The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, September 29, 1909, Image 4

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4 The Press and Bannei W. W. A W. R. BRADLEY. Editors ABBEVILLE, S. C. 49-Pabllshed every Wednesday at fJ t year In advanoe. Wednesday, Sept 29,1909. The Plague and fhe Hog. To the Editor of The State: The progrrssive thought of the day is in terested Jin the subject of pellagra, its cause, treatment and cure. Dr. Chelius S Pixley of Winnsboro has in my judgmeni evolved the cause of this disease and a me thod of cure in the first and second stages and which has given to the patient in th< late stage great relief. Dr. Pixley attributes it to the use a* articles of diet of hog meat, fats and theii extracts that become rancid before, 01 afte;, being taken into the stomach. This is as much as I have been able t< gather from him in a general conversatior al way. He will read a paper at the pefla gra conference to be held during tho wee I of the State fair at Columbia, and I ven ture to say that his hearers, however edu cated or critical, will be entertained, an( the discussion following will benefit al concerned. I shall watch the development and test! - of his therory in the future with great in terest. W. W. Dixon. Winnsboro, Sept. 18.1909. The State. People believe just about what the; want to believe and nothing more. W have taken the corn bread theory cui ffrano salis from the start, and now whei fat back is proposed as the source of pel agra we fall In line immediately. Fa back is sufficient unto itself to initiate an< propogate any disease from pelagra t DimDles. Single handed and alone fa back has slain its thousands. The good Book put the ban on fat bad four thousand years ago, but man is i herd animal to convince. They are all froc Missouri and have to be shown things It is a great pity Jthat we cannot lean some lessons without being shown1 Th good]Book says that it won't do for a wart climate and it looks like we might a least Investigate. We do not know what Dr. Pixley has t say on the subject or how far he has push ed his investigatiods, but we like the trai . , he Is barking on better than the corn flel< trail of the other medicos. When it comes to a choice between fa back and corn bread we chose the latte and whoop for Pixley. Fat back is only fl to grease a cross cut saw with any way and then it will rust the saw teeth. There are plenty of things that will tak< the place of fat back in cooking, in fac almost anything will take the place of i with us. In tropical countries where th' cocoanut grows, cocoanut oil is the sub stituoe. We can find a substitute for i here if we search diligently. - * * > Jf at OaCK IB COminuu ttliu ULiuiean. iui tu ermore, no orthodox Jew ever sufferei from Pelagra. All the little folk, and some who are old er are looking for the circus nex Friday. Judge Ernest Gary was in town for i day last week. Peary's glory will be "Cooked" if he doe; not look sharp. The R. F> a ir n TOILET SETS A beautiful lot of Toilet Sets were unpacked by us Friday of last week. Price range gf| {n *Q from iv ifv. BILLEKEN Billeken Dolls, are the very latest. They make you smile. Come and see them. GLASSWABE We certainly have a great line of Glassware. Bo. hemian, Cut, Blown and Pressed. You can find what you want here and at the price you want to pay. MUSIC! MUSIC! Over 1,000 pieces of ioc Music in Stock. Watch I RUG! We have then in Oriental, P< The ] JPlxon< r ? ;?? ???? = J Editor Hugh Wilson. Although Mr. Hugh Wilson announced 1 some time ago that he had retired from f " the editorship of the Abbeville Press and c - Banner, he is still contributing to the | columns of that paper every week. His 1 mind has not lost any of its vigor, and his f articles are as clear cut and as full of kind3 ly humor as ever. We always enjoy read inw lanvt.hinir that Mr. Wilson writes, _ whether we agree with it or not. In fact J we think we will not read the Press and \ Banner any more after Mr. Wilson quits ( ? writing for it. The new editors, Messrs. Bradley'are all right, but the old paper 1 e will never be the same without the old n editor.?Anderson Mail. I i ? Somehow we feel much the same way. \ t The Messrs. Bradley are fine fellows. We i know them both. They are capable. * But since we have known the Press and Ban0 ner it has always been one of the papers ,t we missed when itjfailed to come. We hope Mr. Wilson will continue to write for , it. We did not always agree with him, but ^ we always enjoyed reading what he wrote. ! a Newberry News and Herald. I a ? I ?. After a newspaper ackuaintance with Mr i Q Hugh Wilson, the veteran ex-editor ot the , Abbeville Press and Banner, (but who is e still "in evidence" on the same paper,) for 1 Q a period of fifty-six years, we can most 1 t heartily subscribe to all our younger , brethren of the stylus have said above.? , Lawrenceville Herald. 