi lis for consti|iation?25c. | CORE YOUR KIDNEYS. Do Not Enaanger Life When an Abbeville Cit:zen Shows You the Cure. Why will people continue to suffer the agonies of kidney complaint, back ache, uriupry uisorners, iameu?.-?, headaches, languor, why allow themselves to become chronic invalid*, when a certain cure is offered them? Doan'o Kidney Pills is the remedy to use, because it tfives to the kidney's the help they need to perform tbeir work. If you have any, even one, of the symptoms of kidney diseases, cure yourself now, before diabetes, dropsv or Britiht's disease sets in. Read this Abbeville testimony : I). M. Keller, Main Bt., Abbeville, K. says: ""I suffered for some time from adul^ ache across the small of my back,caused by disordered kidneys. I decided lo try a kid ">" timiajlii ami u'uni In P T! .HTJ- ..v.... .w . . Sp'-ed's drug store and proj cured a box of Doau's Kiduey Pills. f now feel much belter and believe them to be a good, reliable kiduey medicine. I liave no hesitation iu recommending Doau's Kidney Pills." For sole by all dealers. Priee 50 fents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, New York, tole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doau's?aud take no other. Master's Sale. The State of South Carolina, county of abbkville. Court of Common Pleas. C. D. Brown, Plaintiff, against Hatlie Brown, Defendant. By authority of a Decree of. Sa'e by the Court of Common Pleca for Abbeville County, in said State, made in the above stated ca>-e, I will offer for sule, at public outcry, at Abbeville C. H., K C., on Salesday in March, A. D , 1910. within the lejjjal hours of *ale the following described land, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Abbeville I County, in the State aforesaid, eon i OVI.M,'nnirrH nf One Aprs j lai.niij.-. w., . . . . . ... , j more or less, and bounded by Jerry I Mitchell, Julia lirown, aud by WardI i;tw ?St., being tbe lot purchased by ; Haiti? Hrown from Julia Rrowu, on jJuue 2, lflUS. Term* <>f Sule?Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. 11. E. HILL, Master A. C., B. C. Pi'fMiileni II l|)? Orphan*. Hundreds of orphans have been j helped by th?* Piesident of the Industrial an ; Orphan's Jrl<>me at Macon, (Ja.. who write*: "We have used Electric Billets in this institution for nine years. It has proved a most, ex..uiiui.t K.fdifMtu* for SinniHiiti. Liver and Kidney fro K hi!ver kuoUb lit Mil : ford'H ?J rtitc store. | M'.ro nr<* tiik ng Kolf?>"p Kidney I Ki-nietiy every year. It i- fonddered the j nifiiii eUectivvreipcdy (orall kldneyand liiadj fipr tr.ini'Hs Unit medical science can devl*e. i KoleyV Kidney Remedy coirectB Irregularities, build* up (be nystom, and restores lost! vitality. C. A. Mil ford & Co. in i i -^aiySSSSSSSLaaa WHO ARE TO BE ENUMERATED. The Census Bureau's Instructions to Enumerators on This Point Washington, D. C., February 19,1910.? Tho explicit and lengthy printed instrucI tions to the census enumerators, which It 1 -.J U-. i-u ~ TT?>; W+..4-/*a 1 iiavtj ueen prepaieu uy uue uiuicu ouiko Census Bureau, give a clear idea of the j character of the answers expected from I the people of the United States with re! gard to the questions in the population I schedule to be carried in the Decennial I Census April 15 next. | All answers are to have reference solely to the "Census Day," which is April 15. I Persons living on that day, but who died after it and before the enumerators call, , are to be counted, but persons born after April 15 are not to be included in the ' count. Persons who were single on | April 15 are to be reported as single, even though tliey have married subsequently and before the canvasser has called. This j is true, similarly, of persons who became ' widowed or divorced after April 15. ! The census law provides that all persons ; shall be enumerated at their "usual place ! of abode" on April 15. L'his means the place where they may be said to Jive or belong or the place which is their home. As a rule, the usual place of abode is not i the place where a person works or where I lie eats, but where he- regularly sleeps, j The enumerators are cautioned, however, j that where a man happens to sleep at the I time of the enumeration may not be the [ place where ne regularly sleeps. There will be a number of persons hav1 