r ?? reaBB3saEBa^E3Ea AYe have given closer tor Stock of <*oo( \ before. In < Dry Goods, ( Trunks src I T mi/rcT wr A I IjV VV JCiOi axd we are g01\ the low: Dry Gooc Our line of Dry Goods is f plete in Staple Cotton Goo< Woolens, from 5 cts per ya $1.00 per yard Woolen Go* Blanliets Krnm 7C rts ner nair to the . w... / J [ I - per pair. Clothing Our line of Men's and Be stand the test under any C( workmanship, style, qualit Our Mens.Suits gg gg f range from . . vWbWV ? In these Suits you will fii styles that will please an such a large stock to select Children Suits, in straight bockers, ages from 3 years from $1.25 to $6.50 per Sui You are cordially invited to i layi-g in your winter's ri you cai> fiud at our store r, Your; 16 oallCn k'f'*'-' , __ tafias all co pt-zn saver There's Only fflffifT ? that's the Great KAJEJ mnlrn rl.ilmn ? hufc liGro'a MP&BF Ranges outlast threo of r gffff they're the only ranees rnrulo 1 MWm and Charcoal Iron and they MmM rust. Then, the alr-tlRht Joints nr My your fuel bill la hull and elves yc ### ^ the year. mam The MAJESTIC has a 13-rnllo: mmm voir which heats water In a JU/y. Iff vrhea dropped It forms a rlsid she BeB rack elides out automatically, hold) BBm peue to U) oa It. Another feature HI The Great a? ii Maje III Malleable and CL BBift ^-i 111 Ram w|A fa tha open end ash pan which acts c lis under tbo ash pan ? no muss or ciani.; wvfi Each exclusive MAJE3TIC lM more practical, more ocrvicc un beat range your money can it ** Should Compa Kitchen A BARGAIK t If you are in need c sure and see me tefc save you money, as lumbus and Webber closing out". Will sel cost for SPOT CAi Be sure and see 1 J. W. Mi i : ?# k Yu Ah attention to buying Is this season than m consequence we have largest- stock of #iotiiing, Shoes, SB IB _ I Ml Oases IIIFI r-*eaa^S|r' RKET PRICE G 10 SELL TIIEM A EST TRICES. Is ull and coin- n , :1s and Fancy Children rd Outings to dictated have the ????? show Shoes rai : best at $4.00 men s Sh drcn's Sh TJnci ,ys Suits will R >mpar.son, m ^ v, and price. _ r $2.00 per 0 $20.00- Men's Un id colors and $-.00. yone, having " from. ^ SftXiX1 : and Kickerto 17 years, ^ or^ an( it. at prices inspect our large stock of F ipply. No matter what lin it a great bargain. 3 for business, D. POLI jllkw - I "Ho Rang? Wzjf' With a fp? (I Reputation99 Body - -^cmade of ^ Charcoal SKI I || hsspib ^ 3?o% srdiLu^k^tel ? . to life of Range I ' One 3TIC?it's so easy to the proof ? Majestic NaSkA my other malco, becauso exclusively ol Malleable wgjs^ Just can't break, crack oi id pure asbestos lining cuts >u a perfect baker every day Wirok n, nil copper, moveable resorNo springs iu the oven door? towR If bearing any weight ? oven Ing any tiling cecuxo that hap STIC if rarcoal Iron is a e hovel nnd a emnll nsh pnp [igjs :c>r of Uro about a MAJESTIC. SB3 feature makes triis range nbie, more durable?the buy regardless of price, imlws?t3 Ordinary K WAGONS! )f a good wagon be >re you buy. I can I have a lot of OoWagons which I am 1 them at wholesale SII. ne. dKEE, Jr. COFF of our Fall and Winre have ever done 5 bought tlie R , Hats, Caps, ??? ' c Shoes ? II of Shoes for Men, Women and A a includes all the novel features h by the fashion of 1909. We p goods and it will give us pleasure rj them to you. In prices Men's ige from $1.50 to $4.00. Wo- ^ oes from $1.00 to $2.50. Chil- c; oes in all sizes from 25c to$ 1.50 ( erwear libbed Vests, white flannel, all :ce lined, from 50 cts per suit to j, suit. iderwear from 50 cts per suit to I IS Tl i Dress Shirts, Men's and Boys, from 25 cts to $100. all and Winter goods before