The Press and Banner W. W. A W. R. BRADLEY. ErtllorN. ABBEVILLE, 8. C. ^-Published every Wednesday at $2 a year Id advanoe. Wednesday, Oct 13, 1909. President's Touring. Many are inclined to censure the President of the United States for traveling all over the country as ho is doing, forming acquaintances and making speeches en route. Those who criticize him do not know the amount of good accomplished by these tours. If It were possible the President should visit every county in the United States. This Is the only way to know a people. One must go to see them, mix . with them, apeak to them, learn their needs, sympathize with them in th anniversary, will be held in Columbia o ? Wednesday of fair week. An agreemei ' between Col. Stribling and the state fa L officials on the date was reached on Satui - day. The Red Shirt Association has e: 1 tended invitations to the surviving1 men .. liers of the Wallace House to lie preset) 5 Tho meeting will be held iu the hall of tl l" House of Representatives, and Hon. Jo - W. Barnwell of Charleston, Col. J. J. Da ^ gan of Stateburg, and others have been ii " vited to make addresses. GOOD COTTON PICKING. t ^ 5 If Kept up Will Make a Town Farm* Rich } Mr. W. A. Long of this city lias a ni< ' little farm near the corporate limits, an 5 he may be 'said to lie a successful tow r farmer. In three days last week lie h.i fifteen bales of cotton picked, mis is i the rate of five bales a day. Suppose thei are forty good days for picking cotton b j. tween now and the close of the season, an suppose Mr. Long continues to pick lh ' bales a day for that length of time li t would have 200 bales. And suppose agai t that the price should go up to fifteen cent and the price of the seed should wabbl between 30 and 40 cents a bushel", M Long realize a handsome sum of mone for his trouble in looking after his agricu ' tural interest. If we had a few farmei | to make 200 bales the situation in tl cotton market would be relieved, and tl cotton mills could run night and day, ii stead of on short time, as now conten plated. Redskins Thrive Under Civilization. Up to this time the Indians have bee looked unon as a race' fast errowinjr e: tinct, but the census reports show that tl * Redman is on the increase. During tli last twenty years lie has gained 40,000 i population, and today there are more tha 300,000 Indians in the United States. 1 It has taken some time for the Indian i I adapt himself to new modes of living j introduced by the pale faces, but he has i last fallen in with the now way and fro now on he will increase in numbers. gan Co itorfi Haveland China Three leading new Havelani China Dinner Sets jus opened. Priced within th reach of all. 10c Goods Splendid Hosiery ioc pair. Red Cross Talcum ioc box. \ C^r\r\A Tnivnlc TOP Good line Belts ioc. 18 Gold looking Pins for inc. Pocket Book, with chain, ioc 3 boxes Cat and Mouse Matchc best made, ioc. Big Tin Pan ioc. Big Wash Basin ioc. And lots and lots of other good merchandise. Good Oil Cloth I 5c yard. Swifts Pride Soap 8 for 25c. Galvenized Pails 8 qt. 15c. " * "io qt. 18c. 41 12 qt. 20C. W indo ws \ ... V- . I JGO Worth o ,rlor, Dining Room, Bed Rooms, Hal 1 quality and price. Furniture ABE ! i. A. COBURN'S =GREATER= I lflll IV 1 r^S-VT ?>' An AH White Company J!| PRESENTING AN ENTIRE NEW PROGRAMME BBAUTIFUIj ELECTRICAL SCENIC PRODUCTION a3mtd v ALL THAT IS NEW M MINSTRELSY 1A GREAT BIG FUN SHOW it CLEVER COMEDY. SPARKLING MUSIC. 0 DANDY DANCING. STARTLING NOVELTIES. 1 SWEETEST SINGERS IN MINSTRELSY. O-TT /VRAJJTEErM-G ? "YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OR MONEY BACK" , DON'T FORGET THE I STREET PARADE AND BAND CONCERTS, s Opera House, October 14tli. / Onera House, October 14th. " jt / itfffwwiwwwnmmwmp ialyipu i^it' i w? iumimiiwk?iwmamrmmmmmmu?n??jfl?f??? | The Play that won't wear out W. E. NANKEVILLE'S Picturesque Melodrama A RECORD-BREAKI\G PLAY . iivif imy mnmm v A heroic, pathetic drama of real life among the Arkansas Hills. A magnificently staged and complete production, A Company above the average. Universally endorsed by the Press. Sale of Seats begins Friday at Milford's. Prices 25c to $1.00 d Opera Ilouse, October IStb. it _ e pi;:;?: ' v$ f$& *??