0 _ i 1 Strange- | ;1 A family in a neighboring county was ] recently afflicted by sickness. When the t child i died the incidental kindness of r the neighbors was so much out of the ( t ordinary that the father and mother of 11 , the dead child felt called upon to make public declaration of the fact. 8 People in Abbeville are always kind to i t the afflicted, and no such notices or decla- ] t rations in the newspapers are necessary 1 a here. We don't know however, what sort J K of people live in some other communities t and can only judge by what we see. i No More If You Please. We are in receipt of two communications this week in reference to the management - of the Lethe School which we cannot t publish. The subject having been thrashed t over to a frazzle our friends will please ? consider the incident closed, as far as we i are concerned. g ti Foley's Kidney Pills cure headache, rheu * s matlsm, kidney, bladder and urinary trouble. Do not risk having Brlgbt's disease ordla- a betes, C. A. Mllforo & Co. b L. Dar< ,nd 10c S1 | ' Are in Town Friday fc want to Take Home S venior to those who cl only to visit our St( Suitable and inexpens pay us a visit. ) No matter to you whether Cook or Peary discovered the North Pole first, the thing for you to discover is that at a tremendous saving we will sell you. the best Cook Stove Range made if you come to us. Enterprise Stoves | Regal and National Ranges. Dargan's SBSB8BS9WB8BS3S8 J. 91 g n in all sizes froi srsian and Floral Kerr 3 8> i Back From Texas Mr. Thompson, who has been in Texas or a long time is back again in the town >f his nativity. He says that the land is rich and plentiul in Texas. People must haul water for domestic ise, for cattle and other stock. Gins in Texas arc run by water that has been muled in barrels. When asked why they lidn't dig wells, he said, because the veils in many instances arc salty. Mr. Thompson carries a good avoirdu>ois and looks the picture of health. Many friends welcome Mr. Thompson lome and we believe that all wish that he nay stay with us. Family Trees. Some people in the world arc anxious to show us the records of their family tree for ages and ages, but some of us want the history to run so far back as to show ivhen our distinguished ancestors were nonkeys. We have no record as to when ;he ancestors of any distinguished family tvas thrown out of the great family of nonkeys and when they were disowned by ;heir parents. It is not desirable to remind some people when their great-great * ?woi-fl hnnnv.'ilde and $LVttb gittllUiUUi/ii^io .?%/* w iistinguished monkeys with candel appendages of unusual length. The Kosenburg Morchantile Co. extend i cordinal invitation to our people to visit) ;heir store to inspect their shoes. They are showing more di(T 'rent styles .his season than everbeforeand they feel jure they can please you. The lines that ve are handling are the best. Krippendorf Dittman for ladies, Howard and Foster for nen, Schelffles forchildren. It will be their pleasure to send shoes to the homes of our people for inspection. Miss Jessio Hill returned yesterday rom Asheville to which place she went ieveral weeks ago. She is improved in lealth and greatly pleased with her trip. Misses Willie and Annie Clark, returned o their home in this city, after spending tome times in Atlanta Ga. visiting reatives. Mr. and Mrs Will Crawford and little on James, from near AntreAjlJejspent one lay last week with Mrs M. 31 uansoy 01 ;his city. Don't fall to look over tbe new lot. of stand rd novels Just received at Speed's Drug tore. ?an Co tore >r the Circus and you omethiug as a Soulidn't come, you have >re to find loads of live gifts. Be sure to WEDDINGS We respectfully call to your attentioe the array of Wedding Gifts in one of our windows. There are a great many more in side and more arriving daily. We carry a big selection of all the suitable gifts, China, Cut Glass Bohemian Glass, Sterling Silver, etc. It positively will pay you to inpect these lines. CLOCKS Alarm Clocks 75 cts. Continuous Alarm $1.50. Eight Day $1.98. Brass $1.50. NOTIONS We carry many things in the Notion line and at popular prices. A comparison will mean a sav- 1 ing to you. . W indo ws .7 V-\ -:r . : X' , ; r.