jj e you may be interested in u ei fo la AKOFF m I MlKMf J NOTICE. I CO OFFICE WILL BE OPEN FROM n> FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15th ? UNTIL FRIDAY, DE- ? CEMBER 31st, 1909. ?v bl The Kate of State, County, School l" and Special Tax, Including One Dollar Poll Tax, One Dollar Commutation Tax, E IN ACCORDANCE VITU AN ACT TO raise supplier for tbe flncal year commeoc- Cfl irij; J tdiirtrv 1, 1909, notice Ik hereby given (jf that ihf ftlceoi County Treasurer tor Ab'ie- r vi le C-'uuij willbeopeu for the collection o! 1 taxes lor mild fiscal jear Irom Friday, Octo- ev tier 1-jtli, uutil Friday, Dacernber 81st, wltb (), uu; penally. There will ve added? A pen-iliy of one.pfr ecu), on all taxes nol paid ou January 1st", 1910. b< A per ally ol two pe? rent. on all taxes not paid on February l?t. 19i0. \ penalty ol seven ter ceut. ol taxation arc as foilowa: w Stile Tax i>% mills. :n County Tax 3 " n Special Cnuniy S. F " ? Constitutional School 3 " at Total 14 bIn addition to the above, a special tax will . be collet-Ud for ecbcol purposes as follows: 1? Abbeville Special School 5 mills to Abbeville Special S. It. Bonus \% " Abbeville High School " Antrovlllp 2 " Donalds 3 " l>ue West 8 " lveowee 3 " I r.hnnnn 4 ' Sharon i " Jlei hei 3 " j" l.ownclovilie ,.4 " !" Cirmel 8 " in W i.! Iii kftoil 0 " tl< M Uoruiick 4 " 1U Su,r*l{i. 'i " al h.mdwiie 1 ' tl Warrcoton 3 " w C"ld Spring* 3 " J'1 A poll tax i f One Dollar per capita on all w mule cinzens between tbe age of 21 and GO Jf years, except such as are exempt by law, will ll tie collected. f( A couiniu'atIon road lax r.f One Dollar will be colli cud tbe mine time as other tuxes jj Irom ell male clMz-ns between tbeag'soi 18 ^ >iiul 5o years, except mch as are exempted by law. Unless paid tiix Is paid by first ot March. ' 1D1U, eight dnja work upoo tbe public high tl Wtiyu will tie lequired uudtr au oneiseer, ;l so k mncb l>e necessary. Tixes aie payable on'y In cold and silver coin. Uul'ed States cuneucy, NMloni I Bank Notes and Coupons ot Slate Homi? wbicb be- 'J come payable dining tbe year 1909 A t; x of t' ot) ceuts will be collected on each do:;. b l'?riles desiring informallou by uiall In retard lo ihelr taxes will pleat-e write before \Gr?-en wood m:d Ivlfctlleld Counties. A. J. Pjvis, McCormlek,tl. C. ? e . , Mule lor S Ic. y If you want, the lieu wngoB mule at a barga n ree J. W MrKee, Jr. Ijost quality spi'ctad<\s ani>ora classes | at lizard's. |a JITY COURTS i CAN'T TRY TIGERS. ?t UDGE ALDRICH RENDERS FAR-REACHING DECISION. Handicap Authorities. * uling, if Sustained by Supreme Court, May Cripple Policeman in Fighting Liquor Sellers. Anderson, Sept. 25.?An appeal case rom the mayor's court involving an uportaut question of jurisdiction was ecided before Judge Aldrich in tbe sssions court today. The appeal was rom a decision of the mayor imposing tine of $100 or 30 days for seiliug .'hi-key. Appellant's counsel took be position that the mayor's court had o jurisdiction to try a defendant harged with violation of dispensary iw, the mayor had only concurrent iri.