ing their usual places of abode in enui nieration districts who will be absent April 15. These are to be included and enumeimeu aiier me iacus i^aiuiug them have been obtained from their families, relatives, acquaintances, or other persons able to give the information. For | instance, if a member of any family in an 'enumeration district is temporarily away Lfrom home on a visit, or on business, or [ traveling for pleasure, or attending school or college, or sick in a hospital, such absent person is to be enumerated and included with other members of the family. But a son or daughter regularly living in another locality should not be counted with the family at home. Servants, labo; ers, or other employees, who live with the family, and sleep in the same house or on the premises, should be enumerated with the family. The Census Bureau states that there will be, on the other hand, a certain number of persons present and perhaps lodging and sleeping in districts at the time of the enumeration who do not have their usual place of abode there. These are not to be enumerated. It mu6t be assumed that they will be enumerated elsewhere. The canvassers should not, therefore, unless it is practically certain that they will not be enumerated anywhere else, enumerate or include with the members of a family they are enumerating any of the following classes: Persons visiting a family; Transient boarders or lodgers who have some other usual or permanent place of abode; | Students or children living or boarding with a family in order to attend some school, college, or other educational institution in the locality but not regarding the place as their home; Persons who take their meals with a family but lodge or sleep elsewhere; Servants, apprentices, or other persons employed by a family and working In the house or on the premises, but not sleeping there; or Any person who was formerly in a family, but who has since become a permanent inmate of an asylum, almshouse, hnme for the aced. reformatory. Drison. or any other institution in which the inmates may remain for long periods of time. I OFFEU For Sale 293 Acres of laDd partly in the town of Due West. Six good tenant houses, and barns, stables and out houses, good pasture, plenty of water on the place. Rents for 12 bales of cotton weighing 500 pounds each, besides the owner works a three horse furrn. Price $8,000. 6-room Dwelling House on a tow Li acre joi, wun gooa our, nouses, barns, etc. Good bermuda pasture, in the town of Donalds, S. C. A bargain at $1,350. 511 Acre8 of land 4 1-2 miles south of Ware's Shoals oti Saluda river; 3 dwellings and 3 tenant houses, 75 acres wood land, 75 acres bottom land, good pasture, 7 hortn A , ? -sou n.uies jana near j?u. uarinei, S. C., price ^-,600, possibly enough wood on this place to pay for it. List your Real Estate with me and come to see me. If you want to buy I baveor can gel what you want. If you want to sell I canfiud you a buyer. I also buy and sell all kinds of Stocks and Bonds. Remember I represent the Equitably the strongest Life Insurance Company in the world. 15 5 TI'WIJ. 1VVUI. Wa Jdiliil Ollice over Milford'a Book Store. Touk A'l III* .llMiiry, Of en all a man earns gom to doctors <>r for if-inea, to cure a Stomach, L.ver or Kidney trouble that I)r. i King's New Life Pills would quickly cure at slight cost. Best for Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Biliousness, Constipation, Jaundice, Malaria aud Debility. 25c. at Speed's drug store. | _ j JlVb 'JL The Great Liver Medici Don't Take. Pills and Violent matters worse, iney aon't cure. Milford for Constipation, Biliousne bles. It acts in perfeot harmony * refunded. Dr. Richardson, of Anderson, tinuousJy for 25 years and says he will give such good results as this and at 0. A. Milford's Drug Store. Chiquola Drug Co., Anderson, S. C.: Dear8irs': In response to your inquiry. I cheerfully state that I have used R. L. T. in my family for several years with very beneficial results. I have personally used it recently for its tonic eftVcts and have been much benefited. For chronic conHtipat,ion, iudigeHtion and torpid liver, I do not know a better remedy. Geo. E. Prince, Judge of Tenth Circuit. ? MANUFACTURED A1 CHIQUOLA ANDERS For Sale by C. A, Milfoi Price, 50c and The Peoples I ABBEVIL OFFICERS. g.