> ^ ' ' - v : ' *S: I n the small Mai Effects. A wick Furr Holy Rollers Disappointed. On last Saturday .100 or more Ho Hollers gathered at their bethel in Wc Duxbury, Massechusetts, to await Judf merit day which they thought, would cor sometime Saturday. People of the faith from all over t land were in attendance at (his wat meeting. "Wheli the Judgement day d not come at 10 o'clock as they expected o of the preachers saw in a vision that would come sometime within the next hours following 10 o'clock Saturday, Great numbers have sold all their lam disposed of their property and otherwi prepared themselves for the event. It | understood, though, that the leaders ta up a collection at each meeting. Just w] they do this is not known, when they a lv nrnof?ii'n(r flm wnrlfl fn POl to an end right away. | During the lifetime of Saint Paul ho w called upon to disabuse the minds of e< jtain christians who were confident tli ; the world would come to an end in tin ; day and generation, so much were the j early christians imbued with this id they ccascd work and proceeded to wj just as the Holy Rollers are doing tod? There are many who think that the m enium is near at hand and not withe some reason, but the teaching of the Bit seems to bo to live your life, look afl your business, your family, and your ligion, be prepared to meet the Judj ment when it comes and then let Judj ment day take care of itself. Periodically there springs up some si who knew just when the Judgement coming, who proceed to settle up tin estates and prepare for the wait. Of coui all have b6en disapointed as were the good people of Duckbury, on last Saturd It seems that people can be made 1 believe anything. Any leader who stai out to promulgate some new doetrine w find some followers. When it comes religion the best of us lay aside our coi mon sense in the interpretation of t] Bible and prefer to follow some one eli than to blaze our own way with the ligh before us. Every month sees the birth of a new d nomination. The christian ehnrch is spli ting- up into new sects and creeds day I day. There is a reason for this and it the duty of the church to find out tl cause and stop it if possit^o. It meai disintegration. "What the churches shou do is to get nearer together instead i further apart. J Jno. R Lomax ReturnsMr. Jno, R. Lomax returned from A 1 anta last Thoreday, after having und gone a serious surgical operation, in ? Josephs Hosyital. It seems that he hi a complication of troubles, floating; kidm a'nd appendicitis, either of which is usual sufficient cause for a man to pass in t cheekp. But Mr. Lomax hauled throuj and is here in Abbaville to tell the tale. A strange feature of this dangero operation is that Mr. Lomax is one the best men in the whole country,esteei ed bv everv bodv for his erentleman bearing and'all arcnnd good (jualitic8, ai yet he survives, Good men usually d under the knife; but not so in this case. Mr, Lomax is at the home of Mr McAlister, of this city where ho Will roma for several weeks. He is rapidly r covering. The Circus. John Robinson's circus will be here Fi day, October 1. This circus is one of tl largest that conies to cities the size of A beville. It requires 3G cars to handle and is one among the largest in the coui try. The show is making its way into the pei nut country of Virginia. It is a little carl to show in the cotton bolt as yet, but tl peanut crop is on. It comes earlier the the cotton crop. The circuses go into the country who conditions are most favorable in that coui try for them. They go out west when tl grain is just harvested; they go to Cal fornia in the midst of the fruit seasoi they come south in the fall. During othc seasons of the year they make the larg cities and manufacturing centers whei crops do not affect the attendance on ci cuses. Robinson's circur is not playing in tli south at present but just passing throug on its way to get its share of the peam crop. caliT and see all the good things I have to otter in WATCHES. JEWELRY of all kinds and description A fine lot of best quality SPECTACLES ust arrived. Prices reasonable. J. W. B.YKARD. Executor's Sale. By authority vested in me under th( bird section of tbe will of Cieorgi Wallace, Jr., deceased, I will sell t< ;lie nignesi uiauer 011 caieaay 111 x\o irember next, all that tract or parcel o and, situated in Donalds township \bbeville County, containing On< Hundred and Eighty Acres, more m ess and bounded by lands of W. 11 Dunn, W. L. Singleton, Jienjamii Lip ford and others. Terms?Cash. R. F. STONE, Executor. >-<? **:Z Sg^" - ' ' " ' ' ' ; *- ,* - ' ' ' ' " 4 msssm mmmmmmmimmmmaammm :s to the 9x12 size, i range of prices. Liture abb: Al G. Field's Minstrel. ly | This company showed to what was pro>st' bably the largest house ever gathered in r(>- Abbeville. The Clansman was greeted by no ft full house, but standing room was not sold then. he ] The play met the expectations of all who eh witnessed it. There was very little of the lid ; old style middle man and coon on the corne! ner colloquies, but what there was of it it' was new and interesting?nothing stale. 