-diction with the magistrate and hat a* tbe statutes gave a magistrate ojuri-diciion to try such cases the jayor was bound also by the same tatutory limitation. The general tatutesgive the mayor of tbe city the uue powers as a magistrate, and it 'as argued by counsel for the defense lat a city council could not extend by rdinance the jurisdiction defined by ae legislature. The decision of Judge Aldrich, in ase it is sustained by the supreme wrill n T + lin rv-> Aof fo r.roooh in f? I'uii) will uc wi iiic uiuov jcvi -i tav/uiu^ snsequence. It might seriously hamer the enforcement of the liquor law i every town and city in the State. J1 that the police department of a city juld do would be to make arrests and ave a warrant issued by a magistrate, he magistrate would then, if upon a reliminary hearing the evidence warinted it, send the case up to ti e tenons court for trial. The decision hus attracted a great eal of interest here. The city will ppeal to the supreme court, and a deision of that tribunal will be awaited ith general interest over the State. IHIll ill All *n*ipill Itw MfcN UN uHttflWOOD POSTOFFICE. ACKSONVILLE CONTRACTORS TO COMPLETE THE BUILDING. flay Be In Five Months. lie U. S. F. and G. Co , the Bonding Company, Gives W. T- Hadlow Job of Completing the Contract. (Index.) The United States Fidelity and uaranty Company of Baltimore, liich concern furnished the bond for [r. Fred Minskpll in his contract with ie government to build the new Fedal building here, has let the contract r the completion of the work to a rge firm of contractors in Jacksonille, Fla., Messrs. W. T. Hadlow and ompany who will begin work at once ill) a large force of hands. Mr. Hadlow was here this week and ade the final arrangements with Mr. anuering, of Washington, D. C., who is been here for several weeks. Mr. aolow stated while here that he lougbt it possible that the building mid be com|ilcted in fitfe mouths. The contract, so far as the movement is concert ed, remains in Mr.inshah's name. Messrs. Hadlowand mpany ?rf simply to earry out the utracf. The amount to be paid will > the same as thut under the first vard to Mr. Miusball. The time for the completion of the lilding has been exiended to the first Augm-t, 1910. A Correction. Abbeville, S. C., Oct. 1, 1909. ditor Press and Banner: Your Wedneseay morning editiou ntaining an*account of the sad acci;ut to Miss Louise Allen, stating that found her in Spnrtanburg, dressed in ening dress, and that several times > rou'e home, the train was slopped order to secure medicine to relieve M' pain. Both statements wereerroneis. Miss Allen was attired in a plain hite school dress, suitable for school street wear. The only medicine that as given her was by Dr. Kellar, while > Greenville. I met Miss Allen in reenviile anil not in Spartanburg, id she was then being well cared for v Dr. and Mrs. Kellar. I would thank you to publish this, i a9 much as your account was unjust i the yound lady. C. D. Brown. | Deatb of William C. Moore] Mr."William C. Moore died at the home ! his daughter, Mrs. Morton in Due West st Thursday night, September 30th, 1909, i his 77th year. In the years gone by the K'cased was oue of Abbeville's prominent lerchants, under the firm name of Moore ad QuaitTe. Mr. Moore was a brave and ue soldier, lighting through the four ears of the war between the states. He as a gentleman of genial and affable lanners, and generous to a fault. He ved in Abbevilio all his life until the past iw years when he left his old home and ent to live with his daughter, Mrs. Wile Morton, where he remained up to the me of his death. His work on earth is tSfl.rt/] "I-V'l l?te %?4- {t< MAW ft 4* rOpf P?'A fYl JliZMitru <11114 1110 o|iiiiu ir> uvn au IVDK iivm tie cares and vexations of life, and is with indrcd and friends in the great beyond. Three daughters and other relatives and fiends mourn his departure. Interment as made in Long Cane Cemetary on Friay where lie sleeps beside loved ones gone efore. The bereaved family have tho sympathy f this community. TO DIFFER IS TO BE DAMNED(From the Manning Times.) Judging from the editorials