|G. THOMSON, President. G. A. NEUFFER, Vice-President. R. E. ( OX, Cashier. SCHOOL Tablets In General Schc Speed's D] A Store Is Known By the Goods vlHO Handles ^ ^ You will find here, at all times, tho freshest stocks oi the most carefully selected > "?I" tV>o offers. Our reputation Is built on the quality of our liues, backed by personal care infilling all orders larce or small. In addition courteous treatment and the promptest delivery service la town, make this the most satisfactory place to buy food supplies. As an instance of our policy in searching out the best goods we mention ELECTA COFFEE a superior brand that will warm the heart of the most discriminating: coffee drinker. An exclusive process of preparation brings out the true flavor of the liuest highland grown coffee beans, and insures a drink of uniform excellence. No coffee so good as Electa has ever been offered, because nothing to equal it Is produced. Comes In scaled (ins. No haads touch it until yours do. Come in and get a pound can today. 1^. T. MILLER, Abbeville, S. C. n n i House tor ssaie I will pell my house and lot ou Vienna Street, the house formerly owned by S. J. Link, ou easy terms. It contains five rooms and a ball, and is fully provided with water and liirht-. The lot is large and roomy. For further particulars apply to W. W. Jiradley. W. N. Thompson. KING'S NEW LIFE PILLS | The Pills That Do Cure. J fp 1 J> X > I ^ilRiohaidsiiii Li?en|\ H tonic m \ Wm For Indigestion, Consti- \ pation and ail 'Liver^^^^ \ j ine and General Tonic. ^ Purgatives, They only make bad Uuy a bottle of R. L, T. from 0. A, 88, Indigestion and all Liver Trourith nature. Guaranteed or money ^ _ S. 0., ha8 been prescribing con- J does not know of any remedy that remedy. See testimonials below V;fJ I have been using "Richardeon's Liver Tonic" in ray home for some months past and find it an excellent preparation. It bas served as a substitute for calouiel, giving the desired effect without the usual-nausea followiuga doseof calomel, and leaving the j. liver in normal activity. 1 recommend it without hesitation. A. J. Cauthen, Presiding Elder Anderson District. ID GUARANTEED BZ DRUG CO., IOTV, S. O. d & Co., Abbeville, 8. C. (2M rvnii Savings Bank. LE, S. C. / DIRECTORS. j ^ 8. G. Thomson, HL O. Anderson G. A. Neuffer, C. C. Gambreli, W. E. Owens. F. B. Gary, J. S. Stark, R. ?. Cox, Jonn A. Harrin. BOOKS Pencils .k / )ol Supplies. Y rug Store. Estate of Guilford Cade, Deceased. Notice of Settlement and Application for Final Discbarge. ? Tnkn notion that on the 26th dav of Feb ruary, 1910, I will render a float scoonot of my actings and doing* ai Administrator with will annexed, of tbe Estate of Gnitrord Cade, decea-ed, In tbe office of Judge of Probate for Abbeville County at 10 o'clock a. m., and on tbe name day will apply for a final discharge from uiy tru-t as such Administrator, with *' tbe will annexed. All persons having demands against said ectste will present them for payment on or before tbat day, proven and authenticated or be forever harred. G. W. CADE, Administrator, with will tnnexed. Master's Sale. The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. Court of Common Pleas. t Mrs. M. B. Carlton, as Administratrix of the Estate of J. M. Carlton, deceased. and in her own right, Plaintiff, against Louise C. Stakely, Frank Carlton and J. M. Carl tou, ueieoaaoia. By authority of a Decree of Sale by the Court of Common Pleas for Abbeville Couuty, in eaid State, made in the above stated case, I will offer for sale, af Public Outcry, at Abbeville C. H.. S. C., on Balesday in March, A. D. 1910, within the legal hours of sale, the following described land, to wit: Ail that tract or parcel of land situate, lying aud being in the town of Mt. Curmel, Abbeville County, In the State aforesaid, containing ONE (1) Acre, more or le*s, and bounded by lands of J. W. Morrah. by Peachtree street aud Williugton public road, being the late home of the said J. M. / Carlton, deceased. Also, all that tract or parcel of land, lying and being in or near tne town of Alt. Carruel, county aua state aroresaid. coutainiug TWO and ONEHALF (2J) Acres, bouuded by lands of T. M. Knox and the Willington public road. Terms of Sale?Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. R. E. HILL, Master A. C., 8, G.