^.'? '??&& #i^"3jir Sirw:h/^K?Jv^: ^r:;.,,. [ ' ;/: V; V ^Ti?' /''m''^ V&ry>*:& \ iWM1::- <$ w ' ' T1^'^ ^M$\ \ :i.>a^^p?- '- ">=J '^^^jfTSutiftHpStTBffi} PtAm'eTas'&iafo tf , J I Scenes in Human Hearts at Opera House, October 18th. . Amos B. Morse Co. We have filled our store room in the past few days with a new and complete line of G E X E It A L MERCHANDISE 1 Wo feel that we are now ready to please the most fastidious. If you need anything in Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Dry Goods, Tinware, Heavy and Fancy Groceries . nil mi liquid we will make it worth your while. "I AMOS B. MORSE COMPANY Give us an opportunity to Ja?nes Frank Clinkscaies, I show vou. "Cash Bargain! Attorney and Counsellor at Law. ^ DiiuYY j o Abbeville, s. c. i Store. Office?First floor City Hall. i You uet your monej's worth or y our mou- Call at Itykard's and get a pair of specI oy lincfe at tlie Kui-enberK Mercaullle Co. taelos so you can set1 llto elephants. J f Furniture J 1, Living Rooms and Kitchen. We I H B Company, I ?"RVTT .T -"E. S. C. 1 Farmers National Congress I U. S. A. I November 3-9, 1909. ' 'ill VERY LOW RATES . FROM ALL i POTN-TS VTA I SEABOARD 1 To Raleigh, N. C. ? From Abbeville $8.05 Round Trip. ' * Tickets will be sold October 31st, November 1st and 2il and for trains scheduled to arrive Raleigh before noon November 3d. - Returning tickets good tol-ave Rttleiuh up to and including, but not later than midnight November 12. 1909. t For further information or ?lee|ier reservations, call on Seaboard agents or write * f! TY WAYNE. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, , ' v. Atlanta/Ga. New Silverware .<>*8 / liJij 1 Gifts that indeed mean something in Taste and in Sentiment. That is what we are trying to put into every nippp nf vSilverware in our larce stock. .Our collection is more than usually good, but we can show you better than we can tell you about them. it The Brasses Have you seen them ? They are the lat. ? : r?i i??i est tmng OUl?unique, useiiu, ucauuiui auu pleasing in every way.. Have a look. | . A Great Big Stock we have in our new store?a variety of everything kept in a large Jewelry Store. Wed- ^ dine- g-ifts our specialtv. "" O O X ^ J " f John son J The Jeweller. t ' A, I 1 T\l 1 I n A ! Pi Anderson rtepate & Oil to. After the heavy leaching rain? we is stronger and better and will prove . ? i ... 4 ftop Ihsae hoavir have bad tim spring aua earjy sum* muic (iiuuwuic. mer a strong potash fertilizer is needed leaching rains you will find it particu* for grain. We are making our old larly advantageous to use our potash 10-4 goods ; (hat is 4 per cent, potash goods for fertilizing your grain. You with acid, which has proven so satis- will probably get your cotton gathered factory heretofore and we are making earlier this year than usual as the crop a 10-6 goodH ; that is (i percent, pot- is short and this will give you a better ash with acid. You wil' find this a chance to sow grain. The better you , wonderfully fine fertilizer. Ten-four fertilize it the more it will pay you. 9 is as high grade potush acid as has Grain properly fertilized will come ia H ever been used in this country and it early next spring aud will splice out a B has pioven very profitable. Ten-sis short corn crop. H 8 Anderson Phosphate &],Oil Co. J. R. VANDIVER, President. D. S, VANDIVER, Manager. Birth. The State of South Carolina? To Mrs. Calhoun Harris, a son. He has COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. l?oen named after lus pruiiulutlier, Mr. John W. Morrah. "pkobate codrt. + flToTM hpfnrp hnv. In ,he malter of ?r B- A JJCUC1 ov>^ kuvjuuviv.. - ?j , vcvlnm, ing elsewhere. That's Cash Notice to Debtors and Creditor?. 9 Ruro-ain StnrA ^l1 Pe"?D8 Indebted to said estate moat I iJarKalll OLOre. | settle without delay, and tbose holding " H " ?*? claims against me estate must present mem m , ? properly attested to Buy your bagging and ties from the Koeen- jt \y BOYD Executor H berg Mercantile Co. and save money. H J