in yesterav's State the newspapers that do not ellectentirely the views expressed by that icwspaper are to be censured by it. Well, o far as this .newspaper is concerned, it k ill give expression to matters and things s it sees it, and will not concede to the itate or any other newspaper being posessed with a .superior intelligence, nor a upcrior virtue. For Male. . Largo two story dwelling on South Main treet. Lot extends through from Main to ail street. Within two hundred yards of mill iff sumjirtv A I in viriiiti* in 1.hi< fnr siunn mo. y??e J. S. Stark, or J. E. McDuvid. Th?* Il )fei berg MercmH'e Co. are> oppnlhg p lull goods evrry clay You will suve uiouy by seeing ihelr-goods before you buy, aave money by bi'iying your spectacles Rykard's. First lot ol Zeob MKJee's 'Taik CoTuer' old out. Second-lot iusi arrived. .Read li 6j ,U means. Only one dollar, at Kpttd'fc Drug > tore. See th> Before y all of net They areC the H mi * rney a If all am they ha-* They You'l right pla The ] tisement We sell D N< Also, ery and All tl If you need anything t Yours chea CASH B YELLOW FRC CHARI Miiml anil muuiuwi uuu Octobe Russian Symp The best organi luriu m laieiii iu Supported by a two hundred ma Special 1 All Points in Ask the Preacher Ask the Lawyer Allen's Minstrels. A. G. Allen's bipr minstrel show gave Rerformance at the corners of 15th ai ,ingo streets last night to a crowd tli filled the large Pavilion theatre to its i most capacity. Th'e whole perfornian was clean and free from any objectionat features. The stage setting was very pre ty, being tastily arranged and the'enti back of the stage masked in by two lari United States flags. The singing and da cing was far above the average. The pt formance was brought to a close by a ri roaring negro farce, which-brought forth storm of .applause and sent every hot home laughing. The Allen Minstrels ha never disappointed an audience.?Gazetl Little Rock, Ark. This company will appear in Abbevil one night, Oct. 11th. Six Bavs. Six days of fun and enlightenment what the State fair promises visitors tli year. The fair starts on-November 1 ai will continue until the nipht of Novemb 6. President Taft visits Columbia on Si urday, Nov. 6. Two big" football games i eluding theClemson-Carolina game will played. Other attractive features will in .the list this year. ??? Dr. J. S. Moft'ntt will ppcach at Upp Long Cane on next Sunday, Oct. 10th.. "Romeo and Juliet" at the opera on F day night. eChea ou buy. your War eds suppl 'heap in Pri igh Quality ire Here and Hope to 8 i everybody pays then re the Goods to suit y< are business and strict 1 see them when you ,ce. place being assigned to ; when you finish read: try Goods, Clothing, Hats, itions, Skirts and Under* we have the Tin, Grl* Enamel Ware cheapei tiings cheaper here. S< ; and want it cheaper, >e sure and see the firn ,per and to please, IARGAIN NT. TE .ESTON Miri feel r 25-30. ihony Orchestra zed and most unil the United States, splendid chrous of le and female voices ^ates from Ask the Doctor Ask the Banker State Fair. a The State fair is approaching and prep id rations are being made for a bigger fa at than ever. The opening day is Novemb it- 1 and the fair will last for six days. ( ee November 6 President Taft will visit C< ?le umbia and will address those who are he it- then. The address will be one of the fef re ures of the fair and other attractions ar ije The Clemson-Carolina football game, n- number of meetings of importance, ai sr- better entertainments than the authoriti p- have been able to secure in any previo i a year. ve te' Notice of Stockholders Meetinj W? Notice Is hereby gi verf that the regular n nuul m? ellng of the slock holdelti. nf the Ci itnuu Mill* will be held In the rfflca of t I'ret-lcjent ?nd Ti easurtr, ut WtlllHixiston, 0, a' 12 o'clock noon, WfdDPKiay, Otilofc . 