24 Probably the most pleasing feature of j show was the scenery and stage effects. Is, The show carries its own curtains and the so I scenery alone is worth seeing.' is I Mr. Field himself is a jovial, social critke | ter. One reason of the great popularity of hy his show is the popularity of the man. , re When he comes ty a town instead of lockn(. ing himself up in a hotel he gets out .and meets and mingles with men. us He expressed himself as much pleased ?r- with Abbeville?thought that the town was !at lirstclass in every respect, but that we had ?ir made a grievous mistake in voting out the 1 !se dispensary. ea Paul DeLane, a splendid singer with the iit play, is sidetracked In Atlanta suffering iy. from blood poisoning. Blood poison was ,ii_ contracted bv wearinc a new sock, the foot nit becoming: infected from the dye. DeLane 3le was the bass singer. ;er Quite a number of people came over from re- Greenwood, Due West, Donalds and Anre_ der6Qn to witness the play. If the man- * re_ ager, Mr. Cheatham, continues to give the r public such plays his success is assured. f ?ct The next plav, It is understood, will be is one of Shakespeare's plays. The play and * ?ir date will be announced later. v se f ise ay \ Cotton- a to Cotton is beginnig to come to market, a and the prices have ranged from 12 and v '1' 13 cents for most of the time, though a j to few bales brought a fraction over 13 cents, n" Of the bales brought to market 155 have e tie been stored this season, against 538 up to t 3e the same time last year. ^ The totai receipts this season up to yesohttmnnn xvnra 1 d/10 hnlps snlrl t.hft LOI Utt) aiKViHWii uv*v ; e" cotton mill taking about one-third. '** The best cotton brought 12 11-lGcents 'y yesterday?one bale only brought 12 3-4 , is cents. j ie . J as U ^Buy mutton from Mundy on Saddy for of Sunday. t i I DEPAIg us = Is now filled with Furnishings in ? Millinery Our opening this week has dei )(j our ability to get up the great lj- of High Art Millinery, and th n_ the most reasonable prices. ie Tailor-made S LU The newest styles at reasona in are now shown. Ladies' ar n,o , Suits, all new shades, in up-tc ments. I Dress Fabrics Direct from the mills to us. < h wool, finely finished Dress Go< all of $1.25, but we sell at $1. no less. Silks and Sati: Our line of 36-inch Silks, all shades and the best made for $1 Bridal Outfits A specialty. A wonderful displ most exquisite fabrics for ever All reasonable in pric6. IMPROVE Our store has been : ; Do your shoj ' sav< All the very lal Com] EVILLE, fi Horses and 8 We will have a ca Brood Mares in afe before buying-. A. M. HILI i Anrtawnn PImil aiwuiMU mm i After the heavy leaching rains we i> lave bad this spring and early sum- ti ner a strong potash fertilizer is needed I or grain. We are making our old I: 0-4 goods ; that is 4 per cent, potasb g vitb acid, which has proven so satis- v actory heretofore and we are making e i 10-6 goods; that is 6 per cent, pot- ii ish with acid. ,You will find this a c vonderfully fine fertilizer. Ten-four f 9 as high grade potash acid as has C vet been used in this country and it e las proven very profitable. Ten-six s I Anderson Pbosol r_ J, R. VANDIYER, President. I ADDON'S rMENT g the most complel ever shown in th Knit nonstrated The incr est variety wear has at, too. at than eve buy it vvil uits House ble Prices; Such as ld Misses' Towels, ^ )-date gar- Pillow C variety. Kimo: 14-inch all ids, worth s"ft as sil No more, season' Ic Queen (! tlS Have mor the new ' ter t^lan a and $1.25 price. Queen Q lay of the Like Que ling wear. which car 25c and uj 30 STORE SE filled up with mode 3ping with us anc ; time and money A D DON it-Ail tes . ?v *T-V, ^ +" ^ >' -j*.? t(." ? an ? ?i (iS test creations }any,i s. o. ; mini Mares! r of Horses and iv days. See them j & SONS.I ' " vrafi late 4 Oil Ca ' * '--'M > Agfa * < -iro'iger and letter and will prdve "" m?re profitable. After these heavy eaching raina you will find it pariicaarlv advantuirenuH to dap our nnfnah ;oods f??r fertilizing your grain. You , will probably get. your cotton gathered arlier this year than usual as the crop 9 short and tbis will give you a better ' hancp to sow grain. Tbe better* you ertilize it the more it will pay yoifc Jraio properly fertilized will come in arly next spring and will splice oat a hort cc n crop. * /N:fcV late & Oil Co. D. S. VANDIVER, Manager. . I ? _ ' .TORE. }. te line of Ladies' lis market. Underwear easing demand for Knit Underinduced us to buy more largely r. If you have underwear to 1 pay you to see our line. ^Furnishings Table Linen, Table Napkins, ,Vhite Quilts, Blankets, Sheets, ases, etc., are here in great na Cloth k in all the nice colorings of the )c and I2^c. luality Shoes e style, fit better and wear bet| ny shoes on the market at the uality Hosiery en Quality Shoes, are the best i be produced J or thej. price, JRVICE rn conveniences. I you will & CO.