20tb, 1905J. By fcrderof the President, is . E. M. Lauder. Secretary, llS - r I'oIiakofTx I.oral*. If you are looklrg for a good line of ch lt* i <*r ii'm shouH Cill ou D. Poltakrff ,n"j Men's nnd hoys coat sweaters from 25c at i up tay Here a a call?for 3U. ly business, call at the ..... ing. Shoes, ear Cheaper. iss, Crock30 US * >8 . ? and want same goods, _ 1 of * . STORE. .. JNITY STREET. Petit Jurors. The Petit Jurors for second week, Oct. 18th, 1900, are: T. H. Price Abbeville W. L. Dawson Long Cane J. W. AgneW. Donalds J. A. Campbell Lowndesville A. a. Agnew Donalds J. B. Billings r.?Abbeville John Drake Donalds L. It. Campbell Diamond Hill C. A. Cobb Abbeville J.D.Bowie Long Cane S. A. Wakefield Calhoun C. E. Jordan Bordeaux J. H. LeGrand Magnolia P. A. Boche. Abbeville J.G. Smith . Abbeville G. E. Link Abbeville F.J. Sutherland Cedar Springs ITT T\ AKhnvHIla >Y. xj. nuauu J. W. Williamson Don&lns J. F. McMahan: Lowndesville W. C. Jennings Bordeaux H. S. Minshaft Abbeville R. G. Jennings Donalds L. F. Agnew : Donalds T. D. Ambrose Donalds J. Henry Carwile Lowndesville B. F. Boyd Magnolia ! J. E. Patterson Bordeaux A. D. Fisher Diamond Hill Charlie McKenzie Abbeville Wayman Below. Calhoun J. R. Scott Calhoun * J. L. Price Abbeville W. C. Winn Long Cane R. T. Jennings ..Bordeaux A. M. Power Diamond Hill Morse's Locals. We have a fine lot of fat mackerel, in kits and open barrels. Good old genuine buckwheat Hour in next week. You can Hud hairy vetch, crimson and red oiover, oats, rye, barley, dwarf rape, alfalfa or lucerne at Amos B. Morse Co. We enn cell you trunks and snlt cases so tbat you can save money. See ours before you buy. If Its flour you want, we have tbe bent and will sell It at a low price. See ns for groceries. Amos B. Morse Co. It Is time to plant your onion set*; you oan gel all kinds from Amos B. Morse Co. We are offering stock feed at a very low price?good for horses, bogs or cattle. We have an unusually good line of shoe*. If >ou are looking for a good reliable winter shoe Ames B. Morse Co. has It. Boys, you can get air rifles from as at 50 and 75 penti. Amos B. Morse Coi We sell the beat In bams and breakfast baoon. It Is getting cold. See us for coal. Amoi B. Morse Co. - The Xorth Pole Found. We have the best book published; giving Cook's own story a- d P?ary's expedition. . Ag-nts wanted. Outftt free; send 10c to pay lir pjHtage. Best term*, aUo valuable premiums er *lven to agents who work tbltty d*y?. Be )n first In th9 Held; act at once. Phillips-Boyd )[. Publlsblug Company, Atlanta, Ua. re * it; Singing Convention to Meet a The Abbeville County Siuging Coqid ventiou will meet at Rocky River Bapes tist Church, Oct. 23 and 24, nil singers us aud lovers of music are invited to attend, . . J. G. Bmith, Vice President. ET? For seed and feed oats see the Rosen be r* Mercantile Co. They will give you tbe best at tbe lowest price. be Tbe Rosenberg Mercantile Co. are sbowlng g, a Hoe line of oboes ibis season. Sea them be ,er lore you uuj, For buggies, bameps and saddlery see tbe Rosenberg Mercantile Co. James Frank Clinkscales, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Abbeville, s. c. for . Office?First floor City Hall. ot- . * Get an opera giass at Rykard's and you can see the whole show. rt_ Call at Rykard's and get a pair of spectacles so you can see the elephants. : ?